ABA Customer Satisfaction Survey

Give Your Feedback!
Form Approved:  OMB Control No. 3014-0011
Expiration Date:  05/31/2024
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice:  The estimated time burden for this survey is 4 minutes.  Federal agencies and their contractors may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number.  Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this survey instrument to:  PRA Clearance Officer, Office of General Counsel, US Access Board, 1331 F Street, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC, 20004
The Access Board wants to know about your experience filing and resolving your recent complaint under the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA).  Please give us your feedback by completing the questions below.  Your responses will help us provide better customer service.  We appreciate your time and assistance!

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* 1. The Access Board staff was helpful and courteous in responding to my concerns or questions.

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* 2. The Access Board staff kept me informed of the status of my complaint.

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* 3. The Access Board staff responded to my concerns or questions in a timely manner.

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* 4. The Access Board staff was knowledgeable about my complaint and related accessibility issues.

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* 5. I was satisfied with the efforts made to address the accessibility issues I raised in my complaint.

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* 6. The amount of time taken to address my complaint was reasonable.

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* 7. I was satisfied with the outcome or result I saw in the facility about which I filed a complaint.

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* 8. Was the accessibility barrier about which you filed a complaint eventually removed or corrected?

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* 9. Was this the first complaint you had filed with the Access Board?

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* 10. How did you learn about the Access Board?

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* 11. Please provide your suggestions or comments on ways to improve our handling of ABA accessibility complaints, if you wish:

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* 12. Please provide your ABA complaint number, if you wish: