Clearinghouse Survey 2007

Assessment of Compliance Assistance Projects (Renewal)

2007 Clearinghouse

Clearinghouse Survey 2007

OMB: 2020-0015

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SUBJECT: Review of National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse Survey under ICR No. 1860.02 (OMB 2020-0015)

FROM: Sharie Centilla, Work Assignment Manager


THRU: Carolyn Scully, OECA Desk Officer (mailcode 2822T)

Regulatory Information Division

Office of Policy

TO: Amy Flynn, OIRA Desk Officer

Office of Management and Budget

Attached for your review and approval are two surveys for evaluating the effectiveness of the National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse. The surveys are identical except for the modification of similar questions tailored for the regulated community and the assistance provider community. EPA seeks to gather information to help the Clearinghouse better target their array of resources to the specific compliance assistance needs of their customers, increase the effectiveness of their compliance assistance resources, and ultimately, improve the environmental performance of their customers.

Note: EPA will not have access to names or addresses of facilities or individuals surveyed and will not use the information for inspection or enforcement purposes. There will be no way to link participant responses to specific facilities or individuals.

Your comments and suggestions would be much appreciated. For comments or questions on the survey, please contact Sharie Centilla at 202-564-0697.

If you have any questions about the ICR or this survey submission, please Carolyn Scully at 202-566-1457.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Attachments (2)

Request for Approval of Information Collection Activity

I. Background:

The National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) is a Web site providing links to environmental resources. The Web site provides quick access to compliance assistance (CA) tools, contacts, and planned activities from US EPA, its partners, and other CA providers. The Clearinghouse offers a range of services, including web-links, the ability for users to add CA web links, as well as their planned CA projects. In addition to providing compliance assistance material, the Clearinghouse also provides pollution prevention ideas and techniques to help the regulated community come into compliance and go beyond compliance to save resources.

II. Survey Purpose and Description:

As an in-kind service to the Clearinghouse, EPA seeks to provide information to help the Clearinghouse better target its array of tools to the specific compliance assistance needs of its customers, increase the effectiveness of their compliance assistance tools, and ultimately, improve the environmental performance of its customers. Specifically, the Clearinghouse may use the information obtained from survey respondents to:

- change compliance assistance resource tool marketing strategies to increase awareness

- identify areas to improve compliance assistance tools and delivery

- develop new compliance tools to address identified problem areas

- identify which Clearinghouse features are most valued to ensure a good use of resources

The information obtained through this survey will not be used for regulatory development or to make broad generalizations or claims.

III. Survey Methodology and Use of Results

The potential target audience for the survey is Clearinghouse users. EPA plans to post the survey instrument on-line on the Clearinghouse web site. Survey respondents will be anonymous to EPA. We anticipate that approximately 500 Clearinghouse users will respond. We estimate that it will take a respondent approximately 3 minutes to complete the survey. The surveys will be made accessible to potential respondents through the Clearinghouse for roughly 3 months.

Through an independent third-party contractor, survey responses will be provided to the Clearinghouse. In addition, the independent third-party contractor will aggregate all survey responses and summarize the findings. Aggregated survey results from three questions on increased understanding, behavior change and pollution reduction will be used for reporting to Congress under Goal 5 or our Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) reporting requirements for compliance assistance.

IV. Respondents’ Burden

Number of respondents: 500

Minutes per response: 3 minutes

Cost per hour: $82.74 ($39.40 + 110%)*

Cost per response: $82.74 x 3/60 = $4.14

Total burden hours: 500 x 3/60 = 25 hours

Total burden dollar cost: 25 hours x $82.74 = $2068.50

*These rates are from the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, September, 2004, “Table 2. Civilian Workers, by occupational and industry group.” The rates are from column 1, “Total compensation.” The rates have been increased by 110% to account for the benefit packages available to those employed by private industry.

V. Agency Burden

EPA Staff Time: 15 hours

Cost per hour: $56.02

Total burden hours: 15 hours x $56.02 = $840.30

OMB control number 2020-0015 Expires 3/31/08

Survey Questions for the Regulated Community

1. Please choose the category that best describes you: (Select one)

__ Local government

__ State government

__ Federal government

__ Technical/Small Business Assistance provider

__ Academia

__ Service provider to your industry (consultant, supplier, etc.)

__ Industry

__ Trade Association

__ Other________________

2. Please choose one option from the following list:

I primarily use the Clearinghouse to find information on environmental

regulations that apply to my organization

I primarily use the Clearinghouse as a provider of

environmental assistance to others outside of my organization

3. About how often do you visit the Clearinghouse web site?

This is the first time

__ A few times per year

__ 1-2 times per month

__ Once a week or more

__ Whenever the need arises

4. The Clearinghouse helps me better understand the environmental regulations that

apply to my job or operations:

Strongly agree

__ Agree

__ Neutral

__ Disagree

__ Strongly disagree

__ Have not used the Clearinghouse for this purpose

5. What actions(s) have your client taken to improve or influence environmental practices, in whole or in part, due to information you have found through the <centername>: (Select all that apply)

contacted a vendor

changed the handling of waste or emission

performed a self audit

contacted a regulatory agency

changed a process or practice

obtained a permit or certification

took an action other than listed above to comply with a

regulatory requirement

Identified a pollution prevention opportunity

OMB control number 2020-0015 Expires 3/31/08


No action was taken by my clients

6. Has using the Clearinghouse, or the actions taken above, resulted in cost savings to you? (Cost includes time as well as dollars)

Yes No Don’t know

7. Please identify whether you reduced, treated, or eliminated pollution as a result of Clearinghouse use: (Select all that apply)

reduced or eliminated waste (solid/hazardous)

reduced or eliminated air emissions

reduced or eliminated pollutant discharges to water

other, specifiy ____________________________


don’t know

8. Did you find the Clearinghouse web site user-friendly and easy to use?

Yes No

9. What other web sites have you visited to find information on environmental compliance? (Check all that apply)

__ Google

__ EPA’s web site

__ State agency web site

__ Trade association website

__ Other________________

Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 3 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering information, completing and reviewing the information. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimate, and any suggestions for reducing the burden, including the use of automated collection techniques, to the Director, Office of Environmental Information, Collection Strategies Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency (mail Code 2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20460; and to the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management & Budget, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20503, Attention: Desk Officer for EPA. Include the EPA ICR 1860.03 and the OMB control number 2020-0015 in any correspondence. Do not send your completed survey to this address. Approval expires March 31, 2008.

OMB control number 2020-0015 Expires 3/31/08

Survey Questions for the Assistance Provider Community

1. Please choose the category that best describes you: (Select one)

__ Local government

__ State government

__ Federal government

__ Technical/Small Business Assistance provider

__ Academia

__ Service provider to your industry (consultant, supplier, etc.)

__ Industry

__ Trade Association

__ Other _________________

2. Please choose one option from the following list:

I primarily use the Clearinghouse to find information on environmental

regulations that apply to my organization

I primarily use the Clearinghouse as a provider of

environmental assistance to others outside of my organization

3. I am a first time visitor to the Clearinghouse web site:

Yes No

4. The Clearinghouse provides resources that help me answer audience/client questions about environmental regulations:

Yes No

5. What actions(s) have your client taken to improve or influence environmental practices, in whole or in part, due to information you have found through the <centername>: (Select all that apply)

contacted a vendor

changed the handling of waste or emission

performed a self audit

contacted a regulatory agency

changed a process or practice

obtained a permit or certification

took an action other than listed above to comply with a

regulatory requirement

Identified a pollution prevention opportunity


No action was taken by my clients

6. Has using the Clearinghouse, or the actions taken above, resulted in cost savings to you or your clients? (Cost includes time as well as dollars)

Yes No Don’t know

OMB control number 2020-0015 Expires 3/31/08

7. Please identify whether your client reduced, treated, or eliminated pollution as a result of Clearinghouse use: (Select all that apply)

reduced or eliminated waste (solid/hazardous)

reduced or eliminated air emissions

reduced or eliminated pollutant discharges to water

other, specify _____________________


don’t know

8. On average I use the National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) web site:

Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Once a year

First time user

9. Did you find the Clearinghouse web site user-friendly and easy to use?

Yes No

10. What other web sites have you visited to find information on environmental compliance? (Check all that apply)

__ Google

__ EPA’s web site

__ State agency web site

__ Trade Association web site

__ other ________________________________

Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 3 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, gathering information, and completing and reviewing the information. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimate, and any suggestions for reducing the burden, including the use of automated collection techniques, to the Director, Office of Environmental Information, Collection Strategies Division, United States Environmental Protection Agency (mail Code 2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, D.C. 20460; and to the Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management & Budget, 725 17th Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20503, Attention: Desk Officer for EPA. Include the EPA ICR 1860.03 and the OMB control number 2020-0015 in any correspondence. Do not send your completed survey to this address. Approval expires March 31, 2008.

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorSharie Centilla
Last Modified ByCScully
File Modified2007-05-02
File Created2007-05-01

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