Form Coverage Followup Coverage Followup Coverage Followup Telephone Operation

2008 Dress Rehearsal Coverage Followup Telephone Operation

Attachment A - CFU Instrument Specs for Public Review

2008 Dress Rehearsal Coverage Followup Telephone Operation

OMB: 0607-0946

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Attachment A

2008 CFU Telephone Instrument Questions and Flow

Table of Contents

General Requirements 2

Assigned Fills (for Questionnaire Flow) 6

Questions for the Instrument

Module A – Contacting the Household 8 Module B – Identifying the Correct Household 13

Module C – Housing Unit Questions 16

Module D – Review of Roster 19

Module E - Movers 27

Module F – Other Address 29

Module G – Short-form Demographics 40 Module H - Exit 52

Module P - Partials 54

Attachment A – Help Screens 51

General Requirements

1. If a Person is added, the instrument should compute the new Person number starting at 71 and going sequentially one higher for each additional person.


STATUS – Should flag where in the instrument the interview has progressed though. It should include when they finish a module and when the interview is complete.

OUTCOME (Disposition Code) – This is the code assigned to the interview to report what the outcome of the interview was including the type of noninterview. There should be an outcome for each attempt at the case as well as a final outcome.


    1. An interviewer can exit an interview at any time by using the F10 key. If they select the F10 hot key they should be taken to the F10EXIT question immediately.

    2. Partials should be handled differently based on the Status flag.

  • If the case never left the wrapper and entered the application – Start on A1. Hide previous answers and overwrite any previous answers. Follow the regular path. This is not considered a partial

  • If Status is not equal to complete and the previous attempt did enter the application – The case is a Partial. Start at question PT1. Follow path to question PT3. At PT3 the instrument should “jump” to the proper spot in the instrument. We would like the instrument not to jump to the last unanswered question but instead jump to a certain spot based on the last question answered so the questions have the proper context. This means that some questions may have already been answered. We would like the previous answers displayed. If any answers are changed, the answers should be overwritten. The following is the flow for partials:

  • If the last question answered is in Module B, begin at BKNOWHH.

  • If the last question answered is in Module C, begin with CRIGHTADD.

  • If the last question answered is in Module D, begin with DROSTER.

  • If the last question answered is in Module E, begin with EMVOUT.

  • If the last question answered is FINTRO - UNAME, ask FINTRO followed by COLYN.

  • If the last question answered is FSC – SCSAPA, ask FINTRO followed by FSC.

  • If the last question answered is FMILYN – MILZIP4, ask FINTRO followed by FMILYN.

  • If the last question answered is FJOB – JOBZIP4, ask FINTRO followed by FJOB.

  • If the last question answered is FVAC – VACSAPA, ask FINTRO followed by FVAC.

  • If the last question answered is FOTH – FOTHZIP4, ask FINTRO followed by FOTH.

  • If the last question answered is GQAL – GQZIP4, ask FINTRO followed by GQAL.

  • If the last question answered is MOSTTIME – STAYAPR1, ask PT4 followed by first unanswered question.

  • If the last question answered is in Module G, ask the first unanswered question.

  1. F10, Don’t Know and Refused are allowed for all questions unless otherwise stated. F10 should always flow to the F10EXIT question. DK/RF should flow along the path of no unless otherwise stated.

  1. The application should have a separate help window for each question defined. There will also be a FAQ page that will be able to be pulled up in any part of the instrument.

  1. Valid Values & Edits – The instrument should do edit checks for valid values. Most questions are choices so this does not apply. The following have valid values or hard edits:

  • Do not allow blank unless otherwise stated

  • ZIP – Zip will be collected in two parts on the instrument ZIP and ZIP+4. These should be reported on the output file as one variable – ZIP CODE. Only numeric answers are valid for ZIP. The valid values for ZIP+4 are 0000–9999.

  • PHONE NUMBER – The phone number should be stored as all one field but displayed and collected by using three boxes with a dash between to represent what a typical phone number looks like. The first three digits (the area code) have a valid value of 100 – 999. There should not be any alpha characters allowed.

  • AGE – Age is a numeric field and can be 0 – 125.

  • Year – Whenever Year is collected in the instrument such as BMOVEYEAR. Valid Values = 1879-current year.

  • House Number – Whenever house number is collected – it is alpha numeric and can be left blank.

  • DACTION – The interviewer cannot delete all the persons on the roster i.e. at least one person number cannot have DACTION = 1 or 2.

  • DLINK – Must be valid person number and that person number cannot have DACTION=1 or 2. Also person number cannot be a duplicate of themselves. (You can not choose the person number of the person you are currently editing.)

  • DFNAME – Must have at least one character in the field or DK/REF. Should have a soft edit warning interviewer that they should attempt to get information if chooses DK/REF.

  • DLNAME – Must have at least one character in the field or DK/REF. Should have a soft edit warning interviewer that they should attempt to get information if chooses DK/REF.

  • NAME_F (all the “MISS” questions) – At least one character in the field or DK/REF. Should have a soft edit warning interviewer that they should attempt to get information if chooses DK/REF.

  • MI (all the “MISS” questions) – can be left blank.

  • NAME_L (all the “MISS” questions) – At least one character in the field or DK/REF. Should have a soft edit warning interviewer that they should attempt to get information if chooses DK/REF.

  • STATE – STATE – State should be a look up table. It should include a the 50 states, DC, NU - “Not in the United States”, and AA, AE, and AP (military over sea bases). It should also include PR, VI and GU.

  • COLDORM – Can be left blank.

  1. The interviewer should be able to toggle the instrument so Spanish screens are available to be read. This would include the questions and the answers. The Census Bureau would provide the translation.

8. (COMMENT: …) are additional instructions to the programmer. These comments are not to be displayed in the instrument but are instructions on how the instrument should work.

(INT NOTE:….) are additional instructions to the interviewer. Theses comments should be displayed and follow the display standards. GRAY INT NOTE should be displayed the same way but the words should be in Gray.

Requirement for the Question Flow of the Instrument

Assigned Fills

LAST NAME - Determine if there is more than one unique last name for the persons in the household. Display up to 3 unique names.

How to Display: If one unique name: Display as “NAME_L”

If two unique names: Display as “NAME_L or NAME_L” such as “Smith or Jones”

If three unique names: Display as “NAME_L, NAME_L, or NAME_L” such as “Smith, Jones, or Higgins”

ADDRESS – There are two types of addresses - House Number Street Name Address or Rural Route Address. The instrument needs to determine which address to display.

  • If HNO and STRNAME are not blank, the instrument should display the House Number and Street Name Address

  • If HNO and STRNAME is blank, and RRID or BOXID are not blank, the instrument should display the Rural Route Address.

How to Display Address:

  • House Number and Street Name Address = “HNO HNOSUF STRPRXD STRPRXT STRNAME STRSFXT STRSFXD STRNAMX” where each variable is truncated so there is only one space between each variable. There should be no spaces for any blank variables.

  • Rural Route Address = “RRDESC RRID BOXDESC BOXID” where each variable is truncated so there is only one space between each variable. There should be no spaces for any blank variables.

FULL NAME – Full name is the way a name should be displayed for the person the question is asking about at the time. To refer to the different people in the household, the requirement uses Person number (P1 through Pn) as a reference. If the question should refer to a specific person the person number is used to represent which person to put in the fill, such as FULL NAME for P1.

  • FULL NAME = “NAME_F MI NAME_L” where each variable is truncated so there is only one space between each variable. There should be no spaces for any blank variables.

TYPE OF PLACE – Indicates the type of place a person may have as another address. It should be determined for each person.

If FSC = Yes, TYPE OF PLACE = “in a custody arrangement or other residence part of the time”

If FCOLYN = Yes, TYPE OF PLACE = “away at college”

If FMILYN = Yes, TYPE OF PLACE = ‘”away for the military”

If FJOB= Yes, TYPE OF PLACE = “away for a job or business”

If FVAC = Yes, TYPE OF PLACE = “at a vacation or second home”

If FOTH = Yes, TYPE OF PLACE = “somewhere other than this address”

Module A – Contacting the Household

Module A should be in the Wrapper, not in the Application

(COMMENT: DK/REF are not allowed in any A questions)

{if Outbound and Disposition != ‘Partial’, ask RIGHTHH; if Outbound and Disposition = ’Partial’, ask PT1}

{if Inbound and Disposition != ‘Partial’, ask INBINTRO; if Inbound and Disposition = ’Partial’, ask INPT1}



Hello, my name is {fill Interviewer name} and I am from the US Census Bureau. Have I reached the {fill LAST NAME} household?

{LAST NAME is each unique last name in RP1-RP3}



{flowcheck RIGHTHH: if RIGHTHH =yes, ask RESPWHO; if RIGHTHH =no, ask RIGHTADD}


Have I reached {fill ADDRESS}?

(INT NOTE: If address is not a private residence, end call and disposition.)



{flowcheck RIGHTADD: if RIGHTADD=yes, launch B URL with Case ID and PN=0 ; if RIGHTADD=no, ask NEWNUMEXIT}


Do you know who completed the census form or interview?



{flowcheck RESPWHO: if RESPWHO = yes, then ask RESPWHONAME; if RESPWHO = no, ask QRP1RESPAVAIL}


Who is that person?


FULL NAME of QRP1 through QRP3,

NOR, “Respondent lives in household but is not on Roster

NOHH, “Respondent does not live at Household (Caregiver/Translator)”

{QRP is a RP1 – RP3 where age is either blank , invalid, or 15+}



{Upon getting this screen, increment CALLCOUNT by one.}

May I speak to {fill FULL NAME of first Qualified Roster Position (QRP1)}?

(INT NOTE: Only if RESPWHONAME = NOHH. If Caregiver or Translator is on the Phone, select Yes if they can speak on the behalf of {fill FULLNAME of QRP1})

(Yes, “Yes, (fill FULLNAME of QRP#) is available”,

No1 “No, respondent no longer lives here”,

No2, “No, respondent is currently not available”)

{If QRP1RESPAVIAL=Yes1, set RESPNAME= PN# associated with QRP#}

{flowcheck QRP1RESPAVAIL: if QRP1RESPAVAIL =yes1 and RESPWHONAME = NOHH, ask RWNTRAN; if QRP1RESPAVAIL = yes1 and RESPWHONAME is not equal to NOHH, launch CFU App: C URL with CaseID and PN#; if QRP1RESPAVAIL =no1 and QRP2 != NULL, ask NEWRESP; if QRP1RESPAVAIL =no1 and QRP2 = NULL, ask NEWNUMEXIT then End Call and Disposition; if QRP1RESPAVAIL =no2 and CALLCOUNT<3, go to SCHCALL; if QP1RESPAVAIL =no2 and CALLCOUNT>=3 and QRP2 != NULL, ask NEWRESP; if QP1RESPAVAIL =no2 and CALLCOUNT>=3 and QRP2 = NULL, ask SCHCALL}


In the interview whenever I say 'you' I mean {fill FULLNAME of QRP1}.

(1, Proceed)

{flowcheck: Launch CFU App: C URL, CaseID and PN#}


{Upon getting this screen, increment CALLCOUNT by one.}

May I speak to {fill FULL NAME of name selected in RESPWHONAME}?

(Yes, “Yes, (fill FULLNAME of RESPWHONAME) is available”,

No1 “No, respondent no longer lives here”,

No2, “No, respondent is currently not available”)


{flowcheck CFRESPAVAIL: if CFRESPAVAIL =yes1, ask Call CFU APP: C URL, CaseID and PN#; if CFRESPAVAIL =no1 and QRP2 != NULL, ask NEWRESP; if CFRESPAVAIL =no1 and QRP2 = NULL, ask NEWNUMEXIT then End Call and Disposition; if CFRESPAVAIL =no2 and CALLCOUNT<3, go to SCHCALL; if CFRESPAVAIL =no2 and CALLCOUNT>=3 and QRP2 != NULL, ask NEWRESP; if QP1RESPAVAIL =no2 and CALLCOUNT>=3 and QRP2 = NULL, ask SCHCALL}


(May I speak with {fill with QRP 1-3}?

{Developer Note – Do not list QRP1 if they were identified in QRP1RESPAVAIL or the QRP# who was identified by the Interviewee in RESPWHONAME}

({list QRP 1-3}, No, “No, respondent is currently not available”)

{Set RESPNAME=Person # associated with QRP selected}

{flowcheck NEWRESP: if NEWRESP = QRP name, ask Call CFU App: C URL, CaseID, PN#; if NEWRESP=no, ask SCHCALL}


Thank you for your time. Those are all the questions I have for you.

(1, “Proceed”)

{Call Disposition Manager}


Thank you for your time. I would like to set an appointment to call back at a better time to complete the interview.


(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck SCHCALL: call Scheduler}



Thank you for calling the US Census Bureau. My name is {fill Full Name of Interviewer}. We have some questions about the census response you completed.

{Searchable fields for Case ID}

May I have the case number?

(Interviewer prompts for Case ID and enters in searchable field for Case ID. If Case ID does not yield a match, search via another case identifier.)


Select correct case)

{flowcheck for INBINTRO: If search returns value check for partial, if partial found then ask INPT1, if partial not found ask INBRIGHTHH;

If no match with CaseID/CaseID unknown, ask INBSEARCH)


(Note: Interviewer asks Interviewee for phone number where they received the Census Message.)

Could you please provide me with your Phone number you listed on the Original Census Form?


Select correct case)

{flowcheck for INBSEARCH: If results returned, ask INBRIGHTADD; if no match found, end call}


(Interviewer verifies address by asking Interviewee to provide current address listed on original Census form.)

Can you please verify your home address?


Select correct case)

{flowcheck for INBRIGHTADD: if match found, check for partial, if partial found then ask INPT1, if partial not found ask INBRIGHTHH; if address does not match CaseID, end call}


Is this the {fill LAST NAME} household?





With whom am I speaking?


FULL NAME of QRP1 through QRP3.

NOR, “Respondent is not on the roster

NOHH, “Respondent does not live at Household (Caregiver/Translator))



Did you fill out the Original Census Form for the {fill Last Name} Household?



{flowcheck ORIGRESP: if ORIGRESP = Yes or No, launch CFU App: C URL, CaseID and PN#}


{Upon getting this screen, increment CALLCOUNT by one.}

May I speak to {fill FULL NAME of first Qualified Roster Position (QRP1)}?

(INT NOTE: Only if RESPWHONAME = NOHH. If Caregiver or Translator is on the Phone, select Yes if they can speak on the behalf of {fill FULLNAME of QRP1})

(Yes, “Yes, (fill FULLNAME of QRP#) is available”,

No1 “No, respondent no longer lives here”,

No2, “No, respondent is currently not available”)

{If QRP1RESPAVIAL2=Yes, set RESPNAME= PN# associated with QRP#}

{flowcheck QRP1RESPAVAIL2: if QRP1RESPAVAIL2 =yes then launch CFU App: C URL with CaseID and PN#; if QRP1RESPAVAIL =no1 or no2 and QRP2 != NULL, ask NEWRESP; if QRP1RESPAVAIL =no1 and QRP2 = NULL, ask NEWNUMEXIT then End Call and Disposition; if QRP1RESPAVAIL =no2 and QRP2 = NULL, ask SCHCALL}

Module B – Identifying the Correct Household


The purpose of my call is to help the Census Bureau take the most accurate census. We need to be sure that we counted everyone at the right address.

This survey is authorized by law, Title 13, Section 182, of the United States Code. This survey is required by law. Your cooperation is very important. All the information you provide will remain confidential by that same law. Our approval number from the Office of Management and Budget is {fill OMBNUM} and this approval expires {TBD}. Without that number we could not conduct this survey or require your participation. The interview will take approximately 10 minutes and may be monitored to evaluate my performance.

(1, “Proceed”)

{Set Mark = ‘11’}

{flow check: ask BKNOWHH}


Do you know the {fill LAST NAME} household?

Label: New Respondent Knows Household



{flowcheck BKNOWHH: if BKNOWHH=yes, ask BMOVENBOR; if BKNOWHH=no, ask BLIVEHERE}


Did the {fill LAST NAME} household move out, are they neighbors who live nearby, or do you know them some other way?

Label: How the new respondent knew Household

(Moved “Moved out”,

Neighbors “They are our neighbors” ,


{flowcheck BMOVENBOR: if BMOVENBOR=moved, ask BMOVEMON; if BMOVENBOR=neighbors or others, ask BCONTACT; if BMOVENBOR= DK/REF, ask BCONTACT}


When did they move out?

Label: The Month the Household Moved/The Day the Household Moved/ The Year the Household Moved

(BMOVEMONTH {drop down} BMOVEDAY {drop down}, BMOVEYEAR {typein: valid values 1879-2006}

{flowcheck: if (BMOVEMON = surveymonth and BMOVEYEAR = curyear and BMOVEDAY = DK) or ( BMOVEMON = DK and BMOVEYEAR = curyear) or (BMOVEYEAR = DK), ask BMOVE41; else ask BCONTACT}


Did the {fill LAST NAME} household move out before, on, or after {fill surveydt}?

Label: General Time Frame the Household Moved out

(Before “Before {fillsruveydt}”,

On “{fill surveydt}”,

After “After {fill surveydt}”)

{flowcheck BMOVE41: ask BCONTACT}


Do you know how to contact the {fill LAST NAME} household?

Label: New Respondent Can Contact Household



{flowcheck BCONTACT: if BCONTACT=yes, ask BCONTHN; if BCONTACT=no, ask BLIVEHERE;}


What is the address and phone number?

(INT NOTE: Prompt for City and State or as much of the address as possible.)

Label: House Number where Household Moved/Street Name where Household Moved/City where Household Moved/State Where Household Moved/Zip where Household Moved/New Phone Number of Household that moved

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {look up - allow 2}, ZIP CODE {allow 5}, ZIP+4 {allow 4} PHONE NUMBER {allow10} (COMMENT: See page 5,Req.7 for valid values))

{flowcheck: ask BLIVEHERE}


Were you living at {fill ADDRESS} on {fill Surveydt}?

Label: The New Respondent was living at this Address on Survey Date



{flowcheck BLIVEHERE: ask BOTHADDYN}


Is there another address that people might use to refer to this place such as a different street name, apartment number or a 911 address?

Label: Another Address this place is known as



{flowcheck BOTHADDYN: if BOTHADDYN=yes, ask BOTHHN; if BOTHADDYN =no, ask BDESBLDG }


What is that address?

Label: Other House Number used at this place/Other Street Name used at this place/Other City used at this place/Other State used at this place/ Other Zip Used at this place.

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {look up -allow 2}, ZIP CODE {allow 5}, ZIP+4{allow 4})

{flowcheck: ask COMPEXIT}

Module C – Housing Unit Questions



The purpose of my call is to be sure that no one has been left out or counted at more than one place in the census.

This survey is authorized by law, Title 13, Section 182, of the United States Code. This survey is required by law. Your cooperation is very important. All the information you provide will remain confidential by that same law. Our approval number from the Office of Management and Budget is {fill OMBNUM} and this approval expires TBD. Without that number we could not conduct this survey or require your participation. The interview will take approximately 10 minutes and may be monitored to evaluate my performance.

(1, “Proceed”)

{Set MARK = ‘11’}

{flowcheck: ask CRIGHTADD}


Have I reached {fill ADDRESS}?

Label: Is the Address Correct





The {fill LAST NAME} household was reported in the census as living at {fill ADDRESS} on {fill surveydt}. Did they live there on that date?

Label: Did the Household Live here on the survey date





In the rest of the interview whenever I say “this place” or “here”, I am referring to {fill ADDRESS}.

(1 “Proceed”)

{flowcheck HEREEXP: ask COTHADDYN}


Is there another address that people might use to refer to this place such as a different street name, apartment number, or 911 address?

Label: Another address this place uses



{flowcheck COTHADDYN: if COTHADDYN=yes, ask COTHHN; if COTHADDYN =no, ask CDESBLDG}


What is that address?

Label: Other House Number used at this place/Other Street Name used at this place/Other City used at this place/Other State used at this place/ Other Zip Used at this place.

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {look up - allow 2}, ZIP {allow 5} ZIP+4 {allow 4})

{flowcheck: ask CDESBLDG}


How would you describe this building? Is it:

  • A Mobile Home?

  • A House?

  • An Apartment?

  • A boat, RV, van, etc.?

Label: Type of Place the address is

(Mobile Home



A boat, RV, van, etc.)

{flowcheck CDESBLDG: if CDESBLDG=Mobile Home, ask DINTRO; if CDESBLDG=House, ask CHOUSETYPE; if CDESBLD=Apartment, ask CAPTTYPE; if CDESBLDG=Boat, RV, Van, Etc., ask DINTRO}


Does this house have an apartment such as a basement or garage apartment?



Label: House has an apartment

{Flowcheck: ask DINTRO}


How many apartments are in your building?

  • 1 (such as an apartment over a business or connected to a house)

  • 2

  • 3 or 4

  • 5 to 9

  • 10 or more?

Label: Number of Apartments

(1, “1”

2, “2”

3, “3 or 4”

4, “5 to 9”

5, “10 or more”)

{Flowcheck: ask DINTRO}

Module D – Review of Roster


Now, let’s revuew the list of people we counted here on April 1, 2008.

I have listed:

(INTNOTE: Read only names. Do not read ages. Ages should only be used to clarify between names if necessary.)

{Display names as defined by U.I}

(1, Proceed

2, Edit Name)

{Flowcheck DINTRO: if DINTRO = 1 and person count greater than 1, ask DROSTER; if DINTRO = 2 then ask DEDITNAME}


(INT NOTE: To edit an entery, select textbox and type over it.)

(FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INTIAL, LAST NAME, AGE of each person in an editable table

Clear all changes button


{flowcheck DEDITNAME: if DEDITNAME = Proceed, then ask DROSTER)


{if there is more than one person on the roster, fill “Is there anyone I’ve mentioned that you don’t know?”

If there is only one person on the roster, fill “Is your name correct?”}

{Display Full Roster}



{flowcheck DROSTER: if DROSTER = Yes, ask DWHODK; if DROSTER = NO, ask DUPLICATEMORE1}


Who is the person(s) you don’t know?

(INT NOTE: Select all that apply.)

(:List of people on roster)

{flowcheck DWHODK: once at least one person name is checked; ask DUPLICATEMORE1}


Is there anyone on this list more than once?

{Display full Roster}





(INT NOTE: You want to identify “Duplicates” one set at a time. If there are more than one ‘Set you will be prompted to identify them later.)

Who is the person listed more than once?

(INT NOTE: Select the person you want to keep. This person should have the most correct name and age data. If the data looks similar keep the person with the lowest person number.)

(List all persons on the roster)

{Flowcheck DUPLICATEKEEP: once person is selected, ask DUPLICATE DROP}


What name{s} is the same as {fill name from DUPLICATEKEEP}?

(INT NOTE: Select the person 9s0 you want to remove.)

(Full List of persons on the roster)

{flowcheck DUPLICATEDROP: once at least person name is checked, ask DUPLICATEMORE2}


Is there another person listed more than once?

{Display up to date full roster including age}




{COMMENT: See pg 5, Req 7 for logic checks for all of the MISS Questions}


I’d like to make sure that we are not missing anyone who lived or stayed here at {fill ADDRESS} on {fill surveydt2}. Other than the people we’ve already mentioned, were there:

  • Any newborns or babies?



{if MISSBABY=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L {allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=NB}



Are there any other newborns or babies?



{if BABYELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L {allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=NB}

{flowcheck BABYELSE: if BABYELSE = yes, ask BABYELSE, if BABYELSE = no, ask MISSFOSTER}


  • Any foster children?



{if MISSFOSTER=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L {allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=FS}



Are there any other foster children?



{if FOSTERELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L {allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=FS}



  • Any non-related children?



{if MISSCHILD=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L {allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=CH}



Are there any other non-related children?



{if CHILDELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L {allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=CH}

{flowcheck CHILDELSE: if CHILDELSE = yes, ask CHILDELSE, if CHILDELSE = no, ask MISSREL}


  • Any other relatives who lived or stayed here?



{if MISSREL=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=RL}

{flowcheck MISSREL: if MISSREL=no, ask MISSROOM; if MISSREL=yes, ask RELELSE}


Are there any other relatives?



{if RELELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing up for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=RL}

{flowcheck RELELSE: if RELELSE=no, ask MISSROOM; if RELELSE=yes, ask RELELSE}


  • Any nonrelatives, roommates, or boarders?



{if MISSROOM=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=RM}

{flowcheck MISSROOM: if MISSROOM =no, ask MISSOFTEN; if MISSROOM=yes, ask ROOMELSE}


Are there any other roommates or nonrelatives?



{if ROOMELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=RM}

{flowcheck ROOMELSE: if ROOMELSE =no, ask MISSOFTEN; if ROOMELSE=yes, ask ROOMELSE}


  • Anyone else who stayed here often?



{if MISSOFTEN=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=OF}



Are there any other people who stay here often?



{if OFTENELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=OF}



  • Anyone else who had no other place to live?



{if MISSTEMP=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20} AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=TP}

{flowcheck MISSTEMP: if MISSTEMP=no, ask EMVOUT; if MISSTEMP=yes, ask TEMPELSE}


Are there any other people who had no other place to live?



{if TEMPELSE=yes then}

What is his or her name and age?

Label: ADDFN(n) ADDMI(n) ADDLN(n) ADDAGE(n) ADDPQN(n) where n is the sequential number starting at 71 and incrementing for each added person

NAME_F {allow 15} MI {allow 1} NAME_L{allow 20}

AGE {allow 3} {Valid values 0 – 125}


{Update Roster - add person and age to display}

{Set ADDPQN(n)=TP}

{flowcheck TEMPELSE: if TEMPELSE=no, ask EMVOUT; if TEMPELSE=yes, ask TEMPELSE}

Module E – Movers


In March or April, did anyone move out{fill “including those people you just added” if MISSBABY through MISSTEMP equals Yes}?

(INT NOTE: Review Roster if necessary.)

Label: Anybody moved out on survey date



{If EMVOUT = No, set MVOUT to 0 for each person }

{Set MARK = ‘12’}

{flowcheck EMVOUT: if EMVOUT=yes, ask MVOUTNAME; if EMVOUT=no, ask FINTRO}


Who moved out? Please list all people who moved out around {fill surveydt}.

Label: Name of person who moved out

({checkboxes- mark all that apply} P1-Pn FULL NAME)

{Set MVOUT = 1 for each Person selected in MVOUTNAME, else set MVOUT to 0}

{flowcheck MVOUTNAME: ask MONMVOUT}


What date did {fill FULL NAME from MVOUTNAME} move out?

Label: Date the Person Moved out

(MONTH {drop down} DAY {drop down} YEAR {prefill 2005 - type over}{valid values 1879-2006})

{flowcheck: if (MONMVOUT = surveymonth and YRMVOUT = curyear and DAYMVOUT = DK/REF) or ( MONMVOUT = DK/REF and YRMVOUT = curyear) or (YRMVOUT = DK/REF), ask BOAMVOUT; else ask CDOM}


Did {fill FULL NAME from MVOUTNAME} move out before, on, or after {fill surveydt}?

Label: Moved on, before, or after survey date

(Before “Before {fill surveydt}”,

On “On {fill surveydt}”,

After “ After {fill surveydt}”)

{flowcheck BOAMVOUT: ask MVBACK}


How certain are you about the date of the move?

  • Very Certain

  • Somewhat Certain

  • Somewhat Uncertain

  • Very Uncertain

Label: How certain R is of move out date

(VC “Very Certain”,

SC “Somewhat Certain”,

SU “Somewhat Uncertain”,

VU “Very Uncertain”)

{flowcheck CDOM: ask MVBACK}


Do you expect {fill FULL NAME of MVOUTNAME} to move back here?

Label: If person is planning on moving back


No, )

{flowcheck MVBACK: if all persons marked in MVOUTNAME have been asked MONMVOUT, ask FINTRO; else ask MONMVOUT for next person number selected in MVOUTNAME}

Module F – Other Addresses


Some people live or stay in more than one place and we would like to make sure everyone was only counted once.

(1, Proceed)

{set MARK=13}

{flowcheck: if Partial – follow Partial Flow listed in Requirement 3.3, else ask FCOLYN}


We were asking about where each person in the Household should be actually counted.

{determine which persons are finished with Module F. If the following is true then the person is finished with Module F:

  • intcheck = no

  • intcheck = yes and (F11 = (“Census” or “Other”) or F12b = (“Census” or “Other”) or F12c = (“Census” or “Other”) or F12d = (“Census” or “ Other”) or 12e is answered)

For each person (P1 – Pn) not complete with Module F display the following in a list format:

“I show that {fill FULL NAME} stayed {fill TYPE OF PLACE} around {fill surveydt” }

(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck: go to first unanswered question for first person who hasn’t complete Module F}


{ask only if 1 or more persons age = 17-25, blank, DK or REF}

In the Spring of 2008,{fill” were you” (if person count = 1), else “was anyone”} attending college?

LABEL: People were attending college



{if FCOLYN = No, Set COLYN = no for all persons}

{flowcheck FCOLYN: if FCOLYN=yes, ask COLNAME; if FCOLYN=no, ask FSC}


Who was attending college?

(INT NOTE: Select all the names that apply.)

Label: Name of People attending college

(FULL NAME of persons where age = 17 – 25, blank, DK, REF, Other household member not listed above)

{if DK is selected, set COLYN =no for all persons; set COLYN to Yes for name selected in COLNAME}

{flowcheck CONAME: if COLNAME = fill, ask COLWHERE; if COLNAME =DK/RF or Other household member not listed above ask FSC}


Where did {fill Name form COLNAME} stay while attending college:

    • At {fill address} or

    • Some other address

Label: where the person stayed for college

(address “At ADDRESS”,

elsewhere, “Stayed somewhere else”)

{flowcheck COLWHERE: if COLWHERE =address, ask FSC if no other person selected for COLNAME; if COLWHERE = elsewhere, ask COLHN; if COLWHERE =DK/RF, ask UNAME}


(INT NOTE: Probe for Dorm and Complex Name)

What is the address where {fill you were/he was/she was} staying while attending college?

Label: Address and dorm name of college student

(HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {drop down - allow 2}, ZIP {allow 5}, DORM or COMPLEX NAME {allow 20 – can be left blank})

{flowcheck: ask UNAME}


What college or university did {fill you/he/she} attend?

Label: Name of the university or college


{flowcheck UNAME: ask FSC if no other person selected for COLNAME; else ask COLWHERE}


{ask only if 1 or more Persons have age <18, blank, DK or REF}

In March or April ,{fill if person count = 1”were you”, else “was any child”} living or staying part of the time with someone else?

Label: Any children staying somewhere else



{if FSC=no, set SC to no for all persons in output}

{flowcheck FSC: if FSC=yes, ask SCNAME; if FSC=no, ask FMILYN}


What is the child’s name?

(INT NOTE: Select all the names that apply.)

Label: Name of child in shared custody

(FULL NAME of persons where age < 18, blank, DK, REF, “Other household member not listed above”)

{if DK is selected, set SC =no for all persons; set SC to Yes for name selected in SCNAME}

{flowcheck SCNAME: if SCNAME=fill, ask SCHN; if SCNAME=DK/RF or Other household member not listed above, ask FMILYN}


What is the address where {fill you/FULL NAME} stayed?

Label: 2nd address of shared child

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {lookup - allow 2}, ZIP {allow 5}

{flowcheck: ZIP+4: if more then one person selected in SCNAME, ask SCSAPA, if no more persons selected in SCSAPA, ask FMILYN}


What is the address where {fill you/FULL NAME} stayed?


Is it the same as:

{fill FULL ADDRESS of previously enter SCHN-SCZIP}?)



{flowcheck: if Yes, ask until all persons selected in SCNAME have address asked if no other persons, ask FMILYN; if SCSAPA=No, ask SCHN-SCZIP}


{ask only if 1 or more persons age >= 17, blank, DK or REF}

{fill if person count = 1 “Were you”, else “Was anyone”} away from here because of military service?

(INT NOTE: Here refers to {fill address}.)

LABEL: People are in the military



{if FMILYN = No, Set MILYN = no for all persons}

{flowcheck FMILYN: if FMILYN=yes, ask MILNAME; if FMILYN=no, ask FJOB}


Who was away in the military?

(INT NOTE: Select all the names that apply.)

Label: MILYN

({drop down} FULL NAME of persons where age >= 17, blank, DK, REF, Other household member not listed above)

{if DK is selected, set MILYN =no for all persons; set MILYN to Yes for name selected in MILNAME}

{flowcheck MILNAME: if MILNAME = fill, ask MILOVERSEAS; if MILNAME =DK/RF or Other household member not listed above, ask FJOB}


{fill Were you/Was FULL NAME from MILNAME} overseas?



Label: Overseas for Military

{flowcheck MILOVERSEAS: if MILOVERSEAS=yes; then ask FJOB if no other persons marked in MILNAME; if MILOVERSEAS=no; then ask MILWHERE}


What type of place did {fill you/FULL NAME from MILNAME} stay? Was it:

  • Military barracks or dormitories,

  • A ship

  • A military treatment facility

  • Disciplinary barracks or jail

  • Other housing either on-base or off-base?

Label: Type of place they were at in the military

(barracks “Military Barracks”,

ship “Ship”,

treatment “Military Treatment Facility,”

jails “Military Disciplinary Barracks or Jail,”

housing “Other housing”,

{flowcheck MILWHERE: ask MILHN}


What is the address where {fill you were/he was/she was} staying while away in the military?

Label: Address where military was

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {drop down - allow 2}, ZIP {allow 5}

{flowcheck: ask FJOB if no other persons selected for MILNAME, else ask MILWHERE}


{ask only if 1 or more persons age >=16, blank, DK, or REF}

In March or April, did {fill if person count = 1 “you”, else “anyone”} live or stay away from here for a job or business?

(INT NOTE: Here refers to {fill address})

Label: Anyone away for a job



{if FJOB = no, set JOB =No for all persons}

{flowcheck FJOB: if FJOB=yes, ask JOBNAME; if FJOB=no, ask FVAC}


Who was living or staying away from here because of a job or business?

(INT NOTE: Select all the names that apply.)

Label: Name of person who stays away for job

({drop down} FULL NAME of person where age >=16, blank, DK, or REF)

{if DK is selected, set JOB=no for all persons; set JOB to Yes for name selected in JOBNAME}

{flowcheck JOBNAME: if JOBNAME = fill, ask JOBPL; if JOBNAME =DK/RF, ask FVAC}


Did {you/FULL NAME} have another place where {fill you/he/she} stayed regularly for that job or business?

Label: Regular place they were away



{flowcheck JOBPL: if JOBPL=yes, ask JOBHN; if JOBPL=no, ask FVAC; }


What is the address of that place?

Label: Address of where person stays for job

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {drop down }, ZIP {allow 5}

{flowcheck: ask FVAC if no other persons selected in JOBNAME, else ask JOBPL}


Did {fill if person count = 1 “you”, else “anyone”} have a seasonal home or second home?

Label: Anyone with a second home



{If FVAC=No, set VAC = No for all persons}

{flowcheck FVAC: if FVAC =yes, ask VACNAME; if FVAC =no, ask FOTH;}


Who had a seasonal home or second home?

(INT NOTE: Select all the names that apply.)

Label: Name of person with a second home

{drop down} FULL NAME

{if DK is selected, set VAC=no for all persons; set VAC to Yes for name selected in VACNAME }

{flowcheck VACNAME: if VACNAME =fill, ask VACHN; if VACNAME =DK/RF, ask FOTH}


For {fill you/FULL NAME}, what is the address of that place?

Label: Address of the second home

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {drop down }, ZIP {allow 5}

{flowcheck: if all persons selected in VACNAME have address asked, ask FOTH; if not all persons selected in VACNAME have address asked ask VACSAPA}


For {fill you/FULL NAME}, what is the address of that place?


Is it the same as:




{flowcheck: if VACSAPA=Yes, if all persons selected in VACNAME have address asked, ask FOTH; if not all persons selected in VACNAME have address asked ask VACSAPA: if VACSAPA=No, ask VACHN}


In March or April, did {fill if person count = 1 “you”, else “anyone”} stay somewhere else for an extended time or live part of the time at another residence? (GRAY INT NOTE: For example, at a friends or relative’s home)

Label: Anyone stayed somewhere else part time



{If FOTH =No, set FOTH=no for all persons}

{flowcheck FOTH: if FOTH =yes, ask OTHNAME; if FOTH =no, ask set intcheck}


Who was staying elsewhere for an extended time during March or April?

(INT NOTE: Select all the names that apply.)

Label: Name of person who is away part time

({drop down} FULL NAME for all people)

{if DK is selected, set FOTH=no for all persons; set FOTH to Yes for name selected in OTHNAME }

{flowcheck OTHNAME: if fill, ask FOTHHN; if DK/RF, ask GQTRAN}


For {fill FULL NAME}, what is the address of that place?

Label: Other Address for part time person

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {allow 2}, ZIP {allow 5}

{flowcheck: set intcheck if no other persons were selected in OTHNAME, else ask FOTHHN for next name}

(COMMENT: Set Intcheck variable for each person. If ((FSC, FMILYN, JOBPL, FOTH or FVAC = yes) or (COLWHERE= “elsewhere”)), set INTCHECK to 1. Else, set INTCHECK to 0.})

(COMMENT: MOSTTIME through STAYAPR1 are person based and should be asked of each person on roster and those persons added in Module D before moving to GQTRAN.)


{ask MOSTTIME if INTCHECK = 1, else skip to next person or if last person then ask GQTRAN}

In March or April, where did {fill you/FULL NAME} live or stay most of the time:

  • This Address,

  • The Other Place, or

  • Both Places Equally?

(Census “Census address”,

Other “Other place”,

Both “Both places”)

Label: where person spent most of the time

{flowcheck MOSTTIME: if f11=census, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOSTTIME =other, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOSTTIME =both, ask CYCLE; if MOSTTIME =dk/rf, ask CYCLE}


Which of the following categories most accurately describes the amount of time {fill you/FULL NAME} stay(s) at the other place?

  • A few days each week,

  • A few weeks each month,

  • Months at a time,

  • Some other period of time

(Days “A few days each week”,

Weeks “A few weeks each month”,

Months “Months at a time”,

Other “Some other period of time”)

Label: cycle between address

{flowcheck CYCLE: if CYCLE =days, ask MOREWEEK; if CYCLE =weeks, ask MOREMON; if CYCLE =months, ask MOREYR; if CYCLE =other, ask STAYAPR1; if CYCLE =dk/rf, ask MOREWEEK}


During a typical week, did {fill you/FULL NAME} spend more days at {fill ADDRESS} or the other place?

(Census “Census address”,

Other “Other place”

Both “Both Places Equally”)

Label: where they stay most of the week

{flowcheck MOREWEEK: if MOREWEEK =census, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOREWEEK =other, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if f12b=both/dk/rf, ask STAYAPR1}


During a typical month, did {fill you/FULL NAME} spend more weeks at {fill ADDRESS} or at the other place?

(Census “Census address”,

Other “Other place”

Both “Both Places Equally”)

Label: where they stay most of the month

{flowcheck MOREMON: if MOREMON =census, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOREMON =other, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOREMON =both/dk/rf, ask STAYAPR1}


Last year did {fill you/ FULL NAME} spend more months at {fill ADDRESS} or at the other place?

(Census “Census address”,

Other “Other place”

Both “Both Places Equally”)

Label: where they stay most of the year

{flowcheck MOREYR: if MOREYR =census, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOREYR =other, ask GQTRAN or loop to next person; if MOREYR =both/dk/rf, ask STAYAPR1}


{fill Were you/Was FULL NAME} staying at {fill ADDRESS} or at the other place on APRIL 1, 2008 ?

(Census “Census address”,

Other “Other place”)

Label: where were they on survey date

{flowcheck STAYAPR1: ask GQTRAN or loop to next person}

(COMMENT: The rest of Module F from this point on is person based. It should be asked for all persons that were not deleted in Section D.)


The Census Bureau does a special count of people staying in group facilities. Next, we will check to be sure no one in your household was counted in one of those places on April 1st.

(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck: ask GQAL}


{Fill Were you/Was FULL NAME of P1 or first person not deleted} staying in any of the following places on April 1, 2008:

  • Independent or Assisted Living Facility?

Label: Person was in assisted living



{flowcheck GQAL: if GQAL = yes, ask GQALNH; if GQAL = no, ask GQNH}


(GREY INT NOTE: {Fill Were you/ Was FULL NAME of P1 or first person not deleted} staying in any of the following places on April 1, 2008?)

  • Nursing Home or Skilled Nursing Facility?

Label: Person was in Nursing Home



{flowcheck GQNH: if GQNH = yes , ask GQALNH; if GQNH = no ask GQJAIL.


(GREY INT NOTE: {Fill Were you/ Was FULL NAME of P1 or first person not deleted} staying in any of the following places on April 1, 2008?

  • A correctional facility such as a jail, detention center, or prison?

Label: Person was in correctional facility



{flowcheck GQJAIL: if GQJAIL = yes, ask GQNAME; if GQJAIL = no, ask GQSHELTER}


(GREY INT NOTE: {Fill Were you/ Was FULL NAME of P1 or first person not deleted} staying in any of the following places on April 1, 2008}?)

  • A emergency, transitional, or domestic violence shelter?

Label: Person was in a shelter



{flowcheck GQSHELTER: if GQSHELTER = yes, ask GQNAME; if GQSHELTER = no, ask GQHOME}


(GREY INT NOTE: {Fill Were you/ Was FULL NAME of P1 or first person not deleted} staying in any of the following places on April 1, 2008?)

  • A Group Home?

Label: Person was in a group home



{flowcheck GQHOME: if GQHOME = yes, ask GQNAME; if GQHOME = no ask GQOTHER}


(GREY INT NOTE: {Fill Were you/Was FULL NAME of P1 or first person not deleted} staying in any of the following places on April 1, 2008?)

  • Some other facility where groups of people stay?

Label: Person was in a GQ - other



{flowcheck GQOTHER: if GQOTHER = yes, ask GQTYPE; if GQOTHER = no, ask FGQYN}

{If GQNH, GQJAIL and GQOTHER = no, set GQYN = No for person 1; else set GQYN=Yes for person 1}


Does the facility provide 24 hour care by a skilled professional or nurse?



Label: Determination of GQ Nursing Home

{flowcheck GQALNH: if GQALNH = yes, ask GQNAME; if GQALNH =no and there are other persons, ask FGQYN; if GQALNH = no and there are no other persons, ask G1.}


{Fill Were you/Was FULL NAME of P(2…n)} staying in any of those places?

(INT NOTE: Review the categories if necessary:

    • Independent or Assisted Living Facility

    • Nursing Home or Skilled Nursing Facility

    • Correctional Facility

    • Emergency, Transitional, or Domestic Violence Shelter

    • Group Home

    • Some Other Group Facility)

Label: Anyone staying in a GQ at the time

(Yes1, “Yes, Independent or Assisted Living Facility”

Yes2, “Yes, Nursing Home or Skilled Nursing Facility”

Yes3, “Yes, A Correctional Facility”

Yes4, “Yes, A Shelter”

Yes5, “Yes, A Group Home”

Yes6, “Yes, Some Other Group Facility”

No, “No, none of those places”)

{Set the following :

If FGQYN=Yes1, set GQYN = Yes and GQAL = Yes for that person

If FGQYN=Yes2, set GQYN = Yes and GQNH = Yes for that person

If FGQYN=Yes3, set GQYN = Yes and GQJAIL=Yes for that person

If FGQYN=Yes4, set GQYN = Yes and GQSHELTER = Yes for that person

If FGQYN=Yes5, set GQYN = Yes and GQHOME = Yes for that person

If FGQYN=Yes6, set GQYN = Yes and GQOTHER=Yes for that person

If FGQYN=No, set GQYN = No}

{flowcheck FGQYN: if FGQYN = No, ask FGQYN until no other persons – then ask G1; if FGQYN = yes6, ask GQTYPE; if FGQYN =Yes3, Yes4, Yes5, ask GQNAME; If FGQYN=Yes1 or Yes2, then ask GQALNH)


What kind of place is it?

Label: TYPE of GQ

(PLACE TYPE{allow 30})

{flowcheck GQTYPE: ask GQNAME}


What is the name of that place?

Label: NAME of GQ

(PLACE NAME{allow 30})

{flowcheck GQNAME: ask GQHN}


What is the address of that place?

Label: Address of GQ

( HOUSE NUMBER{allow 21}, STREET NAME {allow 60}, CITY {allow 20}, STATE {lookup-allow 2}, ZIP {allow 5}

{flowcheck: if no other persons, ask G1; if other persons, ask FGQYN}

MODULE G – Short-form Demographics


{if any persons age, relationship, sex, date of birth, race, or Hispanic Origin are blank, ask G1; else ask COMPEXIT}

Now, I’m going to ask you about information that we don’t have from your census form.


{flowcheck: ask GRELT}


{Check to see if P1 is deleted.

  • If P1 is not deleted, PERNUM is not equal to 1, and any relationship variables are blank or 0, ask GRELT; else ask GSEX

  • If P1 is deleted or there is no P1, ask GSEX}

{How is {fill FULL NAME} related to you?/ How are {fill you} related to {fill P1}?/How is {fill FULL NAME} related to {fill P1}? {See below for how to determine which question to ask}

(INT NOTE: For biological, adopted, or step son or daughter, select “Son or daughter.” For foster son or daughter, select “Other nonrelative.”)

(1, Husband or wife

2, Son or daughter

3, Brother or sister

4, Father or mother

5, Grandchild

6, Parent in-law

7, Son in-law or daughter in-law

8, Other relative

9, Roomer or boarder

10, Housemate or roommate

11, Unmarried partner

12, Other nonrelative)

{flowcheck: if GRELT =2, Son or daughter, ask SONDAU.

If no other person with blank relationship, ask GSEX; else ask GRELT for next person with blank relationship.}

{If the respondent is P1, fill with

“How is FULL NAME related to you?”

If the respondent is not P1 and you are asking about their relationship to P1, fill with “How are you related to P1?”

If the person you are asking about is not the respondent or P1, fill with

“How is FULL NAME related to P1?}


{Is {fill FULL NAME}/ are {fill you} {fill your/ P1’s} biological son or daughter,

adopted son or daughter, OR stepson or stepdaughter?

(1, Biological son or daughter

2, Adopted son or daughter

3, Stepson or stepdaughter

4, Foster son or daughter (DO NOT READ))

{flowcheck: If no other person with blank relationship, ask GSEX; else ask GRELT for next person with blank relationship.}

{The output variable GREL will be set based on the response to both relationship questions (GRELT and SONDAU).

IF GRELT = 1, then GREL =1 (Husband or wife)


IF SONDAU = 1, then GREL = 2 (Biological son or daughter)

IF SONDAU = 2, then GREL = 3 (Adopted son or daughter)

IF SONDAU = 3, then GREL = 4 (Stepson or stepdaughter)

IF SONDAU = 4, then GREL = 14 (Other nonrelative)

IF SONDAU = Don’t know, then GREL = 2

IF SONDAU = Refused, then GREL = 2

IF GRELT = 3, then GREL = 5 (Brother or sister)

IF GRELT = 4, then GREL = 6 (Father or mother)

IF GRELT = 5, then GREL = 7 (Grandchild)

IF GRELT = 6, then GREL =8 (Parent-in-law)

IF GRELT = 7, then GREL = 9 (Son-in-law or daughter-in-law)

IF GRELT = 8, then GREL = 10 (Other relative)

IF GRELT = 9, then GREL = 11 (Roomer or boarder)

IF GRELT = 10, then GREL = 12 (Housemate or roommate)

IF GRELT = 11, then GREL = 13 (Unmarried partner)

IF GRELT = 12, then GREL = 14 (Other nonrelative)

IF GRELT=Don’t know, then GREL=blank

IF GRELT=Refused, then GREL=blank}


{if SEX = blank, ask GSEX; else ask MOB}

Is {fill FULL NAME} male or female?/ {fill Are you} male or female?/How about {fill FULL NAME/you}? { See below on how to determine which question to ask.}

(INT NOTE: Ask or verify sex for all persons. Do not enter/record sex based upon responses to other items or observation.)

(1= Male,

2= Female)

{If the first person is the respondent, fill with “Are you male or female?”

If the first person is not the respondent, fill with “Is FULL NAME male or female?”

If it is not the first time the question is asked and you are asking about the respondent,

fill with “How about you?”

If it is not the first time the question is asked and you are not asking about the

respondent, fill with “How about FULL NAME?”}

{Flowcheck GSEX: if no other person with blank sex, ask GDOB; else

ask GSEX for next person with blank sex}


{If DOB=blank (MOB, DOB, and YOB = blank), ask GDOB; else ask GAGE}

What is {fill your/FULL NAME’s} date of birth?

{If you are asking about the respondent, ask “What is your date of birth?”

If you are asking about someone other respondent, ask “What is FULL NAME’s date of birth?”}

(Month (2 digit) valid values of 01-12

Day (2 digit) valid values of 01-31 for month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, 12; 01-30 for month = 04, 06, 09, 11; 01-28 for month = 02 and non-leap year; 01-29 for month = 02 and leap year.

Year (4 digit) valid values = 1882-2008)

{Store as 2 digit month, 2 digit day, 4 digit year}

{COMMENT: 1882 is an acceptable year of birth entry only if the month and day is April 2nd (04/02/2008) or later. 2008 is an acceptable year of birth entry. 1990 was not a leap year.}

(COMMENT: If no part of GDOB = DK or REF and GDOB not after 04/01/2008 then , calculate age, AGEC, as of April 1, 2008. AGEC = the calculated age.)

{flowcheck GDOB: ask GAGE}


{if AGE is blank, then ask GAGE where AGE = intial age or DAGE; else if there is another person in the roster – return to GDOB and go through the DOB and AGE logic; else if there is no other person on the roster, ask GHO_A}

What was {fill your/FULLNAME’s } age on April 1, 2008?

(INT NOTE: Read aloud when necessary. If you don’t know the exact age, please estimate.)

(INT NOTE: Make sure the respondent gives the age in completed years as of April 1, 2008. Do not round up. Do not enter age in months. For babies less than 1year old, enter 0 as the age.)

{If you are asking about the person you are speaking with, ask

“What was your age on April 1, 2008?”

If you are asking about someone other than the person you are speaking with, ask

“What was FULL NAME’s age on April 1, 2008?”}

(GAGE allow 3 digits -- Valid values = 0 – 125)

{flowcheck GAGE: If GAGE and AGEC not blank and greater then 0, then compare AGEC to GAGE, if they do not match then ask GAGECHECK; else if they match or the comparison is not done – if there is another person on the roster – return to GDOB to check Date of Birth and Age logic for next person or if no more people on the roster, ask GHO_A.}


For the Census, we need to record age as of April 1, 2008. So just to confirm – {fill “You were”/”FULL NAME was”} {fill GAGE} on April 1, 2008?

(1= Yes

2= No)

{If you are asking about the person you are speaking with, ask

“For the Census, we need to record age as of April 1, 2008. So just to confirm – You were {fill AGEC} on April 1, 2008?”

If you are asking about someone other than the person you are speaking with, ask

“For the Census, we need to record age as of April 1, 2008. So just to confirm – {fill FULL NAME was} {fill AGEC} on April 1, 2008?”

{flowcheck GAGECHECK: If GAGECHECK = 1, then ask GDOBCHANGE; else if GAGECHECK = 2, ask GCHANGEAGE.}


What was {fill your/FULL NAME’s} age on April 1, 2008?

(INT NOTE: Enter correct Age.)

(GAGE {allow 3}, valid values 0 – 125)

{flowcheck GCHANGEAGE: if there is another person in the roster – return to GDOB and go through the DOB and AGE logic; else if there is no other person on the roster, ask GHO_A }


Since {fill your/FULL NAME’s} age as of April 1, 2008 was {fill GAGE}, can you help me correct {fill your/FULL NAME’s} date of birth? I have {fill your/FULL NAME’s} date of birth as {fill GDOB}. What should it be?

(Month (2 digit) valid values of 01-12

Day (2 digit) valid values of 01-31 for month 01, 03, 05, 07, 08, 10, 12; 01-30 for

month = 04, 06, 09, 11; 01-28 for month = 02 and non-leap year; 01-29 for month

= 02 and leap year.

Year (4 digit) valid values = 1882-2008)

{Store as 2 digit month, 2 digit day, 4 digit year}

{flowcheck GDOBCHANGE: if there is another person in the roster – return to GDOB and go through the DOB and AGE logic; else if there is no other person on the roster, ask GHO_A }


{If HO = blank or 3, ask GHO_A; else ask GRACE}

{Fill Are you/Is FULL NAME} of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin? How about {fill you/FULLNAME?}


1= Yes,

2= No)

{If the first person is the respondent, fill with

“Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin?”

If the first person is not the respondent, fill with “

Is FULL NAME of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin?”

{flowcheck GHO_A: If GHO_A has yes checked, ask GHO_B; If GHO_A does not have yes checked,or is DK, or RF and no other person with blank Hispanic origin, ask GRACE; else ask GHO_A for next person with blank Hispanic origin}


{fill Are you/Is FULL NAME}

Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano;

Puerto Rican

Cuban; Argentinean; Colombian; Dominican; Nicaraguan; Salvadoran; Spaniard; or of another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?}

(Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano,

Puerto Rican,


Another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin)

{If you are asking about the respondent and you are speaking with the respondent, fill with “Are you ..etc.?”

If the person you are asking about is not the respondent, fill with

“Is FULL NAME …etc.?”}

{Flowcheck: If GHO_B = 7, ask GHO_C. If GHO_B = 4, 5, 6, don’t know, or refused and no other person with blank Hispanic origin, ask GRACE; else ask GHO_A for next person with blank Hispanic origin}


What is that origin?

(INT NOTE: Read aloud when necessary. For example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, or Spaniard.)


{Flowcheck GHO_C: if no other person with blank Hispanic origin, ask GRACE; else

ask GHO_A for next person with blank Hispanic origin}



I’m going to read you a list of race categories.

You may choose one or more races.

{fill If GHO_A has yes checked for any person on the roster, For this census, Hispanic origins are not races.”}

{fill Are you/Is FULL NAME} White; Black, African American, or Negro; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or Some other race?

(1= White

2= Black, African American, or Negro

3= American Indian or Alaska Native

4= Asian

5= Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

6= Some other race)

{flowcheck GRACE:

If GRACE = 3, ask AIAN,

If GRACE = 4, ask ASIAN,

If GRACE = 5, ask NHPI,

If GRACE = 6, ask SOR.

If no other person with blank race and GRACE not equal to 3, 4, 5, or 6, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race}


{If GRACE = 3, ask AIAN}


You may list one or more tribes.

What is {fill your/FULL NAME’s} enrolled or principal tribe?

Write In

{If you are asking about the person you are speaking with, ask

“What is your enrolled or principal tribe?”

If you are asking about someone other than the person you are speaking with, ask

“What is FULL NAME’s enrolled or principal tribe?”}

{flowcheck AIAN:

If GRACE = 4, ask ASIAN,

If GRACE = 5, ask NHPI,

If GRACE = 6, ask SOR.

If no other person with blank race and GRACE not equal to 4, 5, or 6, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race}


{If GRACE = 4, ask ASIAN}

You may choose one or more groups.

{fill Are you/Is FULL NAME}

Asian Indian,






Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, Cambodian, or another Asian group?

(1, Asian Indian

2, Chinese

3, Filipino

4, Japanese

5, Korean

6, Vietnamese

7, Other Asian group)

{If you are asking about the person you are speaking with, ask

“Are you …?”

If you are asking about someone other than the person you are speaking with, ask

“Is {fill FULL NAME}…?}

{flowcheck ASIAN: If ASIAN=7, ask ASIAN_WI,

If ASIAN not equal to 7 and GRACE = 5, ask NHPI,

If ASIAN not equal to 7 and GRACE = 6, ask SOR.

If no other person with blank race and GRACE not equal to 5 or 6, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race.}


{If ASIAN = 7, ask ASIAN_WI}

What is that Other Asian group?

(INT NOTE: Read aloud when necessary. For example, Hmong, Laotian, Thai, Pakistani, or Cambodian.)

(Write – In)

{flowcheck ASIAN_WI:

If GRACE = 5, ask NHPI,

If GRACE = 6, ask SOR.

If it is the last person and GRACE is not equal to 5 or 6, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race.}


{If GRACE = 5, ask NHPI}

You may choose one or more groups. {fill Are you/Is FULL NAME}

Native Hawaiian;

Guamanian or Chamorro;


Fijian; Tongan; or another Pacific Islander group?

(1, Native Hawaiian

2, Guamanian or Chamorro

3, Samoan

4, Other Pacific Islander

{If you are asking about the person you are speaking with, ask

“Are you …?”

If you are asking about someone other than the person you are speaking with, ask

“Is {fill FULL NAME}…?}

{flowcheck NHPI: If NHPI = 4, ask NHPI_WI.

If NHPI is not equal to 4, and GRACE = 6, ask SOR.

If NHPI is not equal to 4, no other person with blank race, and GRACE is not equal to 6, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race.}


{if NHPI = 4, ask NHPI_WI}

What is that other Pacific Islander group?

(INT NOTE: Read aloud when necessary. For example, Fijian or Tongan)

(Write - In).

{flowcheck NHPI­_WI: If GRACE = 6, ask SOR.

If no other person with blank race, and GRACE is not equal to 6, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race.}


{if GRACE = 6, ask SOR}

What is {fill your/FULL NAME’s} other race group?

{If you are asking about the person you are speaking with, ask

“What is your …?”

If you are asking about someone other than the person you are speaking with, ask

“What is {fill FULL NAME’s}…?}

{flowcheck SOR: If no other person with blank race, ask COMPEXIT; else ask GRACE for the next person with blank race.}



Those are all the questions that I have. If you have any comments about the amount of time we estimate to complete the survey or any other aspect of this survey, I can give you an address where you can write to express your comments. Would you like the address?


Associate Director for Administration

Paperwork Project {Fill OMBNUM}

U.S. Census Bureau

Room 3104-3

Washington, D.C. 20233

You may also email comments to [email protected], use “Paperwork Project – {Fill OMBNUM} as the subject.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. You’ve been very helpful.

(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck COMPEXIT: ask COMPLANG}


(INT NOTE: In what language did you conduct most of this interview?)

(1, “English”

2, “Spanish”

3, “Some Other Language”)


{set outcome = 1 and outcome subtype = 1}


{display splash screen for both testing and production}


{If the F10 key is pressed, ask F10exit}

Thank you for your time. I would like to set an appointment to call back at a better time to complete the interview. (INT NOTE: SET APPOINTMENT AND/OR APPROPIATE OUTCOME CODE IN WEBCATI)

(1, “Proceed”)


(INT NOTE: In what language did you conduct most of this interview?)

(1, “English”

2, “Spanish”

3, “Some Other Language”)


{display splash screen for both testing and production}


Thank you for your time. Those are all the questions I have for you.

(1, “Proceed”)

{Set outcome =112}


{display splash screen for both testing and production}

Module P – Partials

{If Inbound Application, goto INPT1, else PT1}


Thank you for calling. The Census Bureau wants to take the most accurate census. We need to be sure that no one has been left out or counted at more than one place. We have completed part of the interview for this household. Thank you for calling me back to complete it. )

(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck: ask PRESPAVAIL}


Hello this is (specify name) from the U.S Census Bureau.

The purpose of my call is to help the Census Bureau take the most accurate census. We need to be sure that no one has been left out or counted at more than one place. We have completed part of the interview for this household and would like to finish it now.

(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck: ask PRESPAVAIL}


This survey is authorized by law, Title 13, Section 182, of the United States Code. This survey is mandatory and your cooperation is very important. All the information you provide will remain confidential by that same law. Our approval number from the Office of Management and Budget is {fill OMBNUM} and this approval expires TBD . Without that number we could not conduct this survey or require your participation. The interview will take approximately 10 minutes.

(1, “Proceed”)

{flowcheck: ask Call CFU App P URL, Case ID, PN#}


{Upon getting this screen, increment CALLCOUNT by one.}

May I speak to {fill FULL NAME of RESPNAME from previous interview}?

(Yes “Yes, (fill FULLNAME of RESPNAME) is available”,

No, “No, a respondent is currently not available”)

{flowcheck PRESPAVAIL: if PRESPAVAIL =yes, ask Call CFU App P URL, Case ID and PN#; if PRESPAVAIL =no and QRP2 != NULL, ask PNEWRESP; if PRESPAVAIL =no and QRP2 = NULL, ask SCHCALL}


(INT NOTE: If person who filled out the form is on the phone, introduce yourself if necessary.)

May I speak with {fill with QRP 1-3}?

{Developer Note – Do not list RESPNAME}

({list QRP 1-3}, No, “No, respondent is currently not available”)

{Set RESPNAME=Person # associated with QRP selected}

{flowcheck PNEWRESP: if PNEWRESP = QRP name, ask PT2; if PNEWRESP=no, ask SCHCALL}


Module A

RIGHTHH –The purpose of the interview is to follow up on households that recently provided the Census Bureau with their information. We are conducting a test into our procedures and would like to know more about this household.


The purpose of the interview is to follow up on households that recently provided the Census Bureau with their information. We are conducting a test into our procedures and would like to know more about this household.

RESPWHO - Census Forms were mailed earlier in the year. Someone in the household either mailed the census form back to us or they conducted an interview with one of our field representatives.

RESPWHONAME - If the person who filled out the form is not on the roster of people, determine if that person lives in the household or if that person does not live in the household.

P1RESPAVAIL – Census Forms were mailed earlier in the year. The person referred to was listed on the form.

If the person on the phone filled out the form for the person mentioned in the question, then you may select Yes for this question. For Example, a son who is translating for the mother or a nurse who is filling out the form for the person they are caring for.

Module B

BINTRO – By law, (Title 13 of the United States Code,) the Census Bureau cannot share the individual answers it receives with other agencies, including welfare agencies, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Internal Revenue Service, courts, or the police. Only persons sworn to protect the confidentiality of your answers will have access to the information you provide. Anyone who breaks this law can receive up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

BMOVENBOR – The purpose of this question is to determine if we sent the form to the right location.

BOTHADDYN – Some places have to two addresses such as a house on a corner or a house that has one address for mailing and one for the fire department. Apartments can have different unit designations such as A or 1. We are only interested in other addresses, not building names or descriptions.

Module C

CINTRO – By law, (Title 13 of the United States Code) the Census Bureau cannot share the individual answers it receives with other agencies, including welfare agencies, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Internal Revenue Service, courts, or the police. Only persons sworn to protect the confidentiality of your answers will have access to the information you provide. Anyone who breaks this law can receive up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

CHHLIVEHERE – This question is intended for the whole household. If only one or two members of the household moved that information that will be collected later, the answer to this question should be no. If any member of the current household was living here on the survey date, then the answer to this question is Yes.

COTHADDYN - Some places have to two addresses, such as a house on a corner or a house that has one address for mailing and one for the fire department. Apartments can have different unit designations such as A or 1. We are only interested in other addresses, not building names or descriptions.

CDESBLDG – A mobile home is a trailer or any pre-fabricated home.

CHOUSETYPE – Other examples houses with apartments include a house with an attic and garage apartment.

CAPTTYPE - – Other example of a building with 1 apartment is a house with an attic or garage apartment.

Module D

DINTRO – This is the list of persons provided by the initial census respondent. Edit Names only if the respondent requests corrections. You will add and delete people on the upcoming screens.

DEDITNAME - If you would like to reverse all changes made on this screen, select CTRL+C. A warning screen will appear. Select OK to clear changes.

DMORE1 – Some persons are listed more than once on the roster either using the same name or a different name.

DROSTER- Select Yes the respondent doesn’t know. You may also use this screen to remove a person who died before April 1st.

DUPLICATEKEEP– Select the person you want to keep. This person should have the most correct name and age data. If the data looks similar, keep the person with the lowest person number.

DUPLICATEDROP – You are selecting who you want to drop. You can select more then one person if they are all the same as the person selected on the DUPLICATEKEEP screen. If there is a person who is a duplicate of someone else then the person already selected, you will be able to delete this person via the next question.

MISSBABY - Include babies born on or before the survey date, even if they were still at the hospital. Do not include babies staying with the household for purposes of day care or vacation.

MISSFOSTER - Do not include foster children staying with the household for purposes of day care or vacation.

MISSCHILD – Do not include children staying with the household for purposes of day care or vacation.

MISSREL – This does not include relatives who have another place to live, but are visiting temporarily such as on vacation or for a family event.

MISSROOM –This question is asking for boarders living in the same housing unit. Do not include boarders who live in a separate housing unit such as a basement apartment.

MISSOFTEN – When answering this question, if the person visited regularly in the last year or for a longer period of time near the survey date, then the respondent should add them.

MISSTEMP – This would include someone looking for a place to live, i.e. crashing on the sofa.

Module E

EMVOUT –Include people who are planning on or might return to this location.

Module F

FSC – Do not include children away for daycare or vacation. When considering this question, the respondent should think of the past year. Examples include: custody arrangements – either formal or informal, other guardians, or any other extended time away except for boarding school.

SCNAME – If the name they provide is not on the roster of choices, select “Other household member not listed above”.

FCOLYN – The definition of college includes universities and community colleges.

COLNAME – If the name they provide is not on the roster of choices, select “Other household member not listed above”.

FMILYN – Military service also includes reserves, national guard, and coast guard. Being away includes active duty, deployment, being stationed temporarily away and aboard ship.

MILNAME – Military service also includes reserves, national guard, and coast guard. If the name they provide is not on the roster of choices, select “Other household member not listed above”.

MILOVERSEAS – Overseas includes any base not in the United States including permanent bases.


Military Barracks and dormitories aregroup on-base housing such as Unaccompied personnel housing (UPH) or “open” barrack transient quarters.Aboard a ship includes a carrier or submarine.

Military treatment facilities include military hospitals and medical centers with injured active duty military personnel assigned to beds in the facility. They do not include VAs.

Military Disciplinary barracks and jails include correctional facilities managed by the military.

Other On-Base housing is houses and apartments owned by the military.

FJOB – This includes commuter workers, truck drivers and any other person that travels for their job. A commuter worker is a person who lives elsewhere to be closer to their work and then returns to this address.

JOBNAME - If the name they provide is not on the roster of choices, select “Other household member not listed above”.

JOBPL – Regularly means returning to the same place each time they need to travel for work.

FVAC – Seasonal and Second Homes do not include homes rented for vacation.

VACNAME - If the name they provide is not on the roster of choices, select “Other household member not listed above”.

FOTH – For example, caring for a parent or relative.

OTHNAME - If the name they provide is not on the roster of choices, select “Other household member not listed above”.

GQAL – A facility that provides care for a better living such as serving meals and others but not a nursing facility.

GQNH – A facility that provides 24 hour skilled nursing care.

GQJAIL – Jails includes city or county jail, work farm or camp, or other Municipal confinement facility. A person should be included if they were in jail for any reason on the survey date even if for only one night.

Examples of other types of correctional facilities for adults include prisons, federal detention centers, and halfway houses operated for correctional purposes.

GQSHELTER – Emergency and Transitional Shelters are facilities where people experiencing homlessness stay overnight. Domestic violence shelters include community-based homes, shelters or cisis centers that provide housing for people who have sought shelter form household violence.

GQHOME – Includes development centers for people with mental challenged and for whom nursing care is not required.

GQOTH – Other Group Facilities include the following:

  • Convent, monastery, or abby

  • vocational training facility or Job Corps centers

  • orphanage or home for abused and neglected children

  • residential treatment center (such as for mental illness, emotional/behavioral disorders, or drug or alcohol abuse)

  • residential training school and boot camp for juvenile delinquents

  • detention or diagnostic center for delinquent children

  • soup kitchen

  • worker dormitory, such as for agricultural workers

  • residential school for people with disabilities (i.e. residential schools for the physically or mentally disabled)

  • in-patient hospice facility

  • mental (psychiatric) hospital or psychiatric unit in an other hospital

  • hospitals (patients who have no usual home elsewhere)

  • living quarters for victims of natural disasters

GQTYPE – Group facility types might include:

  • Convent, monastery, or abby

  • vocational training facility or Job Corps centers

  • orphanage or home for abused and neglected children

  • residential treatment center (such as for mental illness, emotional/behavioral disorders, or drug or alcohol abuse)

  • residential training school and boot camp for juvenile delinquents

  • detention, reception, or diagnostic center for juvenile delinquents

  • soup kitchen

  • worker dormitory, such as for agricultural workers

  • residential school for people with disabilities (i.e. residential schools for the physically or mentally disabled)

  • in-patient hospice facility

  • mental (psychiatric) hospital or psychiatric unit in an other hospital

  • hospitals (patients who have no usual home elsewhere)

  • living quarters for victims of natural disasters


An assisted or independent living facility provides care for a better living such as serving meals and others but not a nursing facility.

A nursing home or skilled nursing facility that provides 24 hour skilled nursing care.

Jails includes city or county jail, work farm or camp, or other Municipal confinement facility. A person should be included if they were in jail for any reason on the survey date even if for only one night. Examples of other types of correctional facilities for adults include prisons, federal detention centers, and halfway houses operated for correctional purposes.

Emergency and Transitional Shelters are facilities where people experiencing homlessness stay overnight. Domestic violence shelters include community-based homes, shelters or cisis centers that provide housing for people who have sought shelter form household violence.

Group Homes include development centers for people with mental challenged and for whom nursing care is not required.

Other Group Facilities include the following:

  • Convent, monastery, or abby

  • vocational training facility or Job Corps centers

  • orphanage or home for abused and neglected children

  • residential treatment center (such as for mental illness, emotional/behavioral disorders, or drug or alcohol abuse)

  • residential training school and boot camp for juvenile delinquents

  • detention or diagnostic center for delinquent children

  • soup kitchen

  • worker dormitory, such as for agricultural workers

  • residential school for people with disabilities (i.e. residential schools for the blind or deaf)

  • hospice facility

  • mental (psychiatric) hospital or psychiatric unit in an other hospital

  • hospitals (patients who have no usual home elsewhere)

MOSTTIME - This address refers to the address that we called. The Other Place refers to the address the respondent mentioned earlier.

Module G:

GREL - Mark the appropriate box indicating how this person is related to the Person 1.

Relationship to Person 1:

Husband or wife. A husband or wife is a person married to and living with a householder. People in formal marriages, as well as people in common-law marriages, are included.

Biological son or daughter. This category includes a son or daughter of the

householder by birth, regardless of the age of the child.

Adopted son or daughter. This category includes a son or daughter of the householder by legal adoption, regardless of the age of the child. If a stepson or stepdaughter of the householder–or any other relative or nonrelative (for example, a foster child)–has been legally adopted by the householder, the child is then classified as an adopted child.

Stepson or stepdaughter. This category includes a son or daughter of the householder through marriage but not by birth, regardless of the age of the child. If a stepson or stepdaughter of the householder has been legally adopted by the householder, the child is then classified as an adopted child.

Brother or sister. This category refers to the brother or sister of the householder, including stepbrothers, stepsisters, and brothers and sisters by adoption. Brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law are included in the ‘‘Other relative’’ category on the questionnaire.

Father or mother. This category refers to the father or mother of the householder, including a stepparent or adoptive parent. Fathers-in-law and mothers-in-law are included in the ‘‘Parent-in-law’’ category on the questionnaire.

Grandchild. A grandchild is a grandson or granddaughter of the householder. Great-great grandchildren are included in the other relative category.

Parent-in-law. A parent-in-law is the mother-in-law or father-in-law of the householder.

Son-in-law or daughter-in-law. A son-in-law or daughter-in-law, by definition, is a spouse of the child of the householder.

Other relative. This category includes any household member related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption, but not included specifically in another relationship category. (For example, brother-in-law, grandparent, nephew, aunt, cousin, and so forth).

Roomer or boarder. A roomer or boarder is a person who lives in a room in the household of Person 1 (householder). Some sort of cash or noncash payment (e.g., chores) is usually made for their living accommodations.

Housemate or roommate. A housemate or roommate is a person who is not related to the householder and who shares living quarters primarily to share expenses.

Unmarried partner. An unmarried partner is a person who is not related to the householder, who shares living quarters, and who has a close personal relationship with the householder.

Other nonrelative. This category includes individuals who are not related by birth,

marriage, or adoption to the householder and who are not described by the nonrelative

categories of roomer or boarder, housemate or roommate, or unmarried partner. Foster

children or foster adults are included in this category.


Information from this question is used to:

  • Identify needs for programs such as education programs for low-income children under the Educational Consolidation and Improvement Act.

  • Identify eligible children in families near or below the poverty level to distribute funds for Head Start programs.

  • Plan social service programs for low-income families with children five years old and younger under the Head Start Program.

  • Contribute to the U.S. population’s vital, social, and health statistics.


No additional information can be provided to explain a person’s sex.

Mark the box that reflects the household member’s biological sex.


Information from this question is used to –

  • Support funding for projects such as evaluating how the U.S. population’s vital, social, and health statistics vary by sex.

  • Distribute funds for adolescent family life projects.

Distribute funds for research and development activities under the Women’s Educational Equity Act of 1978.

GAGE - Enter the person’s age on April 1, 2008. Do not round the age up if the person is close to having a birthday. If you do not know the exact age, an estimate will do. For babies who are not yet one year old, enter "0."

DOB - Enter the month, day, and year of birth in the spaces provided.

Month Do not enter names of months. Use the two-digit identification for each month, e.g. “06" for June, “12" for December, etc. If you do not know the month, leave the month field blank.

Day If you do not know the day, leave the day field blank.

Year Enter all four digits of the year. If you do not know the year, leave the year field blank.


Information from this question is used to:

  • Support funding for programs such as the distribution of funds to the states for elementary and secondary education programs and post-secondary education for adults.

  • Report the status of people with disabilities of working age.

  • Distribute funds for transportation services for older adults and people with disabilities.

  • Distribute funds for programs for older adults under the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.

  • Contribute to the U.S. population’s vital, social, and health statistics.

GHO - The Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin question must be answered for each member of the household.

People of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin may be of any race.

  • No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

  • Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano

  • Yes, Puerto Rican

  • Yes, Cuban

  • Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin – Print origin, for example, Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, Spaniard, and so on.

Please answer both the Spanish/Hispanic/Latino and race questions.

Please select "No" if this person is not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish .

Please select "Yes" by the names of the Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish group this person identifies with.

If this person identifies with a group not listed, select Yes, other Spanish/Hispanic/Latino, then report the name of that group.

Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin

The concept of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin as used by the Census Bureau reflects self-

identification. It does not indicate any clear-cut scientific definition that is biological or genetic in

reference. The data for Hispanic origin represent self-classification by people according to the Hispanic

origin with which they most closely identify.

Not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin is selected if this person is not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino but

is of another origin, such as German, English, Irish, or Italian.

Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban is selected if this person's origin or

heritage is Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano; Puerto Rican; or Cuban.

Mexican American refers only to people of Mexican origin or ancestry.

Other Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin is selected if this person's origin or ancestry is defined in

general terms, such as Spanish, Spanish American, Spanish surnamed, Spanish speaking, Hispanic, Latin

American, Central American, or South American. Examples include Argentinean, Colombian,

Dominican, Nicaraguan, Salvadoran, or Spaniard.


Information from this question is used to:

  • Gather data to establish and evaluate the guidelines for federal affirmative action plans under the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program.

  • Meet legislative and redistricting requirements.

  • Monitor compliance with the Voting Rights Act Bilingual election requirements.

  • Meet guidelines mandated in the October 1997 revised standard for the classification of federal data on race and ethnicity.

  • Monitor and enforce equal employment opportunities under the Civil Rights Act.

  • Identify segments of the population who may not be getting needed medical services under the Public Health Service Act.

  • Allocate funds to school districts for bilingual services under the Bilingual Education Act.

GRACE – The Race question must be answered for each member of the household.

Please mark all of the appropriate races.


A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who consider themselves to be Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.

Black, African American, or Negro

A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who consider themselves to be African American, Afro American, Nigerian, and Haitian.

American Indian or Alaska Native

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment. It includes people who consider themselves to be Rosebud Sioux, Chippewa, and Navajo.


A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent. It includes people who consider themselves to be Cambodian, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Pakistani, Philippine, Thai, and Vietnamese.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who consider themselves to be Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, Tahitian, Mariana Islander, Chuukese, and Other Pacific Islander.

Some other race

This category includes all other responses not included in the ‘‘White or Caucasian,’’ ‘‘Black or African American or Negro,’’ ‘‘American Indian or Alaska Native,’’ ‘‘Asian,’’ and ‘‘Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander’’ race categories described above.

Two or More Races

If the household member considers himself/herself to be two or more races, for example: "Black-White," "White-Korean," "American Indian or Alaska Native-White," then mark the boxes for all the racial groups provided.

Ethnic and Racial Group

If the household member considers himself/herself to be both an ethnicity and racial group, such as "Canadian-White," "Cuban-Black," "Mexican-Korean," please mark only the appropriate boxes for all the racial group(s) provided.

Two or More Ethnicities (e.g. "French- Canadian," "Spanish-Mexican," "Irish-Mexican," etc.)

This question refers to race only. Please mark the appropriate race or races.

Use of General Terms (e.g. “multiracial,” “ interracial,” “ biracial,” “mixed race,” “ American,” “Canadian,” “European,” “Spanish,” “French,” “Italian,” etc.)

This question refers to race only. Please mark the appropriate race or races.


Information from this question is used to:

  • Meet legislative redistricting requirements.

  • Monitor compliance with the Voting Rights Act by local jurisdictions.

  • Promote equal employment opportunity.

  • Assess racial disparities in health and environmental risks.

Module P

PRESPAVAIL - Census Forms were mailed earlier in the year. The person referred to here responded to this survey earlier.

PT2 – By law, (Title 13 United States Code,) the Census Bureau cannot share the individual answers it receives with other agencies, including welfare agencies, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Internal Revenue Service, courts, or the police. Only persons sworn to protect the confidentiality of your answers will have access to the information you provide. Anyone who breaks this law can receive up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

PT4 – The information listed here came from the previous respondent. If the current respondent does not agree with the statements, enter “don’t know” for any questions pertaining to that statement.



File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified Bywhite012
File Modified2007-10-04
File Created2007-06-20

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