2013-2014 School District Review Program (SDRP): Readme.txt U.S. Census Bureau Geography Division This CD/DVD contains all information needed by state education officials responding to the 2013-2014 SDRP. You do not have to read/print all the attachments. Read/print only those that you feel apply to your state's boundary updates. The materials you receive in the 2013-2014 SDRP reflect the school district names, boundaries, grade ranges, levels, and Federal Local Education Agency identification numbers updated during the 2011-2012 SDRP. These school districts were in effect as of January 1, 2012. You can also find information about the 2013-2014 School District Review Program at the SDRP website: http://www.census.gov/geo/www/schdist/sch_dist.html WHAT MATERIALS WILL YOUR STATE RECEIVE? All states and the District of Columbia will receive the following SDRP program guidelines and MTPS software instructions: Quick Start Guide.pdf SDRP_Participant_Guidelines.pdf Submission_Log.xls Att_A_SDRP_MTPS_Guidelines.pdf Att_B_Submission_Log_Guidelines.pdf Att_C_How_to_add_a_line.pdf Att_D_Data_Dictionary.pdf Att_E_Special_Situations.pdf Att_F_Review_Your_Boundaries_Online.pdf Individual states and the District of Columbia will receive the following files containing information about their school districts: ALABAMA (01) 01_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 01_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 01_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 01_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 01_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 01_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD ALASKA (02) 02_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 02_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 02_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 02_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 02_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 02_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD ARIZONA (04) 04_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 04_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 04_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 04_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD ARKANSAS (05) 05_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 05_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 05_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 05_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD CALIFORNIA (06) 06_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 06_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 06_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 06_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD COLORADO (08) 08_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 08_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 08_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 08_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD CONNECTICUT (09) 09_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 09_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 09_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 09_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 09_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 09_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD DELAWARE (10) 10_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 10_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 10_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 10_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (11) 11_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 11_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 11_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 11_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD FLORIDA (12) 12_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 12_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 12_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 12_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD GEORGIA (13) 13_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 13_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 13_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 13_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 13_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 13_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD HAWAII (15) 15_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 15_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 15_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 15_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD IDAHO (16) 16_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 16_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 16_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 16_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD ILLINOIS (17) 17_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 17_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 17_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 17_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD INDIANA (18) 18_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 18_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 18_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 18_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD IOWA (19) 19_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 19_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 19_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 19_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD KANSAS (20) 20_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 20_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 20_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 20_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD KENTUCKY (21) 21_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 21_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 21_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 21_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 21_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 21_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD LOUSIANA (22) 22_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 22_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 22_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 22_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 22_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 22_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MAINE (23) 23_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 23_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 23_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 23_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 23_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 23_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MARYLAND (24) 24_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 24_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 24_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 24_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MASSACHUSETTS (25) 25_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 25_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 25_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 25_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 25_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 25_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MICHIGAN (26) 26_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 26_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 26_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 26_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MINNESOTA (27) 27_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 27_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 27_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 27_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MISSISSIPPI (28) 28_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 28_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 28_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 28_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 28_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 28_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MISSOURI (29) 29_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 29_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 29_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 29_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD MONTANA (30) 30_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 30_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 30_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 30_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NEBRASKA (31) 31_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 31_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 31_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 31_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NEVADA (32) 32_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 32_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 32_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 32_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NEW HAMPSHIRE (33) 33_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 33_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 33_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 33_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 33_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 33_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NEW JERSEY (34) 34_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 34_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 34_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 34_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 34_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 34_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NEW MEXICO (35) 35_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 35_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 35_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 35_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NEW YORK (36) 36_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 36_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 36_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 36_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NORTH CAROLINA (37) 37_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 37_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 37_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 37_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 37_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 37_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD NORTH DAKOTA (38) 38_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 38_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 38_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 38_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD OHIO (39) 39_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 39_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 39_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 39_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD OKLAHOMA (40) 40_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 40_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 40_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 40_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD OREGON (41) 41_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 41_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 41_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 41_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD PENNSYLVANIA (42) 42_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 42_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 42_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 42_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 42_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 42_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD RHODE ISLAND (44) 44_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 44_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 44_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 44_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 44_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 44_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD SOUTH CAROLINA (45) 45_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 45_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 45_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 45_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 45_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 45_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD SOUTH DAKOTA (46) 46_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 46_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 46_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 46_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD TENNESSEE (47) 47_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 47_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 47_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 47_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 47_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 47_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD TEXAS (48) 48_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 48_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 48_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 48_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD UTAH (49) 49_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 49_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 49_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 49_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 49_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 49_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD VERMONT (50) 50_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 50_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 50_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.txt (County-subdivisions by School District) 50_SD_GEO_Relationship_A.xls (County-subdivisions by School District) 50_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 50_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD VIRGINIA (51) 51_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 51_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 51_Coextensive_Coverage_A.txt (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 51_Coextensive_Coverage_A.xls (Coextensive with Legal Entity) 51_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 51_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD WASHINGTON (53) 53_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 53_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 53_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 53_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD WEST VIRGINIA (54) 54_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 54_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 54_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 54_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD WISCONSIN (55) 55_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 55_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 55_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 55_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD WYOMING (56) 56_County_Coverage_A.txt (School Districts by County) 56_County_Coverage_A.xls (School Districts by County) 56_SD_Inventory_A.txt (Inventory and Grade Range) 56_SD_Inventory_A.xls (Inventory and Grade Range) School District boundary Shapefiles MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) on CD We encourage you to contact any of the following Census Bureau geographic staff at 301.763.1099 with any questions about the SDRP: Ryan Short Nathan Jones Ian Millett Pat Ream 2013-2014 School District Review Program: Readme.txt