B. Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
Explain sampling methods.
The primary data gathering instruments designed to employ statistical methods are the needs assessment surveys, focus group protocols, and interview protocols. No incentives, financial or otherwise, will be offered to participants.
Describe statistical survey methodology.
REL Midwest’s needs assessment methodology will include a carefully integrated program of quantitative surveys and qualitative research to inform its regional work.
Key themes such as testing, education technology, English language learners, and school programs intended to improve behavior, character, and responsibility will be addressed over the course of the five-year contract period primarily through the following primary quantitative and qualitative approaches.
The quantitative research with local and state educational leaders will take place in Years 1, 3, and 4.. A survey will be constructed and disseminated in Year 1. Many questions developed for the basic instrument in Year 1 will be repeated in Years 3 and 4 in order to track responses over time. (REL Midwest expects some questions to be adjusted over time due to changing policies or emerging trends and hypotheses but plan to hold the core of the quantitative work steady in order to effectively track changes in opinion.) Additionally, an oversample of teachers in Year 4 will provide opportunities to enrich the data sets with fresh perspectives.
In Years 2 and 4, the emphasis will be on qualitative exploration of key themes, through which REL Midwest can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics, explore the impacts of new information on responses, and develop hypotheses that can be tested through the following year’s quantitative research.
While the methods described above represent the major data collection sources, several other sources will serve to substantiate findings from these methods. Other sources include real time analysis of ongoing commentary, unsolicited requests from the field (stored in the needs and responses database), information on needs and priorities from webcasts, and feedback from training workshops and other technical assistance activities. The identification, assessment, and analysis will be within and across stakeholder groups to the extent the samples and response rates allow.
Describe procedures for collecting information.
The quantitative questionnaire/survey is designed for state and local educational leaders only. The survey will only be administered to those who have either a professional background and current experience in K-12 education settings, or an intensive involvement in education advocacy. Parents will not be administered this survey.
The survey sample will include a total of 2,800 participants, consisting of 100 state level educators and policymakers per state and 300 district and school level education stakeholders per state. A description of the state and district level participants, as well as the methods to be used in randomly sampling state and district participants are described below.
State-Level Sample. The state level sample is a functional group. Each state-level sample will be designed to yield approximately 100 interviews per state, resulting in approximately 700 state-level interviews across the entire REL Midwest region. After extensive background research and planning, REL Midwest has identified and compiled a functional state-level sample that consists of the following categories:
State legislators that sit on one or more education committees
State legislators’ education staff
State Department of Education Professionals and State Board Members
State and local Chamber of Commerce Executives
REL Midwest obtained state-level contact information through web searches, telephone calls to various agencies, and through our longstanding relationships with states in the region. The method for obtaining contact lists for each respondent category is described below. In most cases, lists include respondent name, position, telephone, email address, and mailing address.
State legislators that sit on one or more education committees: Database available through the Education Commission of the States (ECS). A subscription is necessary to access the database.
State legislators’ education staff: Database available through the Education Commission of the States (ECS). A subscription is necessary to access the database.
State Department of Education Professionals: In two states, a database containing information for all DOE staff was available online. In the five remaining states, REL Midwest contacted a representative at each Department of Education, informed them of the Needs Assessment study, and requested a list of all DOE staff. Once the DOE staff list was obtained, REL Midwest selected DOE staff members to include in the state-level database by position title.
State and local Chamber of Commerce Executives: Obtained online, through each state’s Chamber of Commerce website.
The state education leadership sample will be divided into subgroups, which will be defined by respondent type (legislators, Department of Education staff, Chamber of Commerce executives, etc.). Via a random selection process, each subgroup will divide the sample into representative “minisamples” or replicates. Standard best practices of replicate control measures will be employed to ensure highest possible response rates. (We will thoroughly “work” each replicate before opening a subsequent one. In this way, the integrity of the sample will be maintained by allowing only a representative sample to be available for dialing). Quotas will be set for the total number of interviews to be completed in each state. In this way, each state has an adequate number of responses to be individually analyzed.. State subgroups will be proportionately represented in each replicate and in the total sample for each state. These quotas are set to ensure adequate state-level representation of the smaller subgroups in the final sample of completed interviews. When reporting results for the region, state-level results will be weighted to proportionately represent the regional population using the selected strata.
District-Level Sample. Each state also will have 300 interviews conducted at the district level, which will be divided into three groups: superintendents and assistant superintendents, school board presidents, and K-12 principals.
The district-level leadership sample will be purchased through MDR, a division of Dunn and Bradstreet. MDR conducts a census of educational institutions nationwide twice a year and updates their directories of superintendents, principals, and teachers to include names, position titles, geographic data, physical work address, e-mail address, and phone numbers. The MDR data base covers every district and school in the country.
Similar to the state-level sample, the district leadership sample will be divided into subgroups, which will be defined by respondent type (principals, superintendents and school board presidents). To ensure regional representation, the district-level survey sampling will begin with stratifying each state in the region based on type of locale, percentage of students who receive free or reduced-price lunch, and student minority status. Districts will be randomly and proportionally selected from these strata. For each state, quotas will be set for the number of interviews to be completed to ensure that the number of completed interviews in each state is large enough for analysis. Within each state, our three subsamples are proportionately represented. Across the seven states, a quota is in place to ensure a significant number for each state, regardless of population size. Stratifying the sample in this way will ensure that we will be able to reliably analyze and report on opinions of defined positions both within a state and across the Midwest region. The number of district-level interviews by subgroup are as follows:
Illinois |
Iowa |
Indiana |
Minnesota |
Ohio |
Michigan |
Wisconsin |
Principals |
198 |
193 |
222 |
203 |
214 |
226 |
209 |
Superintendents |
51 |
54 |
39 |
48 |
43 |
37 |
45 |
School Board Presidents |
51 |
54 |
39 |
48 |
43 |
37 |
45 |
Total |
300 |
300 |
300 |
300 |
300 |
300 |
300 |
In following the randomization procedures described above, REL Midwest will select a sample that is an approximate microcosm of the state and district samples as defined above. The number of interviews completed per subsample will correspond to the size of that population for each state as shown above. The margin of error will be based upon a 95% level of confidence. When reporting results for the region, results of the state and district samples will be weighted to proportionately represent the regional population using the selected strata.
A different random sample will be generated for each data collection period (e.g., Year 2 and Year 4). Because REL Midwest and Public Agenda are generating an independent random sample each time they conduct surveys and focus groups, burden will be minimized by maintaining a low probability that they will speak with the same participants within a set of organizations multiple times over the five-year contract period.
REL Midwest will work with Princeton Data Source to administer the CATI and online surveys. Princeton Data Source (PDS) is an affiliate of Princeton Survey Research Associates International, located in Princeton, N.J. and Washington D.C. PDS specializes in providing high-quality research by telephone, mail and online from a state-of-the-art facility in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Founded in 1999, PDS provides data for clients who need independent, reliable information about the attitudes, knowledge and behavior of the general public, as well as of defined subgroups.
Qualitative data collection will be conducted with a cross section of education stakeholders, including state and local policymakers, K-12 teachers and administrators, and parents. The focus group moderators and interviewers are either staff members of Public Agenda or consultants that Public Agenda have worked with extensively in the past. These moderators have extensive experience in working with stakeholders on education policy topics. The focus group questionnaire for parents contains open-ended questions that are qualitatively different than those designed for teachers, administrators, and policymakers. These questions are geared toward parents that have diverse levels of experience working as professionals or volunteers at the district and school level.
Table 4 provides subgroup sample sizes, response rates, and target completion rates.
Table 4. Participants’ Subgroup Sample Sizes, Response Rates, and Target Completions
Subgroup |
Estimate Population Size |
Sample Selected |
Expected Response Rate |
Target Completions |
State level survey respondents |
3,500 |
700 |
80% |
Stop data collection at 700 |
District level survey respondents |
15,000 |
2,100 |
80% |
Stop data collection at 2,100 |
Interview participants |
3,500 (same as state-level sample) |
28-30 |
80% |
Selective sample: Stop at 28 |
Focus group participants |
15,000 (same as district-level sample) |
84 |
80% |
Selective sample: Stop at 84 |
Total |
18,500 |
2,912 |
80% |
2,912 |
Dear :
REL Midwest and Public Agenda would like to invite you to become part of a select group of educators, education experts and other stakeholders to participate in a survey designed to understand your views on the challenges faced by school districts in your state. The results of this survey will be used to help gain a fundamental understanding of which education programs, practices, policies and approaches are effective.
The survey is brief; your responses are completely confidential and will be combined and reported in statistical form only.
To take the survey online, please go to [INSERT WEB ADDRESS]
If you prefer to be interviewed by telephone, please call our interviewing center toll-free at 1-888-310-0547
order to ensure that each person takes the survey once you will be
asked for the ID code below:
REL Midwest is part of a federally funded network of 10 regional educational laboratories, and exists to bring the latest and best research and proven practices into school improvement efforts. Serving the seven states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, REL Midwest provides policymakers and practitioners with resources based on the highest quality evidence as defined by scientifically valid research principles. You can find out more at
Agenda has over 30 years of experience in engaging the public in
productive and meaningful dialogue, conducting qualitative and
quantitative public opinion studies, and producing high quality
citizen education materials. Over the last decade, Public Agenda has
acquired an unmatched understanding of the viewpoints different
groups bring to public school reform and our reputation for fairness,
balance, and quality has stood the test of time. Our research is
cited by groups with very different perspectives on reform ranging
from The American Enterprise Institute, Manhattan Institute and
Fordham Foundations to the American Federation of Teachers, Public
Education Network (PEN) and Learning First. You
can find out more information about Public Agenda at
hope you will take a few minutes to share your perspectives and
respond to our questions. Your participation in our survey is
completely voluntary. If you have any questions about Public Agenda
or this research project, please contact Jon Rochkind at
212-686-6610, ext. 43 or send an email to [email protected]
If you have technical questions or have difficulty with the web
form, please call Samantha Daugherty at 1-888-310-0547or e-mail her
at [email protected].
Letter of Encouragement
Dear :
Recently, REL-Midwest and Public Agenda contacted you to become part of a select group of educators, education experts and other stakeholders to participate in a survey designed to understand your views on the challenges faced by school districts in your state.
We understand that your time is very valuable, yet we hope that you can participate in this important project; the results of which will be used to help gain a fundamental understanding of which education programs, practices, policies and approaches are effective.
The survey is brief; your responses are completely confidential and will be combined and reported in statistical form only.
To take the survey online, please go to [INSERT WEB ADDRESS]
If you prefer to be interviewed by telephone, please call our interviewing center toll-free at 1-888-310-0547
order to ensure that each person takes the survey once you will be
asked for the ID code below:
REL Midwest is part of a federally funded network of 10 regional educational laboratories, and exists to bring the latest and best research and proven practices into school improvement efforts. Serving the seven states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, REL Midwest provides policymakers and practitioners with resources based on the highest quality evidence as defined by scientifically valid research principles. You can find out more at
Agenda has over 30 years of experience in engaging the public in
productive and meaningful dialogue, conducting qualitative and
quantitative public opinion studies, and producing high quality
citizen education materials. Over the last decade, Public Agenda has
acquired an unmatched understanding of the viewpoints different
groups bring to public school reform and our reputation for fairness,
balance, and quality has stood the test of time. Our research is
cited by groups with very different perspectives on reform ranging
from The American Enterprise Institute, Manhattan Institute and
Fordham Foundations to the American Federation of Teachers, Public
Education Network (PEN) and Learning First. You
can find out more information about Public Agenda at
hope you will take a few minutes to share your perspectives and
respond to our questions. Your participation in our survey is
completely voluntary. If you have any questions about Public Agenda
or this research project, please contact Jon Rochkind at
212-686-6610, ext. 43 or send an email to [email protected]
If you have technical questions or have difficulty with the web
form, please call Samantha Daugherty at 1-888-310-0547or e-mail her
at [email protected].
NCREL Regional Needs Assessment Budget |
Staff - % of annual salary |
2006 |
Permanent Full-Time Project Staff |
Director of Research |
25% |
Research Associate |
25% |
Executive Editor/Web master |
13% |
Technology Manager |
13% |
Assistant Editor |
13% |
Director, Education Insights |
8% |
Director of Public Engagement |
25% |
Manger of Public Engagement |
25% |
Vice President of Communications |
4% |
Director of Communications/Writer |
4% |
President |
8% |
Executive Assistant |
8% |
Administrator/Contract Manager |
17% |
Receptionist |
8% |
Sub-total |
194,872 |
Benefits at 25% |
48,718 |
Total |
243,590 |
Consultants @ $1,000 per day |
Regional Manager |
30,000 |
Research consultant |
10,000 |
Copy editor/proofreader |
3,000 |
Online research consultant |
5,000 |
Sub-total |
48,000 |
Focus Groups |
Focus Groups @ $3,000 per |
27,000 |
Transcribing @ $260 per |
4,160 |
Roper |
500 |
Sub-total |
31,660 |
Survey |
Survey |
10,000 |
Software |
5,000 |
Sub-total |
15,000 |
Travel @ $1,500 per trip |
13,500 |
Production and Publication |
10,000 |
Interactive Online Distribution |
10,000 |
Miscellaneous |
1,000 |
Sub-total direct costs |
372,750 |
Overhead @ 20% |
74,550 |
of direct costs |
Rent/Utilities/RE taxes* @ |
35,000 |
17% of annual budget |
Technology* @ 17% of |
7,000 |
annual budget |
Total |
489,300 |
*This percentage represents the ratio of the project budget to the annual rent and technology budgets. |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | NCERL |
Last Modified By | kate.mullan |
File Modified | 2007-02-23 |
File Created | 2007-02-23 |