1 Breastfeeding Discussion Group Guide

Evaluation of Office on Women's Health Publications

Breasfeeding Guide - Disc Group Guide - OWH Publications 7 2 07

Evaluation of Office of Women's Publications -Breastfeeding Discussion Group

OMB: 0990-0319

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OMB No. 0990-XXXX

Exp. 07-XX-2008

An Easy Guide to Breastfeeding –

Discussion Group Moderator’s Guide


Target Audience: Women with newborns who have used the Breastfeeding Guide.

  1. Introduction (10 min)

  1. Welcome & Thanks for Coming

  2. Facilitator & Note-taker Introductions- Tell group a little about yourselves

  3. Participant Introductions- First name and what you like to do in your spare time.

  4. We will be taking notes and recording this session. Is that ok with everyone?

  5. All the information that is written down and recorded is confidential and will not be linked to you in any way.

  1. Purpose of Today’s Group

We would like:

  1. Your reactions to the format of the EGB.

  2. Your reactions to the content of the EGB.

  3. Your recommendations for improving the EGB.

  1. Ground Rules

  1. The group will last approximately 90 minutes.

  2. There are no right or wrong answers.

  3. We welcome and respect different points of view.

  4. All ideas are good ideas.

  5. If you are uncomfortable with a question, feel free to pass.

  6. We have quite a few things to cover; at times we may need to stop the discussion in order to move on. We apologize for this in advance.

  7. The creators of this guide would like your honest feedback. Please tell us how you really feel—you will not hurt anyone’s feelings by offering constructive criticism (note that facilitator and note-taker are not associated with the creators of the guide).

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990- . The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average ( hours)(minutes) per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/ocio/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 531-H, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer. Alice Bettencourt


  • Copies of the guide (1 per person)

  • Copies of the survey (1 per person)

  • Butcher Block Paper

  • Markers

  • Sticky Dots

  • Index Cards

  • Pencils

II. Format (25 minutes)

We will start out with an anonymous survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey and then we will begin our discussion. (Pass out surveys and pens/pencils.) Please DO NOT write your name on the survey. (Collect surveys.)

The first set of questions will focus on the format of the guide. By format we mean things like graphics, colors, and print. Please spend a few minutes flipping through the pages and notice what you like most and least about the guide’s format.

Objective 1: Reactions to the format of the guide

(Post two pieces of butcher-block paper. Use a marker to record group answers to questions 1a. and 1b.)

  1. In terms of format, what are your overall impressions of the guide?

    1. Appearance - colors, graphics, length, size, theme, text (font, font size)

    2. Organization – How did you like the way it was organized?

  2. What is the one thing you liked most about the guide’s format?

  3. What is the one thing you liked least about the guide’s format?

III. Content (30 minutes)

Objective 2: Reactions to the content of the guide

The next set of questions will focus on the content of the guide. Please spend a few minutes reading through the guide and recall what you like most and least about the guide’s content. (5 min)

  1. What are your reactions to the topics that were selected for the guide? (Probe: Is the information appropriate? Are there other topics areas that you would like to see included? Left out?)

  2. How would you describe the quality of the information in the guide? (Probe: Does the guide present the right amount of information? Too much/too little? Was the information under/overwhelming? Easy/hard to read?)

  3. Could you find the information you were looking for? Were you satisfied with the way the information was organized? Please describe.

(Post three sheets of butcher-block paper on the wall, written with questions 4a, 4b, & 4c. Below each item, there should be a scale from 1 – 6, with one as “No, not at all” and six as “Yes, definitely”. Pass out three sticky dots to each participant.)

  1. Use your sticky dots to record on the paper your responses to the following three questions:

    1. To what extent would the content of the Guide motivate a woman to find more information about breastfeeding?

    2. To what extent would the content of the Guide motivate a woman to talk to others about breastfeeding?

    3. To what extent would the content of the Guide motivate a woman to breastfeed her baby?

(After participants have recorded their answers with sticky dots, review each question and ask the group WHY they responded they way they did.)

  1. What is the one thing you found most useful about the guide’s content?

  2. What is the one thing you found least useful about the guide’s content?

  1. Format and Content Wrap-Up (20 minutes)

    1. What, if anything, about the guide made you want to read it?

    2. What, if anything, about the guide made you not want to read it?

    3. How would you describe how relevant the guide is for you? (Probe: Did you feel the guide was created for you?)

    4. How is this guide different or similar to other information on breastfeeding you have received? (Probe: Like better/not as much, more helpful information, etc.)

    5. Would you recommend the guide to your friends or family members?

    6. Have you shared information in the guide with friends or family members?

V. Recommendations for Improvement (5 min)

Objective 3: Your experience with the guide

(Pass out an index card and a pencil to each participant.)

  1. Take a moment to think about your recommendations for improving the guide. (e.g. What other types of information would you like to see? What other information would be useful to you?) Then, record your responses on your index card.

(Depending on time, facilitator may go around and ask participants to share their responses in a round robin style.)

  1. Any closing questions or comments?

    1. Wrap-Up

  1. Summarize the main points discussed today.

  2. Thank participants for their time

  3. Pay participants

Prepared by Shattuck & Associates, Inc. for Hager Sharp on behalf of the Office of Women’s Health


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleUniversity of Maryland-Maryland Department of Transportation
AuthorMedessa Burian
Last Modified Bysxp1
File Modified2007-12-12
File Created2007-12-12

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