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Voluntary Customer Satisfaction Surveys to Implement Executive Order 12862 in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

CMHS-TRAC TA Annual Survey Final Screen Shot 7-30-09

CMHS-GPRA Satisfaction of Technical Assistance Survey

OMB: 0930-0197

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OMB No. 0930-0197, Exp. Date 01/31/2011

Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)

Government Performance Results Act (GPRA)

Survey of Satisfaction with CMHS Technical Assistance


This survey is an annual CMHS GPRA data collection. It is intended to assess your satisfaction with the Technical Assistance (TA) provided by <TA Provider’s Organization Name> to you and/or your grant staff during Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) <200X> <(dates of the corresponding year)>. Individual responses will be kept secret from CMHS staff and TA providers; results of the survey will only be presented in aggregate form so that individual responses cannot be identified.

The survey will require no more than 10 minutes to complete.

For questions regarding this survey please contact the TRAC Help Desk at 1-888-219-0238 or [email protected].

For further information regarding CMHS go to:

For further information regarding SAMHSA’s National Outcome Measures (NOMs) go to:


Public Burden Statement: An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0930-0197. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .16 per respondent per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, 1 Choke Cherry Road, Room 7-1044, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.

  1. Did <TA Provider’s organization name> provide the following types of TA to you or your grant staff during Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) <’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>?



Don’t Know

Not Applicable

Regular, Ongoing Consultation/Discussion

Customized TA

Trainings, Webinars and Other Events

Annual or Semi-Annual Grantee Meetings

Resource Materials

Information or Support Via the TA Provider’s Website

Site Visits

Other (SPECIFY) ___________________________________

  1. Did you or your grant staff need or want any of the following types of TA during Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) <’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>?



Don’t Know

Not Applicable

Regular, Ongoing Consultation/Discussion

Customized TA

Trainings, Webinars and Other Events

Annual or Semi-Annual Grantee Meetings

Resource Materials

Information or Support Via the TA Provider’s Website

Site Visits

Other (SPECIFY) ___________________________________

< If ‘yes’ is not selected for at least one type in #1, after the respondent answers #2, the survey will be programmed to skip to #11. >

< The web survey will be programmed to prefill only the categories the respondents indicated ‘yes’ to in #1 (TA that was provided). >

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement below for each of the following types of TA.

The TA provided by <TA Provider’s organization name> during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)> was useful to carrying out the grant successfully.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Regular, Ongoing Consultation/Discussion

Customized TA

Trainings, Webinars and Other Events

Annual or Semi-Annual Grantee Meetings

Resource Materials

Information or Support Via the TA Provider’s Website

Site Visits

Other (SPECIFY) ____________________________________

  1. (a.) Did <TA Provider’s organization name> provide TA in the following domains to you or your grant staff during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>?



Don’t Know

Not Applicable

Decreasing Criminal Justice Involvement

Improving Access to Services or Service Capacity

Improving Client Perception of Care

Improving Cost Effectiveness

Improving Consumer Functioning

Increasing Consumer Social Supports/Social Connectedness

Increasing or Retaining Consumer Employment or Returning to/Staying in School

Increasing Stability in Housing

Increasing the Use of Evidence-Based Practices

Reducing Consumer Utilization of Psychiatric Hospitalization

(b.) Did <TA Provider’s organization name> provide TA on the following topics to you or your grant staff during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>?



Don’t Know

Not Applicable

Addressing Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

Building and Maintaining Coalitions

Conducting Project Evaluation

Developing or Implementing Cultural Competence/Appropriateness

Developing or Implementing Communications and Social Marketing

Developing Sustainability Plans


Identifying/Selecting Best Practices Programs

Implementing Best Practices Programs

Implementing Sustainability Plans

Involving Consumer, Family, & Youth in Policy, Programs and Evaluation

Making Services Consumer-, Family-, & Youth-Driven

Needs Assessment

Project Management

Strategic Planning

Workforce Development

Other (SPECIFY) ____________________________________

< The web survey will be programmed to prefill only the categories the respondents indicated ‘yes’ to in #4a (TA that was provided.) >

  1. (a.) Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement below for each of the following domains of TA.

The TA provided by <TA Provider’s organization name> during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)> was useful to carrying out the grant successfully.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Decreasing Criminal Justice Involvement

Improving Access to Services or Service Capacity

Improving Client Perception of Care

Improving Cost Effectiveness

Improving Consumer Functioning

Increasing Consumer Social Supports/Social Connectedness

Increasing or Retaining Consumer Employment or Returning to/Staying in School

Increasing Stability in Housing

Increasing the Use of Evidence-Based Practices

Reducing Consumer Utilization of Psychiatric Hospitalization

< The web survey will be programmed to prefill only the categories the respondents indicated ‘yes’ to in #4b (TA that was provided.) >

(b.) Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement below for each of the following subjects of TA.

The TA provided by <TA Provider’s organization name> during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)> was useful to carrying out the grant successfully.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Addressing Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

Building and Maintaining Coalitions

Conducting Project Evaluation

Developing or Implementing Cultural Competence/Appropriateness

Developing or Implementing Communications and Social Marketing

Developing Sustainability Plans


Identifying/Selecting Best Practices Programs

Implementing Best Practices Programs

Implementing Sustainability Plans

Involving Consumer, Family, & Youth in Policy, Programs and Evaluation

Making Services Consumer-, Family-, & Youth-Driven

Needs Assessment

Project Management

Strategic Planning

Workforce Development

Other (SPECIFY) _____________________________________

  1. Did <TA Provider’s organization name> perform the following activities during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>?



Don’t Know

Not Applicable

Asked you what TA you needed prior to providing TA to your grant

Designated a specific person to work with your grant

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

During FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>, <TA Provider’s organization name> always…

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Understood my project’s goals and objectives.

Understood the culture and/or unique needs of the population served by my project.

Fostered a trusting, reciprocal relationship.

Used productive two-way communication.

Demonstrated a positive attitude in delivering TA.

Provided a process for ongoing planning, feedback, and discussion.

Provided services in a timely manner.

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

During FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)>, <TA Provider’s organization name> always…

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Helped enhance the ability of my project to perform the grant.

Applied research based knowledge and content, best practices, and resources.

Provided targeted information, services, and resources based on my project’s objectives.

Made sure that project staff understood what needed to be achieved this year.

Promoted consumer/family or youth involvement within my project.

Helped my project to develop a grantee network.

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

The TA provided by <TA Provider’s organization name> during FFY<’09> <(10/2008 – 9/2009)> enabled our grant staff to…

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Gain additional knowledge.

Gain additional skills.

Apply newly acquired knowledge.

Apply newly acquired skills.

Achieve positive programmatic outcomes.

  1. Please list any other TA types or subjects received by you or your grant staff that are not listed in this survey.

  1. Please list other TA types or subjects for which you would like to receive TA.

  1. Additional comments:

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA)
AuthorJessica Taylor
Last Modified ByJessica Taylor
File Modified2009-07-30
File Created2009-07-30

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