From:                              Pollard, Colette

Sent:                               Thursday, February 18, 2010 9:34 AM

To:                                   ''

Subject:                          RE: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16- FHA# IL1373323838703

Attachments:                 DOC031.PDF


I have hand delivered the Certified letter to the FHA Center.   See attached  Can I assist you with anything else.  Thanks


From: Williams, Jerry E
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 7:27 PM
To: ''; Allen, Lynn
Cc: Pollard, Colette
Subject: Re: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16- FHA# IL1373323838703


Yes, I will have my office reach out to this individual to provide the originals tomorrow.


From: barbette jefferson
To: Williams, Jerry E
Sent: Wed Feb 17 19:11:50 2010
Subject: Re: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16- FHA# IL1373323838703

Please read below, this is the responds I received about the letter I mailed to you. Do you still have the Certified letter I sent to you? Can you please help me save my home from foreclosure?


Thank you for contacting the FHA Resource Center, a response to your inquiry is provided below.  If you have additional questions you can submit them via email to or contact us at 1-800-225-5342.  Please do not respond to this email unless you need further clarification or wish to initiate a new service request.

FAQ : Full Email Content Request

Solution Details : Thank you for contacting the FHA Resource Center.  We have received your request, however, due to several forwards of your email we are unable to see the original question you submitted.

For further assistance, please submit a new electronic mail request and provide your original question.  Please ensure your request contains the subject property state, ZIP code and FHA case number if applicable.

DISCLAIMER: All policy information contained in this knowledge base article is based upon the referenced HUD policy document. Any lending or insuring decisions should adhere to the specific information contained in that underlying policy document.



--- On Tue, 2/16/10, Williams, Jerry E <> wrote:

From: Williams, Jerry E <>
Subject: Certified Correspondence Received 2/16
To: "''" <>, "Howard, Brenton E" <>
Cc: "Allen, Lynn" <>
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 3:26 PM

Ms. Jefferson,


Your letter dated February 2, 2010 was mistakenly addressed to me in error.   I am with this note redirecting your letter to Mr. Brenton Howard, HUD Office of Public Affairs.  Mr. Howard will identify the appropriate office within HUD to assist you.






Jerry E. Williams, CGFM

Chief Information Officer

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

451 7th Street S.W., Room 4158

Washington, DC 20410

Phone:  202-708-0306