From: Lebowitz, Naomi [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:18 PM
To: Potter, Rachel F.
Cc: Lipsky, Faye; Mobley, Stacia; O'Connor, Mike ; Zatz, Alan
Subject: FW: OMB comments on 0960-0144

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red



Please see our responses to your questions regarding the Internet applications below.


Thank you,



Naomi R. Lebowitz
Management Analyst
Social Security Administration
Reports Clearance Team
[email protected]

1) What browsers does this system support?


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium that establishes W3C standards and guidelines used in web development.  The i3441 application was developed using W3C standards and therefore all browsers that accurately implement these standards should function with the application.  If any issues are reported for a particular browser, the Agency investigates and implements any corrective actions that continue to keep the application in compliance with the W3C standard. 


2) What types of problems (if any) has SSA encountered by not having these forms be Mac accessible.


At one time there were some issues with Mac and WebTV support that revolved around loose interpretation of unclear standards.  However, we are no longer aware of any problems with Mac. SSA is in the process of receiving internal approval to obsolete the references to Mac and WebTV from our Internet applications.