Data Colection Instruments and Protocol

0990-0281 Study Instruments.doc

Prevention Communication Formative Research

Data Colection Instruments and Protocol

OMB: 0990-0281

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Form Approved

OMB No. 0990-0281

Exp. Date 6/30/2008

Participant Screener for Online Test Participants

Under OMB No. 0990-0281, Prevention Communication Formative Research

O MB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0281. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 5 minutes response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.

Individuals will be asked the following questions and those who answer affirmatively to the responses denoted with the word “Accept” will be eligible to participate in the study:

  1. Have you participated in a research study for a Web site in the last six months?

  • Yes (Reject)

  • No (Accept)

  1. On average, how often do you use the Internet?

  • Nearly every day (Reject)

  • A couple times a week (Accept)

  • About once a month (Accept)

  • A couple times a month (Accept)

  • Less than once a month (Accept)

  • I have never used the Internet (Reject)

  1. When was the last time you used the Internet to obtain health information?

  • In the past six months (Accept)

  • In the past 6 months to a year (Accept)

  • Over a year ago (Accept)

  • I have never used the Internet to obtain health information (Accept)

  • I have never used the Internet (Reject)

  1. When was the last time you used a computer?

  • In the past six months (Accept)

  • In the past 6 months to a year (Reject)

  • Over a year ago (Reject)

  • I have never used a computer (Reject)

  1. How old are you today?

  • 65 and older (Accept)

  • Younger than 65 (Reject)

Study Instrument

Under OMB No. 0990-0281, Prevention Communication Formative Research

ODPHP Task #7

Overview of the protocol

The main purpose of the protocol is to assess confidence in computer literacy, e-health literacy and media literacy before and after participating in online health information training by our target audience.

The objectives of the protocol are to:

Determine which factors allow senior citizens to gain confidence in using computer e-health literacy skills to find health information online.

Determine which aspects of online health websites are most useful to help senior citizens evaluate the quality of health information online.

Determine which aspects of e-health training are most helpful to low literacy older adult consumers who are responding to federal health information online.

The protocol has three sections.

  • Section 1 is designed to allow the participants to provide feedback on their skill level and perceptions of using computers to seek health information online before the training.

  • Section 2 is designed to introduce concepts of computer literacy, ehealth literacy and media literacy to participants.

  • Section 3 asks respondents to provide feedback on their skill level and perceptions of using computers to seek health information online following the training.

The protocol outline is as follows:

  1. Section 1: Pre-test questions and eHEALS e-health literacy 6-question instrument

  1. Section 2: Training outline.

  1. Section 3: Post-test questions and eHEALS ehealth literacy 6-question instrument

This protocol is intended primarily to provide a structure for the session, with leeway for questions and answers as needed. The content of the session will commence with the respondent’s answers to closed-ended questions, continue with interactive training offered with each participant engaging with a computer to perform tasks, followed by closed-ended questions with options for several open-ended responses at the end in the form of a survey.

Section 1. Prototype Review

Before beginning the session, the respondent will read and sign the Informed Consent statement.

The Researcher will read aloud the Introduction:

On behalf of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this research is intended to help older adults find and judge the quality of health information online.

The title of this research study is “eHealth for Seniors”. The purpose of this training is to help you to find health information, learn to evaluate the quality of the information you find, and create your own messages about health.


Before completing any tasks, the researcher will present the participant pre-test survey and the eHEALS ehealth literacy 6-item questionnaire (see attached).

Section 2. Computer literacy, eHealth Literacy and Media Literacy Tasks

After hearing a verbal introduction, participants proceed to the first of three training modules concerning the use of Internet resources for health information. A short guide will be distributed with each module to describe interactive tasks. Within each module, participants follow verbal directions as a group, with periodic time for questions and answers. While participants navigate Web sites, tasks will be assisted by researcher verbal directions. When each participant feels they have completed each module’s tasks, they will be allowed time for questions before proceeding to the next module.

Typical examples of tasks include:

  • Using federal Web sites to locate information on elder fall prevention.

  • Finding a tip or strategy to start exercising or keep track of exercise.

  • Identifying the author and date of a website.

  • Finding information about a specific health topic of interest.

  • Writing a list of questions to discuss with a healthcare professional.

As they complete each task, participants will be encouraged to ask questions about the content and navigation of the Internet for health information, if they are experiencing difficulties.

The training project is intended to provide an opportunity for senior participants to become more e-health literate, as they learn more about: 1) accessing and using online health information, 2) evaluating online health information and 3) creating health-related messages to communicate about concerns and questions with doctors and other healthcare providers.

The Healthy People 2010 objectives for health communication include an objective on website quality of information with six types of information needed for users of health Web sites. These six “markers” and media literacy strategies will be introduced as a means for seniors to critically assess the quality and accuracy of health Web sites before learning to create their own messages.


Three 30-minute Activity Modules are being offered within a 90-minute session; with breaks and testing/surveys the total time required is two hours:

Activity Module 1 (30 minutes): What is e-Health Literacy?

  1. Introduction to module: health information online

  2. Practice Activity – clickable sites and tips for finding information

  3. Reflection /Discussion/Questions

  4. Practice Activity –Searching and “bookmarking” health websites

  5. Conclusion/Summary

Activity Module 2 (30 minutes): E-Health Literacy Next Steps: How to Search the Web for Health Information

  1. Introduction to module: decide whose website you’re looking at

  2. Practice Activity – six Web site quality “markers” and other ways to assess media

  3. Reflection /Discussion/Questions

  4. Practice Activity – who created this site and when?

  5. Conclusion/Summary

Activity Module 3 (30 minutes): Media Literacy for e-Health Web Sites

  1. Introduction to module: other ways to analyze and evaluate websites

  2. Practice Activity – What’s missing, what’s here

  3. Reflection /Discussion/Questions

  4. Practice Activity – Write and send your own health message

  5. Conclusion/Summary/Thanks

Section 3. Response to Training

After completing all tasks, the researcher will present the eHEALS ehealth literacy 6-item questionnaire, a post-training survey, and demographics (see attached).

Anticipated Outcomes: As a result of participating in this program, seniors will be acquainted with online health resources, know more about ways to evaluate these sources and be able to generate their own messages and questions about health information found online.

Form Approved

OMB. No. 0990-0281

Exp. Date 6/30/2008

Participant Questionnaire – Survey and Pre- Test for

eHealth Literacy for Seniors” Training

O MB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0281. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.

eHealth Literacy for Seniors Pre-Test Survey (Part I)

Welcome to today’s training session! We are trying out new ways to help senior citizens use a computer to find health information. Here are a few questions about computers:

  1. How often do you use the Internet (including e-mail)?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Very Rarely

  • Never

  1. Where do you use the Internet?

  • In your home

  • At the library

  • At a community center

  • At a family member or friend’s house

  • Nowhere - first time today

  • Other (describe):___________________________________

  1. Have you ever taken a computer class?

  • Yes

  • No

How recently did you take the class?

  • Past Month

  • Past 3 Months

  • Past Year

  • Never

  1. Do you know what a computer “mouse” is?

  • Yes

  • No

If you said yes, do you know how to use it? ­­

  • Yes

  • No

  1. When using the Internet, do you know where to type in a web address?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Have you ever used a search website such as Google or Yahoo?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Have you ever sent an e-mail message?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Have you looked for any of the following information on the Internet?

(choose all that apply)

  • Shopping

  • Weather

  • Health information

  • News

  • Other ______________________

eHEALS* Pretest

Before we begin our session, here are a few questions about seeking health information on the Internet. Select the response closest to how you feel about each of the following questions:

Q1: I know how to use the Internet to answer my health questions.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q2: I know where to find helpful health resources on the Internet.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q3: I can tell high quality from low quality health resources on the Internet.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q4: I can tell who wrote a website and the date it was written.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q5: I feel confident in using information from the Internet to make health decisions.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q6: I feel it is easy to find information about health on the Internet.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Source: Adapted from Norman, C.D. and Skinner, H.A. (2006). eHEALS: The ehealth literacy scale. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2006; 8(4):e27. http://www.jmir/org/2006/4/e27/

Form Approved

OMB. No. 0990-0281

Exp. Date 6/30/2008

Participant Questionnaire – Post-Test, Survey and Demographics for

eHealth Literacy for Seniors” Training

OMB BURDEN STATEMENT: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0281. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection.

eHEALS* Post-test (Part 2)

Now that we have completed our session, we’d like to ask you some of the same questions as before about health information and the Internet. Select the response closest to how you feel about each of the following questions:

Q1: I know how to use the Internet to answer my health questions.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q2: I know where to find helpful health resources on the Internet.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q3: I can tell high quality from low quality health resources on the Internet.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q4: I can tell who wrote a website and the date it was written.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q5: I feel confident in using information from the Internet to make health decisions.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

Q6: I feel it is easy to find information about health on the Internet.

---strongly agree ---agree ---neutral ---disagree ---strongly disagree

* Source: Adapted from Norman, C.D. and Skinner, H.A. (2006). eHEALS: The ehealth literacy scale. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2006; 8(4):e27. http://www.jmir/org/2006/4/e27/

Evaluation (following Posttest)

You are almost finished!

Here are a few final questions so we can improve today’s training:

  1. Could you see, hear, and reach the computer easily today?

  • Yes

  • No

Please check any problems you noticed:

  • computer too high or low

  • hard to see screen

  • hard to reach keys

  • could not hear directions well

  • computer not working

  • fine – no problems today

  • other: ____________________________________________________

  1. Did you have time to ask questions during the session?

  • Yes

  • No

If so, did you understand the answers?

  • Sometimes

  • Usually

  • Rarely

  • Never

  • Not applicable

  1. The most important thing I learned today was:

  • How to find health information online

  • How to decide the quality of websites

  • How to find who wrote websites and when

  • Other: ____________________________________________________________

  1. The least important thing covered today was:

  • How to find health information online

  • How to decide the quality of websites

  • How to find who wrote websites and when

  • Other: ____________________________________________________________

  1. How would you change our session:

    1. Nothing – it is fine now.

    2. New information such as: _________________________________________

    3. Take out information such as: _______________________________________

  1. Please tell us if there is anything else that you’d like us to know about today’s training:



Please tell us a little about yourself.

  1. How old are you today?

  • 65-74

  • 75-84

  • 85-90

  1. What is your level of education?

  • Some High School

  • High School Graduate or GED Equivalent

  • Some Community College

  • Some Four-Year College

  1. What was the total annual income of your household last year, before taxes?

  • Less than $20,000

  • $20,000 to $40,000

  • $40,000 to $60,000

  • $60,000 to $80,000

  • Over $80,000

Thank you for your help, and for joining us for today’s training.


OMB No. 0990-0281 Submission #5

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleForm Approved
AuthorAuthorized User
Last Modified ByAuthorized User
File Modified2007-06-15
File Created2007-06-15

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