From: Pollard, Colette
Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:34 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16- FHA# IL1373323838703
Attachments: DOC031.PDF
I have hand delivered the Certified letter to the FHA
Center. See attached Can I assist you with anything
else. Thanks
From: Williams, Jerry E
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 7:27 PM
To: ''; Allen, Lynn
Cc: Pollard, Colette
Subject: Re: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16- FHA#
I will have my office reach out to this individual to provide the originals
From: barbette jefferson
To: Williams, Jerry E
Sent: Wed Feb 17 19:11:50 2010
Subject: Re: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16- FHA#
Please read below, this is the responds I received about the letter I mailed to you. Do you still have the Certified letter I sent to you? Can you please help me save my home from foreclosure?
Thank you for contacting the FHA Resource Center, a response to your inquiry is provided
below. If you have additional questions you can submit them via email
or contact us at 1-800-225-5342. Please
do not respond to this email unless you need further clarification or wish to
initiate a new service request.
Jerry E. Williams, CGFM Chief Information Officer U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street S.W., Room 4158 Washington, DC 20410 Phone: 202-708-0306