Note: The data files are saved in resolution of 1 degree in longitude, 1 degree in latitude and every 5 days. For one year worth of data file, it will contain about 4 million data points for each variable. Our software won't be able to generate a data file within a reasonable time if you have selected large lon/lat range and time range. We recommend you select time range within 1 year if you select entire lon/lat range. Or you select smaller range in lon/lat if you want to have longer time series.
you use OSCAR data in publications, please acknowledge the OSCAR Project
Office. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint
of publications utilizing these data for inclusion in the OSCAR bibliography.
These publications should be sent to:
OSCAR Project Office
Earth and Space Research
1910 Fairview Ave E, Suite 102
Seattle WA 98102-3620
Registration information is
voluntary and for internal use only. The information you provide
will allow us to notify you of any OSCAR data update. To obtain data
without registering, simply click on the "Delivery Data" button.
For more information, please see our Privacy
and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice.
OMB control # 0648-0342, expires 07/31/2008