This e-mail is to notify you that your state's verification materials for the 2010 Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP) are available for review. Unlike the Annotation Phase of the program, no CDs or DVDs will be mailed to you for the Verification Phase of the PSAP. You will review and verify your updates using the web and also be able to download shapefiles to submit any changes that need to be made. Step-by-step guidelines have been developed to assist you in accessing your materials and completing your review. All verification materials and guidelines for your state have been posted to the 2010 PSAP website located at: We suggest that you begin by reading the "Census 2010 Participant Statistical Areas Program Verification Guidelines for all Participants". Please note: to view your shapefiles on the web using the Web Viewer tool, a Participant ID is required in addition to User Name and Password provided on page 19 in the Verification Guidelines. Your Participant ID is XXXXXX. Should you need to use our FTP site to submit changes or corrections, you will need a user name and password to access the site. Your user ID is "geopsap" and your password is "GEO1upload2009!." All user IDs and passwords are case-sensitive. All verification updates must be received by the Census Bureau no later than Friday, April 2, 2010. Please feel free to contact any member of the PSAP team with questions regarding the program or procedures. Thank you again for your participation. PSAP Team U.S. Census Bureau 301-763-1099