Instructions for Completing a Mine Safety and Health Administration
Certificate of Training Form (5000-23)
All part 48 training must be properly recorded on a Mine Safety and Health Administration
(MSHA) Form 5000-23 (training certificate), or on an MSHA approved alternate form. For
additional policy information on the 5000-23 form, you may refer to the MSHA Program Policy
Manual. To review the applicable policy please use this link.
The current MSHA Form 5000-23 has an expiration date of December 31, 2010, however, previously issued forms with an earlier expiration date may still be used. The printed version comes with four copies. Listed below are notations, which appear on the bottom right-hand side of the form, showing the intended use of each copy:
Copy 1 (white) - Employer's Personnel Record Copy 2 (pink) - Employee's Record Copy
Copy 3 (yellow) - Employee's Separation Copy
Copy 4 (green) - Record Keeping
The following is a description of how to complete each item of the 5000-23.
Serial Number (for operator's use) |
This is an optional field which may be used to help track
employees by an identification number. There is no Federal
requirement to use this field. |
Item 1. Print Full Name of Person
Trained (first, middle, last) |
Enter the person's name who has received the
training. |
Item 2. Check Type of Approved
Training Received |
There are five boxes for the five types of
training required. Check the appropriate
box(es) to indicate what training was given.
When New Task is checked, additional space is provided to record 1-8 task training events. This space is used to identify each task and to allow for the initials of the instructor(s) and the student (miner), as needed. |
Item 3. Check Type of Operation and
Related Industry |
(1) Mark the box for the appropriate commodity: coal, metal or nonmetal. (2)
Mark the box for the appropriate location:
surface or underground. (3) Mark the
appropriate box if the training is for
construction or shaft and slope work. When
completed the box should identify the type of
mining, location and if construction or shaft
and slope activities are involved. |
Item 4. Date Training Requirements
Completed |
Depending on whether the training is complete
or partial will determine how this item is
completed. Only entering a date indicates that
the training marked in item 2 is completed.
Placing a check in the box to the right of the
date entry, indicates that the training for the
program(s) marked in item 2 is not complete.
The appropriate boxes in item 5 must then be
checked to indicate what subjects were
The following are some examples of partially
completed training: (1) training for new
miners given away from the mine site (which
will then require site specific training at the
mine site); (2) utilizing the 8 and 16 hours in
60-day provision for newly employed
inexperienced surface miners; and (3)
providing partially completed annual refresher
training. |
Item 5. Check Subjects Completed (use
only for partially completed
training) |
This is generally used for conducting annual
refresher training in increments throughout an
annual refresher cycle; or for newly employed
inexperienced miner training which does not
cover mine specific courses that are required
to be covered at the mine site. |
Item 6. Signature of person responsible
for training |
Upon completion of an MSHA approved
training program, such as experienced miner,
task, or annual refresher training, you must
record and certify on the 5000-23 form that
the miner has received the specified training.
The person signing the form in item 6 is
representing that the miner has received the
indicated training. Anyone falsifying the
5000-23 form is criminally liable under section
110(a) and (f) of the Federal Mine Safety and
Health Act.
Generally, the person signing the form is the
mine operator or a person acting on behalf of
the operator. For example, a company safety
official, a trainer employed or contracted by
the operator, or a cooperative instructor (such
as, a state grantee). |
Item 7. Mine Name, ID, & Location of
Training (if institution, give name
& address) |
List the mine name, mine ID and location
where training was conducted. If the training
was conducted by a cooperative instructor or
state grantee and a class participant is not
employed at a particular mine, fill in the
cooperative instructor's name or state name
and address. |
Item 8. Date and (signature of person
trained) |
The person trained has the option of signing
and dating the form, acknowledging that the
training indicated on the form was received.
A copy of the 5000-23 form must be given to
the miner upon completion of each MSHA
approved training program, such as
experienced miner, task, or annual refresher
training. |