Interoperable Communications Technology Program (ICTP)
Telephone Survey Guide
December 30, 2006
Interview Report Cover Sheet
Grant ORI # ____________________
Lead Agency: __________________________________________________________________
Grant Amount: ________________________
Award Date: __03 __04 __05 ___06
Types of
Communications Enhancements: ___ voice ___ data ___video
Expected Ending Date (M/Y)_________ or Date Grant was Closed (M/Y)_____________
Phone_____________________ Email_______________________________
Phone: Email:
Interview Date:
2. Name:
Phone: Email:
Interview Date:
3. Name:
Phone: Email:
Interview Date:
4. Name:
Phone: Email:
Interview Date:
5. Name:
Phone: Email:
Interview Date:
ICTP Assessment Telephone Survey Guide
Need for the Grant
We are aware of some of the interoperability issues you faced before the ICTP grant award, based on your jurisdiction’s grant application to COPS. But we would like to start by making sure we have the viewpoints of as many project partners and key personnel as possible.
1. Interoperability issues. How would you describe the main interoperability issues that your organization wanted to resolve with ICTP grant funding? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Example(s). What are some specific examples of how these issues affected your agency’s or other agencies’ ability to effectively handle various types of emergencies—for example, planned events? day-to-day emergencies? major critical incidents or disasters? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Pre-grant needs assessment. In addition to the materials in your grant application package, were any other needs assessments prepared before the grant was awarded, or in the planning phase of your project?
REQUEST MATERIALS Ask for copies of any reports that include baseline data/information about the efficiency and effectiveness of pre-grant communications.
Overview of Grant Implementation
We want to make sure we have accurate information about the technologies (to be) purchased and, if more than one set of major purchases is involved, a better understanding of your timeline for each. (Later in the survey, we’ll explore some issues related to each main stage of the process—planning, acquisition, implementation, etc.)
3. ICTP grant-supported technologies. What are the primary technologies, equipment, and related services that were (will be) purchased with ICTP grant funds, and where are you now in the process?
Current Status (check one)
Main |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
E. |
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Changes in plans for technologies. Do any of the technologies, equipment, or services (noted in Q #3 above) that you purchased (plan to purchase) differ substantially from those proposed in your original grant application? If so, why was the change made?
____ A. No changes made or planned.
____ B. Yes, the following changes were
____ C. Yes, the following changes are planned:
REASONS (check best response and explain under “comments”
____ 1. Reconsideration of what was needed
____ 2. Purchases were made from other sources (e.g., local funds)
____ 3. Other equipment, technology, or services represented an
opportunity for cost
____ 4. Other reasons: __________________________________________________
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Financial support for interoperability.
A. Local ICTP match. What is the source of local matching
funds for the ICTP
Other funding sources. In addition to the ICTP grant, what
other funds are currently supporting interoperability enhancements in
Funding Source (check all that apply) |
Amount (approx.) |
Main Purpose/Purchases |
___ other DOJ grant: _______________ |
___ U. S. DHS UASI grant |
___ other U. S. DHS grant:__________ |
___ state DHS grant |
___ local funding:__________________ |
___ other: ________________________ |
___ other: ________________________ |
6. Experiences and recommendations. An important task for this assessment is to recommend how federal agencies—not only COPS but also other Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security agencies—can improve and better coordinate grant application, award, administration, and support processes for future interoperability grants.
A. Please let us know about your ICTP grant experiences with
the following:
Elements of Grant Application and Award Process |
Excellent |
Good |
Fair |
Poor |
N/A |
1. Time between invitation to apply and application due date |
2. Clarity between ICTP grant requirements and other communications interoperability grant opportunities or projects. |
3. Timeliness of COPS staff responses to questions or requests |
4. Experiences in negotiating changes to proposed tasks or budget |
5. Experiences in drawing down grant funds in a timely manner |
B. Did you experience difficulties in obtaining the required 25 percent local match for this project? _____ N ____ Y. Please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. What recommendations do you have for improving any elements of the grant application or award process that you identified as a problem? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7. Local administration. Have there been any changes since
the time of grant award in local administrative responsibility for
this grant (e.g., project moved from police department to city IT
___ N
___ Y: Type of change: _____________________________________________________
Reason for change:___________________________________________________
8. Kick-off training. As you know, COPS and SEARCH provided a kick-off training conference for ICTP grantees.
A. Did you attend the kick-off training? _____N ____ Y
B. How would you rate the timing of the required training provided by SEARCH/COPS?
___ too soon ___ about right ___ too late
C. Comments on timing, convenience, or quality of kick-off training and related materials (e.g., Was the training useful? Did you gain new knowledge? Were the right topics covered?): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9. Technical assistance (TA) for planning activities. Did your project use on-site SEARCH/COPS individualized TA services during the startup or planning phases of your project (i.e., at any point before beginning work on the RFP/acquisition process)?
__ N
____ Not needed during that timeframe.
____ Used another resource for TA:
Other reasons:__________________________________________________
__ Y: Primary issues addressed:
Comments on the TA’s value for the project: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Did you use any other TA from SEARCH (other than on-site)?
_____ N _____ Y: Please describe: ____________________________________________
REQUEST MATERIALS Ask for copies of charter, MOU/MOA, list of governing body membership (agencies and positions), list of project participants (agencies), etc.
Composition of governing body.
___ N/A. Governing
body not yet established.
Name of governing body:
Chair (name/position, e.g., county manager, chief of police,
assistant city manager, etc.):
Summary of Membership of Governing Body |
Composition/characteristics |
N |
Y |
Multi-disciplinary |
Law enforcement, local |
Law enforcement, state |
Law enforcement, tribal |
Law enforcement, federal |
Fire |
Other: ____________________ |
Other: ____________________ |
Other: ____________________ |
Multiple levels of government |
City/town government |
County government |
State government |
Tribal government |
Federal government |
More than one state represented? |
States involved: |
Private sector members |
Vendor(s) |
Other:____________________ |
Other:____________________ |
List all agencies that participate in the communications interoperability project:
11. Governing body formation and scope of work. For this question, we’d like to know more about the process of forming the governing body and its members’ prior working relationships.
A. When was the ICTP project’s governing body formed, and what is its overall scope of work/authority?
___ Formed prior to the ICTP project in (M/Y)_________________to
___ oversee earlier technology initiatives
___ other:
___ Formed at the time of grant application, specifically for the
ICTP project, and
___ governs only this
___ has expanded to govern other projects in addition to ICTP
___ completed the ICTP grant project, then
___ disbanded before
completion of ICTP grant project
For either case above, was there a specific incident or crisis that
motivated formation of the governing body? ___N ___ Y:
Please explain:
C. Comments on working relationships among governing body members on prior, related projects (benefits, drawbacks of having prior associations/joint projects):
12. Commitment. What types of commitments have governing body members made to the ICTP project? (Note to interviewer: What we are looking for here is the degree of formality of the participants’ commitment to work together.)
___ Informal commitments or no formal commitments beyond letter of support for ICTP grant application
___ Formal (written) agreements/MOUs between/among some members
___ Formal project charter or similar written statement of scope, objectives, etc., to which
___most or ___all members have agreed
___ Other:________________________________________________________________
13. Effectiveness. (Note to interviewer: Ask this question of several respondents so that answers can be compared.)
A. How would you describe the governing body’s effectiveness to date in the following aspects of the project?
Governing Body Roles |
Very |
Somewhat |
Not |
Not yet addressed |
Not in scope of work |
1. Launching the project |
2. Gaining financial support for the project |
3. Garnering political support for the project |
4. Developing a decision making structure/process |
5. Developing policies |
6. Fostering communication among agencies and jurisdictions |
7. Coordinating local, regional, and state-level systems |
8. Other:____________________________ |
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Lessons learned/recommendations. How would you recommend improving the governing body’s effectiveness in the areas you noted as weaknesses?
14. Missing partners. Are there agencies, levels of government, or organizations that should be part of the governing body but are not members?
____ N
____ Y: ________________________________________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15. Part of strategic plan. Is the ICTP project part of an overall strategic plan for interoperable public safety communications…
in your own agency? Y N
in your region? Y N
in your state? Y N
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
16. Coordination with other initiatives. (Refer to response to Q 5-B on other funding sources for interoperability). How was (is) the ICTP project coordinated with other initiatives to enhance interoperability in your region (e.g., same governing body, same project manager)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What challenges are associated with coordinating these projects (e.g., fragmented funding schedules, conflicting or differing grantor requirements, competition for same funds, drain on staff time, incompatible technologies, etc.)
17. Agency goals. What are your agency’s longer-term communication goals for interoperability (such as organizational goals, technological goals, or operational goals), and how does the primary technology acquired under ICTP (_________________________________) fit with those long-range plans? (Note to interviewer: focus on future applications.)
18. Regional goals. What are the longer-term goals for interoperability in your region (among multiple agencies, disciplines, and/or jurisdictions)? How does the primary technology acquired under ICTP fit with those long-range goals? (Note to interviewer: focus on future applications.)
initial COPS/SEARCH training for ICTP grantees emphasized an 8-step
“roadmap” for IT projects; and 5 of the 8 steps relate to
planning that would be done before starting the procurement process.
The first steps have to do with (1) initiating the project and (2)
setting up a decision making structure (via the governing body
discussed earlier).
The next questions have to do with
the other planning steps. We realize that planning for your project
may not have been done in exactly the same manner or order as
described in the “roadmap.”
REQUEST MATERIALS Ask for copies of documents noted in Q’s 19-22 below: project charter, needs analysis, business process plan, project plan, performance measures.
19. Project charter (roadmap step 3). Do you have a charter for your project? (defined as a document that states the project scope and objectives, and that serves as a reference point for measuring project activities)
__ N Comments:___________________________________________________________
__ Y (request a copy)
Comments on benefits: _________________________________________________
Comments on difficulties in reaching agreement: ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
20. Needs analysis (roadmap step 4). After your project was up and running, did you conduct a needs analysis as part of your planning process?
__ N
__ conducted before grant application was submitted
__ not needed
___ plan to conduct it later
__ other: _____________________________________________________________
__ Y (request a copy)
If yes:
A. Did the needs analysis include a business process plan (flow diagrams of current system vs. planned)? ___ N ___Y (request a copy)
B. How did the needs analysis results affect your original plan?
21. Project plan (roadmap step 5). Did you develop a project plan to guide the next steps for acquiring, implementing, and managing the new technology?
__ N
__ plan is contained in the grant application
__ not needed
__ other: _____________________________________________________________
__ Y (request a copy)
Comments on benefits, challenges involved in developing the project plan: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
22. Performance measures. Does the project plan, charter, or some other document contain specific performance measures that have been adopted for this project?
__ N
__ Y (request a copy)
How did you develop those measures? Are you using them?
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
23. Lessons learned/recommendations. Based on your experiences, what lessons learned or advice do you believe is most important for others to consider when planning this type of project?
REQUEST MATERIALS Ask for copies of RFP and contract.
24. RFP development.
A. What problems, if any, did you experience (do you anticipate) in developing the RFP for the main technology(ies)/equipment funded by the ICTP grant?
B. Did you receive (do you anticipate receiving) outside technical assistance with developing the RFP?
___ N
___ Y TA provider, e.g., SEARCH, paid consultant, independent expert, other:
C. Did the process of developing the RFP take
___ longer than expected? Reasons:_______________________________________
___ about as much time and effort as expected?
___ less time than expected? Reasons______________________________________
25. Vendor selection.
A. What problems, if any, did you experience (do you anticipate) in selecting a vendor for the primary equipment (and/or services) funded by the ICTP grant? __________________________________________________________________________
B. Was the vendor _____ selected competitively OR ____ a sole source contractor?
If sole source, were there any issues with gaining approvals from the city/county or the COPS Office? ___ N ___Y. Please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Did you receive (do you anticipate receiving) outside technical assistance with the vendor selection process?
___ N
___ Y TA provider, e.g., SEARCH, paid consultant, independent expert, other:
D. Did your project team visit other projects implemented by the vendors under consideration? ___ N ___ Y
Comments (value of doing this): _____________________________________________
E. Did you experience any difficulties in the contract negotiations?
N _____ Y: please describe:
F. Did your project make progress or milestone payments? ___ N ___ Y
26. Lessons learned/recommendations: Based on your experiences, what advice or lessons learned about the acquisition process do you think are most important for others who are getting ready to purchase similar technologies, equipment, or services?
The next set of questions has to do with the personnel responsible for day-to-day project management and for the many technical, coordination, and other activities that must be completed to achieve the project’s objectives. We will want to contact a number of these individuals for more detailed information during the course of the assessment.
27. Project manager. What level of experience did the project manager have prior to the ICTP award with respect to managing IT/communications projects:
___ 0-1 years
___ 2-5 years
___ 6 or more years ____________
How has the project manager’s experience (and/or other qualifications, such as training/education, decisionmaking authority, general management skills/experience) benefited or inhibited progress on this project?
28. Technical team. What qualifications and experience did the in-house technical team bring to the project? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How has this benefited or inhibited progress?
29. Turnover. Please note all positions in which there has been turnover during the course of the project. What has the impact been in terms of delays in reaching major milestones?
Positions Experiencing Turnover |
Related Delays in Reaching Milestones |
___ governing body leadership |
None |
Minor |
Moderate |
Major |
___ police chief /sheriff, lead agency |
___ project mgr, lead agency |
___ project mgr/coordinator, other agencies |
___ technical team leader, lead agency |
___ technical team leader, other agencies |
___ other: |
___ other: |
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
30. Input from end users. Please indicate the extent to which end users in your own agency were (will be) involved in providing input into various phases of the project.
Stages |
Level of Input |
None |
Minimal |
Moderate |
Extensive |
Planning (e.g., needs assessment, project plan development, etc.) |
Acquisition process |
Implementation tasks |
Testing |
Policy development |
Development of SOPs |
Evaluation/performance measurement |
Other |
Comments: Focusing on areas where end users had (will have) more than minimal input, please explain how this was accomplished and the benefits and/or drawbacks of their involvement.
31. Input from upper management. Please indicate the extent to which upper management in your own agency has been (will be) involved in providing input into various phases of the project.
Stages |
Level of Input |
None |
Minimal |
Moderate |
Extensive |
Planning (e.g., needs assessment, project plan development, etc.) |
Acquisition process |
Implementation tasks |
Testing |
Policy development |
Development of SOPs |
Evaluation/performance measurement |
Other |
Comments: Please comment on the main benefits and/or drawbacks of upper management’s involvement in the project.
32. Outside technical assistance. Did you receive (do you anticipate receiving) outside technical assistance with project management?
___ N
___ Y TA provider, e.g., SEARCH, paid consultant, independent expert, other:
33. Implementation. What approach was (will be) used for implementation (check all that apply)?
____ Implemented in all agencies all at once
____ Did a pilot test, then expanded to the rest of the agencies
____ Implemented geographically (in one area after another)
____ Implemented only some of the capabilities of the system, with plans to expand at a future date
____ Other: ________________________________________________________________
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
34. Vendor performance.
A. For the primary technologies/equipment purchased under ICTP (listed in Q 3), please indicate the extent to which the selected vendor met your performance expectations.
Performance factors |
Did not meet expectations |
Met expectations |
Exceeded expectations |
Not in scope of work |
Overall timeliness of work |
Quality of the technology product/equipment |
Coordination with agency tech staff |
Communicating about problems encountered, delays, costs, etc. |
Testing process |
Training |
Maintenance |
Overall value for money spent |
Project management |
Other |
B. Please comment on any of the factors above where the vendor exceeded or met your expectations. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. If you were particularly dissatisfied with certain aspects of the vendor’s performance or technology selected, what (if anything) could have been done earlier in the project to prevent those problems (e.g., better leadership, needs analysis, RFP, personnel, etc.).
35. Outside technical assistance? Did you receive (do you anticipate receiving) outside technical assistance with technology implementation and/or testing?
___ N
___ Y TA provider, e.g., SEARCH, paid consultant, independent expert, other:
36. Lessons learned/recommendations. What lessons or advice about the implementation phase do you have for others who are considering similar technologies/equipment?
37. Initial testing.
A. Please describe the initial testing process for the new technologies/equipment and any difficulties associated with the process (e.g., disruptions in services).
B. Were any significant modifications/changes made based on the testing results?
___ N
___ Y: _________________________________________________________________
If Yes, how did this affect your project timeline?
__ no related delays
__ created minor or anticipated delays
__ resulted in major delays:
REQUEST MATERIALS Ask for copies of SOPs, policies.
38. Standard operating procedures (SOPs). The DHS SAFECOM continuum suggests five progressively hard-to-achieve milestones with respect to SOPs for interoperability. Please consider the event categories listed below and indicate whether there are related policies and procedures in place for interoperability with other disciplines (police, fire, EMS) and across jurisdictions.
Interop Policies in Place? I=Informal F=Formal (written, active) |
Situations Requiring Interoperability |
No |
Yes (I) |
Yes (F) |
W/ other disciplines |
Across jurisdictions |
Planned events |
Day-to-day events (vehicle pursuits, multi-station responses) |
Out of the ordinary events (mass casualties, flipped tanker on highway, etc.) |
Catastrophic events (e.g., massive biochemical attack) |
39. ICTP impact on policy development. To what extent did the ICTP initiative (collaborative process, new technologies) influence development of the formal policies noted above?
40. NIMS interoperability policies. On the DHS SAFECOM continuum, the “optimum” with respect to SOPs is to have interoperability command and control policies that are NIMS (National Incident Management System) compliant.
A. Does your region have NIMS-compliant interoperability policies at this time?
___ Y
___ N. How long do you expect it will take to achieve this? __________
___ Don’t know
B. What are the main challenges you faced (expect to face) in achieving SAFECOM’s “higher levels” with regard to SOPs (regional set of SOPs, NIMS-compliant SOPs)?
41. Agency policies. How did your own agency’s policies and procedures change because of introduction of the new ICTP technologies/equipment? ___ No changes
42. Training delivered. This question concerns the training that has been delivered to date on the use of the new system, who delivered the training, and who was trained.
Audience Trained |
Technology |
Trainer |
#of |
Training |
Training Effectiveness |
Police personnel |
1. Patrol officers/deputies |
2. Field supervisors |
3. Command staff |
4. Agency administrators |
5. Dispatchers/call takers |
6. IT personnel |
7. Other: |
Fire personnel |
8. First responders |
9. Field supervisors |
10. Command staff |
11. Agency administrators |
12. IT personnel |
13. Other: |
EMS personnel |
14. First responders |
15. Field supervisors |
16. Administrators |
17. Other |
Local government personnel |
18. IT personnel |
19. Other: |
NOTES: Trainer can be coded as V (Vendor), A (Academy), P
(Project Personnel), C (City/County personnel), I (Independent
Trainer), O (Other).
Format can be coded as C
(Classroom), T (Tabletop), F (Field exercises, drills), O
Effectiveness can be coded as 1 (inadequate), 2
(adequate), 3 (good), or 4 (excellent)
Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________
43. Usage.
A. How is the new technology/equipment currently being deployed in the field (check all that apply)
___ planned events
___ day to day events
___ out of ordinary events
___ field exercises, drills
___ other:______________________________________________________________
B. What additional usage is planned?___________________________________________
Anticipated starting date: _________________________________________________
C. If the new technology/equipment is not used daily in the field, how frequently is it tested (daily, twice weekly, monthly, etc.)? _____________________________.
Who participates in the testing process (all involved agencies, a sample of agencies, etc.): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
44. Organizational culture. In what ways has the organizational culture in your agency influenced acceptance of—or resistance to—the new technology/equipment? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If resistance is an issue, how is this being addressed?
REQUEST MATERIALS Ask for copies of any data or reports related to ICTP project results: e.g., reports on improved efficiency or effectiveness of communications interoperability and/or public safety operations; surveys on satisfaction of end users (first responders, communications personnel); news articles; formal project evaluation report; etc.
45. Availability of data. What data or reports are
available about the efficiency and effectiveness of the new
technology (request copies of reports)?
46. Efficiency.
A. How has the new ICTP technology improved the efficiency of communications interoperability in your jurisdiction/region? What are some specific examples?
B. How has the new ICTP technology improved the efficiency of public safety operations in your jurisdiction/region? What are some specific examples?
47. Effectiveness.
A. How has the new ICTP technology improved the effectiveness of communications interoperability in your jurisdiction/region? What are some specific examples?
B. How has the new ICTP technology improved the effectiveness of public safety operations in your jurisdiction/region? What are some specific examples?
48. Enabling effects. (If not discussed in previous response:)
A. What are some of the most important, specific things that first responders can do now that they could not do before the ICTP technology was implemented?
B. How have these new capabilities affected public safety operations?
49. Evaluation.
Has there been any formal evaluation of the entire project (e.g., by university-based or other researchers)?
___ N
___ Y (request a copy)
50. End user satisfaction.
A. In what ways have you measured first responders’ satisfaction with the technology?
__ Informal measures (observing, asking
informally, etc.)
__ Meetings, debriefings,
focus groups
__ Survey (request a copy of
B. What do first responders report are the new technology’s greatest benefits?
C. What are the greatest drawbacks that first responders have identified with the technology?
D. In what ways have you measured dispatchers/communications personnel’s satisfaction with the technology?
__ Informal measures (observing, asking
informally, etc.)
__ Meetings, debriefings,
focus groups
__ Survey (request a copy of
E. What do dispatchers report are the new technology’s greatest benefits?
F. What are the greatest drawbacks that dispatchers have identified with the technology?
51. Success stories. Do you have any success stories to share that illustrate how lives were saved or crises were controlled or averted because of the new technologies or equipment acquired with ICTP funds?
52. Community policing.
A. Please comment on any ways in which community policing in your jurisdiction benefited the ICTP grant project (e.g., with partnership formation, information sharing, joint planning, etc.).
B. Please comment on any ways in which the new ICTP technology has enhanced your agency’s community policing capabilities.
53. Citizen satisfaction. What evidence do you have of citizen satisfaction with or understanding of the new level of interoperability achieved through the ICTP project? (request articles, reports) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A key objective for this assessment is to determine what impact the ICTP project has had on the working relationships among the many partners in these projects.
54. Collaboration. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that your ICTP project is characterized by the following. (Responses will remain anonymous and will be reported in statistical form only.) (Note to interviewer: Ask this question of several respondents so that answers can be compared.)
Partnership Characteristics |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Regular communication |
Effective communication |
Effective decision making structure |
Means to solve problems at various stages |
Agreement among partners that project is achieving mutual goals |
Willingness of partners to give up a measure of control for the common good |
55. Future changes.
Have you made any plans to upgrade, change, or replace the system in the future?
____ N
____ Y: Please explain: ___________________________________________________
56. Governing body.
A. Has the governing body continued operate after the ICTP grant project ended?
____ N Reasons: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
____ Y
If Yes
B. What role does it play with respect to maintaining the ICTP acquisitions? With respect to expanding on the capabilities acquired through ICTP?
C. What other interoperability (or other IT) initiatives does it currently have oversight for?
57. Funding.
A. Is funding in place for maintaining the ICTP acquisitions? __N __Y
Upgrading them? ___ N __ Y
Eventually replacing the new systems/equipment ___N ___ Y
B. To what extent do plans for future interoperability improvements depend on the availability of
Federal funds?
State funds?
Local funds?
58. Future federal funding for interoperability.
This ICTP assessment project is charged with providing recommendations to DOJ, DHS, and Congress with respect to future interoperability grant funding initiatives. Based on your experiences, and your anticipated needs, what are the top three recommendations you would like to see included?
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
59. State and local support for interoperability. How can local and state government better support interoperability initiatives in your region? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other comments on the ICTP project or assessment?
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: A person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up 1.5 hours per response, which includes time for reviewing documentation. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspects of the collection of this information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the COPS Office; 1100 Vermont Avenue, NW; Washington, D.C. 20530, and to the Public Use Reports Project, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C. 20503.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Heading 1 |
Author | Tom McEwen |
Last Modified By | lbryant |
File Modified | 2007-05-09 |
File Created | 2007-05-09 |