From: Stock, Lorna M [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 12:33 PM
To: CMS PartDAppComments
Subject: MA PD application comments

Here area a couple of comments/suggestions

  1. Page 59 3.16 Reporting Requirements: the numbering skips from 8 to 10 on the attestation under claims Data. Is this on purpose or was number 9 missed?
  2. This comment is applicable for ALL of the applications. Since we are uploading the attestations in HPMS could we also have a way to upload the attachments in a zipped file divided into sections instead of creating paper binders and CDs? This would make the entire process much more efficient. Especially when you are sending in multiple applications that are all due at the same time.
  3. Can you provide more direction as to how the entry of application data in HPMS will work. We might want to have an administrative person do this part and there fore would need to submit a request for HPMS access and would also need to do training.
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