Semi-Annual Progress Report for Technical Assistance Program

Semi-Annual Progress Report for Technical Assistance Program

TA Provider Form Instructions 030507

Semi-Annual Progress Report for Technical Assistance Program

OMB: 1122-0017

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The Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (VAWA 2000) requires awardees to report on the
effectiveness of the activities carried out with award funds, including the number of people
served and the number seeking services who could not be served. To meet this Congressional
reporting requirement and the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act, the
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) requires all awardees to complete this Semi-Annual
Progress Report.
This form is to be used for reporting progress semi-annually, for the periods January 1 to June 30
and July 1 to December 31. All awardees should read through each section to determine
which questions they must answer based on the activities supported under your award
during the current reporting period. Sections B and D of this form must be completed by all
awardees. In section A, subsection A1 must be completed by all awardees. In subsection A2
and section C, awardees must answer an initial question about whether they engaged in certain
activities during the current reporting period. If the response is yes, then the awardee must
complete that subsection. If the response is no, the rest of that subsection is skipped.
The activities of volunteers or interns may be reported if they are coordinated or supervised by
Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreement (TA Cooperative Agreement) award-funded staff
or if TA Cooperative Agreement funds substantially support their activities.
This form must be submitted to OVW within 30 days of the end of the reporting period (July 30
or January 30). OVW recognizes that some of the information requested in this form will not be
available for many awardees until they have had sufficient time to implement record-keeping
procedures to track the information requested. In the meantime, provide the most accurate and
complete information possible with the data you have available.
If you have any questions about this form or if you need assistance completing the form, e-mail
or call the VAWA Measuring Effectiveness Initiative at the Muskie School of Public Service,
[email protected], 1-800-922-VAWA (8292). Information on the Semi-Annual
Progress Report can be found at If you have questions
about your award, please contact your OVW program specialist at 1-202-307-6026 (TTY: 202307-2277). If you have questions about the Grants Management System (GMS), please contact
the GMS Hotline staff at: 1-888-549-9901.

TA semi instructions


Please note: It may be helpful to have the Technical Assistance Program Call for Concept
Papers for the fiscal year the project was funded under and your award proposal available at the
time you complete this form. The TA Program Call for Concept Papers is available on the OVW
website (
Sexual assault is a continuum of behaviors defined in the Violence Against Women Act
(VAWA) to include both sexual assaults committed by offenders who are strangers to the victim,
and sexual assaults committed by offenders who are known to, related by blood or marriage to,
or in a dating relationship with the victim. VAWA defines sexual assault as any conduct
proscribed as sexual abuse by federal statute. Such proscribed behavior includes knowingly
causing another person to engage in a sexual act by using force against that other person, or by
threatening or placing that other person in fear. It also includes engaging in a sexual act with
another person after knowingly rendering that person unconscious, or administering to another
person by force or threat of force, or without the knowledge or permission of that person, a drug,
intoxicant, or other similar substance and thereby substantially impairing the ability of that other
person to appraise or control sexual conduct. Sexual assault also includes knowingly engaging
in a sexual act with another person if that other person is incapable of appraising the nature of the
conduct, or is physically incapable of declining participation in or communicating unwillingness
to engage in that sexual act. Sexual assault also includes knowingly engaging in sexual contact
with another person without the other person’s permission. Finally, the statute proscribes any
attempts to commit any of these acts.
VAWA defines domestic violence to include felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence
(including threats or attempts) committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a
person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or
has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the
victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving award monies, or
by any other adult person against whom a victim is protected from that person’s acts under the
domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving award monies. It should be
understood that domestic violence applies to any pattern of coercive behavior that is used by one
person to gain power and control over a current or former intimate partner. This pattern of
behavior may include physical or sexual violence, emotional and psychological intimidation,
threats, verbal abuse, stalking, isolation, and economic control. VAWA defines dating violence
as violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or
intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship is determined by the length
of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons
involved in the relationship.
Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that places that person in
reasonable fear of the death of, or serious bodily injury to, herself or himself, a member of
her/his immediate family, or her/his spouse or intimate partner.

TA semi instructions


For the purposes of this form, technical assistance is defined as direct problem-solving services
provided by the TA provider to assist individuals, programs, and agencies in improving their
services, management, policies, and/or outcomes. TA may be provided in person, by electronic
media such as telephone, video, or e-mail, or by other means.
Training means developing knowledge, experience, skill and/or conveying information that
educates professionals to perform at a higher level of proficiency in his or her profession.
A. General Information
A1. Awardee Information
All TA Cooperative Agreement awardees must complete this section.
1. Date of report
Enter the date on which you completed this form.
2. Current reporting period
Check the box corresponding to the six-month period for which you are providing
information. Then enter the year for which you are providing information.
3. TA provider name
Enter the name of the organization that received the award. (For example, Muskie School of
Public Service.)
4. TA project name
Enter the name of your project. (For example, theVAWA Measuring Effectiveness
5. Award number
Enter the federal award number assigned to your TA Cooperative Agreement award.
6. Type of lead organization
Check the item that most closely resembles your organization.
7. Issues Addressed
Check all issues that are addressed in your TA Cooperative Agreement.
8. Point of contact
Provide the name, mailing address, telephone number, facsimile number, and e-mail address
for the contact person responsible for the day-to-day coordination or administration of the
9. Tribal populations
Check yes if your award targets tribal populations.

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Indian tribe: A tribe, band, pueblo, nation, or other organized group or community of
Indians, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation (as defined in,
or established pursuant to, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act [43 U.S.C. §1601 et
seq.]), that is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the
United States to Indians because of their status as Indians.
EXAMPLE 1: Your TA Cooperative Agreement provides comprehensive technical assistance
to one of OVW's discretionary grant programs. You provide specific technical assistance
and training for tribal grantees. Check “yes."

EXAMPLE 2: Your TA Cooperative Agreement provides targeted technical assistance on
children witnessing domestic violence. Your Cooperative Agreement did not specifically
design training and technical assistance for American Indians, but 12 tribes receiving OVW
grants call for technical assistance and attend training during the current reporting. Answer
“no” to this question because your Cooperative Agreement is not specifically designed to
meet the needs of American Indians.
10. Grantee program addressed
List the grant programs for which you provide technical assistance.
11. Project partners
Provide a list of all project partners included on the Summary Data Sheet.
12. Priority areas addressed
Provide a list of all priority areas addressed by your project. These should be from the Call
for Concept Papers and/or specifically addressed in the Cooperative Agreement terms.
A2. Staff Information
If your TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to fund staff positions during the
current reporting period, check yes and answer question 13. If not, check no and skip to
Section B.
13. Staff
Report the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff funded under this award during
the current reporting period. Include employees who are part time and/or partially funded
with these award funds as well as contractors. Pro-rate the FTE when an employee or
contractor was not employed or utilized over the entire reporting period. Round to the
second decimal.
EXAMPLE 1: You have one staff whose salary is 100% funded with TA Cooperative
Agreement funds and another whose salary is 25% funded with TA Cooperative Agreement
funds, report 1.25 FTE.

TA semi instructions


EXAMPLE 2: A full time employee funded 100% with TA Cooperative Agreement worked
full-time for the first three months, but had no time on the award during the last three months
of the reporting period. Report the staff time as .50 FTE.
EXAMPLE 3: You contracted an information technology specialist full time for two months
during the reporting period. Report that as .33 FTE under information technology specialist.
EXAMPLE 4: A staff member works ½ time (20 hours per week) on the TA Cooperative
Agreement. Half of her time is dedicated to training and the other half to program
coordination. Count her time as .25 for trainer and .25 as program coordinator.
B. Program Activities
All Awardees must complete this section.

14. Program activities
Check all activities your TA Cooperative Agreement engaged in during the current reporting

C. Function Areas
Throughout this section, only report on activities provided by TA Cooperative Agreementfunded staff and activities directly supported by TA Cooperative Agreement funds.
C1. Training
If your TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used for training during the current
reporting period, check yes and answer questions 15-18. If not, check no and skip to C2.
For the purposes of this reporting form training means developing knowledge, experience, skill
and/or conveying information that educates professionals to perform at a higher level of
proficiency in his or her profession. Do not count community education or general awareness
campaigns provided to increase non-professional’s awareness of sexual assault, domestic
violence and/or stalking.
15. Type and number of training events provided
Report the number and types of national, regional (multi-state), statewide and local training
events provided during the current reporting period that were either provided by your TA
Cooperative Agreement-funded staff or directly supported by TA Cooperative Agreement
funds. Staff development training provided to TA Cooperative Agreement-funded staff
should not be counted.
If staff who are only partially funded under this award provide training, you need to
determine a means of identifying training events to report on this progress report. If all of the
training conducted by the staff person is for the same audience and on the same topics, then
report the percentage of training events that reflects the percentage of the staff person’s

TA semi instructions


funding under this award. If the training provided by the staff person under this award is for
a different audience or on a different topic, then count only those events.
Conference: An event usually lasting a day or more that may include workshops and plenary
sessions that address a number of topics/subtopics.
Workshop or seminar: An event with a specific focus that may be part of a larger
EXAMPLE 1: TA Cooperative Agreement funds are used for a three-day new grantee
orientation. There are multiple speakers, plenary sessions and break-out sessions. You
should count this as one event (new grantee orientation). If you are combining the new
grantee orientation with another event, (two days for orientation and a third day for training
for campus police) you would count that as two events (new grantee orientation and national
EXAMPLE 2: During the current reporting period, the Executive Director of your
organization conducted six teleconference training events attended by OVW grantees.
However, the Executive Director was not funded with your TA Cooperative Agreement
award nor were any TA Cooperative Agreement funds used to support these training events.
You would not report any of the training events conducted by the Executive Director in this
question since she/he is not funded by the TA Cooperative Agreement award and TA
Cooperative Agreement funds were not used to support the training events. You may
however, choose to report this information in either question 22 if it relates to the goals and
objectives of your TA Cooperative Agreement award or question 25 if it relates to the
effectiveness of your TA Cooperative Agreement.
EXAMPLE 3: Your trainer, partially funded with your TA Cooperative Agreement funds,
conducts two statewide workshops during the current reporting period. If the time spent by
trainer on these two workshops was time paid for under the TA Cooperative Agreement, then
count the events as two statewide workshops. If half of this person’s time was funded by a
different project, then count one training event.
16. Number of people trained
Report the number of people trained with TA Cooperative Agreement funds during the
current reporting period. Use the category that is most descriptive of the people who
attended the training event. If you are unable to determine the disciplines represented at a
training event, report those people under multidisciplinary group. TA Cooperative
Agreement-funded staff attending staff development training should not be counted.
EXAMPLE: At the new grantee orientation, 30 of the new grantees are sexual assault
programs, 20 are domestic violence programs, and 10 are faith-based organizations. Report
the people trained as 30 sexual assault program staff, 20 domestic violence program staff,
and 10 faith-based organization staff.

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17.Number of hours spent on training
Report the total number of hours spent on training during the current reporting period.
18. Training content areas
Check the topics addressed in training events during the current reporting period. Check all
that apply. Do not include topics of staff development training attended by TA Cooperative
Agreement-funded staff.

C2. Technical Assistance
If your TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to provide technical assistance during
the current reporting period, check yes and answer questions 19-21. If not, check no and
skip to C3.
For the purposes of this form, technical assistance includes a wide variety of activities
designed to facilitate individual or agency change in some systematic manner by providing
expertise to solve a problem. Examples of technical assistance activities include clarifying
legislative and policy implementation and/or standards of service, technology consultations,
and assistance with problem-solving.
19. Number of technical assistance activities
Report the total number of technical assistance activities provided during the current
reporting period, indicating whether they were site visits or other types of consultations.
Consultations may include in-person, telephonic, electronic, or other types of contact. Each
contact should count as one consultation.
Site visit: A visit made to agency or other location for the purpose of providing technical
assistance consultation.
Other technical assistance consultation: Technical assistance consultations conducted by
telephonic, electronic, or other types of contact other than site visits. Each contact should
count as one consultation.
EXAMPLE: You provide technical assistance to a sexual assault program grantee and their
hospital partner on creating a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner program. You conduct one
site visit followed-up with three teleconferences to discuss the challenges they encountered
while creating the program. Count this as one (1) site visit (for each organization), three (3)
“other technical assistance consultations” provided to a sexual assault program, and three
(3) “other technical assistance consultations provided to a health care provider. (See
Recipients of

TA semi instructions

site visits

Number of other
technical assistance


Number of

Number of

Health care
Sexual assault





20. Number of hours spent on technical assistance.
Report the total number of hours spent on technical assistance during the current reporting

21. Topics of technical assistance
Check all topics that apply to technical assistance you provided during the current reporting
period. The technical assistance provided may be categorized by more than one topic.
Awardees should make this determination. Check all that apply.
EXAMPLE: You provide consultation to a domestic violence program on culturally
appropriate services and outreach strategies for women from Vietnam. In addition, you
provide technical assistance to a dual program on installing a new software program to help
them manage data collection. You would report as follows:
Topics of technical assistance
Criminal codes
Developing or enhancing culturally and racially appropriate services
for underserved populations
Technology and technology capacity (data collection and software
program purchase or development)


C3. Underserved populations
If your TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to develop or enhance standards of
service for underserved populations or to encourage the representation of underserved
populations in coordination activities during the current reporting period, check yes and
answer questions 22-23. If not, check no and skip to C4.
22. Activities addressing underserved populations
Check all activities listed in which TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to develop or
enhance services for underserved populations or to encourage the representation of
underserved populations in coordination services. Check all that apply.
Underserved populations include populations underserved because of geographic location,
underserved racial and ethnic populations, populations underserved because of special needs
(such as language barriers, disabilities, alienage status, or age), and any other population

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determined to be underserved by the Attorney General.
23. Underserved populations
Indicate which underserved populations were addressed in the activities identified in
question 22. Check all that apply.

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C4. Products
If your TA Cooperative Agreement funds were used to develop, substantially revise, or
distribute products during the current reporting period, check yes and answer question 24.
If not, check no and skip to D.
24. Report the number of products developed, substantially revised, or distributed with TA
Cooperative Agreement funds during the current reporting period. Report the number of new
products developed or substantially revised during the current reporting period; the title/topic and
intended audience for each product developed, revised, or distributed; and the number of
products used or distributed. If a product was created in or translated into a language other than
English, including Braille, indicate the language. Report on products that were newly developed
or substantially revised during the current reporting period whether or not they were used or
distributed, and on products that were previously developed or revised but were used or
distributed during the current reporting period.

EXAMPLE: You used TA Cooperative Agreement funds to create 1,000 brochures on victim
services for sexual assault victim/survivors with disabilities. You distributed 50 copies. You
also used TA Cooperative Agreement Grant funds to distribute 200 copies of a brochure
developed during a previous reporting period. Finally, you developed a new brochure in
Braille for victims/survivors who are blind, although no copies were distributed during the
current reporting period. You would report this as follows:


or revised



Victim services for women with
What to do if you are raped


TA semi instructions


Violence against women: A guide
for women who are blind or
visually impaired


survivors with
Survivors who
are blind




D. Narrative
All Awardees must answer question 25. Please limit your response to four pages for this
25. Report on the status of meeting the terms of your TA Cooperative Agreement.
Using Appendix A, report on the status of the goals and objectives for your TA Cooperative
Agreement award as of the end of the current reporting period, as they were identified in
your award proposal or as they have been added or revised. Indicate whether the activities
related to your goals and objectives have been completed, are in progress, are delayed, or
have been revised. Comment on your successes and challenges, and provide any additional
explanation you feel is necessary for us to understand what you have or have not
accomplished relative to your goals and objectives. If you have not accomplished objectives
that should have been accomplished during the current reporting period, you must provide an

Conduct training on legal services for sexual assault victims/survivors.
Developed training curricula and conducted five regional trainings.
Although we developed training curricula and conducted five regional
trainings, only half of the LAV grantees were trained. We will conduct
five more regional trainings during the next six months in an attempt to
train all LAV grantees.

All Awardees must answer questions 26 and 27 on an annual basis, on the January to June
reporting form. You may also, at your discretion, submit this information on the July to
December reporting form. Please limit your response to two pages for each question.
26. What do you see as the most significant areas of remaining need with regard to increasing
victim safety and offender accountability in the communities you serve?
Consider geographic regions, underserved populations, service delivery systems, and
challenges and barriers for your TA Cooperative Agreement. Please be specific.
EXAMPLE: Although our targeted TA Cooperative Agreement has been successful reaching
OVW in grantees in urban areas, we do not seem to attract grantees from rural areas. In
addition, when grantees from rural areas attend our training, they report that our curriculum
does not take the needs of rural areas into consideration. We need to develop training
specific to this topic for grantees in rural areas.
27. What do you see as the most significant needs of awardees, including emerging issues, the
types of support, technical assistance, or other needs of the awardees you serve?
Consider geographic regions, underserved populations, service delivery systems, and
challenges and barriers for the grantees served by your TA Cooperative Agreement. Please
be specific.

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EXAMPLE: Grantees report that they still have difficulty engaging judges in CCR activities.
They see judges as a primary focus for future training activities and would like ideas to get
judges involved and trained.
Question 28 is optional.
28. Provide any additional information that you would like us to know about your TA
Cooperative Agreement award and/or the effectiveness of your award.
If you have other data or information regarding your TA Cooperative Agreement that would
more fully or accurately reflect the effectiveness of your Technical Assistance Cooperative
Agreement award than the data you have been asked to provide on this form, answer this
question. If you have not already done so elsewhere, feel free to discuss any of the
following: systems-level changes, community collaboration, the removal or reduction of
barriers and challenges for victims/survivors, promising practices, and positive or negative
unintended consequences.
EXAMPLE: Because of technical assistance from our TA Cooperative Agreement, 30
grantees report that they have successfully established SANE programs.

TA semi instructions


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - TA Provider Form Instructions 030507.doc
File Modified2007-03-06
File Created2007-03-05

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