Appendix H
Introductory Letters to Caseworkers
RE: Multi-site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs
<NAME OF INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM>, together with <LOCAL CHILD WELFARE AGENCY>, have agreed to participate in the Multi-site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs sponsored by the Children’s Bureau at the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. You are being selected because one (or more) of the youth on your caseload is participating in the evaluation. The evaluation is being conducted by the Urban Institute, together with NORC and Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, and will assess the outcomes for some youth who are served by Chafee-funded independent living programs. Enclosed is a descriptive summary of the federal study which provides more detailed information about the evaluation and provides contact information for key study personnel and the federal project officers.
From your caseload, the following youth have been selected for inclusion in the study:
Case #1 Youth
Case #2 Youth
Your participation will consist of completion of a web-based survey on each of the above youth on your caseload. The survey contains questions pertaining to the youth’s current placement, placement history, services offered and provided, and other information specific to the youth. Your program director has agreed to provide you with the time necessary to complete the survey during your normal workday. We ask that you complete it before <SELECTED DATE FOR COMPLETION>.
While your participation in this study is voluntary, we hope that you will agree to participate. The information you provide is designed to complement questions asked of youth. Your responses will provide an agency perspective on characteristics of the youth served and the types of services youth receive.
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The information gathered from you about these cases will be confidential and only made available to project staff at the Urban Institute, NORC, and Chapin Hall. All staff participating in the study have signed a Pledge of Confidentiality, prohibiting them by law from disclosing information obtained during the course of the interview to unauthorized staff. Your responses will not be attributed to you individually.
Within the next week you will receive an email message providing additional information about the web-based survey and directions on how to complete the survey.
In the interim please do not hesitate to contact me or Karin Malm (202-261-5853) with any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for your participation in this important study.
Matthew Stagner, Ph.D.
Project Director, Multi-site Evaluation of Foster Youth Programs
Urban Institute
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Karen Malm |
Last Modified By | KMalm |
File Modified | 2006-06-05 |
File Created | 2006-06-05 |