National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
Committee on Science (COS)
Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections (IWGSC)
Agency Director Stewardship Survey
Dear Participant,
The FY 2007 Research and Development Budget Priorities Memorandum established Federal scientific collections as one of the two areas requiring special attention by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). Arguing that object-based scientific collections provide the fundamental infrastructure for contemporary and future research, the NSTC Committee on Science formed the Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections (IWGSC) to address the scientific, environmental, societal, and national security needs for such collections, including an assessment of current collection resources.
The survey that follows will establish for the first time the scope and breadth of federally held object-based scientific collections. The survey results will provide a snapshot of the current condition of object-based scientific collections held, supported, or used by federal agencies. The information collected will enable the NSTC to assess the priorities for and stewardship of scientific collections.
On behalf of the NSTC/COS Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections, we thank you for your participation in this survey.
David Evans, The Smithsonian Institution
Phyllis Johnson, US Department of Agriculture
In the pages that follow, we ask that you provide information regarding the object-based scientific collection and any associated ancillary collections that are part of your Agency’s holdings or for which your Agency has permanent responsibility.
The on-line version does not allow you to return to a previous section once you have started the next section. Upon completing each section, you will be given the option of:
Saving your responses and continuing to the next section
Saving your responses and continuing the survey at a later time.
Reminder: Once you start a section, even if you only view it, you must complete that section because the survey does not allow you to return to a section that you have already viewed. For example, if section C is the last section you were working on, and you choose to save and continue later, when you open the document you will be directed to section D even if you have not completed section C.
For your convenience in completing the on-line survey, we suggest that you print out a copy of the survey and review all the sections prior to completing the on-line version.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact William Tompkins [[email protected]], 202-357-3125.
In order for us to include your response with those of all other participating agencies, we ask that you complete this survey no later than June 2, 2006.
This survey includes only object-based scientific collections maintained or financially supported by the Federal government, and any ancillary materials directly related to the object-based scientific collections. The survey is designed to allow you to report on up to 6 separate collections.
“Object-based scientific collections” are defined as collections primarily acquired, maintained and used for scientific research, such as natural and physical science specimens, living animals and plants, archaeological and ethnographic objects, or technological objects of current or contemporary design.
“Ancillary collections” include important materials that are associated with an object-based scientific collection, but only if the material is directly used for scientific research, such as archival and library materials, audio and visual media, and data that might reside in databases.
Historic and artistic collections that do not function as scientific collections are excluded from the survey. For example, a collection of wreckage from an aircraft accident would fall outside the scope of the survey if it were part of a current investigation, maintained for historical purposes only, or otherwise closed to access. However, this same collection would be within the scope of the survey if it were being maintained for the use of researchers who are researching metal fatigue, fire dynamics, failure propagation, or other related phenomena.
Library collections are also excluded unless the collection is in support of the research objects themselves.
Collections of data (both analog and digital) or databases containing such data are excluded from this survey unless those data collections are associated with an object-based scientific collection and are used directly to support the conduct of scientific research, in which case they may be treated as ancillary collections. (See “Ancillary collections” definition above).
Independent, non-object based collections of data are not included in this survey as the NSTC/COS plans a separate study of collections of data.
The survey is divided into several sections. Information about your agency will be used for administrative purposes only.
Reporting Unit’s Information
Reporting Unit’s Description
Reporting Unit’s Mission
Reporting Unit’s Scientific Collections
Reporting Unit’s Strategic Planning
Scientific Collections Staffing
Scientific Collections Funding
These sections are followed by detailed questions regarding the Maintenance and Stewardship of your agency’s object-based scientific collections. In every case, we invite you to describe the adequacy of resources at three points in time:
Current (FY2005)
Five years from now
Ten years from now
We ask you to reflect on these resource issues in the following areas:
Staffing Resources
Staffing Qualifications
Staff Training
Facilities Housing
Facilities Storage Space
Collections Storage
Collections Preservation
Ancillary Collections Storage
Ancillary Collections Preservation
Intellectual Control
Collections Documentation
Collections Accessibility
Data Accessibility
Electronic Accessibility
In the final section, we invite you to list your agency’s most pressing challenge relative to the stewardship of your object-based scientific collections.
In this section, we ask that you provide the name of your reporting unit, parent organization, and the name of the individual completing the survey complete with contact information.
A-1. Name of the reporting unit:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Name of parent agency or organization, if applicable:
Name of the individual completing this survey:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Telephone: (ex: 123-456-7890)
Fax: (ex: 123-456-7890)
Today’s date: (ex: 12/31/2006)
A-4. Which level listed below best describes the level at which you are reporting about your scientific collection? (Mark just one.)
Agency director
Bureau/division director
Program director
Collections manager
Other, please specify ___________________________________
A-5. May the NSTC Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections include your reporting unit on a published list of survey participants? (Mark just one.)
In this section, we ask that you provide descriptive information regarding your reporting unit’s governance and primary purpose.
B-1. Which of the following most closely describes your reporting unit’s governance? (Mark just one.)
Federal agency
Independent federal agency
State agency
Local (county or municipal) agency
Non-profit, non-governmental organization
Other, please specify: __________________________________________________
B-2. Which of the following most closely describes your reporting unit’s primary function or service? (Mark just one.)
Archaeological repository
Medical research center
Nature center or zoo
Regulatory agency
Scientific research organization
Other, please specify: __________________________________________________
In this section, we ask that you provide information regarding your reporting unit’s mission.
C-1. Are object-based scientific collections related to your agency’s mission? (Mark just one.)
No (Go to question D-1)
C-2. Which of the following scientific collections-related activities are included in your agency’s mission? (Mark all that apply.)
Access and use
In this section, we ask that you provide information regarding an assessment of your reporting unit’s scientific collections.
D-1. What percentage of your agency’s total object-based collections is scientific? (Mark just one.)
1 - 25%
26 - 50%
51 - 75%
76 - 99%
D-2. Has your agency completed a survey or assessment of the condition of its object-based scientific collections? (Mark just one.)
Yes, but only a portion of the collection
Yes, but not recently
No, but one is planned, explain: ________________________________________
In this section, we ask that you provide information regarding the presence of a strategic plan on scientific collections.
E-1. Does your agency have a written, long-range strategic plan for its object-based scientific collections? (Mark just one.)
Yes, but is not current
No (Go to question F-1)
No, but is under development (Go to question F-1)
E-2. Which of the following collections related activities are included in the strategic plan? (Mark all that apply.)
Access and use
In this section, we ask that you provide information regarding the staff responsible for object-based scientific collections.
F-1. What is the current staffing associated with all agency scientific collections? Number of full-time paid staff
Number of part-time paid staff
Number of full-time unpaid staff
Number of part-time unpaid staff
F-2. Is collections staffing able to meet the needs of all agency scientific collections? (Mark just one.)
Do not know
F-3. How would you characterize the size of your scientific collections staff? (Mark just one.)
Staffing is stable and vacancies are replaced
Staff is increasing and new hires have been added
Staffing is unstable and declining
In this section, we ask that you provide information regarding funding for object-based scientific collections.
G-1. Does your agency’s FY06 budget have funds specifically allocated for scientific collections care and management activities? (Mark just one.)
No specific line-item in budget, but other budgeted funds are available
No (Go to question G-3)
G-2. For FY05, what was the agency’s annual budget designated specifically for the care and management of scientific collections?
Budget in $
G-3. What is the source of your agency’s funds designated for the care and management of scientific collections? (Mark all that apply.)
County or municipal
Individual donor
G-4. Does your agency rely on external funding sources to support scientific collections-related activities? (Mark just one.)
No (Go to question H-1)
G-5. What percentage is supported by external funding sources? (Mark just one.)
1 – 24%
25 – 49%
50 – 74%
75 – 99%
Do not know
In this section, we ask that you rate your reporting unit’s current condition in a number of categories and what you think it will be 5 and 10 years from now.
H-1. Staffing Levels
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Do not know |
Collections staffing levels were adequate in FY2005 |
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❏ |
Collections staffing levels will be adequate in 5 years |
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Collections staffing levels will be adequate in 10 years |
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❏ |
H-2. Staffing Qualification
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Do not know |
Collections staff were qualified in FY2005 |
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❏ |
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❏ |
❏ |
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❏ |
Collections staff will be qualified in 5 years |
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Collections staff will be qualified in 10 years |
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❏ |
H-3. Staff Training
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Do not know |
Collections staff were appropriately trained in FY2005 |
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❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Collections staff will be appropriately trained in 5 years |
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Collections staff will be appropriately trained in 10 years |
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❏ |
H-4. Facilities Housing
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Do not know |
Facilities housing collections were appropriate and adequate in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Facilities housing collections will be appropriate and adequate in 5 years |
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❏ |
Facilities housing collections will be appropriate and adequate in 10 years |
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❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-5. Facilities Storage Space
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Do not know |
Storage space allotted for collections was sufficient in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Storage space allotted for collections will be sufficient in 5 years |
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❏ |
Storage space allotted for collections will be sufficient in 10 years |
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❏ |
H-6. Collections Storage
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Collections were appropriately stored in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Collections will be appropriately stored in 5 years |
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❏ |
Collections will be appropriately stored in 10 years |
❏ |
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❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-7. Collections Preservation
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Collections were appropriately preserved in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Collections will be appropriately preserved in 5 years |
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❏ |
Collections will be appropriately preserved in 10 years |
❏ |
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❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-8. Ancillary Collections Storage
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Ancillary collections were appropriately stored in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Ancillary collections will be appropriately stored in 5 years |
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❏ |
Ancillary collections will be appropriately stored in 10 years |
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❏ |
❏ |
H-9. Ancillary Collections Preservation
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Ancillary collections were appropriately preserved in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Ancillary collections will be appropriately preserved in 5 years |
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❏ |
Ancillary collections will be appropriately preserved in 10 years |
❏ |
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❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-10. Intellectual Control
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
The agency had appropriate intellectual control over the collections in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
The agency will have appropriate intellectual control over the collections in 5 years |
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❏ |
The agency will have appropriate intellectual control over the collections in 10 years |
❏ |
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❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-11. Collections Documentation
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Collections were documented in an electronic database in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Collections will be documented in an electronic database in 5 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
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❏ |
Collections will be documented in an electronic database in 10 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-12. Collections Accessibility
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Physical collections were accessible to users in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Physical collections will be accessible to users in 5 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Physical collections will be accessible to users in 10 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-13. Data Accessibility
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Manual collection’s data were accessible to users in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Manual collection’s data will be accessible to users in 5 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Manual collection’s data will be accessible to users in 10 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-14. Electronic Accessibility
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Electronic collection’s data were accessible to users in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Electronic collection’s data will be accessible to users in 5 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Electronic collection’s data will be accessible to users in 10 years |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
H-15. Funding
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree or disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
Not applicable |
Collection’s stewardship responsibilities were met with current funding in FY2005 |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
❏ |
Collection’s stewardship responsibilities will be met with funding in 5 years |
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❏ |
Collection’s stewardship responsibilities will be met with funding in 10 years |
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❏ |
❏ |
In this section, we ask that you list any major challenges facing your reporting unit’s regarding object-based scientific collections.
I-1. In the space provided, list the major challenges your reporting unit faces in their attempts to support and maintain their object-based scientific collections? (No more than 25 words.)
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact William Tompkins [[email protected]], 202-357-3125.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Dear Participant, |
Author | rdelacru |
File Modified | 2006-07-24 |
File Created | 2006-07-24 |