Two NPS Transportation Studies

Programmatic Approval for National Park Service-Sponsored Public Surveys

Grand Teton Submission Package

Two NPS Transportation Studies

OMB: 1024-0224

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National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Social Science Division

Expedited Approval for NPS- Sponsored Public Surveys

Project Title ⎢
Submission Date:



Grand Teton National Park Non-Motorized Survey 2010

June 2, 2010

Goals of this survey are to learn about non-motorized visitors' trip characteristics and
perceptions and to assist park management with issues related to the new non-motorized
facilities in the park. Grand Teton National Park's (GRTE) main transportation corridors were
designed primarily for motor vehicle travel. In 2008 and 2009, a 7.7-mile segment of paved
multi-use pathways separate from the roadway was built. The pathways will be used by
bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-motorized travelers along Teton Park Road,
representing a major change to the park's infrastructure. This survey will be administered to
GRTE non-motorized travelers along the new pathways and the adjacent Teton Park
(not to exceed 150 words)


Principal Investigator Contact Information
First Name:
Street Address:


Last Name:



Assistant Professor
Western Transportation Institute
Montana State University, 214 Cobleigh




[email protected]



Zip code:



Park or Program Liaison Contact Information
First Name:

Last Name:



Environmental Planning & Compliance


Grand Teton National Park

Street Address:


Planning and Compliance

Park P.O. Drawer 170




[email protected]



Zip code:



Project Information

Park(s) For Which Research
is to be Conducted:


Survey Dates:


Type of Information Collection Instrument (Check ALL that Apply)



Mail- Back

Grand Teton National Park



±On- Site




Face- toFace






Focus Groups

Other (explain)

Survey Justification:
(Use as much space as
needed; if necessary include
additional explanation on a
separate page.)

Social science research in support of park planning and management is mandated in
the NPS Management Policies 2006 (Section 8.11.1, “Social Science Studies”). The
NPS pursues a policy that facilitates social science studies in support of the NPS
mission to protect resources and enhance the enjoyment of present and future
generations (National Park Service Act of 1916, 38 Stat 535, 16 USC 1, et seq.). NPS
policy mandates that social science research will be used to provide an understanding
of park visitors, the nonvisiting public, gateway communities and regions, and human
interactions with park resources. Such studies are needed to provide a scientific basis
for park planning, development.
Background and Literature Review. The 2006 Transportation Plan for Grand Teton
National Park (GRTE) proposed 22.5 miles of multi-use pathways for non-motorized
travelers. The first 7.7 miles of pathways between Dornan’s and South Jenny Lake,
completed in 2009, represents a major change to the park's infrastructure. This
survey data will be collected from non-motorized travelers using the pathway and
adjacent roadway corridor to help park managers understand issues associated with
the new infrastructure and document visitors' perceptions of their park experiences.
Recent visitor surveys completed in GRTE include a Visitor Services Project survey
(OMB 1024-0224, NPS 08-131) completed in July 2008. This was a general visitor
survey. Non-motorized traveler counts and visitor transportation surveys were
completed in GRTE in 2007 (Gleason and McGowen, 2009) to learn about travel
patterns and visitors perceptions prior to pathway construction (OMB 1024-0224,
NPS07-043). None of these surveys contained information related to non-motorized
traveler use on the newly constructed pathways. There have not been any visitor
surveys to collect data on pathway travelers’ since pathways were completed in 2009.
This proposed 2010 survey will be the first to collect such data.
References Cited:
Gleason, R. and McGowen, P. (2009). Evaluation of Non-Motorized use in Grand
Teton National Park Phase I: Pre-Pathway. Project report prepared for Grand Teton
National Park, Bozemen, MT: Western Transportation Institute.
Social Science Program, NPS, Visitor Services Project, Grand Teton National Park
Visitor Study Summer 2008, Park Studies Unit, Visitor Services Project, Report 206.


Survey Methodology: (Use
as much space as needed; if
necessary include
additional explanation on a
separate page.)

(a) Respondent universe: GRTE visitors (age 18 and older) who are traveling by a
non-motorized mode on Teton Park Road and the adjacent pathways between
Dornan's and South Jenny Lake Junction during July and August 2010. The
sampling unit is a group of visitors (such as family or friends traveling together).
(b) Sampling plan/procedures: Two sampling periods are planned for summer 2010,
both from Friday through Sunday. Survey data will be collected for 8 hours
during the peak periods at intervals throughout the daylight hours near South

Jenny Lake Junction, Taggart Lake parking lot, and near the Craig Thomas
Discovery and Visitor Center area. Two groups of 2 researchers each will
distribute surveys to non-motorized travelers. Most non-motorized travelers are
expected to be using the new pathway, but some may be on the shoulder of the
adjacent Teton Road. Both types of visitors will be intercepted.
(c) Surveyors will approach every group if possible and every 3rd group if it is a very
busy day and ask the eligible group member with the next birthday to complete
the survey. Groups that pass by while a surveyor is engaged with a contacted
group will not be sampled. It can be difficult to collect survey data from road
bikers who are traveling fast along the roadway shoulder, thus signs will be
placed along the roadway north and south of the surveyors to encourage
bicyclists to stop for the survey. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Signs will
also alert motorists to the activity.
(d) Instrument administration: A table and chairs will be set up at each survey
location. Researchers will approach bicyclists and pedestrians and use the
following script to invite survey participants:
"Good morning (afternoon), my name is ________. I’m with the Western
Transportation Institute and we are working with Grand Teton National Park to
learn about non-motorized travel in the park. Could you take 10 minutes to
answer some questions today? This survey is voluntary and completely
anonymous. Thank you!"
Respondents will be given a clipboard, survey, and a pen. Respondents will be
able to sit at tables to fill out survey with researchers available to answer
questions. Detailed maps will be available as a reference.
(e) Expected response rate/confidence levels: Response rates depend on a number of
variables; including weather conditions during the sampling event, visibility of
surveyors, and time availability and interest of visitors. Surveyors will provide
water and snacks at the tables to encourage visitors to stop and complete a survey
and maximize response rates. The response rate for a 2007 transportation survey
in the park was 64% (OMB 1024-0224, NPS 07-043). Given appropriate
conditions, a response rate of 64% is expected for this survey. With 382
completed surveys, we will achieve confidence interval at the 95% level of +/5%.
(f) Strategies for dealing with potential non-response bias: Based on the information
collected in the survey log (attached), a non-response bias analysis will be
completed. Respondents will be compared with non-respondents on observable
characteristics, including transportation mode (foot vs. bicycle), group size,
presence/absence of children, weekday, and month. The implications of any nonresponse bias for interpreting results will be discussed in the report.
(g) Description of any pre-testing and peer review of the methods and/or instrument
(recommended): This survey was revised and shortened based on feedback from
the 2007 Grand Teton National Park non-motorized traveler survey.

Total Number of
Initial Contacts |
Expected Respondents:




Estimated Time to
Complete Initial
Contact | Instrument







Reporting Plan:

Survey results will be compiled, analyzed and presented in a report that will be
submitted to GRTE officials by December 2010. Analyses will include frequency
tabulations, measures of central tendency, and comparisons between bicycle and foot
travelers. A copy of the report will be sent to the NPS Social Science Division to be
archived in the Social Science Studies Collection.

GTNP Non-Motorized Post-Pathways Survey 2010

Expiration: __________

The Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University is administering this survey on behalf of
Grand Teton National Park. This information will be used to help park managers better understand bicycle and
pedestrian issues in the park. Participation in this survey is strictly voluntary.
1. What is your mode of non-motorized travel in Grand Teton National Park today? Please mark only
one. [Topic Area 2 – Trip/visit characteristics]
… Road bike
… Walking/running
… Wheelchair
… Mountain bike
… Scooter
… Skateboard
… Hybrid or "town" bike
… Inline Skates/ Rollerblades
… Other_______
2. In regards to your trip today:
2.1 What form of transportation did you use to enter Grand Teton National Park? Please mark only
one. [3. TRANS1]
… Personal vehicle
… Walking (running)
… Bicycling
… Other ________
2.2 On this visit, which entrance did you and your group first use to enter the park? Please mark only
one. [TRIPC2]
Granite Canyon (Moose-Wilson Rd.)
Yellowstone (north)
Jackson Entrance (south)
Moran Entrance (east)
Other (specify) ____________________
2.3 Where did you park your vehicle today? [Topic Area 2 – Trip/visit characteristics]
2.4 What is the starting point, route, and destination for the non-motorized part of your trip today?
Refer to the map if you need to. [3. variation ITIN2]
Start:_______________ Route: ________________________________ Destination:______________
2.5 Which facility are you primarily using for your non-motorized travel today? Please mark only
one. [Topic Area 2 – Trip/visit characteristics]
… Roadway shoulder
… Separated pathway
… Other________________
2.6 How far did you (or will you) travel today by non-motorized mode (bicycle, walk/run, roller blade
etc.) in and around Grand Teton National Park? Please mark only one. [Topic Area 2 – Trip/visit
… < 1 mile
… 1-5 miles
… 6-10 miles
… 11-15 miles
… > 15 miles
3. How many times in the past 12 months have you traveled by non-motorized modes on any portion of
the road from Dornan’s to South Jenny Lake (not including this visit)? [1. variation VISITHIS3]
… Never
… Once
… Twice
… 3-5 times
… 6-10 times
… More than 10 times

Over Ö

GTNP Non-Motorized Post-Pathways Survey 2010
4. Were you satisfied with your parking location today?
[Topic Area 5 – Individual Evaluation of Park Services]

… Yes

Expiration: __________

… No

If NO, please list reasons
5. What is the purpose of your trip to Grand Teton National Park today? Please mark all that apply. [3.
variation TRIPC1]
… Exercise
… Work commute
… View wildlife
… Spend time with family/ friends
… View scenery
… Other_______________
6. Describe what effect, if any, the multi-use pathway had on your wildlife viewing experience in Grand
Teton National Park today? [Topic Area 6- Individual Perceptions of Park Experiences]
7. How safe did you feel traveling by non-motorized mode today in Grand Teton National Park? Please
mark only one. [6. variation EVALSERV19]
… Very safe
… Somewhat safe
… Neutral
… Somewhat unsafe
… Very unsafe
If you felt unsafe or very unsafe, describe why__________________________________________
8. Are you satisfied with current non-motorized transportation conditions in Grand Teton National
Park? [Topic Area 5 - Individual Evaluation of Park Services]
… Yes
… No
… Don’t know
If no, describe why__________________________________________________________________
9. What non-motorized facility improvements (e.g. bicycle parking, directional signs, bicycle lanes on
roadway, multi-use pathways separated from roadway, etc. would you like to see in Grand Teton
National Park in the future? [6. variation EVALTRAN6]
10. How did you obtain information about non-motorized travel options for Grand Teton National
Park? Please mark all that apply. [2. variation TPLAN11]
… National Park Service website
… Travel service/agent
… Other website _______________
… Friend
… Travel-guide book____________
… Park visitor center brochures or maps
… Park entrance brochures or maps
… Other-describe _________________
… Park signs or kiosks
11. On a future visit, what kind of information would you like to improve your non-motorized experience
in Grand Teton National Park? Please mark all that apply. [2. variation TPLAN11]
… Brochures
… Internet information
… Signs
… Other ______________________

Over Ö

GTNP Non-Motorized Post-Pathways Survey 2010

Expiration: __________

12. Do you live in the United States? [1. RES3]
___Yes ÆWhat is your Zip Code? _________________
___No Æ What country do you live in? _________________
13. What is your age? _______
1. [AGE2]

14. What is your gender?
1. [GEND2]

… Female

… Male

15. How many people are in your group today, including yourself? [1. variation GR3]
____Adults (18 and older)
____ Children (under 18)

16 U.S.C. 1a-7 authorizes collection of this information. This information will be used by park managers to better serve the public.
Response to this request is voluntary. No action may be taken against you for refusing to supply the information requested. An agency
may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
BURDEN ESTIMATE STATEMENT: Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 10 minutes per response.
Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to:
Margaret Wilson
Environmental Planning and Compliance
Grand Teton National Park
Park P.O. Drawer 170
Moose, WY 83102
(307) 739-3465
[email protected]


Interval (every Time
initials, start & nth group)
stop times,


Already Refuse Q. ID
Travel mode
rec'd Q.
number (foot, bicycle, etc.) size

Sampling site: ____________________
# of
<18 yrs

# of
18+ yrs

COMMENTS: explain reason for refusal (wouldn’t stop, lack of
time, language, etc.)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2010-07-20
File Created2010-07-20

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