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Demographics Worksheet
1. Institution:   Slippery Rock University
2. OPEID:   99991
7.   $

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FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Credit of Title IV Aid To Institutional Charges Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate the impact on institutions of simplifying services to students by allowing the credit of Title IV funds to non-allowable institutional charges (charges other than tuition & fees and/or room and board) without written authorization from students. An additional goal is to assess the affect of the experiment on students academic persistence.
Target Student Population:   Students whose Title IV aid was credited to non-allowable institutional charges in academic year 2003-2004.
Reporting Items
  Data Has Been Entered
2. Predominant method of informing students of the crediting of Title IV aid to institutional charges:  
  Data Not Required Or Has Been Entered
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Credit of Title IV Aid To Institutional Charges Worksheet
Credit of Title IV Aid To Institutional Charges Worksheet
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Credit of Title IV Aid to Prior Award Year Charges Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate the impact on institutions of simplifying services to students by allowing the credit of Title IV funds to charges incurred in the prior award year without written authorization from students. An additional goal is to assess the effect of the experiment on students academic persistence.
Target Student Population:   Students whose 2003-2004 Title IV aid was credited to charges in excess of $100 incurred in the prior award year.
Reporting Items
  Data Has Been Entered
2. Predominant method of informing students of the crediting of Title IV aid to charges incurred in the prior award year:  
  Data Not Required Or Has Been Entered
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Credit of Title IV Aid to Prior Award Year Charges Worksheet
Credit of Title IV Aid To Institutional Charges Worksheet
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Entrance Loan Counseling Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate alternatives to the current models and timetables for informing first-time borrowers of their rights and responsibilities.
Target Student Population:   First-time FFEL/Direct Stafford loan borrowers (excluding PLUS only borrowers) in the fall of 2003.
Reporting Items
  Data Has Been Entered
2. Do you conduct entrance counseling, or do you provide information in an alternative method: 
5. Are only certain groups of students in (3) required to undergo entrance counseling?    
6. When entrance counseling is conducted the predominant medium is:  
  Data Not Required Or Has Been Entered
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Entrance Loan Counseling
Entrance Loan Counseling
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Exit Loan Counseling Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate alternatives to the current models and timetables for targeting and educating borrowers most likely to default. Additionally, to evaluate alternative methods of exit counseling on student graduation and/or persistence patterns.
Target Student Population:   FFEL/Direct Stafford loan borrowers (exclude PLUS only borrowers) who could have been subject to exit counseling in academic year 2003-2004.
Reporting Items
  Data Has Been Entered
2. Does your institution conduct exit counseling?  
7. When exit counseling is conducted, is it predominantly:  
  Data Not Required Or Has Been Entered
8. Are students in (3) surveyed on their knowledge of repayment obligations?  
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Exit Loan Counseling
Exit Loan Counseling
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Loan Fees In COA Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate the cost for students and the Federal Government of allowing alternative methods of including or excluding loan fees in the calculation of the cost of attendance. Also, to evaluate the impact on student persistence and administrative relief provided to institutions.
Target Student Population:   Students who received FFEL/Direct Stafford loan funds, in academic year 2003-2004. Exclude PLUS loans in all calculations.
Reporting Items
Data Has Been Entered
Data Has Been Entered
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Loan Fees In COA
Loan Fees In COA
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Loan Proration Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate enrollment patterns of students who would have been subject to loan proration in their graduating term.
Target Student Population:   Students who either were or would have been subject to loan proration in their graduating term during academic year 2003-2004.
Reporting Items
  Data Has Been Entered
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Loan Proration
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Overaward Tolerance Worksheet
Institution:   Slippery Rock University
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate the cost of a common overaward tolerance in Title IV programs.
Target Student Population:   Students who were awarded Stafford loan funds by amounts of $300 or less. Exclude PLUS loans.
Reporting Items
Data Has Been Entered
Supplemental Items (Optional)

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Overaward Tolerance Worksheet
FSA Experimental Sites Initiative Logo
Ability To Benefit
Institution:   Moonlight State College
Reporting Year:   2003-2004
Goal Of The Experiment:   To evaluate the validity of successful completion of at least 6 college units with a grade of "C" or better as an equivalent to passing an ATB test for Title IV eligibility.
Target Student Population:   All students, but particularly those who took and failed an ATB test but have shown 'ability to benefit' by successfully completing at least six units of college degree applicable courses.
Reporting Items
Group # Students
In Group

Avg # Units

Avg # Units

Avg Cum

1. Students enrolled in degree or certificate applicable classes  
2. Random sample of FA recipients with HS diplomas/OR total # of FA recipients with HS diplomas1  
3. All Students required to take ATB test  
4. All students who failed ATB test  
5. All Students who passed ATB test  
6. Students who failed ATB test but successfully completed 6 college units with a "C" or better  
1Are the figures reported in question (2) based upon a random sample of FA recipients with HS diplomas?  
Data Has Been Entered

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Ability To Benefit