Appendix C: Human-Bison Interaction Survey
Introductory Script for Bison Survey
Hello. I am __________ (name) and am working for the University of Montana in cooperation with Yellowstone National Park. We are doing a survey of visitors stopping at Old Faithful Geyser and Snow Lodge. Would you be willing to answer some questions?
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires approval of all federal government surveys by the Office of Management and Budget. This survey has been approved under this Act. The Office of Management and Budget control number and expiration date is available at your request. Additional information about this survey and its approval is available at your request.* The questions on this survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. All of your answers are voluntary and anonymous.
Thank you.
*Additional Information Provided upon Request.
OMB Approval number:
Expiration Date:
Person Collecting and Analyzing Information: Dr. Wayne Freimund
Department of Society and Conservation
College of Forestry and Conservation
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812
(406) 243-5184
16 U.S.C. 1a-7 authorizes collection of this information. This information will be used by park managers to better serve the public. Response to this request is voluntary and anonymous. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. No personal data will be recorded.
You may direct comments on the number of minutes required to respond, or on any other aspect of this survey to:
John Sacklin
Yellowstone National Park
[Reviewers—please note: Questions #1-#7 will be conducted as an interview. The interviewer will ask the questions and record the answers. Question seven has two parts. First the interviewer will ask the participant to characterize the bison encounters they have had up to that point in the trip by using the list of bison responses in questions seven and checking all that apply. From this data, the interviewer will be able to discern whether the visitor perceived whether bison were altering their behavior due to the encounter. If the visitor identifies one of the last five encounter descriptors, the interviewer will ask the visitor to describe in detail an encounter that demonstrated that result. If the visitor did not check one of those descriptors, they will be asked to describe the interaction that had the greatest effect on their experience. While the respondent continues with the survey, the interviewer will ensure a detailed description of the encounter is recorded. Questions 8-12 will be referenced to the encounter described in question seven.]
1. What type of group are you with on this trip? (check all that apply).
outfitter/guide group
organization or club (name of organization/club)___________________________________
2. During your visit to the Yellowstone area, how many days will you recreate within Yellowstone National Park? ________________
3. Will you engage in the following activities during your visit to Yellowstone National Park? (please circle yes or no for each activity)
a. snowmobiling YES NO
b. cross-country skiing YES NO
c. snowshoeing YES NO
d. snowcoach touring YES NO
4. Which of the following best describes your primary activity while in Yellowstone national Park?
cross-country skiing
snowcoach touring
other: ______________________________________________________
5 While on your trip to the Yellowstone area, will you also do the following activities in other areas (such as nearby National Forest lands or National Parks)?:
Activity Number of days
snowmobile _____
cross-country ski _____
down-hill ski _____
snowshoe _____
About Bison Encounters
We are interested in visitors’ experiences and observations watching bison (also known as buffalo) from oversnow vehicles. Please respond to the following questions about your experiences observing bison.
6. When traveling by snowcoach/snowmobile in the park today, did you see bison?
Yes ____ No ____
If yes, on how many different occasions: _____ [fill # of occasions]
[Instruction to interviewers: An occasion is defined as encountering either a lone bison or a group of bison in a specific location at a specific time. Encounters with single bison or groups of bison that are separated by both time and space represent different occasions.]
7. Which of the following best describes the bison’s response to the presence of you and/or the other visitors during the time you watched them? (check all that apply).
None, the bison did not seem to notice the humans/oversnow vehicles
The bison appeared to look up or notice, but resumed their activity
The bison appeared alarmed and vigilant
The bison traveled apparently to get farther away from the humans/oversnow vehicles, but appeared unhurried
It appeared that the bison’s desired movement was blocked
It appeared that the bison’s movement was hurried by the encounter
It appeared that the humans put the bison to flight (at some point the bison ran)
It appeared that the bison were defensive and charged or seemed ready to charge humans/vehicles
Other: ______________________________________________________
INTERVIEWER: If respondent saw bison only once, please ask him/her to respond to the following questions (#8-#13) about that experience.
INTERVIEWER: If respondent indicates that they saw a significant response from bison (bottom six plus “other” category) above, please ask him/her respond to the following questions (#8-#13) based upon the experience in which the bison _______________________ (most significant action)
INTERVIEWER: If the respondent indicates that they saw more than one of the earlier choices, please respond to the following questions (#8-#13) based upon the interaction that had the greatest effect on their experience.
8. What made this experience the one that stands out in your mind?
INTERVIEWER: If respondent checked more than one answer in #7:
8. Which one of the bison reactions you checked had the greatest effect on your experience?
8a. What made this experience one that stands out in your mind?
Please answer Questions #9 through #13 for the bison encounter you listed in #8.
End of interview, visitor completes the following questions (#9-#24)
About Your Bison Encounter
9. Where were the bison when you saw them? (Please check only one).
At least some bison were on the road
At least some bison were within 10 ft of the road, but none were on the road
At least some bison were more than 10 ft from road, but still within 100 yards
All the bison were more than 100 yards from the road
10. Which of the following best describes what most of the bison were doing when you first saw
them? (Please check only one).
Don’t remember
Feeding/drinking/plowing snow aside to get to forage
Laying down
Interacting with each other
Interacting with other wildlife
Interacting with people
11. What sorts of responses did you see among humans (including your group and other groups) in relation to the bison? (Please check all that apply).
Stopped, but remained on/in snowmobile/snowcoach
Dismounted snowmobile/exited snowcoach, but remained near vehicle
Approached bison to get a better look or better picture
Snowmobiles/snowcoaches weaved through/around bison on road to get past them
A snowmobile/snowcoach hit a bison
Other: ______________________________________________________
12. For each of the word pairs below, please check the box that best represents your impression of the bison during the experience you describe above.
Very |
Somewhat |
Neither |
Somewhat |
Very |
Healthy |
Unhealthy |
Agitated |
Calm |
Active |
Inactive |
13. For each of the word pairs below, please check the box that best represents your impression of the interaction between bison and visitors described above.
Very |
Somewhat |
Neither |
Somewhat |
Very |
Appropriate |
Inappropriate |
Bad |
Good |
Well Managed |
Poorly Managed |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Questions about Overall Experiences
The questions below apply to your overall experience viewing bison during your trip to the park.
14a. Please rate the importance of each of the following aspects of bison viewing/management.
Not at all Important |
Slightly Important |
Moderately Important |
Very Important |
Extremely Important |
Opportunity to view bison |
Number of bison seen |
Proximity of bison to you |
Contribution of the guide to the bison viewing experience |
Guide’s role in managing the visitor-bison interactions |
NPS management of visitor-bison interactions |
Role of NPS in brucellosis control/eradication in YNP bison |
14 b. Please indicate how satisfied you were with each feature during your bison experience at Yellowstone National Park today.
Very Dissatisfied |
Somewhat Dissatisfied |
Neither |
Somewhat Satisfied |
Very Satisfied |
Don’t Know |
Opportunity to view bison |
DK |
Number of bison seen |
DK |
Proximity of bison to you |
DK |
Contribution of the guide to the bison viewing experience |
DK |
Guide’s role in managing the visitor-bison interactions |
DK |
NPS management of visitor-bison interactions |
DK |
Role of NPS in brucellosis control/eradication in YNP bison |
DK |
15. For each of the word pairs below, please check the box that best describes the bison at YNP.
Very |
Somewhat |
Neither |
Somewhat |
Very |
Wild |
Tame |
Restricted |
Free |
Dangerous |
Safe |
Authentic |
Artificial |
Stressed |
Peaceful |
Entertaining |
Boring |
Passive |
Active |
Beliefs about Bison
16. Below
are statements that represent a variety of ways people feel about
bison and Yellowstone National Park. Please indicate the extent to
which you disagree or agree with each statement: (Check one box
for each statement.)
Strongly Disagree |
Moderately Disagree |
Neither |
Moderately Agree |
Strongly Agree |
Bison are given too much prominence in park planning. |
It is important that bison be respected as wild creatures in Yellowstone. |
Whether or not I would get to see bison, it is important to me that they exist in Yellowstone. |
I feel a strong emotional bond to bison. |
Bison are an important part of American identity. |
It is important that Yellowstone always have an abundant bison population. |
Bison have spiritual importance to me. |
Bison are an important part of Native American heritage |
It is important to maintain bison populations in Yellowstone so future generations can enjoy them. |
Bison should be managed so as to remain wild in Yellowstone. |
If we did not have bison in Yellowstone, we would lose an important part of our cultural heritage. |
Visitor access should take priority over the protection of bison. |
It is important to me to know that there are healthy populations of bison in Yellowstone. |
Bison deserve protection, but snowmobiles/snowcoaches do not seem to bother them. |
17. For each of the word pairs below, please check the box that best represents your impression of the winter setting at Yellowstone National Park.
Very |
Somewhat |
Neither |
Somewhat |
Very |
Pristine |
Polluted |
Loud |
Quiet |
Appropriate |
Inappropriate |
Acceptable |
Unacceptable |
Dissatisfying |
Satisfying |
About You
18. What is your gender? (check one) Female Male
19. What is your age? _________________
20. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (check one box)
8th grade or less
Some high school
High school graduate or GED
Some college, business or trade school
College graduate
Some graduate school
Master's, doctoral or professional degree
21. In which of the following kinds of places did you spend the most time while growing up (to age 18)? (check one box)
On a farm or ranch
Rural or small town [under 1,000 population]
Town [1,000 - 5,000 population]
Small city [5,000 - 50,000 population]
Medium city [50,000 - 1 million population]
Major city or metropolitan area [over 1 million population]
22. In what type of community do you now live? (check one box)
On a farm or ranch
Rural or small town [under 1,000 population]
Town [1,000 - 5,000 population]
Small city [5,000 - 50,000 population]
Medium city [50,000 - 1 million population]
Major city or metropolitan area [over 1 million population]
20. Do you live in the United States? (Check one box and fill in the appropriate blank.)
Yes (What is your zip code? __________)
No (What country do you live in? ______________________________)
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Appendix C: Bison Encounter Questionnaire |
Author | Shelley Walker Saxen |
Last Modified By | mmcbride |
File Modified | 2008-01-14 |
File Created | 2008-01-14 |