60 day FR notice 1010-0106

1010-0106 60 day-1-23-07.pdf

30 CFR 253, Oil Spill Financial Responsibility for Offshore Facilities

60 day FR notice 1010-0106

OMB: 1010-0106

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 23, 2007 / Notices
Dated: January 11, 2007.
E.P. Danenberger,
Chief Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs.
[FR Doc. E7–941 Filed 1–22–07; 8:45 am]

Minerals Management Service
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Minerals Management Service
(MMS), Interior.
ACTION: Notice of extension of an
information collection (1010–0106).

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SUMMARY: To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), MMS is inviting comments on a
collection of information that we will
submit to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review and approval.
The information collection request (ICR)
concerns the paperwork requirements in
the regulations under ‘‘30 CFR Part 253,
Oil Spill Financial Responsibility for
Offshore Facilities.’’
DATES: Submit written comments by
March 26, 2007.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by any of the following methods listed
below. Please use the Information
Collection Number 1010–0106 as an
identifier in your message.
• E-mail MMS at
[email protected]. Identify with
Information Collection Number 1010–
0106 in the subject line.
• Fax: 703–787–1093. Identify with
Information Collection Number 1010–
• Mail or hand-carry comments to the
Department of the Interior; Minerals
Management Service; Attention: Cheryl
Blundon; 381 Elden Street, MS–4024;
Herndon, Virginia 20170–4817. Please
reference ‘‘Information Collection 1010–
0106’’ in your comments.
Cheryl Blundon, Regulations and
Standards Branch at (703) 787–1607.
You may also contact Cheryl Blundon to
obtain a copy, at no cost, of the
regulation that requires the subject
collection of information.
CFR Part 253, Oil Spill Financial
Responsibility for Offshore Facilities.
Forms: MMS–1016, 1017, 1018, 1019,
1020, 1021, and 1022.
OMB Control Number: 1010–0106.
Abstract: Title I of the Oil Pollution
Act of 1990 (OPA) (33 U.S.C. 2701 et
seq.), as amended by the Coast Guard
Authorization Act of 1996 (Pub. L. 104–

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324), provides at section 1016 that oil
spill financial responsibility (OSFR) for
offshore facilities be established and
maintained according to methods
determined acceptable to the President.
Section 1016 of OPA supersedes the
offshore facility oil spill financial
responsibility provisions of the Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act
Amendments of 1978. These authorities
and responsibilities are among those
delegated to the Minerals Management
Service (MMS) under which MMS
issues regulations governing oil and gas
and sulphur operations in the OCS.
This information collection request
addresses the regulations at 30 CFR Part
253, Oil Spill Financial Responsibility
for Offshore Facilities, including any
supplementary Notices to Lessees and
Operators (NTLs) that provide
clarification, description, or explanation
of these regulations, and forms MMS–
1016 through MMS–1022. We have
made a few minor changes to headings
on the forms. There are no data element
The MMS will use the information
collected under 30 CFR Part 253 to
verify compliance with section 1016 of
OPA. The information is necessary to
confirm that applicants can pay for
clean-up and damages from oil-spill
discharges from Covered Offshore
Facilities (COFs). The information will
be used routinely: (a) To establish
approval and eligibility of applicants for
an Oil Spill Financial Responsibility
(OSFR) certification; and (b) as a
reference source for clean-up and
damage claims associated with oil-spill
discharges from COFs; the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of
owners, operators, and guarantors;
designated U.S. agents for service of
process; and persons to contact. To
collect most of the information, MMS
developed standard forms. The forms
and their purposes are:
Cover Sheet: The forms will be
distributed in a package that includes a
cover sheet that displays the required
OMB Control Number, Expiration Date,
and Paperwork Reduction Act
statement. This cover sheet will
accompany the forms as part of a
package or will be included with any
copies of a particular form that
respondents may request.
Form MMS–1016, Designated
Applicant Information Certification:
The designated applicant uses this form
to provide identifying information
(company legal name, MMS
qualification number and region,
address, contact name and title,
telephone and fax numbers) and to
summarize the OSFR evidence. This

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form is required for each new or
renewed OSFR certification application.
Form MMS–1017, Designation of
Applicant: When there is more than one
responsible party for a COF, they must
select a designated applicant. Each
responsible party, as defined in the
regulations, must use this form to notify
MMS of the designated applicant. This
form is also used to designate the U.S.
agent for service of process for the
responsible party(ies) if claims from an
oil-spill discharge exceed the amount
evidenced by the designated applicant;
identifies and provides pertinent
information about the responsible
party(ies); and lists the COFs for which
the responsible party is liable for OSFR
certification. The form identifies each
COF by State or OCS region; lease,
permit, right of use and easement or
pipeline number; aliquot section; area
name; and block number. This form
must be submitted with each new OSFR
application or with an assignment
involving a COF in which there is at
least one responsible party who is not
the designated applicant for a COF.
Form MMS–1018, Self-Insurance or
Indemnity Information: This form is
used if the designated applicant is selfinsuring or using an indemnity for
OSFR evidence. As appropriate, either
the designated applicant or the
designated applicant’s indemnitor
completes the form to indicate the
amount of OSFR coverage and effective
and expiration dates. The form also
provides pertinent information about
the self-insurer or indemnitor and is
used to designate a U.S. agent for
service of process for claims up to the
evidenced amount. This form must be
submitted each time new evidence of
OSFR is submitted using either selfinsurance or an indemnification.
Form MMS–1019, Insurance
Certificate: The designated applicant
(representing himself as a direct
purchaser of insurance) or his insurance
agent or broker and the named insurers
complete this form to provide OSFR
evidence using insurance. The number
of forms to be submitted will depend
upon the number of layers of insurance
to evidence the total amount of OSFR
required. One form is required for each
layer of insurance. The form provides
pertinent information about the
insurer(s) and designates a U.S. agent
for service of process. This form must be
submitted at the beginning of the term
of the insurance coverage for the
designated applicant’s COFs or at the
time COFs are added, with the
scheduled option selected, to OSFR
Form MMS–1020, Surety Bond: Each
bonding company that issues a surety




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 23, 2007 / Notices

bond for the designated applicant must
complete this form indicating the
amount of surety and effective dates.
The form provides pertinent
information about the bonding company
and designates a U.S. agent for service
of process for the amount evidenced by
the surety bond. This form must be
submitted at the beginning of the term
of the surety bond for the named
designated applicant.
Form MMS–1021, Covered Offshore
Facilities: The designated applicant
submits this form to identify the COFs
for which the OSFR evidence applies.
The form identifies each COF by State
or OCS region; lease, permit, right of use
and easement or pipeline number;
aliquot section; area name; block
number; and potential worst case oilspill discharge. This form is required to
be submitted with each new or renewed
OSFR certification application that
includes COFs.

Estimated Number and Description of
Respondents: Approximately 600
holders of leases, permits, and rights of
use and easement in the OCS and in
State coastal waters who will appoint
approximately 200 designated
applicants. Other respondents will be
the designated applicants’ insurance
agents and brokers, bonding companies,
and indemnitors. Some respondents
may also be claimants.
Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Hour’’ Burden: The
currently approved annual reporting
burden for this collection is 19,299
hours. The following chart details the
individual components and respective
hour burden estimates of this ICR. In
calculating the burdens, we assumed
that respondents perform certain
requirements in the normal course of
their activities. We consider these to be
usual and customary and took that into
account in estimating the burden.

Citation 30 CFR 253

Reporting requirement

Various sections ..........................................

The burdens for all general references to submitting evidence of OSFR are covered
under the forms below.
Form MMS–1016—Designated Applicant Information Certification ..................................
Form MMS–1017—Designation of Applicant ....................................................................
Request for determination of OSFR applicability ..............................................................
Notify MMS of change in ability to comply ........................................................................
Provide claimant written explanation of denial ..................................................................
Form MMS–1018 Self-Insurance or Indemnity Information ..............................................
Form MMS–1019—Insurance Certificate ..........................................................................
Form MMS–1020—Surety Bond .......................................................................................
Proposal for alternative method to evidence OSFR (anticipate no proposals, but the
regs provide the opportunity).
Form MMS–1021—Covered Offshore Facilities ...............................................................
Form MMS–1022—Covered Offshore Facility Changes ...................................................
Claims: MMS will not be involved in the claims process. Assessment of burden for
claims against the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund (30 CFR parts 135, 136, l37) should
be responsibility of the U.S. Coast Guard).
Claimant request to determine whether a guarantor may be liable for a claim ...............

11(a)(1); 40; 41 ...........................................
11(a)(1); 40; 41 ...........................................
12 .................................................................
15 .................................................................
15(f) .............................................................
21; 22; 23; 24; 26; 27; 30; 40; 41; 43 .........
29; 40; 41; 43 ..............................................
31; 40; 41; 43 ..............................................
32 .................................................................
40; 41 ..........................................................
40; 41; 42 ....................................................
Subpart F .....................................................
60(d) ............................................................

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Form MMS–1022, Covered Offshore
Facility Changes: During the term of the
issued OSFR certification, the
designated applicant may submit
changes to the current COF listings,
including additions, deletions, or
changes to the worst case oil-spill
discharge for a COF. This form must be
submitted when identified changes
occur during the term of an OSFR
We will protect information from
respondents considered proprietary
under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing
regulations (43 CFR part 2) and under
regulations at 30 CFR 250.197, ‘‘Data
and information to be made available to
the public.’’ No items of a sensitive
nature are collected. Responses are
Frequency: On an annual basis, except
for changes to existing COF listings that
could occur throughout the term of the
OSFR Certification.

Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’
Burden: We have identified no ‘‘nonhour cost’’ burdens for this collection.
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Until OMB approves a
collection of information, you are not
obligated to respond.
Comments: Before submitting an ICR
to OMB, PRA section 3506(c)(2)(A)
requires each agency ‘‘* * * to provide
notice * * * and otherwise consult
with members of the public and affected
agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information * * *’’.
Agencies must specifically solicit
comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the

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proposed collection of information is
necessary for the agency to perform its
duties, including whether the
information is useful; (b) evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (c) enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
minimize the burden on the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Agencies must also estimate the ‘‘nonhour cost’’ burdens to respondents or
recordkeepers resulting from the
collection of information. Therefore, if
you have costs to generate, maintain,
and disclose this information, you
should comment and provide your total
capital and startup cost components or

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annual operation, maintenance, and
purchase of service components. You
should describe the methods you use to
estimate major cost factors, including
system and technology acquisition,
expected useful life of capital
equipment, discount rate(s), and the
period over which you incur costs.
Capital and startup costs include,
among other items, computers and
software you purchase to prepare for
collecting information, monitoring, and
record storage facilities. You should not
include estimates for equipment or
services purchased: (i) Before October 1,
1995; (ii) to comply with requirements
not associated with the information
collection; (iii) for reasons other than to
provide information or keep records for
the Government; or (iv) as part of



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 14 / Tuesday, January 23, 2007 / Notices
customary and usual business or private
We will summarize written responses
to this notice and address them in our
submission for OMB approval. As a
result of your comments, we will make
any necessary adjustments to the burden
in our submission to OMB.
Public Comment Procedures: MMS’s
practice is to make comments, including
names and addresses of respondents,
available for public review. If you wish
your name and/or address to be
withheld, you must state this
prominently at the beginning of your
comment. MMS will honor this request
to the extent allowable by law; however,
anonymous comments will not be
considered. There may be circumstances
in which we would withhold from the
record a respondent’s identity, as
allowable by the law. If you wish us to
withhold your name and/or address,
you must state this prominently at the
beginning of your comment. In addition,
you must present a rationale for
withholding this information. This
rationale must demonstrate that
disclosure ‘‘would constitute an
unwarranted invasion of privacy.’’
Unsupported assertions will not meet
this burden. In the absence of
exceptional, documentable
circumstances, this information will be
released. All submissions from
organizations or businesses, and from
individuals identifying themselves as
representatives or officials of
organizations or businesses, will be
made available for public inspection in
their entirety.
MMS Information Collection
Clearance Officer: Arlene Bajusz (202)
Dated: January 11, 2007.
E.P. Danenberger,
Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs.
[FR Doc. E7–942 Filed 1–22–07; 8:45 am]

John W. Roberts,
Acting Chief, National Register/National
Historic Landmarks Program.
Denver County
Stanley School—Montclair School, 1301
Quebec St., Denver, 07000038
Idaho County,
Campbell’s Ferry, Frank Church River of No
Return Wilderness, Riggins, 07000037
Wicomico County
San Domingo School, 11526 Old School Rd,
Sharpstown, 07000044
Franklin County
Spaunhorst and Mayn Building,
(Washington, Missouri MPS), 300–305
Jefferson St., Washington, 07000041
Barclay Building 3613–23 Broadway Blvd.,
Kansas City, 07000042
Kuehne—Schmidt Apartments, (Colonnade
Apartment Buildings of Kansas City, MO
MPS), 3737–39 and 3741–43 Main Sts.,
Kansas City, 07000040
Mainstreet Theatre, 1400 Main St., Kansas
City, 07000043
Warren County
Southwestern Bell Repeater Station—Wright
City, NE. corner of North Service Rd. and
Bell Rd., Wright City, 07000039
Cape May County
Rio Grande Station, 720 NJ 9, Lower
Township, 07000047

National Register of Historic Places;
Notification of Pending Nominations
and Related Actions

Warren County
Blairstown Historic District, Main St., East
Ave., Douglas St., Water St., Blair Place,
Blairstown, 07000046

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Accomack County
Pocomoke Farm, 7492 Monument Rd., VA
699, Sanford, 07000054
Bath County
Homestead Dairy Barns, USS 220, Warm
Springs, 07000051
Yard, The, 381 Old Greenhouse Rd., Hot
Springs, 07000050

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Loudoun County
Sleepy Hollow Farm, 39902 Thomas Mill
Rd., Leesburg, 07000048
Temple Hall, 15764 Temple Hall Ln.,
Leesburg, 07000053
Rockingham County
Kite Mansion, 17271 Spotswood Trail,
Elkton, 07000049
[FR Doc. E7–852 Filed 1–22–07; 8:45 am]

Civil Rights Division


National Park Service

Nominations for the following
properties being considered for listing
or related actions in the National
Register were received by the National
Park Service before January 6, 2007.
Pursuant to section 60.13 of 36 CFR Part
60 written comments concerning the
significance of these properties under
the National Register criteria for
evaluation may be forwarded by United

King And Queen County
Marriott School, 450 Newtown Rd., St.
Stevens Church, 07000052


Monmouth County
St. George’s-by-the-River Episcopal Church, 7
Linoln Ave., Rumson, 07000045


mstockstill on PROD1PC70 with NOTICES

States Postal Service, to the National
Register of Historic Places, National
Park Service, 1849 C St., NW., 2280,
Washington, DC 20240; by all other
carriers, National Register of Historic
Places, National Park Service, 1201 Eye
St., NW., 8th floor, Washington, DC
20005; or by fax, 202–371–6447. Written
or faxed comments should be submitted
by February 7, 2007.


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[OMB Number 1190–0001]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comments Requested
30-Day Notice of Information
Collection Under Review: Procedures
for the Administration of Section 5 of
the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


The Department of Justice (DOJ), CRT
will be submitting the following
information collection request to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The proposed
information collection is published to
obtain comments from the public and
affected agencies. This proposed
information collection was previously
published in the Federal Register
Volume 71, Number 207, page 62610 on
October 26, 2006, allowing for a 60 day
comment period.
The purpose of this notice is to allow
for an additional 30 days for public
comment until February 22, 2007. This
process is conducted in accordance with
5 CFR 1320.10.
Written comments and/or suggestions
regarding the items contained in this
notice, especially the estimated public
burden and associated response time,
should be directed to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), Office
of Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention Department of Justice Desk
Officer, Washington, DC 20503.
Additionally, comments may be
submitted to OMB via facsimile to (202)
395–5806. Written comments and
suggestions from the public and affected
agencies concerning the proposed
collection of information are
encouraged. Your comments should
address one or more of the following
four points:



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDocument
SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-01-23
File Created2007-01-23

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