Answer Sheet Montana

Public Support for Fuel Reduction Policies: Multimedia versus Printed Materials

Appendix B3 - Revised 8-24-06 Answer sheet Montana

Video Survey and Answer Sheets - California and Montana

OMB: 0596-0203

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OMB Number: 0596-nnnn

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.


Q1. Do you think prescribed burning or prescribed fire effectively reduces the amount of excess fuels in the forest?

Yes ____ No ____ Don’t know ____

Q2. Do you think prescribed burning or prescribed fire would reduce the chance of high intensity wildfire?

Yes ____ No ____ Don’t know ____

Q3. Do you agree of disagree with the following statement: Prescribed fire should not be used because of eh potential health problems from smoke?

Agree ____ Disagree ____ Don’t know ____

Q4. Do you agree of disagree with the following statement: Prescribed fire should not be used?

Agree ____ Disagree ____ Don’t know ____

Q5. Do you think forest managers should or should not undertake this expanded program of prescribed burning underbrush and debris in Montana forests?

Should ____ Should not ____ Don’t know ____

Q6. Your share of the Expanded Montana Prescribed Burning Program would cost your household $XX a year. If the Expanded Montana Prescribed Burning Program were on the next ballot would you vote?

In favor ____ Against ____

If you voted AGAINST, please answer these next two questions. If you voted yes, please skip to question 7.

Q6a. We are interested in the main reason you voted Against. Please read all the reasons and then check the one most important reason below:

___Preventing wildfire is not worth this much money to me.

___I cannot afford to pay this amount.

___It is unfair to expect me to pay for wildfire prevention.

___I think that it sounds too dangerous.

___I don’t believe that it will work.

___I believe prescribed burning to be ecologically damaging.

___I think we should use existing taxes or other sources of money.

___I am opposed to paying for new government programs.

___Other: Please explain_______________________________


Q6b. Would you be willing to pay $1 for the prescribed burning program?

Yes ___ No ___

Q7. Your share of this Mechanical Fire Fuel Reduction Program would cost your household $XX a year. If the Mechanical Fire Fuel Reduction Program was the ONLY program on the next ballot would you vote?

In favor ____ Against ____

If you voted Against, please answer questions 7a and 7b. If you voted in favor, please skip to Q8

Q7a. We are interested in the main reason you voted Against. Please read all the reasons and then check the one most important reason below:

___Preventing wildfire is not worth this much money to me.

___I cannot afford to pay this amount.

___It is unfair to expect me to pay for wildfire prevention.

___I think that it sounds too dangerous.

___I don’t believe that it will work.

___I believe mechanical fuel reduction to be ecologically damaging.

___I think we should use existing taxes or other sources of money.

___I am opposed to paying for new government programs.

___Prescribed burning is a better option.

___Other: Please explain_______________________________


Q7b. Would you be willing to pay $1 for the mechanical fuel reduction program?

Yes ___ No ___

Q8. Please indicate which of the following options you would prefer to be used in Montana:

___ prescribed burning ___ mechanical fuel reduction ___ both programs ___ neither

These last few questions will help us understand how well our sample represents the state of Montana. Your answers are strictly confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. You will not be identified in any way and your name or address will not be distributed or sold to any mailing list.

Q9. Have you ever been in or personally witnessed what you would consider a wildfire?

Yes ___ No ___

Q10. Have you ever experienced smoke from a wildfire or prescribed burn? Yes ___ No ___

If Yes, did it bother you? Yes ___ No ___

Q11. Do you suffer from respiratory or breathing problems? Yes ___ No ___

Q12. Has your home ever burned or sustained structural damage from a wildfire?

Yes ___ No ___

Q13. Has one or more of your neighbors’ homes ever burned due to wildfires? Yes ___ No ___

Q14. Have you had to evacuate your home one or more times due to wildfire? Yes ___ No ___

Q15. How long have you lived in Montana? ___ Years

Q16. Are you: ___ Male ___ Female

Q17. What is your age? ___ Years

Q18. Are you retired? Yes ___ No ___

Q19. Do you own or rent your current residence? Own ___ Rent___

Q20. What is the highest number of years of education you have completed, where 12 years is usually considered high school graduate; 16 years college graduate, etc.

Less than 12__ Between 12-16__ 16__ More than 16__

Q21. Are you a member of a conservation or environmental organization? Yes ___ No ___

Q22. In the past 12 months have you gone hiking, camping, fishing, or hunting? Yes ___ No ___

Q23. What are your ethnicity / race?

Ethnicity (CIRCLE ONE)

1. Hispanic or Latino 2. Not Hispanic or Latino


  1. American Indian or Alaska Native

  2. Asian

  3. Black or African American

  4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  5. White

Q24. Including yourself, how many people are there in your household? ___ Persons

Q25. Finally, what is an approximate total amount of annual income in your household?

Less than $20,000

$20,000 to $29,000

$30,000 to $39,000

$40,000 to $49,000

$50,000 to $59,000

$60,000 to $79,000

$80,000 to $99,000

$100,000 to $150,000

More than $150,000

Thank you for completing the survey. Do you have any comments for us? If so, please use the space below. When you are done, please return the answer sheet in the stamped self-addressed envelope. You may keep the video.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOMB Number: 05nn-nnn
Last Modified ByFSDefaultUser
File Modified2006-08-25
File Created2006-08-25

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