Form NAHMS 167 NAHMS 167 04 Game Fowl Questionnaire

Small Enterprise Chicken Study

04 Game Fowl - English

Poultry Study

OMB: 0579-0260

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Animal and
Plant Health

Poultry ’04

Nationa~ Animal Health
Monitoring System


2150 Centre Ave, #e, MS 2E7
Fort Col{ins, CO 80526

Form Approved

OMB Number 0579We would like to ask you some questions about your birds. In order to
Approval expires: 12/31/96
understand important issues in the gamefowl industry, we need to obtain
information about the health status of birds and any health problems they may have had, as

well as productivity and management information.
Response is voluntary and not required by law. However, your report is needed to make
regional and national estimates as accurate as possible. Please complete either the
English or Spanish version of the questionnaire and return in the enclosed business
reply envelope.
Section 1. General Management
1. As of today, how many of the following types of birds of any age do you keep on your premises?
A. Chickens: table egg breeds (e.g., Leghorn, Sex-links, any other chicken
used for table egg production) ...........................................................................

C. Chickens: game fowl (e.g., Kelso, Hatch, Claret, Roundhead,
including game fowl type bantam breeds) .........................................................
E. Turkeys ...............................................................................................................
F. D~ks .................................
:,,..~ .................................................................................
G. Other water fowl (e.g., goose, swan) .................................................................

Ratites (e.g., ostrich, emu) .................................................................................


Game b[r~s~(eg, qH~J ~e~s~t)



.. ~

K. Guinea fowl ........................................................................................................

M. Pet birds (breeds not normally used for food and usually housed in cages
in the home, like parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, finches, and canaries) .~ .........

-F __

Total number of birds on your premises today ......................................................... s~
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMS contro~ number. The valid OMB control number for th~ information collection is 0579-. The time
required to complete this inforrnat]on collection is estimated to average .25 hours per response, including the time to review
instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected.

AUG 2004

2. In miles, how far is your premises to the nearest: (if less than 1 mile, estimate to nearest quarter mile)
A. feed store? .......................................................................................................... Bl15
C. flea market or swap meet where birds are sold? ............................................... Bl17

E. commercial poultry operation? ........................................................................... B1~9
3. How many commercial poultry operations are within 1 mile? .........................................B120


I The remaining questions will refer to all birds EXCEPT pet birds (definition of pet bird in #1M above).
4. Are any birds you keep on your premises kept in the following housing types?
A. Outdoors, unable to leave your property (including tethered birds) ...................B~23 E]~Yes E]3 No

Are any birds you keep on your premises kept inside such as in a barn or coop ........... B12~


rn3 No

If Yes:
A. Are any of these birds housed in cages? .............................................................



B. Are any of these birds housed in pens? ...............................................................


FI3 No




C. Are any of these birds allowed outdoors? ............................................................~


Do the birds have contact with the following types of animals?
A. Your dogs or cats ............................................................................................... BI=S
~Yes ~ No
C. Your neighbors’ poultry’ ......................................................................................~


rn3 No

E. Pigs ....................................................................................................................~


FI3 No

G. Other animals (specify:


1~3 No



.) ~,* ........................... ~

Do raccoons, foxes, skunks, or possums get in or near the bird area? .........................



HOW often do you see rodents (rats and mice) or evidence of rodents in the bird area? (Check one only.)
E]~ Usually E]~ Sometimes F’I~ Rarely FI4 Never
Are any of the following rodent control methods used for the bird area?


A. Bait .....................................................................................................................


E]~ No

~o E]~Yes
C. Cats ....................................................................................................................
~4= E]~Yes
E. Professional exterminator ..................................................................................

F]~ No

R’lr)t3CllM,=~llkhbrown LOCALS~I~TernD C program files.Notes.Data~gamefowl questionnaire-rev.doc

[33 No


10. In the tast 12 months, did a veterinarian look at your bird(s) for any reason? ..............BI~ [31Yes ["13 NO
11. In the last 12 months, did you get any of your birds’ medications from the following sources?
(If no medications used, check all No.)
A. Mail order or Internet ..........................................................................................
B14~ 1-11Yes [33 No
C. Make own ...........................................................................................................
B147 r-I~Yes El3 No
E. Other suppliers (specify:

) B~49A ...........................



[’~3 No

12. Have you had any of your birds vaccinated in the last 12 months? .... Bl~0 [3~ Yes [32 Don’t Know r-13 No


lf No or Don’t Know, skip to #13.
If Yes, did you vaccinate for the following diseases?
A. Newcastle disease .........................................................

All birds


Some birds El3 None

If Yes, is the vaccine administered:
,~1, in th~ drinkingiwate~.~ .............................
A2. by injection? ............................................................
B. Laryngotracheitis (LT) ....................................................

[31Yes r-13 No
All birds [32 Some birds I--~3 None

If Yes, is the vaccine administered:
B2. as a spray? .............................................................
B3, ir~ the ~#inldng water?. ..........................................
c. Pox .................................................................................

E]lYes 03 No
~Yes [3~No
All birds [~]2 Some birds r3~ None

D. Infectious; bi:oBchitis (tBV) ~ ..............................................
E. Infectious bursal disease (IBD) ......................................
G. Avian encephalomyelitis (AE) ........................................m6~

Other diseases (specify:


If Yes, do you vaccinate chicks for Marek’s disease? ...~1s6

All birds D2 Some birds Dz None
I-i~ All birds [-12 Some birds r-I~ None
~ All birds ~ Some birds ~3 None
~Yes ~ No

13. In the last 12 months, were any of the.following medications administered to your flock?
A. Injectable vitamins ..............................................................................................
~e7 E]~Yes

~ l-I1Yes
C. Antibiotics for disease treatment ........................................................................
~,L.,.:.:...,.:,:. :.+~ ~¥es
D~ Otherme~t~s(s~e~

~,. ~,, ~ME~ l lkhbrownlLOCALS-1 Temp C l~ro~lram files.Notes.Data~gamefowl questionnaire-rev.doc


14. Did you have any of the following problems in your flock in the last 3 months?
A. Diarrhea ..............................................................................................................
~171 r’ilYes r13 No
8173 [31Yes [33 No
C. Neurologic problems (lack of coordination, weakness) ....................................
E. Feed refusal/depression (droopy birds) .............................................................
~ I-I1yes [33 No

G. Unexplained death loss ......................................................................................
B~ rl~Yes

r-I3 No

I. External parasites (mites, lice, etc.) ...................................................................
r-I~Yes i-13 No
15. How important to you are the following sources of bird health information?
A. Extension service ................................................. ~8~ (~ Very ~2 Somewhat r-I3 Not important
Very £]2 Somewhat [3~ Not important

C. [nternet ................................................................. ~8~

~ ~ery m~, S~mew~a~t ~ N~t i~pertant
Very ~2 Somewhat ~a Not impo~ant

E. Medical supplier/salesperson ...............................
F. ~be~,pro~U~ ...... ~;~;i.i...,: ............................
:: ........~6
G. Veterinarian (private practitioner) .........................

Ve~ ~,Some~at ~a Notimpo~an~
Ve~ ~2 Somewhat ~ Not impo~ant
Very ~So~ewhat ~Not{~o~ant

G. Other source~ (specify:.

_) 8~6~A ......8~e~

Very ~2 Somewhat ~a Notimpo~ant

16. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being not available and 5 being readily available, how readily available are the
following products/services for your birds whether you use them or not?


A. Veterinary care .....................................................B~90




C. Medication ............................................................B~92







Section 2, Biosecurity
Which of the following best describes the biosecurity precautions required for footwear of anyone going into
the bird area? (Check one only.)
r-I~ Boots or shoes worn only in the bird area
E]~ Disposable boot or shoe covers
[~ Use of footbath before or after entry
E]~ Scrub boots/shoes before or after entry
rq~ No requirements
2. Do you always, sometimes, or never require that clothing worn only around the birds
be put on before you or anyone else enters the bird area? ........ B20~ E]~Always [32 Sometimes 1-i3 Never

3. Do you always, sometimes, or never require that hands be washed:
A. before handling the birds? ..........................................B2~

FI1AIways n2 Sometimes n3 Never

4. Are visitors such as neighbors, repairmen, and meter readers
always, sometimes, or never allowed in the bird area? .......... B~os
If Yea, are visitors asked about contact with other birds
before being allowed in the area? ....................................a2oo

E31AIways r~2 Sometimes ~--~3 Never
E]lAIways E]2 Sometimes i33 Never

5. Is there a pond on the property that attracts wild water fowl? ........................................
8~o7 E31Yes El3 No
6. Do you have a wild bird feeder on the property? ............................................................

~ Fl~Yes

F13 No

Section 3. Bird Movement
1. Were fertilized eggs for hatching brought onto the premises in the last 12 months?.....B3~


2. How many times in the last 12 months were additional birds placed into
your flock (not including those hatched on your premises)? ........................................... e~o2

E]3 No

birds introduced in last 12 months, skip to #8.
3. Were any of the birds introduced in the last 12 months:
A. day-old chicks? ..................................................................................................~o~
B. young.stock (not yet repm~luCtive age)? ............................................................~e4
C. adult birds (reproductive age)? ..........................................................................a~e~
4. Were these new birds usually separated or quarantined from the
rest of the flock upon ardval? ......................................... ~

nlYes El2 No other birds present ~3 No

If Yes, how many days did you usually separate or quarantine the birds? ..............a3o7

__ days

Did any of the new birds introduced in the last 12 months come from:
A. within your county? ............................................................................................


E3~ No

C. outside your State but in the U.S.? ....................................................................~o


Ds No

6. Did all, some, or none of the new birds come with a health certificate? (Check one only.)
r-II All birds r~2 Some birds [-13 None
T. Did yOU ge{ any o{ the introduced birds from the following seurces?
A. Local commercial hatchery ................................................................................ B~ D~Yes ~3 No
C. Private individual (e.g., neighbor) ......................................................................


E~3 No

E. Fair or show ........................................................................................................~3~


133 No

G. Auction market ...................................................................................................~o



js~ .......................................8~


~3 No


Other (specify:

R.II30CUME-11khbrown~LOCALS-l~TemolC.Droclrarn files, Notes, Data~gamefowl questionnaire-rev.doc



8. Did you sell or give away any live birds in the last 12 months? ......................................832~ [3~Yes FI3 No
If Yes, through what means were the birds sold or given away?
A. Poultry wholesaler or dealer ...............................................................................
8~4 ~lYes FI3 No
C. Feed or farm store ..............................................................................................B3~6 1311Yes E]3 No
E. Live bird market ..................................................................................................

~ E]lYes

r33 No

B330 f-I~yes
Auction market ...................................................................................................

n~ NO

I. Other (specify:

)B~32A .......................................B~B i-I~Yes

rl~ No

If birds were sold or given away in the last 12 months, did any birds go to the following locations:
A. within your county? ............................................................................................
~3~3 i-11Yes

El3 No

C. outside your State but in the U.S.? ....................................................................B~ rl~yes ~3 No

10. How many times in the last 12 months did you take any of your birds to a
location, for example, fair, show, etc., where other birds were present
and then you returned your birds to your premises? ..................................................... ~=~7


L if 0, skip to #13.
1 1. Were any of these trips:
A. in your county? ...................................................................................................


~3~ No

B: outsdeyo~r~eunty~ut~ny~ur State ................................................................B~z~ ~¥es
C. outside your State but in the U.S.? ....................................................................B~40 FI1yes

~ No
rl~ No

12. Were the birds always, sometimes, or never isolated or quarantined before
they were put back with other birds on your premises? .................................................. ~
f-I~ Always isolated
E]~ Sometimes isolated
E]~ No other birds on premises
[3~ Never isolated
13. In the last 3 months, did you visit a location that had live birds, such as a
market, feed store with birds, fair, or neighbor’s premises?
(Only answer for the person primarily responsible for the birds.) ..................................~


E]~ No

A, Change clothes ..................................................................................................


~ No

C. Wash hands .......................................................................................................~6


~3 No


~ No

If Yes, did you take any of the following biosecurity measures before re-entering your
own bird area after returning from the location with other birds?

E. Take other precautions (specify:

~ .......~

P,.ll~o~,,l /ME~ l ~khbrownlL OCAL S~ l l TemplC.program files.Notes.Data\gamefowl questionnaire-rev.doc


14. In the last 12 months, did you transport any birds for any reason using your own
vehicle or one under your control? ..................................................................................B~9


rq3 No


FI3 No

C. Were any of the trips overnight? ...............................................................................B~S~ Vl~Yes

[]3 No

If Yes,
A. Have you ever seen feathers, droppings, or feather down
escape the transport vehicle while en route? ...........................................................
[]~ lto5miles FI2 6 to149 miles f-13 150 miles or more

[]~ Wooden or fine screen

rq2 Special recyclable with airflow cardboard

[]3 Both types

r-14 Other (specify:

15. In the last 12 months, did you transport any birds by air including U.S. Mail? ...............

[]1Yes []3 No

If Yes,
A. How often did you use new (never used before) shipping crates? ..........................
FI1 Always []2 Often []3 Sometimes []4 Rarely/Never

16. Do you destroy (e.g. burn) bedding material from birds that arrive at your premises?...B~ []1Yes FI3 No
If No, do you reuse the bedding as bedding for birds? ................................................... Bss9 Vl~Yes []3 No

Section 4. Carcass and Litter Disposal
1. Not counting birds slaughtered for human consumption, approximately how many
of your birds died or were destroyed in the last 12 months? (Estimate if not sure.) ....... B401


If 0, skip to #3,
2. Which of the following is the primary method of disposing of the dead birds? (Check one only.)
[]1 Incinerate
[32 Bury on premises

[is Taken to a landfill
[]7 Put in trash (picked up)

[33 Renderer picked up

[]8 Fed to other animals
[]~ Other disposal methods (specify:

[]4 Carcass taken to renderer
rq~ Compost


3. Which one of the following best describes how you dispose of used poultry litter and manure?
(Check one only.)
E]~ Place in manure shed/compost
I-I3 Haul away (sell or give away)

Leave in an outdoor pile
[]3 Spread on field/garden at this location
E]~ Taken to a landfill or put in trash

Other disposal methods




.) ~40~A

D~ Do not have enough litter/manure to deal with

C:lDOCUME~ llkhbmwnlLOCALS~ llTemplC.program files.Notes.Datalgamefowl questionnaire-rev.doc


Section 5. About You
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not important and 10 being extremely important, how important are the
following reasons to you for why you have birds?
Not important
Extremely important
A. Family tradition, always had birds

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

C. Extra income




E. Lifestyle (want the ambiance or personal
satisfaction of having birds around) 1



G, Other reasons to have birds














10 ~s0s






.) ssoyA

2. What Stats do you live in? ..............................................................................................
3. Are you a member of a UGBA State affiliate? ................................................................

[31Yes [33 No


__ years

4. How many years have you or your family raised birds on this premises? ......................

5. Does anyone in this household work for a commercial poultry production
facility or poultry processing facility? ...............................................................................esl~
6. Have you participated in a sun, ey like this in the past 6 months? ..................................


7. How many minutes did it take you to complete this questionnaire? ...............................



[3~Yes [33 No
[3~Yes [33 No
__ rain

Thank you for your time and help.
If you would like more information about our program and this survey,
you can visit our web site at

C:lDOCUME-11khbrown\L OCAL S~ l ~ Temp~C.program files.Notes.Data~gamefowl questionnaire-rev.doc


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