Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements under EPA's Waste Wise Program

ICR 199705-2050-001

OMB: 2050-0139

Federal Form Document

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ICR Details
2050-0139 199705-2050-001
Historical Active 199509-2050-003
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements under EPA's Waste Wise Program
Extension without change of a currently approved collection   No
Approved without change 07/03/1997
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 05/02/1997
This ICR is approved through July, 2000. As stated in the previous terms of clearance, the use of this information for linking the data collected to environmental protection, such as energy conservation and global warming gas emissions reduction, is not approved. EPA has not sufficiently demonstrated that the data and methodology to assess environmental protection have practical utility. The agency has sought approval of this information collection only for the specific uses identified and justified in the supporting statement. OMB has approved this ICR for these purposes, and other uses of this information are not approved. The agency must resubmit this ICR for OMB approval if it wants to make any changes to the information to be collected or the ultimate use of that information (Sec. 1320.5(g).)
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
05/31/2001 05/31/2001 07/31/1997
1,105 0 1
40,067 0 48,660
0 0 0

EPA needs to collect this information to evaluate the success of the Waste Wise Program and the progress of members participating in the program. The information is used to recogize members' achievements and identify successful waste reduction strategies to share with others. Members are predominantly businesses, as well as some nonprofits; trade associations; institutions; and State, local, and tribal governments.



IC Title Form No. Form Name
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements under EPA's Waste Wise Program 1698.03

  Total Approved Previously Approved Change Due to New Statute Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA
Annual Number of Responses 1,105 1 0 1,104 0 0
Annual Time Burden (Hours) 40,067 48,660 0 -8,593 0 0
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0



On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers:
    (i) Why the information is being collected;
    (ii) Use of information;
    (iii) Burden estimate;
    (iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);
    (v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
    (vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number;
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.

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