From: Chris Hagen [[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 10:38 AM
To: CMS PartDAppComments
Subject: Section 3.4 Pharmacy Access

There should be some provision in this paragraph that makes plan sponsors reimburse pharmacies at a reasonable rate.  Many Part D plan sponsors force pharmacies to choose between serving their patients at a net loss of revenue or just cutting the contract and not serving them at all.  The average cost to fill a script is about $9.50 + the acquisition cost of the drug.  Many plans only reimburse $1.50 dispensing fee and a hard discount on AWP that forces many pharmacies to lose money.  If the trend continues many small community pharmacies will close their doors and then access will be a problem in rural America.


Chris Hagen PharmD RPh

PrimeWest Health System, Pharmacy Coordinator

510 22nd Avenue, Suite 802

Alexandria, MN 56308

Phone: (320) 335-5228

Fax: (320) 335-5328

[email protected]



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