Teachers Report on Classroom and Schools (Appendix lV)

Social and Character Development Research Program National Evaluation (KI)

SACD Appendix IV_Teacher Report on Classroom School

Teachers Report on Classroom and Schools (Appendix lV)

OMB: 1850-0792

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Part I: Teacher Background and Experience Survey

A. Teacher Survey on Professional Development and Training

Citation: Lewis, L., et al. (1999). U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. Teacher Quality: A Report on the Preparation and Qualifications of Public School Teachers.

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


  1. Are you male or female?

  2. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

  3. What is your race? (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White)

  4. Including this school year, how many years have you been employed as a teacher?

  5. Including this school year, how many years have you been employed as a teacher at this school?

  6. What type, if any, general elementary education teaching certificate in this state do you hold?

0: None, no certificate

1: Regular or standard state certificate, or advanced professional certificate

2: Provisional or other type of certificate given to persons who are still participating in what the state calls an “alternative certification program”

3: Probationary certificate (the initial certificate issued after satisfying all requirements except the completion of a probationary period)

4: Temporary certificate (requires some additional college coursework and/or student teaching before regular certification can be obtained)

5: Emergency certificate or waiver (issued to persons with insufficient teacher preparation who must complete a regular certification program in order to continue teaching)

6: Other certificate (specify)

  1. Please indicate the highest degree that you hold.

1: Less than a bachelor’s degree

2: Bachelor’s degree

3: Master’s degree

4: Specialist degree

5: Doctorate degree

6: Other degree (specify)

Revisions and Notes:

    • A sample of items were drawn from the NCES survey and slightly modified to enhance ease of response.

Part II: School Staff Report

A. Teacher Survey on Professional Development and Training

Citation: Lewis, L., et al. (1999). U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. Teacher Quality: A Report on the Preparation and Qualifications of Public School Teachers.

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


  1. Are you male or female?

  2. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

  3. What is your race? (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White)

  4. Including this school year, how many years have you been employed as a teacher?

  5. Including this school year, how many years have you been employed as a teacher at this school?

  6. What type, if any, general elementary education teaching certificate in this state do you hold?

0: None, no certificate

1: Regular or standard state certificate, or advanced professional certificate

2: Provisional or other type of certificate given to persons who are still participating in what the state calls an “alternative certification program”

3: Probationary certificate (the initial certificate issued after satisfying all requirements except the completion of a probationary period)

4: Temporary certificate (requires some additional college coursework and/or student teaching before regular certification can be obtained)

5: Emergency certificate or waiver (issued to persons with insufficient teacher preparation who must complete a regular certification program in order to continue teaching)

6: Other certificate (specify)

  1. Please indicate the highest degree that you hold.

1: Less than a bachelor’s degree

2: Bachelor’s degree

3: Master’s degree

4: Specialist degree

5: Doctorate degree

6: Other degree (specify)

Revisions and Notes:

  • A sample of items were drawn from the NCES survey and slightly modified to enhance ease of response.

B. School-Level Environment Questionnaire

Citation: Fisher, D.L, & Fraser, B. J. (1991). Validity and use of school environment instruments. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 26, 13-18.

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


  1. There are many disruptive, difficult students in the school.

  2. I seldom receive encouragement from colleagues.

  3. Teachers frequently discuss teaching methods and strategies with each other.

  4. I am often supervised to ensure that I follow directions correctly.

  5. Decisions about the running of the school are usually made by the principal or a small group of teachers.

  6. It is very difficult to change anything in this school.

  7. The school or department library includes an adequate selection of books and periodicals.

  8. There is constant pressure to keep working.

  9. Most students are helpful and cooperative to teachers.

  10. I feel accepted by other teachers.

  11. Teachers avoid talking with each other about teaching and learning.

  12. I am not expected to conform to a particular teaching style.

  13. I have to refer even small matters to a senior member of staff for a final answer.

  14. Teachers are encouraged to be innovative in this school.

  15. The supply of equipment and resources is inadequate.

  16. Teachers have to work long hours to complete all their work.

  17. Most students are pleasant and friendly to teachers.

  18. I am ignored by other teachers.

  19. Professional matters are seldom discussed during staff meetings.

  20. It is considered very important that I closely follow syllabuses and lesson plans.

  21. Action can usually be taken without gaining the approval of the subject department head or a senior member of staff.

  22. There is a great deal of resistance to proposals for curriculum change.

  23. Video equipment, tapes, and files are readily available and accessible.

  24. Teachers don’t have to work very hard in this school.

  25. There are many noisy, badly-behaved students.

  26. I feel that I could rely on my colleagues for assistance if I needed it.

  27. Many teachers attend inservice and other professional development courses.

  28. There are few rules and regulations that I am expected to follow.

  29. Teachers are frequently asked to participate in decisions concerning administrative policies and procedures.

  30. Most teachers like the idea of change.

  31. Adequate duplicating facilities and services are available to teachers.

  32. There is no time for teachers to relax.

  33. Students get along well with teachers.

  34. My colleagues seldom take notice of my professional views and opinions.

  35. Teachers show little interest in what is happening in other schools.

  36. I am allowed to do almost as I please in the classroom.

  37. I am encouraged to make decisions without reference to a senior member of staff.

  38. New courses or curriculum materials are seldom implemented in the school.

  39. Tape recorders and cassettes are seldom available when needed.

  40. You can take it easy and still get the work done.

  41. Most students are well-mannered and respectful to the school staff.

  42. I feel that I have many friends among my colleagues at this school.

  43. Teachers are keen to learn from their colleagues.

  44. My classes are expected to use prescribed textbooks and prescribed resource materials.

  45. I must ask my subject department head or senior member of staff before I do most things.

  46. There is much experimentation with different teaching approaches.

  47. Facilities are inadequate for catering for a variety of classroom activities and learning groups of different sizes.

  48. Seldom are there deadlines to be met.

  49. Very strict discipline is needed to control many of the students.

  50. I often feel lonely and left out of things in the staffroom.

  51. Teachers show considerable interest in the professional activities of their colleagues.

  52. I am expected to maintain very strict control in the classroom.

  53. I have very little say in the running of the school.

  54. New and different ideas are always being tried out in this school.

  55. Projectors for filmstrips, transparencies, and films are usually available when needed.

  56. It is hard to keep up with your work load.

Scale: 1: Strongly disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neither agree nor disagree

4: Agree

5: Strongly agree

Revisions and Notes:

Part III: SACD-Activities Teacher Survey

A. Teacher’s Background and Experience

Citation: Lewis, L., et al. (1999). U.S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics. Teacher Quality: A Report on the Preparation and Qualifications of Public School Teachers.

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


  1. Are you male or female?

  2. Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

  3. What is your race? (American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, White)

  4. Including this school year, how many years have you been employed as a teacher?

  5. Including this school year, how many years have you been employed as a teacher at this school?

  6. What type, if any, general elementary education teaching certificate in this state do you hold?

0: None, no certificate

1: Regular or standard state certificate, or advanced professional certificate

2: Provisional or other type of certificate given to persons who are still participating in what the state calls an “alternative certification program”

3: Probationary certificate (the initial certificate issued after satisfying all requirements except the completion of a probationary period)

4: Temporary certificate (requires some additional college coursework and/or student teaching before regular certification can be obtained)

5: Emergency certificate or waiver (issued to persons with insufficient teacher preparation who must complete a regular certification program in order to continue teaching)

6: Other certificate (specify)

  1. Please indicate the highest degree that you hold.

1: Less than a bachelor’s degree

2: Bachelor’s degree

3: Master’s degree

4: Specialist degree

5: Doctorate degree

6: Other degree (specify)

Revisions and Notes:

  • A sample of items were drawn from the NCES survey and slightly modified to enhance ease of response.

B. Activities You Have Implemented in Your Classroom

Citation: SACD-Activities workgroup developed

Respondent: Teacher


We want to learn about specific activities or programs you have used with your class since the beginning of the school year to address each of the topics listed below. For each topic, please provide the program name and/or a brief description of the activity used to address this topic in your classroom, whether it was done with some or all of your students, and how often the program or activity occurred. If you used more than one program or activity to address a certain topic, please tell us about the activity that affects the greatest number of students. For any topic you did not address in your classroom, mark the box to the left of the item and skip to the next topic area.

B1. Violence prevention/peace promotion: ___________________________________

a. Program/activity included (check):

All students

Some students

b. Program/activity occurred how often (check and indicate frequency):

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B2. Social and emotional development: _______________________________________

a. Program/activity included (check):

All students

Some students

b. Program/activity occurred how often (check and indicate frequency):

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B3. Character education: ____________________________________

a. Program/activity included (check):

All students

Some students

b. Program/activity occurred how often (check and indicate frequency):

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B4. Tolerance and diversity: _________________________________________

a. Program/activity included (check):

All students

Some students

b. Program/activity occurred how often (check and indicate frequency):

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B5. Risk prevention/health promotion: ________________________________________

a. Program/activity included (check):

All students

Some students

b. Program/activity occurred how often (check and indicate frequency):

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B6. Civic responsibility and community service: ________________________________

a. Program/activity included (check):

All students

Some students

b. Program/activity occurred how often (check and indicate frequency):

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B7. What types of materials, if any, have you used in conjunction with the programs or activities listed in this section?

a. Teacher/instructor guides

b. Materials for student completion

c. Instructional aides

d. Giveaways

e. Specific children’s literature

f. Other

g. None of the above

B8. The following is a list of strategies that might be used to promote social and character development. Please indicate below if you have used each strategy with students in your classroom since the beginning of the school year.

a. Role-playing

b. Cooperative learning

c. Peer group discussions

d. Direct instruction of social and character development

e. Skill training (intrapersonal and interpersonal)

f. Highlight/incorporating social and character development content into academic curriculum

g. Parent training

h. Parent/community involvement in program development or delivery

i. Mentoring

j. Good behavior notes sent home daily or weekly

k. Presenting role models

l. Targeted story readings or focused writing on social and character development themes

m. Peer mediation

n. Honor role for positive behavior

o. Pledges and recitations on social and character development themes

p. Guided visualizations

q. Student-lead/Student assisted instruction

r. Journaling

s. Time out of negative behavior

t. Daily or weekly rewards for positive behavior

X1. Now consider the most important single social or organized character development and/or behavior management activity in your classroom. Please write in the name of that program or activity on the line below and answer the following questions bout this program or activity.

____________ (Name of Program or Activity)

X2. Which of the following best describes the teacher or instructor guide (curriculum, manuals, etc.) for this program or activity?

Mark one

  1. No manual or instructor’s guide

  2. General, brief guidelines in conducting this program or activity

  3. A manual with extensive instructions and guidance, such as detailed procedures, lesson plans or scripts for this program or activity

X3. Add which best describes the materials for implementing this program or activity?

Mark one

1 No ready-made materials for use with students

  1. Guidelines but not the actual materials, were provided for me

  2. A kit was provided for me to reproduce the necessary materials

  3. All the necessary materials were provided

X4. Again, thinking about the most important single program or organized social and character development activity, please indicate whether or not you received each of the following types of supervision and support during the past school year in conducting this program or activity.

    1. An administrator, lead teacher, or program consultant/coach observed me conducting this program or activity to provide feedback or supervision

    2. My performance appraisal depended on how well I conducted this program or activity

    3. I was expected to complete a log or record of the implementation of this program or activity

    4. I worked with other teachers to improve the way this program or activity is conducted in this school

    5. The principal and/or other administrators made it clear that full implementation of this program or activity was required in our school

    6. A school counselor, administrator, other teacher, or program consultant/coach supported me in getting this program or activity implemented

Revisions and Notes:

  • Items X1-X4 were added for Spring 2007 data collection.

B9. Please think about behavior management programs or activities that you have used with your class since the beginning of the school year to address social and character development. By behavior management we mean strategies or techniques designed to maximize positive behaviors and minimize negative behaviors. Typical examples are sticker or star charts, points or token program, time out for disruptive behavior, and daily and weekly reward programs.

Do you have any behavior management programs or activities going on in your classroom?

No – go to 10B

Yes – List name and description of the program below:

B9A: Do you use these behavior and management strategies with

1: All students

2: Some of your students

B9B: Please indicate how often the behavior management program or activity occurs with your students:

Daily: Hours per day, weeks this semester

Weekly: Hours per week, weeks this semester

Monthly: Hours per month, months this semester

One time: Estimate total number of hours

As needed: Estimate total number of hours

Other: Estimate total number of hours

B10. The following is a list of school activities that might be used with students through the school that are devoted to promoting social and character development. Please indicate whether each has been used in your school to address social and character development since the beginning of the school year.

      1. morning announcements or videos

      2. school assemblies

      3. school newspapers or bulletins

      4. special school days

      5. special events

      6. other (specify)

Answers choices include “used in school” or “not used”.

C. School Support for Social and Character Development

Citation: SACD-Activities workgroup developed

Respondent: Teacher


C1. How often does each of the following happen at your school?

a. How often do teachers and staff in your school model positive traits of character and behaviors with students?

b. How often do teachers and staff in your school model positive traits of character and behaviors with other teachers?

c. How often do teachers and staff in your school involve students in decision making?

d. How often do students have a voice in school governance or role setting?

e. How often does this school actively encourage parents to get involved in their children’s social and character development?

f. How often do discipline strategies focus on promoting development rather than merely punishing for misbehavior?

1: All/Almost all of the time

2: Most of the time

3: Some of the time

4: Hardly ever

5: Never,

6: Don’t know

D. School-Level Environment Questionnaire

Citation: Fisher, D.L, & Fraser, B. J. (1991). Validity and use of school environment instruments. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 26, 13-18.

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


  1. There are many disruptive, difficult students in the school.

  2. I seldom receive encouragement from colleagues.

  3. Teachers frequently discuss teaching methods and strategies with each other.

  4. I am often supervised to ensure that I follow directions correctly.

  5. Decisions about the running of the school are usually made by the principal or a small group of teachers.

  6. It is very difficult to change anything in this school.

  7. The school or department library includes an adequate selection of books and periodicals.

  8. There is constant pressure to keep working.

  9. Most students are helpful and cooperative to teachers.

  10. I feel accepted by other teachers.

  11. Teachers avoid talking with each other about teaching and learning.

  12. I am not expected to conform to a particular teaching style.

  13. I have to refer even small matters to a senior member of staff for a final answer.

  14. Teachers are encouraged to be innovative in this school.

  15. The supply of equipment and resources is inadequate.

  16. Teachers have to work long hours to complete all their work.

  17. Most students are pleasant and friendly to teachers.

  18. I am ignored by other teachers.

  19. Professional matters are seldom discussed during staff meetings.

  20. It is considered very important that I closely follow syllabuses and lesson plans.

  21. Action can usually be taken without gaining the approval of the subject department head or a senior member of staff.

  22. There is a great deal of resistance to proposals for curriculum change.

  23. Video equipment, tapes, and files are readily available and accessible.

  24. Teachers don’t have to work very hard in this school.

  25. There are many noisy, badly-behaved students.

  26. I feel that I could rely on my colleagues for assistance if I needed it.

  27. Many teachers attend inservice and other professional development courses.

  28. There are few rules and regulations that I am expected to follow.

  29. Teachers are frequently asked to participate in decisions concerning administrative policies and procedures.

  30. Most teachers like the idea of change.

  31. Adequate duplicating facilities and services are available to teachers.

  32. There is no time for teachers to relax.

  33. Students get along well with teachers.

  34. My colleagues seldom take notice of my professional views and opinions.

  35. Teachers show little interest in what is happening in other schools.

  36. I am allowed to do almost as I please in the classroom.

  37. I am encouraged to make decisions without reference to a senior member of staff.

  38. New courses or curriculum materials are seldom implemented in the school.

  39. Tape recorders and cassettes are seldom available when needed.

  40. You can take it easy and still get the work done.

  41. Most students are well-mannered and respectful to the school staff.

  42. I feel that I have many friends among my colleagues at this school.

  43. Teachers are keen to learn from their colleagues.

  44. My classes are expected to use prescribed textbooks and prescribed resource materials.

  45. I must ask my subject department head or senior member of staff before I do most things.

  46. There is much experimentation with different teaching approaches.

  47. Facilities are inadequate for catering for a variety of classroom activities and learning groups of different sizes.

  48. Seldom are there deadlines to be met.

  49. Very strict discipline is needed to control many of the students.

  50. I often feel lonely and left out of things in the staffroom.

  51. Teachers show considerable interest in the professional activities of their colleagues.

  52. I am expected to maintain very strict control in the classroom.

  53. I have very little say in the running of the school.

  54. New and different ideas are always being tried out in this school.

  55. Projectors for filmstrips, transparencies, and films are usually available when needed.

  56. It is hard to keep up with your work load.

Scale: 1: Strongly disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neither agree nor disagree

4: Agree

5: Strongly agree

Revisions and Notes:

E. Feelings of Safety at School

Citation: None; IES/CDC developed this measure based on a review of previous survey instruments.

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


1. Students feel safe at this school.

  1. Students are afraid that someone will hurt them at school.

Scale: 1: Strongly disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neither agree nor disagree

4: Agree

5: Strongly agree

Revisions and Notes:

F. Professional Development in Social and Character Development

Citation: SACD-Activities workgroup developed

Respondent: Teacher Report on Classroom and School


D1. Regarding your professional development, in which of the following categories have you attended or participated in training in the last 6 months?

Choices include: violence prevention, social and emotional character development, character education, tolerance/diversity, risk prevention/health promotion, civic responsibility and community service, behavior management, other, none.

D2. During the past 12 months, approximately how many hours in total have you received training in these social and character development activities?

D3. Teachers and staff can hold a range of different opinions about having social and character development activities in school. Which of the following best describes your attitude?

Choices include: 1. I am enthusiastic about social and character development efforts in this school, 2. I am cooperative but not enthusiastic, 3. I openly dislike.

Revision and Notes:


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSocial and Character Development
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File Modified2006-12-20
File Created2006-12-20

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