From: Lipsky, Faye [[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 7:29 AM
To: Potter, Rachel F.
Cc: Lebowitz, Naomi; Lipsky, Faye
Subject: FW: HA-4632; OMB comments on 0960-0289-augmented response

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Red



Below are our answers to your questions on 0960-0289.


Faye I. Lipsky

Management Analyst

Social Security Administration

Reports Clearance Team



[email protected]







�Claimant�s Medication�

1. Does SSA expect that this form will need to change in any way as a result of the new DSI process? If so, how?

The DSI, or Disability Service Improvement initiative, is designed to change the organization and procedures now in effect to shorten the decision time and pay benefits earlier in the process to applicants who are obviously disabled. However, the DSI itself will not change the collection of medical evidence.

Instead, the initiative will create a Medical Vocational Expert System [MVES] to augment and strengthen medical and vocational expertise for disability adjudicators at all levels of the process. The MVES will improve the interpretation, analysis and application of evidence to claims; however, no changes will be made in the way medical evidence is collected.

2. Does the web version of this form (available to download and mail in) contain the OMB expiration date?

The e-form, which members of the public can download from the Internet and mail in, does contain both the OMB approval number and expiration date.

3. Please describe any plans SSA has to make this form electronically available.

At this time, SSA, through its public site, makes the HA-4623 available in Portable Document Format [.pdf] that can be viewed, downloaded and/or printed from the public site.

Plans are underway for conversion of this form to an electronically fillable version, as a key element in the ongoing Electronic Disability [e-Dib] initiative.  The HA-4632 and several other forms are pending conversion to become electronically fillable forms at the earliest practicable date, which will promote accuracy, speed, and eliminate the current scanning requirement.  At this time there is no firm date as to when the HA-4632 will be converted to the electronically fillable format.

In parallel with the e-Dib program, SSA has also launched a National Electronic Records Strategy, to increase electronic medical record submission from claimants as well as treating sources.  SSA has achieved an electronic submission rate of 80 per cent from its consultative sources, and aims to increase electronic submission from all sources from 33 to 75 per cent before the end of 2007. This is consistent with but more aggressive than the President's goal of achieving electronic health records [EHR] throughout the health care industry by 2014.