FSR 233 Holocaust Museum Mail

Customer Satisfaction Measure of Government Websites

FSR 233 Holocaust Museum Main.xls

FSR 231 SSA Retirement Estimator, FSR 232 Holocaust Memorial Museum - Newsletter, FSR 233 Holocaust Memorial Museum - Main

OMB: 1505-0186

Document [xlsx]
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Model Qsts
Custom Qsts

Sheet 1: Model Qsts

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts
ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)
All questions under each element are required.
Element questions are partitioned among surveys.

Satisfaction questions are required.
Satisfaction questions appear on all surveys.

Future behaviors may be modified based on your site's objectives.
Future behavior questions appear on all surveys.

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Satisfaction (1=Poor, 10=Excellent)
Likelihood to Return (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
Please rate the accuracy of information on this site.
What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
How likely are you to return to this site?
Please rate the quality of information on this site.
How well does this site meet your expectations?
Likelihood to Recommend (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
Please rate the freshness of content on this site.
How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal site?
How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?
Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Likelihood to Visit a Museum in-Person (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
Please rate the usefulness of the information provided on this site. How likely are you to visit the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in-person after viewing the website?
Please rate the convenience of the services on this site. Likelihood to Use as a Primary Resource (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely)
Please rate the ability to accomplish what you wanted on this site. How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for information on the Holocaust or other genocides happening in the world?
Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Please rate the ease of reading this site.

Please rate the clarity of site organization.

Please rate the layout of this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Please rate the number of clicks it takes to get where you want on the site.

Please rate the ability to find the information you want on this site.

Please rate the ease of navigation on this site.

Search(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Please rate the usefulness of search results on this site.

Please rate the how this site provides comprehensive search results.

Please rate the organization of search results on this site.

Please rate how the search feature helps you narrow the results to find the information you want .

Site Performance(1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Please rate the speed of loading the page on this site.

Please rate the consistency of speed on this site.

Please rate the reliability of site performance on this site.

Sheet 2: Custom Qsts

Holocaust Memorial Museum - CUSTOM QUESTIONS
Custom questions complement the model questions and allow for additional data analysis

Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
drop-down menu check boxes radio buttons open-ended
Select one or all that apply
1 What is your gender? Male
radio button Y select one
2 What best describes your age range? under 18
75 or older
radio button Y select one
3 Which of the following best describes you? Museum Visitor
Museum Website Visitor
Museum Member/Contributor
Student (university/post-graduate)
Student (K-12)
Educator/Teacher (university/post-graduate)
Educator/Teacher (K-12)
Holocaust Survivor
Family member of survivor
Holocaust Organization Professional
Medical professional
Law enforcement
Foreign affairs specialist
Religious Leader
Human Rights Activist
Human Rights Professional
Military Personnel
Other, (please specify)
radio button Y select one
4 How frequently do you visit this site? First Time
About one per week
About once per month
Every six months or less
radio button Y select one
5 Do you receive the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum newsletter? Yes
Don't know
radio button Y select one
6 What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? (check all that apply) An exhibition opening
Just browsing
Educational materials and teaching resources
Holocaust history
Holocaust-era archives (such as International Tracing Service)
Learning more about antisemitism around the world today
Holocaust remembrance
Genealogy research
Learning about/using Google Earth
Learning about contemporary genocide
Taking action about contemporary genocide
Job/intern/volunteer opportunities
Looking for audio/video resources
Donor opportunities
Special events and public programs
Other (please specify)
radio button Y multi select
7 Were you familiar with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum before you visited our site today? Yes
drop-down menu Y select one
8 How did you come to visit the Museum's website today? Search engine
Online advertising
Visiting the museum
Tour guide book
Other (please specify)
radio button Y select one
9 Did you find the information you were looking for today?
Not yet
drop-down menu Y select one
10 If you did not find what you were looking for, what will you do next? Nothing. I found what I was looking for
Nothing, although I did not find/complete what I wanted
Email the museum
Call the museum
Return to the site later and try again
Write a letter
Other, (please specify)
radio button Y select one
11 What type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the navigation process on this site?
Could not navigate back to previous information
Would often feel lost, not know where I was
Links did not take me where I expected
Links/labels are difficult to understand
Too many links or navigational choices
Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links,error messages)
Did not have any difficulty navigating the site
None of the above
radio button Y select one
12 If you used the site's search feature today to find your information, please describe any difficulties you encountered while searching. I did not encounter any difficulties
Search results were helpful
Search results were not helpful
Returned too many results
Returned not enough results
Returned no results
Returned results that were too similar/redundant
Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs
I was not sure what words to use in my search
Search required too many refinements to get to what I wanted
Search speed was too slow
Other, (please specify)
radio button N select one
13 How did you primarily look for information on the site today? Top Navigation Bar
Left Navigation Bar
Links on the site
Search Tool
Other, (please specify)
drop-down menu Y select one
14 If you access the Museum website and its contents through other methods, which one(s) do you use? (check all that apply) Mobile web site
RSS feed
Other, (please specify)
radio button Y multi select
15 If you could suggest one improvement to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website, what would it be? Open ended Text area N N/A
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
AuthorProfessional Services
Last Modified Bybjinnoha
File Modified2008-07-16
File Created2001-08-03

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