Historic Black Graduate Institutions, Title III, Perform

Annual Performance Reports for Title III and Title V Grantees (JS)

Att_hbgi-GAO-Title III-Performance Report

Historically Black Graduate Institutions, Title III, Part B,

OMB: 1840-0766

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Annual Performance Report

Section 1—Executive Summary

The purpose of the legislation that established Title III-B, Sec. 326 is to “award program grants to each of the postgraduate institutions listed in subsection (e) that is determined by the Secretary to be making a substantial contribution to the legal, medical, dental, veterinary, or other graduate education opportunities in mathematics, engineering, or the physical or natural sciences for Black Americans.”

A. Use this section to summarize how your grant is enabling your institution to fulfill the legislative intent of the Title III-B, Sec. 326 Program.

1. Summarize, in 250 words or less, the impact your Title III-B, Sec. 326 grant has had this year in your institution’s capacity to contribute to fulfilling the goals of the legislation.

2. How has the grant helped to carry out the mission of the institution?

3. How did the cooperative arrangement aspect of the grant benefit the institutions involved?

  1. From the list below, select at least two questions that document your institution’s experience with the grant during this reporting period. Please answer each question selected in 250 words or less.

  1. If your institution has received more than one Title III-B, Sec. 326 grant over time, discuss the long-range impact Title III-B, Sec. 326 has had on your institution’s capacity to fulfill the goals of the legislation.

  1. If your institution has experienced any unexpected outcomes as a result of this grant, that affect for better or worse its capacity to fulfill the goals of the legislation, tell us about them here.

  1. Tell us about any challenges that you have had during the reporting period or that you anticipate in the coming year which may affect your ability to meet the goals of your grant. Include, if applicable, your institution’s plans to meet these challenges.

  1. Has the grant facilitated or contributed to bringing additional resources to your institution, for example, new Federal, State, or local dollars that can be attributed partly to your grant activities?

  1. How would you improve or change the Program (e.g., customer service, allowable activities, regulations, statute)?

Section 2: Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity (HBGI)

Please report student enrollment as of October 15, 2006 [Note: Part of the information can be obtained from Part A of your IPEDS Fall Enrollment Survey.].

Enrollment by Race and Ethnicity as of October 15, 2006


Graduate students [Full Time and Part Time]

First-professional [Full Time and Part Time]

Total number of graduate and first-professional [Full Time and Part Time]

Nonresident alien

Black, non-Hispanic

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian or Pacific Islander


White, non-Hispanic

Race/ethnicity unknown

Grand Total

Section 2: Enrollment by Age and Gender (HBGI)

Please report the number of students, by age and gender, enrolled in your graduate programs as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2006. [Note: the information for this table can be obtained from Part B of your IPEDS Enrollment Survey for the most recent year available].

Enrollment by Age and Gender as of October 15, 2006


Total Number Enrolled

Grand Total

Full time

Part time






Under 18









65 and over

Age Unknown

Section 2: Degrees Awarded by Race, Ethnicity, and Discipline

For this Section, IPEDS only requests information of the number of degrees awarded, by race, ethnicity, and discipline from institutions in even numbered years. Therefore, for the fall 2005 report, you are required to manually input these data based on information from your institutional research office. Please request data for degrees conferred between July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006 and enter the number of degrees awarded by race, ethnicity, and discipline for students in graduate programs only. Use the CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) codes as your guide in designating students appropriately

Degrees Awarded by Race, Ethnicity, and Discipline

CIP Code

Nonresident alien

Black, non-Hispanic

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian or Pacific Islander


White, non-Hispanic

Race/ethnicity unknown


Biological Sciences/Life Sciences


Laws and Legal Studies


Computer & Information Sciences


Health Profession & Related Sciences - Medicine


Health Profession & Related Sciences - Pharmacy


Health Profession & Related Sciences - Dentistry


Engineering (e.g., Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Architectural Engineering, etc.)




Physical Sciences (e.g., Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, etc.)


Agricultural Sciences (e.g., Agricultural, Animal Sciences, Plant Sciences, etc.)


Other (please specify):

Total Race/Ethnicity

Section 2: Levels of Graduate and Professional Degrees Awarded by Race and Ethnicity

In the previous table, you entered information on the number of degrees awarded by race/ethnicity and major disciplines. By level of degree, tell us the number of degrees awarded during 2002-2003 school year by race and ethnicity. Note that the levels included below reflect the language and definitions used in IPEDS.

Level of Graduate/ Professional degree awarded during the current reporting year

Nonresident alien

Black, non-Hispanic

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian or Pacific Islander


White, non-Hispanic

Race/ethnicity unknown




Doctor’s Degree

First Professional

First Professional Certificate

Totals by race/ethnicity

Section 2: Accreditation

Who is your institution's primary accrediting agency? [Please check only one.]

___ Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

___ The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association

___ New England Association of Schools and Colleges

___ Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

___ Western Association of Schools and Colleges

___ Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges

___ Other (please specify) ______________________________________

Section 3: Grant Activities and Focus Area

In this section, we want to get a sense of what types of activities Title III or V is supporting at your institution. We want to know how those activities are helping to address the problems described in your grant application, and how they are improving academic quality, student services and outcomes, institutional management, and fiscal stability.

To begin, enter the total amount of Title III or V funds used during this reporting period to support your project. On the second line, please enter the total amount of Title III or V funds used during this reporting period to support the project management and evaluation of the entire project. The fourth line will be automatically generated to reflect the total costs dedicated to supporting grant activities. These fields must be filled in and greater than 0 before proceeding.

Enter total federal dollars spent on your Title III or Title V grant during the reporting period:


Enter total federal dollars spent on your Title III or Title V project management and evaluation during the reporting period:


Enter the total number of Activities carried out during the reporting period
(as described in your grant proposal)


Total federal dollars spent on your Title III or Title V activities during the reporting period:


Data Entry Instructions


You will have the opportunity to enter or edit additional grant application activities as necessary throughout this section.

  • Activity 1

  • Activity 2

  • Activity 3

Section 3: Grant Activities and Focus Area

In this section, we want to get a sense of what types of activities Title III or V is supporting at your institution. We want to know how those activities are helping to address the problems described in your grant application, and how they are improving academic quality, student services and outcomes, institutional management, and fiscal stability

Line 1: Enter the title of the grant activity(ies) as related in your application and carried out during this reporting period. Please note that for the purposes of the annual report, endowment should be considered a separate activity even if it was not presented as a separate activity in your application. You will have the opportunity to enter additional grant application activities as necessary

Line 2: Enter the total amount of Title III or V funds used during this reporting period to support each grant activity. This total amount should include any costs associated with the management of the activity such as the appropriate percentage of key personnel salaries and benefits devoted to that activity.

Line 3: Select one of four focus areas Fiscal Stability, Institutional Management, Student Services and Outcomes, and Academic Quality for each activity. Refer to the definitions of the four focus areas for samples of activities that fall into each category. [The answer to this question will determine which Focus Area Outcomes table(s) that is filled out.]

Please keep in mind that these categories are meant to apply to the activity's overall outcome not the processes used to achieve that outcome. For example, you might have an activity to improve retention of science majors that is being carried out over the entire length of your grant. The ultimate outcome of this activity is a Student outcome and therefore would be categorized as "Student Services and Outcomes" even though you might have implemented various strategies or processes to achieve that goal during the reporting period, such as improved library collections, acquisition of teaching/lab equipment, and faculty development. You will have an opportunity to report on those processes later on in the process measure table.

Legislative Allowable Activities Table: In this table, we want to develop a profile of how program funds are distributed within the various Legislative Allowable Activities (LAA) categories. Please determine how much of the total funds used for the grant activity (Line 2) is distributed within the LAA categories and enter the dollar amount. Please note that you may have an activity that does not fall into one of the LAA categories - this is acceptable as long as that activity fulfills the goals of the legislation. In these cases you will be asked to provide a brief description of those activities in the "other" option. NOTE: The dollar amount entered in Line 2 for each grant activity should equal the sum of the dollar amounts distributed in the LAA categories.

Grant activity carried out during this reporting period in your grant application:


Total $ spent on this activity during the current reporting period: _____________

Focus area: ____ Academic Quality ____ Student Services and Outcomes

____ Fiscal Stability ____ Institutional Management

LAA Category
[Note: All listed activities are directly from legislation.]

Dollars spent

% of Activity

Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including purchase or rental of telecommunications and technology equipment or services.

Purchase of library books, periodicals, technical and other scientific journals, microfilm, microfiche, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program materials.

Scholarships, fellowships and other financial assistance for needy graduate and professional students to permit the enrollment of the students in and completion of the doctoral degree in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, law, and the doctorate degree in the physical or natural sciences, engineering, mathematics, or other scientific disciplines in which African Americans are underrepresented.

Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Assisting in the establishment or maintenance of an institutional endowment fund.

Funds and administration management, and the acquisition of equipment, including software, for use in strengthening funds management and management information systems.



Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment for educational purposes, including instructional and research purposes.

Did the amount of scientific or laboratory educational equipment rented or leased increase?

If yes: Start $ spent on equipment ________

End $ spent on equipment ________

Application objective ________

Did the quality of scientific or laboratory educational equipment rented or leased increase?

No standardized data elements

Did student access to scientific or laboratory educational equipment rented or leased increase?

If yes: Start # of students ________

End # of students ________

Application objective ________

Did the amount of scientific or laboratory educational equipment purchased increase?

If yes: Start $ spent on equipment ________

End $ spent on equipment ________

Application objective ________

Did the quality of scientific or laboratory educational equipment purchased increase?

No standardized data elements

Did student access to scientific or laboratory educational equipment purchased increase?

If yes: Start # of students ________

End # of students ________

Application objective ________

Did the amount of scientific or laboratory research equipment rented or leased increase?

If yes: Start $spent on equipment ________

End $ spent on equipment ________

Application objective ________

Did the quality of scientific or laboratory research equipment rented or leased increase?

No standardized data elements

Did student access to scientific or laboratory research equipment rented or leased increase?

If yes: Start # of students ________

End # of students ________

Application objective ________

Did the amount of scientific or laboratory research equipment purchased increase?

If yes: Start $ spent on equipment ________

End $ spent on equipment ________

Application objective ________

Did the quality of scientific or laboratory research equipment purchased increase?

No standardized data elements

Did student access to scientific or laboratory research equipment purchase increase?

If yes: Start # of students ________

End # of students ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other instructional facilities, including the integration of computer technology into institutional facilities to create smart buildings.

Did the number of classrooms constructed increase?

If yes: Start # of wired classrooms ________

End # of wired classrooms ________

Application objective ________

Did the square feet of library space constructed increase?

If yes: Start square feet ________

End square feet ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of laboratories constructed increase?

If yes: Start # labs ________

End # labs ________

Application objective ________

Did the square feet of other institutional space constructed increase?

If yes: Start square feet ________

End square feet ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of classrooms maintained increase?

If yes: Start # wired classrooms ________

End # wired classrooms ________

Application objective ________

Did the square feet of library space maintained increase?

If yes: Start square feet ________

End square feet ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of laboratories maintained increase?

If yes: Start # labs ________

End # labs ________

Application objective ________

Did the square feet of other institutional space maintained increase?

If yes: Start square feet ________

End square feet ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of classrooms renovated or improved increase?

If yes: Start # wired classrooms ________

End # wired classrooms ________

Application objective ________

Did the square feet of library space renovated or improved increase?

If yes: Start square feet ________

End square feet ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of laboratories renovated or improved increase?

If yes: Start # labs ________

End # labs ________

Application objective ________

Did the square feet of other institutional space renovated or improved increase?

If yes: Start square feet ________

End square feet ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of classrooms wired for the internet increase?

If yes: Start # wired classrooms ________

End # wired classrooms ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of access terminals to library databases and records increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the amount of instructional facilities with deferred maintenance needs decrease?

If yes: Start total square feet ________

End total square feet ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Purchase of library books, periodicals, and other educational materials, including telecommunications program material.

Did the number of library books increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of periodical subscriptions increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of educational materials increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of telecommunications program materials increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Scholarships, fellowships or other financial assistance for needy graduate and professional students to permit enrollment of the students in and completion of the doctoral degree in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, law, and doctoral degree in the physical or natural sciences, engineering, math, or other scientific disciplines in which African Americans are underrepresented.

Did the amount of scholarship funds increase?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of scholarship awards to students increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the amount of fellowship funds increase?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of fellowship awards to students increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of teaching assistantships increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of research assistantships increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of professional internships increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Did the number of on-campus job opportunities for graduate and professional students increase?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector.

Were the number of FTE staff devoted to development office increased? (grant writing, fundraising, direct mail, public relations)

If yes: Start FTE ________

End FTE ________

Application objective ________

Was a development data base or information management system established?

No standardized data elements

Was the number of potential donors increased?

If yes: Start # of potential donors ________

End # of potential donors ________

Application objective ________

Was the number of donors increased?

If yes: Start # of donors ________

End # of donors ________

Application objective ________

Was the total number of dollars raised increased?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Application objective ________

Was the average number of dollars per donor increased?

If yes: Start $ per donor ________

End $ per donor ________

Application objective ________

Were relevant staff trained in fund raising?

If yes: Start # trained staff ________

End # trained staff ________

Application objective ________

Were relevant staff trained in funds management?

If yes: Start # trained staff ________

End # trained staff ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Establishing or improving an endowment fund.

Was an institutional endowment established for the first time?

No standardized data elements

Was the endowment match raised?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Application objective ________

Were the endowment funds invested?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Funds management, administrative management, and acquisition of equipment for use in strengthening funds management.

Was the number of FTE hired for improvement of funds management increased?

If yes: Start FTE ________

End FTE ________

Application objective ________

Were relevant staff trained in how to use new funds management systems?

If yes: Start # trained staff ________

End # trained staff ________

Application objective ________

Were the number of FTE hired for improvement of administrative management systems increased?

If yes: Start FTE ________

End FTE ________

Application objective ________

Were relevant staff trained in how to use new administrative management systems?

If yes: Start FTE trained ________

End FTE trained ________

Application objective ________

Did you establish or enhance a funds management quality control system?

No standardized data elements

Did you establish or enhance a purchasing and inventory management system?

No standardized data elements

Did you establish or enhance a student financial aid system?

No standardized data elements

Did you establish or enhance an institutional research system?

No standardized data elements

Did you establish or enhance an admissions or registration system?

No standardized data elements

Did you establish or enhance a student tracking system?

No standardized data elements

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Process Measures

Please complete the following table to let us know what you have accomplished during the past year in this LAA category for this Activity.

LAA Category Other:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Application objective ________

Section 3: Focus Area Outcomes – Academic Quality

The following are institutional outcomes that can be categorized in the Academic Quality focus area. Please provide information on at least two of the measures that you feel are most reflective of your activities supported by Title III/V funds for the current reporting period. You have the option of entering your own unique outcome goals in the area marked “Other.”

You should indicate whether you achieved the related outcome during this reporting period. Remember, you are only required to select at least two outcomes. Many grantees might be in their first grant year and unable to report on any outcomes. If this is the case, you should indicate which goals you will report on next year.

In some instances, it might be necessary to provide a statement that supports your response. (Your supporting statement should be limited to 2 to 3 sentences.)

Row below each item: If you indicate that you have achieved a certain goal, please provide supporting data elements: the initial data point related to the outcome goal, the final data point related to the outcome goal, and the actual outcome goal at stated in your grant application. Note that certain intangible goals will require you to select an appropriate "rating" (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent).

Has the number of new graduate academic programs increased?

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s library holdings increased?

If yes: Initial # holdings ________

Final # holdings ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s education technology infrastructure improved?

If yes: Initial: __ poor __ fair __ good __ excellent

Final __ poor __ fair __ good __ excellent

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the quality of the institution’s graduate research space improved?

If yes: Initial: __ poor __ fair __ good __ excellent

Final __ poor __ fair __ good __ excellent

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the quantity of the institution’s graduate classroom space improved?

If yes: Initial square feet ________

Final square feet ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the quality of the institution’s professional student research space improved?

If yes: Initial: __ poor __ fair __ good __ excellent

Final __ poor __ fair __ good __ excellent

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the quantity of the institution’s professional student classroom space improved?

If yes: Initial square feet ________

Final square feet ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the enrollment of Black graduate students increased?

If yes: Initial enrollment ________

Final enrollment ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the enrollment of Black professional students increased?

If yes: Initial enrollment ________

Final enrollment ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of Black graduate student completers increased?

If yes: Initial completer # ________

Final completer # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of Black professional student completers increased?

If yes: Initial completer # ________

Final completer # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Initial ________

Final ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Initial ________

Final ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Section 3: Focus Area Outcomes – Fiscal Stability

The following are institutional outcomes that can be categorized in the Fiscal Stability focus area. Please provide information on at least two of the measures that you feel are most reflective of your activities supported by Title III/V funds for the current reporting period. You have the option of entering your own unique outcome goals in the area marked “Other.”

You should indicate whether you achieved the related outcome during this reporting period. Remember, you are only required to select at least two outcomes. Many grantees might be in their first grant year and unable to report on any outcomes. If this is the case, you should indicate which goals you will report on next year.

In some instances, it might be necessary to provide a statement that supports your response. (Your supporting statement should be limited to 2 to 3 sentences.)

Row below each item: If you indicate that you have achieved a certain goal, please provide supporting data elements: the initial data point related to the outcome goal, the final data point related to the outcome goal, and the actual outcome goal at stated in your grant application. Note that certain intangible goals will require you to select an appropriate "rating" (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent).

Has the institution’s net assets increased?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s net income increased?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s endowment increased?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has state institutional financial support increased?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has private institutional financial support increased?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of private sector donors increased?

If yes: Start # ________

End # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Was there a reduction in the amount of institutional borrowing?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Have grant activities been taken over financially by the institution?

If yes: Start $ ________

End $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Start ________

End ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Section 3: Focus Area Outcomes – Institutional Management

The following are institutional outcomes that can be categorized in the Institutional Management focus area. Please provide information on at least two of the measures that you feel are most reflective of your activities supported by Title III/V funds for the current reporting period. You have the option of entering your own unique outcome goals in the area marked “Other.”

You should indicate whether you achieved the related outcome during this reporting period. Remember, you are only required to select at least two outcomes. Many grantees might be in their first grant year and unable to report on any outcomes. If this is the case, you should indicate which goals you will report on next year.

In some instances, it might be necessary to provide a statement that supports your response. (Your supporting statement should be limited to 2 to 3 sentences.)

Row below each item: If you indicate that you have achieved a certain goal, please provide supporting data elements: the initial data point related to the outcome goal, the final data point related to the outcome goal, and the actual outcome goal at stated in your grant application. Note that certain intangible goals will require you to select an appropriate "rating" (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent).

Has the number of specialized accreditations improved?

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s information management infrastructure improved?

If yes: Initial $ of infrastructure ________

Final $ of infrastructure ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s information management capabilities improved?

If yes: Initial ___ poor ___ fair ___ good ___ excellent

Final ___ poor ___ fair ___ good ___ excellent

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s conformance with external standards improved?

If yes: ___ accrediting agency ___ federal ___ state ___ other

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s deferred maintenance needs decreased?

If yes: Initial $ ________

Final $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s teaching classroom space increased?

If yes: Initial square feet ________

Final square feet ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s research facilities space increased?

If yes: Initial square feet ________

Final square feet ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s library space increased?

If yes: Initial square feet ________

Final square feet ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the institution’s teaching laboratory space increased?

If yes: Initial square feet ________

Final square feet ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Have outreach programs to increase enrollment of secondary school students been established?

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the enrollment of the outreach targeted secondary students increased?

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Have outreach programs to increase the academic attainment of secondary school students been established?

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the academic attainment of the outreach targeted secondary students increased?

If yes: Methodology:

___ Teacher survey

___ Test scores

___ Admission rate

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Initial ________

Final ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

If yes: Initial ________

Final ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Section 3: Focus Area Outcomes – Student Services and Outcomes

The following are institutional outcomes that can be categorized in the Student Services and Outcomes focus area. Please provide information on at least two of the measures that you feel are most reflective of your activities supported by Title III/V funds for the current reporting period. You have the option of entering your own unique outcome goals in the area marked “Other.”

You should indicate whether you achieved the related outcome during this reporting period. Remember, you are only required to select at least two outcomes. Many grantees might be in their first grant year and unable to report on any outcomes. If this is the case, you should indicate which goals you will report on next year. If applicable, you have the option of defining the cohort of students for which this outcome is being measured. Among other things, your cohort might be based on your academic year, a sub-population of students (e.g., students with deficiencies in basic skills), or another point in time. Please be concise in this area.

In some instances, it might be necessary to provide a statement that supports your response. (Your supporting statement should be limited to 2 to 3 sentences.)

Row below each item: If you indicate that you have achieved a certain goal, please provide supporting data elements: the initial data point related to the outcome goal, the final data point related to the outcome goal, and the actual outcome goal at stated in your grant application. Note that certain intangible goals will require you to select an appropriate "rating" (e.g., poor, fair, good, excellent).

Has the number of students from underrepresented groups increased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of students passing professional/licensing exams increased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # pass ________

Final # pass ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the average student debt of completion of graduate students decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial average debt $ ________

Final average debt $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the average student debt at completion of professional students decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial average debt $ ________

Final average debt $ ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the average time to degree for graduate students decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial average time to degree ________

Final average time to degree ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the average time to degree for professional students decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial average time to degree ________

Final average time to degree ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the average length of time of graduate student’s “leave of absences” decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial average time ________

Final average time ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of graduate students taking “leave of absences” decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the average length of time of professional student’s “leave of absences” decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial average time ________

Final average time ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of professional students taking “leave of absences” decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of graduate students working in part-time positions unrelated to their area of study decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of graduate students working in full-time positions unrelated to their area of study decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of professional students working in part-time positions unrelated to their area of study decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Has the number of professional students working in full-time positions unrelated to their area of study decreased?

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial # ________

Final # ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial ________

Final ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Other: ______________________________________________________

Cohort: _____________________________________________________

If yes: Initial ________

Final ________

Goal ________

I would like to provide a brief supporting statement:

Section 4: Project Status

Continued funding requires evidence of substantial progress towards meeting your activity objectives. From your application, please list your objectives for each activity carried out this reporting period.

Activity: ________________________________________________________________

On Schedule Activity Objectives:

Section 4: Project Status

Activity: ________________________________________________________________

Narrative Supporting Completed Objectives

Please provide brief statements, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to document the objectives that were “completed” during the reporting period.

Activity Objective

Evidence of Completion

Section 4: Project Status

Activity: ________________________________________________________________

Changes to Objective Schedule

Please provide brief statements, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain the need for objective schedule changes.

Activity Objective

Reason(s) for change

Expected completion date

Section 4: Project Status

Activity: ________________________________________________________________

Changes to Activity Objectives

Please provide brief statements, with data and references to goals stated in your application as appropriate, to support and explain the need for the changes of objectives during the reporting period.

Activity Objective

Proposed objective

Reason(s) for change

Has this change been approved by the ED Program office?

Section 4: Budget

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Column 6

Column 7

Column 8

Budget Categories

Carryover Balance from Previous FY

Actual Budget


Non-Federal Expendi-tures

Carryover Balance

Next Year’s Actual Budget

Changes? Y/N


Fringe Benefits ___%








Total Costs

Section 4: Line Item Budget Narrative

Please describe how funds will be expended as a result of your changes in each of the line item categories.


Fringe Benefits








Section 4: Summary Budget Narrative

Please explain budget changes, as needed, particularly the use of funds from cost savings, carryover funds and other expanded authorities changes to your budget. Provide an explanation if you are NOT expending funds at the expected rate. Describe any significant changes to your budget resulting from modifications of project activities.


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSection 1—Executive Summary
AuthorDonna C
Last Modified Byjoe.schubart
File Modified2007-03-27
File Created2007-03-27

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