Focus Group Studies for Students, Podcasting, and Exploration Systems Education Products

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Focus Group Studies for Students, Podcasting, and Exploration Systems Education Products

OMB: 2700-0129

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Web Site Usability Test

For Students

Order of tasks:

  1. Questionnaire

  2. Focus Group Questions


Use this to tell us what things would you most like to see on student pages?

Grades K-4

Mark the items you would most like to see on the NASA site for your grade. If you do not like something, do not mark it. (3.0)

_____ Airplanes

_____ Asking Questions

_____ Astronaut Training

_____ Earth Information

_____ Games

_____ Glossary

_____ Going to the Moon and Mars

_____ Homework Help

_____ How Does NASA Help You?

_____ How to become an Astronaut

_____ International Space Station

_____ Living in Space

_____ Math

_____ NASA Missions

_____ Online Voting (or Vote for Your Favorite!)

_____ People Who Work at NASA

_____ Pictures from NASA

_____ Planets and Stars

_____ Science

_____ Space Shuttle

_____ Stories About/From NASA

_____ Technology (Robots, Rockets)

_____ Things to do (home projects)

_____ Things to see in the sky

_____ Videos from NASA

_____ What Does NASA Do?


Use this to tell us what things would you most like to see on student pages?

Grades 5-8

Mark the items you would most like to see on the NASA site for your grade. If you don’t have an interest in an item on this list, please do not mark it.

_____ Asking Questions to NASA

_____ Benefits from NASA

_____ Blogging

_____ Careers

_____ Contacting NASA

_____ Encyclopedia Stuff (World Book)

_____ Games / Interactive Learning

_____ Glossary

_____ Going to the Moon & Mars

_____ History of NASA

_____ Homework Help

_____ How to become an astronaut

_____ International Space Station

_____ Launch Information

_____ Live NASA TV

_____ Math

_____ NASA Facts

_____ NASA Feature Stories

_____ NASA News / Press Releases

_____ NASA Videos

_____ New Discoveries

_____ Online Voting

_____ People at NASA

_____ Pictures / Photos

_____ Planets and Stars

_____ Science

_____ Space Shuttle

_____ Student Contests and Opportunities

_____ Technology (Robots, Rockets, Spacecraft)

_____ Things to do (home projects)

_____ Things to see in the Sky

_____ Tracking Things in the Sky

_____ Webcams


Use this to tell us what things would you most like to see on student pages?

Grades 9-12

Mark the items you would most like to see on the NASA site pertaining to your grade level. If you don’t have an interest in an item on this list, please do not mark it.

_____ Blogging

_____ Careers – Getting into NASA

_____ Contacting NASA

_____ Digital Learning Opportunities

_____ Encyclopedia Info (World Book)

_____ Frequently Asked Questions

_____ Games / Interactive Learning

_____ Going to the Moon

_____ History of NASA

_____ Homework Help

_____ International Space Station

_____ Internships

_____ Launch Information

_____ Live NASA TV

_____ Mailing List / Listserv

_____ Math

_____ NASA Centers

_____ NASA Facts

_____ NASA News

_____ NASA Stories

_____ NASA Videos

_____ NASA Vision (Moon and Mars)

_____ Opportunities for Students

_____ Pictures/Photos

_____ Planets and Stars

_____ Podcasts

_____ Scholarships

_____ Science

_____ Space Benefits, or Spinoffs

_____ Space Shuttle

_____ Spacecraft Tracking

_____ Student Internships and Opportunities

_____ Technology (Robots, Rockets, Spacecraft)


Use this to tell us what things would you most like to see on student pages?

Post Secondary

Mark the items you would most like to see on the NASA site pertaining to your grade level. If you don’t have an interest in an item on this list, please do not mark it.

_____ Becoming an Astronaut

_____ Contacting NASA

_____ Co-Ops

_____ Digital Learning Opportunities

_____ Fellowships

_____ Grants

_____ Going to the Moon

_____ History of NASA

_____ Internships

_____ NASA Facts

_____ NASA News

_____ NASA Videos

_____ NASA Vision (Moon and Mars)

_____ Opportunities for Students

_____ Pictures / Photos

_____ Podcasts

_____ Research Opportunities

_____ Space Benefits, or Spinoffs

_____ Spacecraft Tracking

_____ Working for NASA


Focus Group Questions

All Levels

How often do you visit the Student section pages?

What would you expect to find in the students area in your grade level?

What would make you visit more often?

What topics are interesting to students?

What types of articles would you like to read on the NASA site?

Where do you go for online ‘NASA type’ information?

What is your favorite thing to do on the Internet?

How often to you play games on the Internet?

What are your favorite websites?

5-Post Only

What types of blogs do you like to read and participate in?

Would you participate in blogs from NASA?

9-Post Only

Look at the gray navigation buttons to the left; without looking in the links, briefly explain what type of information you would expect to find when you click on these links.

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleWeb Site Usability Test
Last Modified ByWalter Kit
File Modified2007-05-09
File Created2007-05-09

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