From: Klion Catherine [[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 11:02 AM
To: Potter, Rachel F.; FN-OMB-OIRA-Submission
Cc: Hanley John; Sevin Gail; Burns Jo Amato
Subject: RE: PBGC PRA submission; control number1212-0054

Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Completed

This is in response to OMB's comments below:

1.  For each IRS or DOL comment, PBGC either accepted the comment or worked with IRS or DOL to modify or otherwise address the comment, or the item was removed from consideration.  All DOL comments were provided and discussed in a series of conference calls and e-mail exchanges.  IRS e-mailed comments that were discussed in a conference call.

2.  See response to Question 1.  All issues have been resolved with DOL and IRS.

3.  The bullet points at the bottom of page 3 of the supporting statement describe the changes PBGC is proposing be made to the 2003 booklet (not the changes made in the 2003 booklet , which were relatively minor).  Aside from the DOL/IRS changes, these are the only changes PBGC is proposing.  (The tracked changes you see in the booklet PBGC submitted June 7 were from an interim internal draft and should not have appeared in your version.)

If you have any questions, please call Gail Sevin at (202) 326-4223, ext. 3011, Jo Amato Burns at the same number, ext. 3072, or me.  Thank you.

Catherine B. Klion

Manager, Regulatory and Policy Division

Legislative and Regulatory Department

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

(202) 326-4223, ext. 3041

[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Potter, Rachel F. [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 9:35 AM
To: Klion Catherine; FN-OMB-OIRA-Submission
Cc: Hanley John; Sevin Gail; Burns Jo Amato
Subject: RE: PBGC PRA submission; control number1212-0054

OMB has the following comments on this information collection: 

  1. Were there any comments from IRS or DOL that PBGC did not accept? 
  2. Did PBGC discuss the revisions that you have agreed to make with DOL and IRS?  Have all issues been resolved?
  3. Page 3 of the supporting statement outlines change made to the booklet in Dec. 2003.  What changes is PBGC proposing from the 2003 booklet?  The 3.24.06 version of the booklet that OMB received contains some tracked changes � are these the only changes PBGC proposed (aside from the DOL/ IRS changes addressed in above comments)?
Let me know if you have any questions.
- Rachel

From: Klion Catherine [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 5:16 PM
To: FN-OMB-OIRA-Submission; Potter, Rachel F.
Cc: Hanley John; Sevin Gail; Burns Jo Amato
Subject: PBGC PRA submission; control number1212-0054

On June 7, 2006, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) requested that OMB approve a revision of its collection of information currently approved under control number 1212-0054 (expires 12/31/06).  The information collection relates to qualified domestic relations orders (QDROs) submitted to the PBGC and consists of guidance and model language contained in the PBGC booklet, Qualified Domestic Relations Orders & PBGC.  The PBGC received comments on the booklet from the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  Attached is a revised booklet, reflecting those comments and a compare to the booklet submitted on June 7, followed by an explanation of the major changes PBGC made in response to DOL's and IRS's comments.  PBGC also made conforming and editorial changes.  All page references are to the revised booklet.

<<QDRO Booklet Rev 080406.doc>> <<080406.cmp.2omb.doc>>
Inside front cover 

Page 7, section 9

Page 11, section 9

Page 15, example 1

Page 18, section 6

Pages 24-25, Procedures and Checklist

Page 34, Appendix D

Page 48, Appendix H

If you have any questions, please call Gail Sevin at (202) 326-4223, ext. 3011, Jo Amato Burns at the same number, ext. 3072, or me.  Thank you.

Catherine B. Klion
Manager, Regulatory and Policy Division
Legislative and Regulatory Department
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
(202) 326-4223, ext. 3041
[email protected]