Cfi 129 Doc Mbda

American Customer Satisfaction Index

CFI 129 DOC MBDA questionnaire


OMB: 1505-0191

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The 2007 American Customer Satisfaction Survey

Draft 4/OPPE/CFI/7/23/2007

The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), a bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce, is conducting a survey of customers and clients receiving business-related services from the agency and its programs. Your input is critical to the continuation of these services in the future.

This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. It is authorized by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB Control Number 1505-0191) and conducted by the CFI Group, an independent research and consulting firm. Your answers are voluntary, but your opinions are very important for this study. Your name will remain completely confidential and not connected to your responses.

Thank you in advance for sharing your feedback with us.


Ronald N. Langston

National Director

Minority Business Development Agency

OMB Approval #

QA1. During the past year-to-date, which of the following MBDA business services or programs have been utilized by you or your firm?

(Please indicate all that apply)

  1. Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC)

  2. Native American Business Enterprise Center (NABEC)

  3. Office of Native American Business Development

  4. Minority Business Opportunity Center (MBOC)

  5. Phoenix-Opportunity On-line Matching System

  6. MBDA Portal Tools (Business Plan Writer, Resource Locator, Business Locator or Capital Locator)

  7. Business to Business Forums (B2B), Business Conferences, Matchmaking activities, Investment Conferences, Access to Capital meetings

  8. Annual MED Week Conferences (National or Local)

  9. MBDA federal staff services, referrals or consultations

  10. Other MBDA program services such as the Katrina-Gulf Coast Recovery opportunities

  11. None of the above (Programming note: Respondent terminates).

QA1.1 How long have you been in business? (select one)

1 Not currently in business

2 Less than one year

3 More than one year but less than five years

4 More than five years

QA1.2 What service or industry do you represent? (select one)

    1. Services

    2. Construction

    3. Manufacturing

    4. Retail Trade

    5. Wholesale Trade

    6. Finance Administration

    7. Transportation

    8. Government (Federal, State, Local, Tribal)

    9. Other

QA1.3 How many employees (full and part time) do you have on staff (do not

include contractors)?

  1. 0

  2. 1-5

  3. 6-10

  4. 11-15

  5. 16-25

  6. more than 25

QA1.4 Estimate your annual gross receipts range.

  1. Less than $150,000

  2. More than $150,000 but less than $500,000

  3. Between $500,000 and $1,000,000

  4. Greater than $1,000,000

  5. Not applicable

QA1.5 Please identify the zip code for your business location using 5 digits: (Programming Note: Only allow for 5 digits).


Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC) Services

(Note: Respondents receive questions only if “1” in QA1 is selected.)

QA2.1 Which of the following Minority Business Enterprise Center (MBEC)

services did you utilize in the last year?

(select all that apply)

a. Marketing / Bidding or Networking assistance

b. Financial Management (access to capital or other financial opportunities)

c. Procurement / Contract opportunities

d. Minority Certification service

e. Management / Organizational service

f. Business plan preparation

g. Business Training

h. Other service (exporting, referral, consultation, etc.) please specify: ____________________

QA2.2 Based on the most recent MBEC service you received,

on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please

rate the services and business assistance on the following criteria:

a. Variety of assistance

b. Ease of access in obtaining services

  1. Usefulness of assistance

  2. Fees charged for services, if any. (please select DK/NA if appropriate)

QA2.3 Again, based on the most recent service you received, please rate

the personnel / staff on the following:

a. Timeliness in responding to your service needs

b. Professionalism in handling your service needs

c. Knowledge of related subject matter

d. Ability to resolve your service needs

QA2.4 During the last year, has an MBDA staff employee contacted you to discuss

your satisfaction with the services received from an MBEC?

  1. Yes

  2. No

QA2.6 If a rating of 6 or less is given to questions QA2.2 or QA2.3,

respondent will receive the following question:

Indicate how the MBECs could provide better service to you and your






Native American Business Enterprise Center (NABEC) Services

(Note: Respondents receive questions only if “2” in QA1 is selected.)

QA2.1 Which of the following Native American Business Enterprise Center

(MBEC) services did you utilize in the last year?

(select all that apply)

a. Marketing / Bidding or Networking assistance

b. Financial management (access to capital or other financial opportunity)

c. Procurement / Contract opportunity

d. Minority Certification service

e. Management / Organizational service

f. Business plan preparation

g. Business Training

h. Other service (exporting, referral, consultation, etc.) please specify: __________

QA2.2 Based on the most recent NABEC service you received,

on a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is Poor and 10 is Excellent, please

rate the services and business assistance on the following criteria:

a. Variety of assistance

b. Ease of access in obtaining services

  1. Usefulness of assistance

  2. Fees charged for services (if any) (please select DK/NA if appropriate)

QA2.3 Again, based on the last service you received, please rate from 1 (Poor) to

10 (Excellent), the personnel / staff on the following:

a. Timeliness in responding to your service needs

b. Professionalism in handling your service needs

c. Knowledge of related subject matter

d. Ability to resolve your service needs

QA2.4 In the last year, has any MBDA staff employee contacted you to discuss

your satisfaction with the services received from a NABEC?

  1. Yes

  2. No

QA2.6 If a rating of 6 or less is given to questions QA2.2 or QA2.3,

respondent will receive the following question:

Indicate how the NABECs could provide better service to you and your






Office of Native American Business Development


(Note: Respondents receive questions only if “3” in QA1 is selected.)

QA2.7 Which of the following Office of Native American Business Development

services did you utilize in the last year?

(select all that apply)

a. Marketing / Bidding or Networking assistance

b. Financial Management (access to capital or other financial opportunity)

c. Procurement / Contract opportunity

d. Minority Certification service

e. Management / Organizational service

f. Business plan preparation

g. Business Training

h. Other service (exporting, referral, consultation, etc.) please specify: _________________________

QA2.8 Based on the most recent service you received from the Office of Native American Business Development, on a scale from 1 (Poor) to 10 (Excellent) please rate the services and business assistance based on the following criteria:

a. Variety of assistance

b. Ease of access in obtaining services

  1. Usefulness of assistance

  2. Fees charged for services (if any) (please select DK/NA if appropriate)

QA2.9 If a rating of 6 or less was given to question QA2.8,

the respondent will receive the following question:

Indicate how the Office of Native American Business Development

could provide better service to you and your organization.





Minority Business Opportunity Center (MBOC) Services


(Note: Respondents receive questions only if “4” in QA1 is selected.

QA3.1 What type of service was provided by the MBOC? (select all that apply)

  1. Procurement /Contract opportunity

  2. Financial Capital opportunity

  3. Other service (referral, consultation, etc) Please specify______________

QA3.2 Based on the most recent service using the 1 (Poor) to 10 (Excellent) scale,

please rate the MBOC personnel /staff on the following:

a. Timeliness in responding to your service needs

b. Professionalism in handling your service needs

c. Knowledge of related subject matter

d. Ability to resolve your service needs

QA3.3 If a rating of 6 or less was given to question QA3.2,

the respondent will receive the following question:

Indicate how the Minority Business Opportunity Center

could provide better service to you and your organization.





MBDA Internet Portal Services and On-line tools


(Note: Respondents receive questions if “5” in QA1 is selected.)

MBDA provides an on-line Internet Portal ( with free services to include

electronic business tools and information regarding minority business activity and opportunities.

QA4. Have you used the MBDA Internet Portal?

    1. Yes

    2. No (skip to QA5)

QA4.1 On a scale from 1 (Poor) to 10 (Excellent), please rate the Phoenix-Opportunity

On-line Bid Matching system based on the following:

a. Ease of registering to obtain matches for contracting and teaming

opportunities for your company

b. Accuracy of the matches you receive based on the information you

provided about your company (e.g., industry classification, size and

geographic market)

c. Quality of the matches you received, if any

d. Timeliness of receiving opportunity matches to successfully respond

QA4.2 Have you responded (bid) to any contract opportunities

received from a Phoenix-Opportunity match?

a. Yes

b. No (if no, please indicate why)



QA4.3 During the last year to date, how many successful contract awards have

resulted from responding to an opportunity match?

a. 0 (skip to QA4.5)

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

e. More than 4

QA4.4 If successful, please estimate the total dollar value of your contracts awards

received through the Phoenix-Opportunity system from QA4.3.

a. $50,000 or less

b. $50,000-$100,000

c. $100,000-$500,000

d. $500,000-$1 million

e. more than $1 million

f. Don’t know

QA4.5 The MBDA website offers several tools and information to registered users.

On a scale from 1 (Not at All Useful) to 10 (Very Useful) please rate each of

the following online tools. If you have not used any particular tool, please

select “NA”.

  1. Business Plan Writer

  2. Capital Locator

  3. Resource Locator

  4. Business Locator

  5. Available research reports and publications

  6. Business Information on minority business events and opportunities

QA4.6 If the respondent rating for questions QA4.1 or QA4.5 is 6 or less, respondent

will receive the following: Please indicate how MBDA can improve its online

services to better meet your needs.



MED Week Celebration Activities

(Note: Respondents receive questions if “8” in QA1 is selected.)

QA5. Which of the following MBDA-sponsored MED Week conferences did you

attend in the last year? (select all that apply)

a. National MED-Week Conference

  1. Regional MED-Week conference

  2. Local Program / Community MED Week

QA5.1 On a scale from 1 (Poor) to 10 (Excellent), please rate the following

Conference components:

  1. General session speakers

  2. Workshops

  3. Receptions

  4. Opportunities to exchange best practices with my peers

  5. Opportunities to network

MBDA Federal Staff Services

(Note: Respondents receive questions if “9” in QA1 is selected.)

QA6 Regarding the MBDA federal staff you’ve worked with in the last year,

please rate them on the following:

a. Timeliness in responding to your service needs

b. Professionalism in handling your service needs

c. Knowledge of related subject matter

d. Ability to resolve your service needs


General Survey Questions

Satisfaction can include many attributes. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the services addressed below:

QA7 Consider your experiences to date with any of the services offered by MBDA and its programs. On a scale from 1 (Very Dissatisfied) to 10 (Very Satisfied), please rate your overall satisfaction with the MBDA and its program services.

QA7.1 Now consider your expectations and outcomes for assistance.

On a scale from 1 (Falls Short of Expectations) to 10 (Exceeds Your Expectations), please rate the extent to which MBDA has fallen short of or exceeded your expectations.

QA7.2 Next, how would you rate MBDA compared to an ideal consulting organization

that provides business related services? On a scale from 1 (Not Very Close to

the Ideal) to 10 (Very Close to the Ideal), please rate MBDA compared to an

ideal organization.

Future Considerations

QA8 How likely are you to use the services and programs of the Minority Business Development Agency the next time you require business assistance and expertise? Please rate your likelihood on a scale from 1 (Not at all Likely) to 10 (Very Likely).

QA8.1 How willing are you to speak positively about the Minority Business Development Agency to other minority businesses seeking assistance? Please rate on a scale from 1 (Not At All Willing) to 10 (Very Willing).

QA8.2 How willing are you to recommend the Minority Business Development Agency

to other minority businesses seeking assistance? Please rate on a scale

from 1 (Not At All Willing”) and 10 means (Very Willing).

Concluding Question

QA9 If you have any additional comments or suggestions you would like to

share with MBDA, please respond below. Thank you very much for your





2/5/2021 CFI Group

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleDepartment of Commerce
Last Modified ByFCG
File Modified2007-07-23
File Created2007-07-23

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