not yet approved program form

Evaluate the Effects of the National Scenic Byways Program Grants


National scenic byways program

OMB: 2125-0611

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National Scenic Byways Program Form
1. Which category best describes the location of this project?
Project that is associated with a highway that has been designated as a
National Scenic Byway, All-American Road, State Scenic Byway or
Indian tribe scenic byway.
Project that is associated with the development of a State or Indian tribe
scenic byway program.

2. Choose the Grant Category that most completely reflects the main elements of your project.
State or Byway Program: An activity related to the planning, design, or development of a State or Indian tribe scenic
byway program.
Corridor Management Plan: Development and implementation of a corridor management plan to maintain the
scenic, historical, recreational, cultural, natural, and archaeological characteristics of a byway corridor while
providing for accommodation of increased tourism and development of related amenities.
Safety Improvements: Safety improvements to a State scenic byway, Indian tribe scenic byway, National Scenic
Byway or an All-American Road to the extent that the improvements are necessary to accommodate increased
traffic and changes in the types of vehicles using the highway as a result of the designation as a State scenic byway,
Indian tribe scenic byway, National Scenic Byway or an All-American Road.
Byway Facilities: Construction along a scenic byway of a facility for pedestrians and bicyclists, rest area, turnout,
highway shoulder improvement, overlook or interpretive facility.
Access to Recreation: An improvement to a scenic byway that will enhance access to an area for the purpose of
recreation, including water related recreation.
Resource Protection: Protection of scenic, historical, recreational, cultural, natural and archaeological resources in
an area adjacent to a scenic byway.
Interpretive Information: Development and provision of tourist information to the public, including interpretive
information about a scenic byway.
Marketing: Development and implementation of a scenic byway marketing program.

3. Have you applied for a grant for this project in a previous year?


4. Please list all byways involved in this project:

5. Do the byways involved in the project cross any
Federal Lands? (Check all that apply)
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Land Management
Fish and Wildlife Service
National Park Service
US Forest Service
Other (specify):

6a. Is this a Multi-State grant application?


6b. List the States that are included:

6c. How will the funds be distributed?
To each State
To lead State (specify):
Select aa State

7. Have you received authorization from your State Byway Agency to apply for a National Scenic Byways
Program grant?


8. Have you received authorization from your Byway to apply for a National Scenic Byway Program grant?


9. If this project is selected for funding, please indicate your preference for the allocation of funds to carry out
the project:
FHWA allocates the funds for the project to the State DOT
FHWA allocates the funds for the project to a Federal Land Management Agency (BLM, BIA, FWS, NPS, USFS or
other Federal agency) (contact info required) **
FHWA allocates the funds for the project to an Indian tribe or tribal government (contact info required) **
** Note: if you choose to have funds allocated to an organization other than the State DOT, you will need to add
contact information for the contact person for that agency to the “Key Contacts” Form. The project Role for this
contact should be “Agency Contact” or “Tribal Organization Contact”; whichever matches best.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleForm-NationalScenicBywaysProgramForm.xls
File Modified2006-08-30
File Created2006-08-30

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