Dear Colleague: The U.S. Department of Education requests your participation in updating your listing in the Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD). Please review the verification report below. A customer comment section is also provided for your convenience should you wish to give any comments or suggestions. If there are changes, deletions, or additions you wish to make, you may make them on the online verification form or you may reply to this email and denote changes with an "*". If there are no changes that need to be made, please reply to this email with "no changes". Note: If the link above is not working properly, please copy and paste the following url to your web browser. -------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION INFORMATION Service, Program, or Organization Name: Address 1: Address 2: Address 3: City: State: Zip: CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: Toll-free: Toll-free Restrictions: TTY: Fax: E-mail Address: E-mail Address 2: WWW Address: OPERATING INFORMATION Director's Name 1: Director's Title 1: Director's Name 2: Director's Title 2: Director's Name 3: Director's Title 3: Contact's Name: Contact's Title: Sponsoring Agency: Description: Hours of Operation and Days Open: Time Zone: INDEXING INFORMATION Audience(s: Service(s): State(s)/ Territory(ies) Served: Publication(s): Subject(s): Special Collections: SUBMITTER INFORMATION First Name: Last Name: Title: Executive Phone: Email: -------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS (OPTIONAL) We value your opinion and have provided these optional questions to assist us in evaluating and improving the directory and our service. 1. The information in this EROD verification report is requested once per year. Should we update your organization's information every 6 months, yearly, or other (please list)? 2. Are the reporting instructions and the format clear, concise, well organized, and easy to follow? If not, please provide your suggestion for improvement. 3. Based on your experience, was customer service courteous, prompt, and clearly communicated? If not, please provide your suggestion for improvement. 4. Are there other fields/types of information that you would like to see included in the directory? If so, please specify the desired information. 5. Please provide any additional comments/suggestions about the annual information verification process, the directory, or website. -------------------------------------------------------------- We appreciate your time and effort in assisting us to provide the best resources for people in need of education information. Thank you for your time, EROD Staff