Game 1 Informed Consent

game collection 1 informed consent.doc

Generic Clearance for Studies to Assess Learning and Flow in Video Games

Game 1 Informed Consent

OMB: 2700-0128

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Informed Consent

Project Name: Collection 1. Commercial Off-the-shelf (COTS) Games and Learning

Purpose of the research study. This research study will investigate the relationship between commercial off-the-shelf games and learning.

Expected duration. The actual time burden for the participant is determined by the amount of time each individual takes to play the game. The assessments will consist of a pre- and a posttest. Each assessment set should take a participant less than one hour to complete.

Procedures to be followed for the expert review. The NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future (COTF) will assign each participant to play a game with which the participant is unfamiliar. The participant will take an online pretest designed to measure learning specific to the assign game. COTF will provide each participant access to his/her assigned COTS game. Once the participant has completed playing of the game to the participant’s satisfaction (but no more than 40 hours of gameplay or two weeks of time, whichever occurs first), the participant will take an online posttest.

Any foreseeable risks or discomforts. There should be no risks associated with this study beyond those normally experienced in everyday life. Participants will not be compensated for their time in preparing reviews.

Benefits to subject or to others that might result from this research. This information will help the educational game design community to identify how existing game genres support learning outcomes.

Alternative procedures or courses of treatment. This research simply collects information about what the participant learned while playing a COTF game. There are no related alternative procedures or courses of treatment.

Confidentiality. Participant pre- and posttest data will be coded with ID numbers within the database. Participant log-on information will not be connected to test responses. Once the study data collection is over, all personal identifiers will be removed from the database. All pre- and posttest assessment data will be anonymous.

Participant rights. The participant has the right to ask pertinent questions about the research, subjects’ rights, and research-related injury to the subject. Subjects can contact the researcher through e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at 304-243-4327 between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Eastern time. Participation as a COTF game player is voluntary. Participants can withdraw from this research study at any time. There is no penalty or loss of stature for withdrawing. However, participants must return any game software and materials provided by COTF. As a courtesy, participants should contact project staff if they decide to withdraw.

Institutional Review Board. The Institutional Review Board at Wheeling Jesuit University has approved this study. Participants with questions about their rights as human subjects may contact the board chair, Dr. Beverly Carter, at (304) 243-2340 or [email protected] .

I, _________________________________, certify that I am 18 years of age or older.

(please print your full name)

I have agreed to participate as a game player in the COTS study outlined above. I agree that I will accept a game assignment only if I have never before played the game. I agree to play the game I am assigned and to complete the online pre- and posttests for the assigned game. I agree to the timeline: I will spend up to 40 hours over two weeks playing the game. I agree to return any game materials and software at the conclusion of the study, two weeks from the date I begin the study.

_______________________________________ __________________________________

Signature Date

Please sign this form and mail or fax it to:

Dr. Debbie Denise Reese

Center for Educational Technologies

316 Washington Ave.

Wheeling Jesuit University

Wheeling, WV 26003

Fax: 304-243-2497 (attn. Debbie Denise Reese)

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleProject Name: Real World Assumptions Constructed through Virtually Embodied Experiences
AuthorDebbie Denise Reese, Ph.D.
Last Modified ByWalter Kit
File Modified2007-03-07
File Created2007-03-07

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