Agency Federal Register Notice


Patent License Report

Agency Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2700-0010

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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 197 / Thursday, October 12, 2006 / Notices

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

Decree), and the State of Delaware will
hold an environmental covenant for the
Pike Property to protect it in perpetuity.
Defendants will reimburse each Trustee
for its Damage Assessment Costs, and
make a payment to Delaware for
groundwater injuries. Defendants will
pay $2,237,205 for the above-mentioned
projects and costs.
The Department of Justice will receive
for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of this publication comments
relating to the Consent Decree.
Comments should be addressed to the
Assistant Attorney General,
Environment and Natural Resources
Division, P.O. Box 7611, U.S.
Department of Justice, Washington, DC
20044–7611, and should refer to United
States and the State of Delaware v. E.I.
Du Pont De Nemours & Company, Inc.,
and CIBA Speciality Chemicals
Corporation, D.J. Ref. 90–11–2–883/2.
The Consent Decree may be examined
at the Office of the United States
Attorney, for the District of Delaware,
1007 Orange Street, Suite 700,
Wilmington, Delaware. During the
public comment period, the Consent
Decree, may also be examined on the
following Department of Justice Web
Consent_Decrees.html. A copy of the
Consent Decree may also be obtained by
mail from the Consent Decree Library,
P.O. Box 7611, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, DC 20044–7611 or
by faxing or e-mailing a request to Tonia
Fleetwood ([email protected]),
fax no. (202) 514–0097, phone
confirmation number (202) 514–1547. In
requesting a copy from the Consent
Decree Library, please enclose a check
in the amount of $6.00 (25 cents per
page reproduction cost) payable to the
U.S. Treasury.
A copy of the Consent Decree may
also be obtained at the offices of the
Delaware Department of Natural
Resources and Environmental Control,
Division of Air and Waste Management,
Site Investigation and Restoration
Branch, 391 Lukens Drive, New Castle,
Delaware 19720, Main phone number:
302–395–2600, Site Name: DuPont
Newport NRDA DE–X009. Contacts:
Jane Biggs Sanger, Elizabeth LaSorte, or
Robert Newsome. An electronic version
of the Consent Decree and the DARP can
be viewed at http://
Robert Brook,
Assistant Chief, Environmental Enforcement
Section, Environment and Natural Resources
[FR Doc. 06–8631 Filed 10–11–06; 8:45 am]

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Notice of Information Collection
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA).
Notice: (06–076).
ACTION: Notice of information collection.

SUMMARY: The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C.
DATES: All comments should be
submitted within 60 calendar days from
the date of this publication.
ADDRESSES: All comments should be
addressed to Mr. Walter Kit, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Washington, DC 20546–0001.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument(s) and instructions should
be directed to Mr. Walter Kit, NASA
PRA Officer, NASA Headquarters, 300 E
Street, SW., JE000, Washington, DC
20546, (202) 358–1350, [email protected].

I. Abstract
Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 209, applicants
for a license under a patent or patent
application must submit information in
support of their request for a license.
NASA uses the submitted information
to grant the license.
II. Method of Collection
The current paper-based system is
used to collect the information. It is
deemed not cost effect to collect the
information using a Web site form since
the applications submitted vary
significantly in format and volume.
III. Data
Title: Application for Patent License.
OMB Number: 2700–0039.
Type of review: Extension of currently
approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit, and individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 60.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Annual Responses: 60.
Hours per Request: 10 hours.
Annual Burden Hours: 600.

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IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of NASA, including
whether the information collected has
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
NASA’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including automated
collection techniques or the use of other
forms of information technology.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection.
They will also become a matter of
public record.
Gary Cox,
Deputy Chief Information Officer (Acting).
[FR Doc. E6–16854 Filed 10–11–06; 8:45 am]

Notice of Information Collection
National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA).
Notice: (06–077).
ACTION: Notice of information collection.

SUMMARY: The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C.
DATES: All comments should be
submitted within 60 calendar days from
the date of this publication.
ADDRESSES: All comments should be
addressed to Mr. Walter Kit, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Washington, DC 20546–0001.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument(s) and instructions should
be directed to Mr. Walter Kit, NASA
PRA Officer, NASA Headquarters, 300 E
Street, SW., JE000, Washington, DC
20546, (202) 358–1350, [email protected].



Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 197 / Thursday, October 12, 2006 / Notices
I. Abstract
NASA grants patent licenses for the
commercial application of NASAowned inventions. Each licensee is
required to report annually on it
activities in commercializing its
licensed inventions(s) and on any
royalties due. NASA attorneys use this
information to determine of a licensee is
achieving and maintaining practical
application of the licensed inventions as
required by its license agreement.
II. Method of Collection
The current paper-based system is
used to collect the information. It is
deemed not cost effect to collect the
information using a Web site form since
the reports submitted vary significantly
in format and volume.
III. Data
Title: Patent License Report.
OMB Number: 2700–0010.
Type of review: Extension of currently
approved collection.
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit; individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 90.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Annual Responses: 90.
Hours per Request: 0.5 hour.
Annual Burden Hours: 45.
Frequency of Report: Annually.

rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES

IV. Request for Comments
Comments are invited on: (1) Whether
the proposed collection of information
is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of NASA, including
whether the information collected has
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
NASA’s estimate of the burden
(including hours and cost) of the
proposed collection of information; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including automated
collection techniques or the use of other
forms of information technology.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the request for OMB
approval of this information collection.
They will also become a matter of
public record.
Gary Cox,
Deputy Chief Information Officer (Acting).
[FR Doc. E6–16855 Filed 10–11–06; 8:45 am]

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[Docket No. 52–011]

Southern Nuclear Operating Company;
Notice of Hearing and Opportunity to
Petition for Leave to Intervene on An
Early Site Permit for the Vogtle ESP
Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of
1954, as amended (the Act), and the
regulations in Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 50, Domestic
Licensing of Production and Utilization
Facilities, Part 52, Early Site Permits,
Standard Design Certifications, and
Combined Licenses for Nuclear Power
Plants, and Part 2, Rules of Practice for
Domestic Licensing Proceedings and
Issuance of Orders, notice is hereby
given that a hearing will be held, at a
time and place to be set in the future by
the United States Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC, the Commission) or
designated Atomic Safety and Licensing
Board (Board). The hearing will
consider the application dated August
14, 2006, filed by Southern Nuclear
Operating Company (SNC), pursuant to
Subpart A of 10 CFR part 52 for an early
site permit (ESP). The application
which was supplemented by letters
dated August 17, September 6 (two
letters), and September 13, 2006
requests approval of a site located in
eastern Georgia (near Waynesboro,
Georgia) identified as the Vogtle ESP
site, for one or more new nuclear
reactors that would, if authorized for
construction and operation in a separate
licensing proceeding under subpart C of
10 CFR part 52 or under 10 CFR part 50,
have a capacity of no more than 6800
Megawatts (thermal) additional for the
site. The application was accepted for
docketing on September 19, 2006. The
docket number established for this
application is 52–011.
The hearing will be conducted by a
Board which will be designated by the
Chairman of the Atomic Safety and
Licensing Board Panel or by the
Commission. Notice as to the
membership of the Board will be
published in the Federal Register at a
later date.
The NRC staff will complete a
detailed technical review of the
application and will document its
findings in a safety evaluation report
(SER) and an environmental impact
statement (EIS). In addition, the
Commission will refer a copy of the
application to the Advisory Committee
on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) in
accordance with 10 CFR 52.23, and the
ACRS will report on those portions of
the application that concern safety.

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Upon receipt of the ACRS report and
completion of the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) staff’s SER and EIS,
the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, NRC, will propose findings
on the following issues:
Issues Pursuant to the Atomic Energy
Act of 1954, as Amended
(1) Whether the issuance of an ESP
will be inimical to the common defense
and security or to the health and safety
of the public (Safety Issue 1); and (2)
whether, taking into consideration the
site criteria contained in 10 CFR part
100, a reactor, or reactors, having
characteristics that fall within the
parameters for the site, can be
constructed and operated without
undue risk to the health and safety of
the public (Safety Issue 2).
Issue Pursuant to the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as Amended
Whether, in accordance with the
requirements of subpart A of 10 CFR
part 51, the ESP should be issued as
The Board will conduct the hearing in
accordance with 10 CFR part 2. If the
hearing is contested as defined by 10
CFR 2.4, the Board will consider Safety
Issues 1 and 2 and the issue pursuant to
NEPA set forth above.
If the hearing is not a contested
proceeding as defined in 10 CFR 2.4, the
Board will determine without
conducting a de novo review: Whether
the application and the record of the
proceeding contain sufficient
information, and the review of the
application by the Commission’s staff
has been adequate to support a negative
finding on Safety Issue 1 above, and an
affirmative finding on Safety Issue 2
above, as proposed to be made by the
Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation; and whether the review
conducted by the Commission pursuant
to NEPA has been adequate.
Regardless of whether the proceeding
is contested or uncontested, the Board
will: (1) Determine whether the
requirements of Section 102(2)(A), (C),
and (E) of NEPA and subpart A of 10
CFR part 51 have been complied with in
the proceeding; (2) independently
consider the final balance among the
conflicting factors contained in the
record of the proceeding with a view to
determining the appropriate action to be
taken; and (3) determine, after
considering reasonable alternatives,
whether the ESP should be issued,
denied, or appropriately conditioned to
protect environmental values.
In accordance with 10 CFR 2.309, any
person whose interest may be affected



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2006-10-11
File Created2006-10-11

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