U.S. International Trade Commission
OMB No:3117-0190
Expiration Date:08/31/2006
Trade Database
Version 2.7.4
Create New User Account Form
Enter a username to use in the USITC Trade Database. If your selected username is not taken the system will generate an account for you. Suggestions: For best success use an un-common username. (i.e. Instead of "DOE" use "ROBDOE123").
[IMPORTANT-- please make a note of your user name and password. Use the SAME set each time you log onto the ITC DataWEB so that you can see your product and country lists each time you log on.]
*Enter Your Username

*Enter Your Password

*Confirm Your Password

* = Required Fields
*Check the one category which best describes your organization:
U.S. Government (includes Federal, State, or City)
Government other than U.S.
International Trade or Financial Organization
Private firm
Educational or charitable institution
Personal use only

*Check the one area which best describes your department:
U.S. International Trade Commission
U.S. Trade Representative's Office
U.S. Congress
U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Department of the Treasury
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Transportation
Other U.S. Federal, State, City or Other Government
Not U.S. Government

*Name of specific agency, firm, or organization

*Your full name

*Your E-mail

(so we can contact you regarding changes or problems)

Your telephone (optional)

Note:You MUST hit the "CREATE ACCOUNT" button to proceed.