Contract Year 20072008
Updated: 04/26/07
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0992. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 6259 hours annually per respondent, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.
Updated: 09/17/07
Table of Contents
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………..3
Section I. Reversals Retail, Home Infusion, and Long-Term Care Pharmacy Access 5
Section III. Generic Dispensing Rate Vaccines 8
Section IV. Grievances Reversals 9
Section VI. Transition Generic Drug Utilization 13
Section VII. Exceptions Home Infusion Utilization 14
Section VIII. Appeals Grievances 15
Section X. Overpayment Transition 18
Section XII. Long-Term Care (LTC) Rebates Appeals 20
Table 1. Summary of Reporting Elements Section XV. Long-Term Care (LTC) Rebates 25
Section XVII. Drug benefit analyses 30
Table 1. Summary of Reporting Elements 31
Table 2: Changes made from CY 2007 Reporting Requirements 37
In December 2003, Congress passed the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit, Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA), allowing coverage of outpatient prescription drugs under the new Medicare Part D benefit. In accordance with Title I, Part 423, Subpart K (§ 423.514), the Act requires each Part D ContractSponsor to have an effective procedure to provide statistics indicating:
the cost of its operations
the patterns of utilization of its services
the availability, accessibility, and acceptability of its services
information demonstrating it has a fiscally sound operation
other matters as required by CMS
The purpose of this document is to assure a common understanding of reporting requirements and how these data will be used to monitor the prescription drug benefit provided to Medicare beneficiaries. CMS will use the following terminology to ensure consistency in these reporting requirements:
Part D Sponsor –a parentan organization which encompasses a group of Part D Contracts.
Part D Contract – an organization contractedhas one or more contract(s) with CMS to provide Part D benefits to Medicare beneficiaries. Each contract is assigned a CMS contract number (e.g. H# or S#)
Part D Plan – a plan benefit package (PBP) offered within a Part D contract (e.g. Plan ID #)
This document represents current expectations of datalists reporting timeframes and required levels of reporting. Data elements tomay be reported by Part D Contracts at the Part D Sponsor (parent organization), Contract, or Plan (PBP) level, reporting timeframes, and monitoring of Part D contractsthe individual contract-level, or Sponsor-level. These requirements will be in effect for Contract Year 20072008 and are subject to change at the discretion of CMS. According to Subpart O, sanctions may be imposed on Part D ContractsSponsors who fail to comply with these reporting requirements.
The following criteria were used in selecting reporting requirements:
Minimal administrative burden on Part D ContractsSponsors
Legislative and regulatory authority
Validity, reliability, and utility of data elements requested
Wide acceptance and current utilization within the Industry
Reporting requirements are described in this document for the following areas: Retail, Home Infusion, and Long-Term Care Pharmacy Access, Access to Extended Day Supplies at Retail Pharmacies, Vaccines, Reversals, Medication Therapy Management Programs, Generic Dispensing RateDrug Utilization, Home Infusion Utilization, Grievances, Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committees/Part D Activities, Transition, Exceptions, Appeals, Call Center Measures – Beneficiary Service line and Pharmacy Support line, Overpayment, Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Rebates, Discounts, and Other Price Concessions, Long-Term Care (LTC) Rebates, Licensure and Solvency, Business Transactions and Financial Requirements, and Drug Benefit Analyses.
Each Part D ContractSponsor shall provide necessary data to CMS to support payment, program integrity, program management, and quality improvement activities. Additional reporting requirements are identified in separate guidance documents throughout the year. Guidance has previously been released for formulary, TrOOP, coordination of benefits, payment and 1/3 audit, and low income subsidy.
Part D ContractsSponsors may also be required to submit other information as defined by requirements in the application, guidances, or other documents (e.g. pharmacy access and formularies) during the annual contract bidding, application, or renewal process. Information is also required to be submitted throughout the contract year as allowable changes are made (e.g. formulary changes).
Part D Contract Reporting Requirements
In each of the sections that follow, the method of submission (e.g. entered into or uploaded via the Health Plan Management System (HPMS)) and the level of reporting are specified following the reporting timeline. Sections that refer to prescriptions should encompass all Part D drugs, including compounded drugs.
For PACE Organizations offering Part D coverage, reporting requirements will be limited to: Section III. Vaccines; Generic Dispensing Rate; Section V.Drug Utilization; Home Infusion Utilization; Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committees (for PACE Organizations utilizing formularies); Section VI. Transition (for PACE Organizations utilizing formularies); Section VII. Exceptions (for PACE Organizations utilizing formularies); Section X. Overpayment; Section XI. Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Rebates, Discounts, and Other Price Concessions; and Section XII. Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates.
MA Organizations and Medicare Cost Plans that offer Part D benefits will be required to comply with all reporting requirements contained herein, with the exception of subsections 1, 2 and 3 of Section XIII.the Licensure and Solvency, Business Transactions and Financial Requirements reporting section.
Data format
Each reporting section provides details regarding data format and calculations pertaining to specific elements. With the exception of data element J in the Medication Therapy Management Programs section, and rebate dollars per unit received in the Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates section, all data should be reported in whole numbers, rounding to the nearest whole number (ex. 1.78 should be rounded to 2). HPMS will require data for element J of Medication Therapy Management Programs section to be entered to two decimal places. HPMS will allow rebate dollars per unit received of Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates section to be entered to four decimal places.
Part D Contracts will be responsible for reporting data elements related to claim reversals. Information on claim reversals will serve as a component in the monitoring of Part D operational functions
Each reporting section provides details regarding data format and calculations pertaining to specific elements. All data should be reported in whole numbers, rounding to the nearest whole number (ex. 1.78 should be rounded to 2), with the following exceptions:
MTM section: The number of covered Part D 30-day equivalent prescriptions should be entered to two decimal places
Long-Term Care (LTC) Rebates section: Rebate $ per unit received should be entered to four decimal places.
As outlined in §423.120, Part D Sponsors are required to maintain a pharmacy network sufficient for ensuring access to Medicare beneficiaries residing in their service areas. Part D Sponsors must ensure that they provide convenient access to retail pharmacies, as provided in §423.120(a)(1); adequate access to home infusion (HI) pharmacies, as provided in §423.120(a)(4); and convenient access to long-term care (LTC) pharmacies, as provided in §423.120(a)(5). After their initial pharmacy access submissions are approved at the time of application, Part D Sponsors are responsible for notifying CMS of any substantive changes in their pharmacy network that may impact their ability to maintain a Part D pharmacy network that meets our requirements, as described in section 50 of Chapter 5 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual.
Part D Sponsors will be required to submit certain data elements on an annual basis that will allow CMS to evaluate Part D Sponsors’ continued compliance with pharmacy access requirements. For purposes of evaluating compliance with the retail pharmacy access standards, Part D Sponsors should use the CMS reference file that provides counts of Medicare beneficiaries by State, region, and zip code. This reference file is provided by CMS with Part D applications. For purposes of evaluating compliance with the LTC and home infusion pharmacy access standards, CMS will use data elements submitted by Part D Sponsors, as well as information from CMS reference files containing counts of nursing home beds and Medicare beneficiaries by State, region, and zip code. Part D Sponsors having received waivers for any willing pharmacy requirement and/or the retail convenient access requirement after the initial pharmacy access submission will submit certain data elements (C and D) on an annual basis for purposes of determining if those plans still meet CMS standards. CMS reserves the right to request appropriate documentation to support a Part D Sponsor’s submitted pharmacy access data elements (e.g., geo-access reports). CMS evaluation of compliance with pharmacy access standards will be conducted based on point-in-time information about pharmacy networks submitted by Part D Sponsors once per year.
Reporting timeline for Sections A and B only:
Period 1 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
A. Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries living within 2 miles of a retail network pharmacy in urban areas of a Plan’s service area (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans).
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries living within 5 miles of a retail network pharmacy in suburban areas (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans).
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries living within 15 miles of a retail network pharmacy in rural areas (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans).
The number of contracted retail pharmacies in a Plan’s service area (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans) as of the last day of the reporting period specified above.
B. Data files to be uploaded through the HPMS at the CMS Part D Contract level. Part D Sponsors will provide a tab delimited text (filename=Pharmacies_(CONTRACTNAME)_(2008P1).txt replacing ‘(CONTRACTNAME)’ with the Part D Contract’s name containing the following fields:
A list of contracted HI network pharmacies into HPMS as of the last day of the reporting period specified above.
A list of contracted LTC network pharmacies into HPMS as of the last day of the reporting period specified above.
Part D Sponsors will use the templates provided in HPMS for upload of their HI and LTC pharmacy networks.
Reporting timeline for Sections C and D only:
Period 1 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 – December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
February 28 |
C. Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level for only those Part D Sponsors that own and operate their own pharmacies and have received a waiver of the any willing pharmacy requirement.
Number of prescriptions provided by all pharmacies owned and operated.
Number of prescriptions provided at all pharmacies contracted
D. Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level for only those Part D Sponsors that own and operate their own retail pharmacies and have received a waiver of the retail pharmacy convenient access standards.
Number of prescriptions provided by retail pharmacies owned and operated.
Number of prescriptions provided at all retail pharmacies contracted.
NOTE: This reporting requirement applies only to those Part D Plans that include in their networks mail-order pharmacies offering extended day supplies of covered Part D drugs.
As provided in §423.120 and section 50.10 of Chapter 5 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Part D Plans that include mail-order pharmacies in their networks must permit enrollees to receive benefits, which may include an extended day supply of covered Part D drugs (for example, a 90-day supply), through a network retail pharmacy rather than a network mail-order pharmacy. Part D Plans must contract with a sufficient number of retail pharmacies so as to ensure that enrollees have reasonable access to the same extended day supply benefits at retail that are available at mail-order pharmacies. Part D Plans must submit data biannually (twice per year) that will allow CMS to evaluate access to extended day supplies at retail pharmacies.
Reporting timeline:
Period 1 |
Period 2 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - June 30 |
July 1 – December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
August 31 |
February 28 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
The number of contracted retail pharmacies that are contracted to dispense an extended day supply of covered Part D drugs.
For monitoring purposes, Part D Sponsors will be responsible for reporting several data elements related to their reimbursement of vaccines, demonstrating their implementation of CMS requirements regarding vaccine access detailed in section 60.2 of Chapter 5 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level:
Provide the total number of out-of-cycle pharmacy transactions with reversal as the final disposition, which were adjudicated during the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
The total number of Part D vaccines processed during the time period specified above, regardless of the method used to process the claim as described in B through F below.
The number of Part D vaccines administered in a clinic setting (e.g. physician’s office) where the beneficiary retrospectively files paper receipts for reimbursement of the vaccine during the time period specified above.
The number of vaccines adjudicated through network pharmacies during the time specified above. (Including those vaccines processed by the pharmacy and submitted electronically).
The number of vaccines processed through a paper enhanced process, where the provider used or navigated a process that facilitated out-of-network access during the time period specified above.
The number of vaccines processed through an internet based web tool.
The number of vaccines processed during the time period specified above through a process not described in data elements B through E.
Part D Sponsors will be responsible for reporting data elements related to claim reversals. Information on claim reversals will serve as a component in the monitoring of Part D operational functions
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 28 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at either the Contract or Plan (PBP) level:
The number of out-of-cycle pharmacy transactions with reversal as the final disposition, which were adjudicated during the time period specified above. [The term "out-of-cycle" refers to the individual billing/processing cycle of each organization. Each organization determines its own payment cycle. An out-of-cycle reversal occurs if a prescription is filled and adjudicated, and then, outside the Part D Sponsor’s billing cycle, the pharmacy reverses the claim. Part D Sponsors must report to CMS the total number of (electronic, paper and manual) pharmacy claims ending with a reversed status. Those with a partial reversal as the final disposition should also be included.]
Note: Reversed claim records must be maintained (the number of elements retained per record should at a minimum be equivalent to those of the prescription drug event record), and upon request, submitted to CMS.
The requirements stipulating that Part D ContractsSponsors provide Medication Therapy Management Programs (MTMP) are described in Title I, Part 423, Subpart D, § 423.153. For monitoring purposes, Part D ContractsSponsors will be responsible for reporting several data elements related to their MTMP. Data will be manually submitted in HPMS, or uploaded in a data file.
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level.
Data related to the identification and participation in the MTMP will be submitted according to the following timeline (note: Period 2 encompasses one full year):
Period 1 |
Period 2YTD |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - June 30 |
January 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
August 31 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level.
The method used to enroll beneficiaries into the MTMP. Method of enrollment may be opt-in, opt-out, a combination of opt-in and opt-out, or other. This will be selection from a drop-down box. If “other” is selected, a description will be required as a text field.
The number of beneficiaries who met the eligibility criteria for the MTMP in the specified time period above. This should be a numeric field.
The total number of beneficiaries who participated in the MTMP at any point during the time period specified above. This should be a longitudinally cumulative total, and be a subset of the number of beneficiaries who met the criteria for the MTMP in the specified time period. This should be a numeric field.
The total number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP at any time during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the total number of beneficiaries who participated in the MTMP in the specified time period. This should be a numeric field.
The number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP due to death at any time during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the total number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP in the specified time period. This should be a numeric field.
The number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP due to disenrollment from the Plan at any time during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the total number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP in the specified time period. This should be a numeric field.
The number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP at their request at any time during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the total number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP in the specified time period. This should be a numeric field.
The number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP for a reason not specified in data elements E-G during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the total number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP in the specified time period.
The number of beneficiaries who declined to participate in the MTMP during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the number of beneficiaries who met the criteria for the MTMP in the specified time period. This should be a numeric field.
The number of beneficiaries whose participation status in the MTMP is pending during the specified time period above. This should be a subset of the number of beneficiaries who met the criteria for the MTMP in the specified time period and should only apply to period 1.
For beneficiaries participating in the MTMP as of the last day of the reporting period specified, provide the prescription cost of all covered Part D medications on a per MTMP beneficiary per month basis. This should be a currency field, rounded to the nearest dollar. The numerator represents the total prescription drug costs. The total prescription cost should be limited to covered Part D medications and be calculated using gross drug cost as follows: (Ingredient Cost Paid + Dispensing Fee + Sales Tax). This is based on the sum of all Part D covered prescriptions that were dispensed within the reporting period specified for each beneficiary participating in the MTMP as of the last day of the reporting period. This includes both MTMP beneficiary cost sharing and Part D costs paid. The denominator represents the total number of member months for the MTMP participating beneficiaries. These member months should include all months the beneficiary was enrolled in the Part D Contractplan during the reporting period specified, not only the months that the beneficiary enrolled in the MTMP.
The following equation also describes this calculation
For beneficiaries participating in the MTMP as of the last day of the reporting period specified, provide the number of covered Part D 30-day equivalent prescriptions on a per MTMP beneficiary per month basis. This should be a numeric field.
This numerator should be calculated by first summing days supply of all covered Part D prescriptions dispensed for beneficiaries participating in MTMP as of the last day of the reporting period, and dividing by 30 to determine the number of 30 day equivalent prescriptions dispensed. The denominator represents the total number of member months for the MTMP participating beneficiaries. These member months should include all months enrolled the beneficiary was enrolled in the Part D Contractplan during the reporting period specified, not only the months that the beneficiary enrolled in the MTMP.
The following equation also describes this calculation:
Generic Dispensing Rate
Cost control requirements for Part D Contracts are presented in Title I, Part 423, Subpart D. Accordingly, Part D Contracts will be responsible for reporting data elements needed to monitor utilization of generic drugs (defined by Title I, Part 423, Sub-Part A, § 423.4).
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 29 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
Number of paid claims for Part D generic drugs (regardless of days supply) with dates of service during the specified reporting period identified above. First DataBank or Medispan generic drug classifications will be used to identify generic drugs. This should be a numeric field.
Total number of Part D paid claims (regardless of days supply) with dates of service during the specified reporting period identified above. This should be a numeric field.
Title I, Part 423, Subpart M of the regulation includes regulations that require Part D Contracts to maintain grievance information. All plans (PBPs) will be responsible for reporting data related to grievances received.
A grievance is defined as any complaint or dispute, other than one that involves a coverage determination, expressing dissatisfaction with any aspect of the operations, activities, or behavior of a Part D organization, regardless of whether remedial action is requested. Examples of subjects of a grievance provided in the solicitation for applications include, but are not limited to, timeliness, appropriateness, access to, and/or setting of services provided by the PDP, concerns about waiting times, demeanor of pharmacy or customer service staff, a dispute concerning the timeliness of filling a prescription or the accuracy of filling the prescription.
Part D Contracts are required by the regulations to track and maintain records on all grievances received orally and in writing. Grievance data, requested herein by CMS, should be reported based on the date the grievance was received by the Plan (PBP), not the date the event or incident that precipitated the grievance occurred. Multiple grievances by a single complainant should be tracked and followed as separate grievances. Plans may report grievances in the categories as determined by the Plans after initial investigation. Plans should not dismiss or exclude any grievances filed by beneficiaries from this reporting section.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 29 |
Data file to be uploaded using Gentran or Connect Direct at the Contract level.
More information regarding the upload process will be forthcoming.
Reporting Period |
January 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
February 28 |
The file will contain the following fields for beneficiaries identified as being eligible for the Medication Therapy Management Program:
Beneficiaries Eligible for MTMP Record Layout |
Field Name |
Field Type |
Field Length |
Field Description |
10 |
The Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) or unique identifier of each beneficiary identified to be eligible for MTMP in the reporting period. |
Beneficiary first name |
30 |
The first name of each beneficiary identified to be eligible for MTMP in the reporting period. |
Beneficiary middle initial |
1 |
The middle initial of each beneficiary identified to be eligible for MTMP in the reporting period. |
Beneficiary last name |
30 |
The last name of each beneficiary identified to be eligible for MTMP in the reporting period. |
Beneficiary date of birth |
10 |
The date of birth of each beneficiary identified to be eligible for MTMP in the reporting period. This should be a date field (mm/dd/yyyy). |
LTC Enrollment |
1 |
For each beneficiary enrolled in MTMP, indicate if the beneficiary was a long-term care (LTC) resident for the entire time they were enrolled in MTMP. This should be either Y (yes) or N (no). |
Date of MTMP enrollment |
10 |
For each beneficiary identified to be eligible for the MTMP in the reporting period, who enrolled in MTMP, the date MTMP enrollment began. This should be a date field (mm/dd/yyyy). |
Date MTMP participation was declined |
10 |
This should be a date field (mm/dd/yyyy). |
Date participant discontinued MTMP |
10 |
For each beneficiary who enrolled in MTMP and then discontinued participation, the date their participation ended. This should be a date field (mm/dd/yyyy). |
Reason participant discontinued MTMP |
23 |
For each beneficiary with a MTMP disposition status of discontinued participation, the reason for discontinuation. Reasons for discontinuation may be one of the following: Death; Disenrollment from Plan; Request by beneficiary; or Other. This should be a text field. |
Cost control requirements for Part D Sponsors are presented in Title I, Part 423, Subpart D. Accordingly, Part D Sponsors will be responsible for reporting data elements needed to monitor utilization of generic drugs (defined by Title I, Part 423, Sub-Part A, § 423.4).
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 28 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
For the time period identified above, provide the number of fraud and abuse grievances received related to Part D. A fraud grievance is a statement, oral or written, alleging that a provider, pharmacy, pharmacist, PBM, Plan, or beneficiary engaged in the intentional deception or misrepresentation that the individual knows to be false or does not believe to be true, and the individual makes knowing that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to himself/herself or some other person. An abuse grievance is a statement, oral or written, alleging that a provider, pharmacy, pharmacist, PBM, Plan, or beneficiary engaged in behavior that the individual should have known to be false, and the individual should have known that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to himself/herself or some other person. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of enrollment/disenrollment grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, discrimination in the enrollment process, enrollment information and/or identification cards not being received by beneficiaries in a timely manner, and disenrollment requests not being processed in a timely manner. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of benefit package grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, beneficiary cost sharing, pricing co-insurance issues and issues related to coverage during the coverage gap period. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of pharmacy access/network grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, network pharmacy refusing to accept a beneficiary’s card and network/non-network pharmacy concerns. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of marketing grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, marketing materials or promotional messages by sales representatives that include misrepresentations or false/misleading information about plans and benefits, and discriminatory practices identified in marketing materials or through oral/written promotional messages. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of customer service grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, grievances regarding services provided by the pharmacist/pharmacy staff, plan or subcontractor representatives, or customer service representatives. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of confidentiality/privacy grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, potential violations of medical information privacy standards by the plan or pharmacy. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of quality of care grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, grievances received from beneficiaries or Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) regarding quality of care. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of exception grievances received related to Part D. An example of an exception grievance is one which is filed because an enrollee’s request to have their coverage determination expedited was denied. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of appeal grievances received related to Part D. An example of an appeal grievance is one which is filed because an enrollee’s request to have a redetermination expedited was denied. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the number of other grievances received related to Part D not falling into one of the categories described above. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, provide the total number of grievances received related to Part D. This should be a numeric field.
In addition to satisfying and maintaining P&T committee requirements described in §423.120, Part D Contracts will be responsible for providing information to CMS relating to changes made during a contract year to their P&T committees on a periodic basis. CMS recognizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality of these records. Additionally, CMS will provide methods other than HPMS data submission for those Part D Contracts with contractual limitations in providing these data.
Reporting timeline:
The total number of paid claims for Part D generic drugs (regardless of days supply) with dates of service during the specified reporting period identified above. First DataBank or Medispan generic drug classifications will be used to identify generic drugs.
The total number of Part D paid claims (regardless of days supply) with dates of service during the specified reporting period identified above.
On a quarterly basis, Part D Sponsors will be required to report data related to home infusion drug utilization. Home infusion drugs are products administered by IV in settings for which these products are not covered by Part B. These data will be monitored by CMS for purposes of assessing enrollee utilization of and access to home infusion therapy. Appendix A of Chapter 6 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual contains a list of common Part D-covered home infusion drugs. However, Appendix A does not represent an exhaustive list of Part D-covered home infusion drugs and should be used simply as a reference for Part D Sponsors to develop their lists of home infusion drugs.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level:
Indicate if there have been changes in P&T committee membership. This will be a selection from a drop-down box.
If changes have occurred, indicate if these changes have been reflected within the Contract Management module. For those Contracts operating under confidentiality agreements, indicate if these changes have been sent to CMS per those agreements. This will be a selection from a drop-down box.
As described in §423.120 and other guidance issued by CMS, Part D Contracts must maintain and implement an effective transition process to ensure that beneficiaries transitioning into a Plan are provided a smooth transition to drugs on the formulary. Plans (PBPs) will be responsible for reporting various data elements related to prescriptions dispensed during newly enrolled beneficiaries’ transition periods for CMS oversight.
The number of Part D beneficiaries receiving Part D-covered home infusion drugs dispensed by any of its network providers as part of a bundled service under a Part C supplemental benefit in the time period specified above (if applicable).
The total claims associated with Part D-covered home infusion drugs dispensed by any of its network providers as part of a bundled service under a Part C supplemental benefit in the time period specified above (if applicable).
Title I, Part 423, Subpart M of the regulation includes regulations that require Part D Sponsors to maintain grievance information. All plans (PBPs) will be responsible for reporting data related to grievances received.
A grievance is defined as any complaint or dispute, other than one that involves a coverage determination, expressing dissatisfaction with any aspect of the operations, activities, or behavior of a Part D organization, regardless of whether remedial action is requested. Examples of subjects of a grievance provided in the solicitation for applications include, but are not limited to, timeliness, appropriateness, access to, and/or setting of services provided by the PDP, concerns about waiting times, demeanor of pharmacy or customer service staff, a dispute concerning the timeliness of filling a prescription, the accuracy of filling the prescription or enrollment/disenrollment issues or recognition of low income subsidy (LIS) eligibility problems.
Part D Sponsors are required by the regulations to track and maintain records on all grievances received orally and in writing. Grievance data, requested herein by CMS, should be reported based on the date the grievance was received by the Plan (PBP), not the date the event or incident that precipitated the grievance occurred. Multiple grievances by a single complainant should be tracked and followed as separate grievances. Plans may report grievances in the categories as determined by the Plans after initial investigation. Plans should not dismiss or exclude any grievances filed by beneficiaries or their appointed representatives from this reporting section.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
Total number of beneficiaries who are in transition during the reporting time period. This should be a numeric field.
Number of prescriptions authorized during transition periods within the reporting time period. This should be a numeric field.
Number of enrollees receiving one or more prescriptions authorized during transition periods within the reporting time period. This should be a numeric field.
Number of days per transition period. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period identified above, the number of fraud and abuse grievances received related to Part D. A fraud grievance is a statement, oral or written, alleging that a provider, pharmacy, pharmacist, PBM, Plan, Plan Agent or broker, or beneficiary engaged in the intentional deception or misrepresentation that the individual knows to be false or does not believe to be true, and the individual makes knowing that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to himself/herself or some other person. An abuse grievance is a statement, oral or written, alleging that a provider, pharmacy, pharmacist, PBM, Plan, Plan Agent or broker or beneficiary engaged in behavior that the individual should have known to be false, and the individual should have known that the deception could result in some unauthorized benefit to himself/herself or some other person.
For the time period identified above, the number of enrollment/disenrollment grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, discrimination in the enrollment process, enrollment information and/or identification cards not being received by beneficiaries in a timely manner, and disenrollment requests not being processed in a timely manner.
For the time period identified above, the number of benefit package grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, beneficiary cost sharing, pricing co-insurance issues and issues related to coverage during the coverage gap period.
For the time period identified above, the number of pharmacy access/network grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, network pharmacy refusing to accept a beneficiary’s card and network/non-network pharmacy concerns.
For the time period identified above, the number of marketing grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, marketing materials or promotional messages by sales representatives that include misrepresentations or false/misleading information about plans and benefits, overly aggressive marketing practices, and discriminatory practices identified in marketing materials or through oral/written promotional messages.
For the time period identified above, the number of customer service grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, grievances regarding services provided by the pharmacist/pharmacy staff, plan or subcontractor representatives, or customer service representatives.
For the time period identified above, the number of confidentiality/privacy grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, potential violations of medical information privacy standards by the plan or pharmacy.
For the time period identified above, the number of quality of care grievances received related to Part D. Examples include, but are not limited to, grievances received from beneficiaries or Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs) regarding quality of care.
For the time period identified above, the number of exception grievances received related to Part D. An example of an exception grievance is one which is filed because an enrollee’s request to have their coverage determination expedited was denied.
For the time period identified above, the number of appeal grievances received related to Part D. An example of an appeal grievance is one which is filed because an enrollee’s request to have a redetermination expedited was denied.
For the time period identified above, the number of other grievances received related to Part D not falling into one of the categories described above.
For the time period identified above, the total number of grievances received related to Part D.
For the time period identified above, the total number of LIS grievances received related to Part D. This number should be based on the beneficiary’s LIS status at the time of filing the grievance.
In addition to satisfying and maintaining P&T committee requirements described in §423.120, Part D Sponsors will be responsible for providing information to CMS relating to changes made during a contract year to their P&T committees on a periodic basis. CMS recognizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality of these records. Additionally, CMS will provide methods other than HPMS data submission for those Part D Sponsors with contractual limitations in providing these data.
Part D Sponsors are also responsible for providing information to CMS relating to the organizations responsible for providing specific functions. This information must be updated on a timely manner if changes occur. On a quarterly basis, Part D Sponsors must attest if changes have occurred, and if they have been communicated to CMS.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 28 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level:
Indicate if there have been changes in P&T committee membership during the time period specified above.
If changes have occurred, indicate if these changes have been reflected within the Contract Management module. For those Sponsors operating under confidentiality agreements, indicate if these changes have been sent to CMS per those agreements.
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level:
Indicate if there have been changes to the organizations providing Part D functions during the reporting period.
If changes have occurred, indicate if these changes have been reflected within the Contract Management module on the Part D Data page within the Organizations Providing Part D Functions table.
As described in §423.120(a)(3) and section 30.4 of Chapter 6 of the Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Part D Plans must provide for an appropriate transition process for new enrollees who were prescribed non-formulary Part D drugs. For purposes of CMS oversight, Plans (PBPs) will be responsible for reporting various data elements related to minimum plan transition process timeframes on an annual basis.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1*
Reporting Period |
January 1- March 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
*Only one quarter of data will be collected annually
Data elements to be entered into HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
The minimum number of days supply the Plan’s transition policy provides for its one-time, temporary fill for enrollees in the retail setting. (NOTE: This must be at least 30 days, unless the enrollee presents a prescription written for less than 30 days).
The minimum number of days, beginning on the enrollee’s effective date of coverage, in a plan’s transition process for enrollees in the retail setting. (NOTE: This must be at least 90 days.)
The minimum number of days supply the Plan’s transition policy provides for its temporary fill (with multiple refills as necessary) for enrollees in the LTC setting. (NOTE: This must be at least 31 days, unless the enrollee presents a prescription written for less than 31 days).
The minimum number of days, beginning on the enrollee’s effective date of coverage, in a plan’s transition process for enrollees in the LTC setting. (NOTE: This must be at least 90 days.)
After the minimum transition period has expired, the minimum number of days supply the Plan provides to LTC enrollees for an emergency supply of non-formulary Part D drugs while an exception is being processed (NOTE: This must be at least 31 days, unless the enrollee presents a prescription written for less than 31 days).
The maximum number of business days after a temporary transition fill within which the Plan will send a written transition notice via U.S. first class mail. (NOTE: This must be 3 business days or less.)
Title I, Part 423, Subpart D includes regulations regarding formulary and tier exceptions, and exceptions to established drug utilization management programs. Plans (PBPs) that utilize prior authorization or step therapy edits as utilization management tools (including for non-formulary exceptions) will be responsible for reporting several data elements related to these activities. Prior authorization requests/approvals that relate to Part B vs. Part D coverage should be included in this reporting.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
NumberThe number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to failure to complete step therapy edit requirements in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to need for prior authorization (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to quantity limits in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of prior authorizations requested for formulary medications in the time period specified above (not including first pass step therapy edits or , early refills). This should be a numeric field., or quantity limits).
NumberThe number of prior authorizations approved for formulary medications, of those submitted in the time period specified above (not including first pass step therapy edits or , early refills). This should be a numeric field., or quantity limits).
NumberThe number of exceptions requested for non-formulary medications in the time period specified above (not including early refills). This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of exceptions approved for non-formulary medications, of those submitted in the time period specified above (not including early refills). This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of tier exceptions requested in the time period specified above (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills). This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of tier exceptions approved, of those submitted in the time period specified above (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills). This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of quantity limit exceptions requested in the time period specified above (not including early refills). This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of quantity limit exceptions approved, of those submitted in the time period specified above (not including early refills). This should be a numeric field.
Title I, Part 423, Subpart M includes regulations regarding coverage determinations and appeals under Part D. As defined in §423.560, an appeal is any of the procedures that deal with the review of adverse coverage determinations made by the Plan on the benefits the enrollee believes he or she is entitled to receive, including a delay in providing or approving the drug coverage (when a delay would adversely affect the health of the enrollee), or on any amounts the enrollee must pay for the drug coverage. These procedures include redeterminations by the Plan and reconsiderations by the independent review entity (IRE). Redeterminations or reconsiderations may result in reversal or partial reversal of the original decision.
Example of a full reversal of an original decision: Non-formulary exception request approved upon redetermination for drug and quantity prescribed.
Example of a partial reversal of an original decision: Non-formulary exception request approved upon redetermination for drug, but full quantity prescribed is not approved.
CMS will request appeal data as part of the monitoring of a Plan’s availability, accessibility, and acceptability of its services.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
NumberThe number of appeals submitted for standard redetermination in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
Number of(Do not include those appeals that were submitted as expedited redeterminations and were not granted expedited status. )
The number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination that were granted expedited status in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of appeals submitted for standard redetermination withdrawn by the enrollee in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination withdrawn by the enrollee in the time period specified above. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of redeterminations in the time period specified above resulting in full reversal of original decision. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of redeterminations in the time period specified above resulting in partial reversal of original decision. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of adverse redeterminations in the time period specified above due to insufficient evidence of medical necessity from enrollee’s prescribing physician. Examples of insufficient evidence of medical necessity may include, but are not limited to, when the plan does not receive the information, or the information received does not support medical necessity. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of appeals submitted for IRE reconsideration in the time period specified above due to inability to meet timeframe for coverage determination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of appeals submitted for IRE reconsideration in the time period specified above due to inability to meet timeframe for redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration in the time period specified above resulting in full reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration in the time period specified above resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration in the time period specified above resulting in full reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration in the time period specified above resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration in the time period specified above resulting in upholding of original coverage determination or redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
NumberThe number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration in the time period specified above resulting in upholding of original coverage determination or redetermination. This should be a numeric field.
CMS will suspend reporting by Part D Contracts for the Call center reporting section through 3rd quarter 2007 due to CMS’ direct monitoring of Part D call centers. All Part D Contracts are required to continue collection of these data, in the event CMS reinstitutes call center data submission.
Part D Contracts will report several data elements related to customer service center calls related to Part D. This information will be utilized to monitor plan performance. These reporting requirements were designed to provide flexibility around each Part D call center structure. Part D Contracts may choose to submit data at the Part D Sponsor level, Contract level, or Other. Part D Contracts must record in HPMS the level of data provided. CMS understands call centers may be structured at other levels such as call center operational entities that do not fall into Sponsor or Contract relationships, and it therefore may be appropriate in some cases for these call center operation entities to prepare aggregate data for their clients’ reporting to CMS. Contracts reporting aggregate data from call center operation entities outside of a Sponsor relationship should record the level of reporting as “Other”. It should be noted that call center data will be used for performance monitoring and reporting as submitted to CMS. Part D Contracts, therefore, who submit aggregate data will be considered as providing the equivalent call center services across these contracts.
Also, while call centers may track other metrics such as calls related to medical care, calls related in any matter to Part D should be tracked separately for inclusion in this reporting requirement.
Reporting timeline: Part D Contracts will provide monthly data on a quarterly basis to CMS.
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
1/1 – 1/31 |
2/1 – 2/28 |
3/1 – 3/31 |
4/1 – 4/30 |
5/1 – 5/31 |
6/1 – 6/30 |
7/1 – 7/31 |
8/1 – 8/31 |
9/1 – 9/30 |
10/1 – 10/31 |
11/1 – 11/30 |
12/1 – 12/31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 29 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Part D Sponsor level, Contract level, or Other:
Level of Reporting:
___ Sponsor Level
___ Contract level
___ Other
Reporting is based on:
___ Part D calls alone (via having a dedicated Part D line or some other way to separate out only calls related to Part D from other calls)
___ Combination of calls (incoming and abandoned Part-D related calls are not segregated from other calls)
For the time period specified above, provide the total number of inbound Part D connections abandoned to the Beneficiary Service line. This should be a numeric field. For call centers that cannot separate abandoned Part D calls from other calls, the total number of inbound connections abandoned will be reported and also the total number of inbound calls for the customer service center, during the reporting period specified. Calls that end within 5 seconds of being connected should not be included in abandoned call counts.
For the time period specified above, provide the total number of inbound Part D connections abandoned to the Pharmacy Support line. This should be a numeric field. For call centers that cannot separate abandoned Part D calls from other calls, the total number of inbound connections abandoned will be reported and also the total number of inbound calls for the customer service center, during the reporting period specified. Calls that end within 5 seconds of being connected should not be included in abandoned call counts.
For the time period specified above, provide the total number of inbound Part D calls to the Beneficiary Service line. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period specified above, provide the total number of inbound Part D calls to the Pharmacy Support line. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period specified above, provide the average hold time for Part D calls to the Beneficiary Service line. This is defined as the average time spent on hold following the IVR system and before reaching a customer service representative. All calls, including abandoned calls, should be included in this calculation. This should be a numeric field (mm:ss).
For the time period specified above, provide the average hold time for Part D calls to the Pharmacy Support line. This is defined as the average time spent on hold following the IVR system and before reaching a customer service representative. All calls, including abandoned calls, should be included in this calculation. This should be a numeric field (mm:ss).
For the time period specified above, provide the number of Part D calls to the Beneficiary Service line answered in ≤30 seconds. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period specified above, provide the number of Part D calls to the Pharmacy Support line answered in ≤30 seconds. This should be a numeric field.
For the time period specified above, provide the average length of calls to the Beneficiary Support line. Length of call is defined as the period of time between call connection and disconnection. All increments of the call should be included, such as time spent navigating the IVR. This should be a numeric field (mm:ss).
For the time period specified above, provide the average length of calls to the Pharmacy Support line. Length of call is defined as the period of time between call connection and disconnection. All increments of the call should be included, such as time spent navigating the IVR. This should be a numeric field (mm:ss).
Part D ContractsSponsors will be responsible for reporting data related to overpayments associated with Part D benefits. An overpayment occurs when a Part D ContractSponsor erroneously makes a payment in excess of the amount due and payable under the Part D drug benefit. Examples would include overpayments a plan makes to pharmacies, sub-contractors, or PBMs for claims payment. This information is necessary to ensure that overpayments are being identified and recouped appropriately.
Reporting timeline:
Period 1 |
Period 2 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - June 30 |
July 1 – December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
August 31 |
February 2928 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Contract level:
For the time period identified above, provide the total overpayment dollars identified to be recouped by the Contract (i.e., any funds recovered from any entity it has overpaid, including, pharmacies, providers, Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers, etc.) This should be a currency field.
For the time period identified above, provide the total overpayment dollars recouped by the Contract. This should be a currency field.
Part D ContractsSponsors will be responsible for reporting multiple data elements related to rebates. These data will be monitored as components of a Part D Contract’sSponsor’s operational costs. CMS recognizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality of these records.
Rebates, discounts, and other price concessions will be reported at either the CMS Part D Sponsor or Contract level. Reporting will not be combined by the subcontractor PBM to include multiple Part D Sponsors’ data. For example: (1) national Part D sponsors with multiple regional plans contracting independently or through a PBM will report rebates from the level of the national Part D sponsor; (2) regional or local Part D sponsor whether utilizing subcontractor PBM or not report at the Part D sponsor specific level; (3) PBM providing Part D coverage outside of a subcontractor role will report rebates at the PBM level. Rebate information should be summarized for each drug, rolled up to include multiple strengths, package sizes, dosage formulations, or combinations. The quarterly reported totals are not cumulative YTD totals.
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
September 30 |
December 31 |
March 31 |
June 30 |
Data files to be uploaded through the HPMS at the CMS Part D Sponsor or Contract level as specified abovebelow. HPMS will provide an option to report “No Data to Report” for Part D Sponsors or Contracts that have no rebate or discount/price concessions data; those contractsSponsors will not upload data files.
Part D Sponsors/Contracts will provide an Excela tab delimited text file (filename=REBATES_(SPONSORNAME)_(2007Q#).XLS2008Q#).txt, replacing ‘(SPONSORNAME)’ following the below file layout.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Rebate File Record Layout
Field Name |
Field Type |
Field Length |
Field Description |
Manufacturer Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the contracting manufacturer name. This should be a |
character field. |
Drug Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the drug name. This should be a character field. |
Rebates Received |
12 |
For each unique manufacturer/drug combination, provide the rebate amount received in the reporting period specified. - Limit to 999999999999, no decimals, can be a negative number. - Zero should be entered in the fields if no rebate was received in the reporting period specified. |
Pending Rebates |
12 |
For each unique manufacturer/brand name combination, provide the rebate amount requested for the reporting period specified but not yet received (if applicable). - Limit to 999999999999, no decimals, can be a negative number - Zero should be entered in the fields if no rebate was requested but not received for the reporting period specified. |
Prior Rebates |
12 |
For each unique manufacturer/brand name combination, provide the rebate amount received that is associated with a prior reporting period (if applicable). - Limit to 999999999999, no decimals, can be a negative number - Zero should be entered in the fields if no rebate was received that is associated with a prior reporting period. |
It is expected that the file specified above will summarize most rebate information. However, for all non-rebate discounts, price concessions, or other value adds such as gift-in-kind or other programs (e.g., coupons or disease management programs specific to a Part D Sponsor), Part D Sponsors will provide an additional Exceltab delimited text file (filename=DISCOUNTS_( SPONSORNAME)_(2007Q#).XLS2008Q#).txt, replacing ‘(SPONSORNAME)’ with the Part D Sponsor’s name and ‘(2007Q2008Q#)’ with the year and quarter number) following the below file layout.
Discounts and Other Price Concessions File Record Layout
Field Name |
Field Type |
Field Length |
Field Description |
Manufacturer/ Company Name |
100 |
List the name of each manufacturer for whom there is an associated discount, price concession, or other value add. |
250 |
Describe the discount, price concession, or other value adds. |
12 |
Provide the value of the discount, price concession, or other value adds.
4000 |
For each discount, price concession, or value add, provide a justification for receipt. |
described in the CMS 20072008
Call Letters, Part D ContractsSponsors
must require disclosure of access/performance rebates or other price
concessions received by their long-term care (LTC) network pharmacies
designed to or likely to influence or impact utilization of Part D
drugs. The term “access/performance rebates” refers to
rebates manufacturers provide to pharmacies that are designed to
prefer, protect, or maintain that manufacturer’s product
selection by the pharmacy or to increase the volume of that
manufacturer’s products that are dispensed by the pharmacy
under its formulary (referred to as “moving market share”).
As evidence that they are managing and monitoring drug utilization,
Part D ContractsSponsors
must report these data to CMS for oversight. CMS recognizes the
importance of maintaining confidentiality of these records.
Access/performance rebates received and reported by pharmacies will be reported at either the CMS Part D Sponsor or Contract level. Data should include rebates received for all Part D drugs, not limited to formulary/covered drugs. Rebate information should be summarized reported for each drug, rolled up to include multiple strengths, package sizes, dosage formulations, or combinations. applicable NDC. The quarterly reported totals are not cumulative YTD totals. CMS reserves the right to request Long-term Care (
Special reporting cases:
pharmacy is not required to report rebates: Sponsors may exercise
discretion for requiring
rebate information atreporting
from LTC pharmacies that serve less than 5% of LTC beds in an area
(“area” is defined as the state in which
the NDC level. The NDC level
rebate information may be necessary to understandLTC pharmacy
is licensed.). Sponsors should list
the dosage/route supplied to
beneficiaries atLTC pharmacy NCPDP number in
the LTC facilities. CMS also
expects Part D Contracts to work with LTC pharmacies in cases where
additional detailed data are needed to ensure appropriate
utilization by Medicare beneficiaries living in LTC facilities.
report, leave the Manufacturer, Drug name and Rebate
unit fields blank, and in the Technical Notes field, enter "Not
required to report".
LTC pharmacy is noncompliant in reporting rebates: Sponsor should list that LTC pharmacy NCPDP in the report, leave the Manufacturer, Drug name and Rebate unit fields blank, and in the Technical Notes field, enter "Noncompliant".
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
April 1 - June 30 |
July 1 - September 30 |
October 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
September 30 |
December 31 |
March 31 |
June 30 |
files to be uploaded through the HPMS at the Part D Sponsor or
Contract level as specified above. HPMS
Part D Sponsors/Contracts will provide an option to select “No Data to Report” for Part D Sponsors or Contracts that have no long-term care rebates; those contracts will not upload data files.
D Sponsors/Contracts will provide an Excela
tab delimited text file (filename=REBATES_LTC
replacing ‘(CONTRACTNAME)’ with the Part D Sponsor’s
name and ‘(2007Q2008Q#)’
with the year and quarter number) containing a
header record and the
following fields as
described by the table below..
LTC Rebates File Record Layout |
Field Name |
Field Type |
Field Length |
Field Description |
Sample Field Value(s) |
LTC Pharmacy Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the name of the LTC pharmacy. This should be a character field. |
NCPDP Number |
7 |
Indicate the contracted LTC pharmacy NCPDP number. This should be a numeric field exactly 7 digits long. |
NPI Number |
10 |
Indicate the contracted LTC pharmacy NPI (National Provider Identifier) number. This should be a numeric field. |
Manufacturer Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the contracting manufacturer name. This should be a character field. |
Drug Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the drug name. |
Rebate $ per unit received |
17 |
Provide the contractual per unit rebates received during the reporting period (cash basis) associated with the listed drug.
999999999999.9999 |
Technical Notes |
4000 |
Provide any technical notes regarding the LTC pharmacy rebate calculations. |
Field Name |
Field Type |
Field Length |
Field Description |
LTC Pharmacy Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the name of the LTC pharmacy. |
NCPDP Number |
7 |
Indicate the contracted LTC pharmacy NCPDP number. This field should be a 7 character long string using 0 – 9. |
NPI Number |
10 |
Indicate the contracted LTC pharmacy NPI (National Provider Identifier) number. |
11 |
Provide the 11-digit NDC associated with this rebate. |
Manufacturer Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the contracting manufacturer name. |
Drug Name |
100 |
For each rebate, provide the brand name. |
Rebate $ per unit received |
17 |
Provide the contractual per unit rebates received during the reporting period (cash basis) associated with the listed drug.
Technical Notes |
4000 |
Provide any technical notes regarding the LTC pharmacy rebate calculations. |
Title I, Part 423, Subpart I includes regulations regarding Licensure and Solvency. Part D ContractsSponsors and will be responsible for reporting multiple data elements and documentation related to their licensure and solvency and other financial requirements. Employer/Union Direct Contract Employer Group Waiver PlansPDPs (Direct EGWPsContract PDP) will be responsible for reporting multiple data elements and documentation related to their solvency and other financial requirements. Direct Contract PDPs are employers or unions that directly contract with CMS to offer a Part D plan exclusively to the employer’s/union’s retirees. Some data will be entered into the HPMS and other information will be mailed directly to CMS. Documentation requirements are listed separately for Part D PDP ContractsPDPs and Direct EGWPsContract PDPs. These data will be used to ensure Part D PDP ContractsPDPs and Direct EGWPsContract PDPs continue to be fiscally solvent entities.
Additionally, all Part D Contracts will enter PBM information into the HPMS on a quarterly basis.
Subsection 1. Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation - Part D PDPs
Subsection 2. Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation – Direct EGWPs
Contract PDPs
Subsection 3. Financial and Solvency Requirements HPMS data– Part D PDPs and Direct EGWPsContract PDPs
Subsection 4. Performance of Part D Activities HPMS data – MA-PDs, PDPs, and Direct EGWPs
Reporting timeline:
Quarter 1 YTD |
Quarter 2 YTD
Quarter 3 YTD |
Annual |
Reporting Period |
January 1 - March 31 |
January 1 - June 30 |
January 1 - September 30 |
January 1 - December 31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 15 |
August 15 |
November 15 |
120 days after the end of the calendar year or within 10 days of the receipt of the Annual Audited F/S whichever is earlier. |
I. Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation for Part D PDP Contracts:
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, Part D PDP Contracts that are licensed will mail the following completed Health Blank form pages directly to CMS:
Liabilities, Capital and Surplus
Statement of Revenue and Expenses
Capital and Surplus Account
Cash Flow
Note: CMS will accept a copy of the Health Blank form submitted to the state in its entirety.
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts will mail un-audited financial statements, which convey the same information contained in the Health Blank form, directly to CMS. An alternative for non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts would be to complete the Health Blank pages as prescribed in A. above.
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts will mail documentation showing that an insolvency deposit of $100,000 is being held in accordance with CMS requirements by a qualified financial institution.
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, Part D PDP ContractsSponsors not licensed in any state must submit documentation that demonstrates they possess the allowable sources of funding to cover projected losses for the greater of 7.5% of the aggregated projected target amount for a given year or resources to cover 100% of any projected losses in a given year. This documentation should include a worksheet indicating how they arrived at the aggregated projected target amount and a pro. Pro-forma financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement that includes enrollment projections through the remainderand statement of cash flows projecting through the periodnext 12 months by quarter. Enrollment projections through the next 12 months by quarter. Guarantees, letters of credit and other documents essential to demonstrating that the funding for projected losses requirement has been met must also be included.
All Part D PDP Contractscontracts will mail a copy of their independently audited financial statements (which are statutory based or GAAP based) with a management letter within one hundred twenty days following their fiscal year end or within 10 days of receipt of those statements, whichever is earlier directly to CMS. Licensed entities may not report under GAAP for a period longer than 36 months.
All Part D PDP Contracts will mail a copy of an Actuarial Opinion by a qualified actuary within one hundred twenty days following their fiscal year end directly to CMS. The opinion should address the assumptions and methods used in determining loss revenues, actuarial liabilities, and related items.
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, Part D PDP Contractssponsors with any state licensure waivers, must submit an update on the status of obtaining licensure for each waived state.
EachPer § 423.514 each Part D sponsor must report to CMS annually, within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year, significant business transactions, as defined in § 423.501, between the Part D sponsor and a party in interest, as defined in § 423.501.
Documentation submitted should include the following:
A description of the transaction or transactions taking place with the party in interest.
Identification of the party in interest and an explanation of how that party meets the definition of a party in interest.
The costs incurred during the fiscal year relating to the transactions between the party in interest and the Part D sponsor and what those costs would have been if incurred at fair market value. If the costs incurred exceed fair market value, provide an explanation justifying that the costs are consistent with prudent management and fiscal soundness requirements.
Combined financial statements for the Part D plan sponsor and a party in interest if 35% or more of the costs of operation of the Part D sponsor go to a party in interest, or 35% or more of the revenue of a party in interest is from the Part D sponsor.
Part D PDP Contracts’ Documentation should be mailed to the following address:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Attn: Part D Licensure & Solvency
Mail Stop C1-25-04
7500 Security Boulevard
Windsor Mill, Maryland 21244
II. Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation for Direct EGWPsContract PDPs:
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, Direct EGWPsContract PDPs will mail un-audited financial statements directly to CMS.
According to the quarterly time periods specified above, Direct EGWPsContract PDPs will mail documentation showing that an insolvency deposit of $100,000 is being held in accordance with CMS requirements by a qualified financial institution (unless CMS waived this requirement in writing with respect to the sponsor).
Direct EGWPsContract PDPs will mail a copy of their independently audited financial statements with a management letter within one hundred twenty days following their fiscal year end or within 10 days of receipt of those statements, whichever is earlier directly to CMS.
All Direct EGWPsContract PDPs will mail a copy of their credit rating (or, if they have no credit rating, a Dun & Bradstreet report) on a quarterly basis directly to CMS as follows:
For Quarter 1: May 15th
For Quarter 2: Aug. 15th
For Quarter 3: Nov. 15th
For Quarter 4: Feb. 15th
All Direct EGWPsContract PDPs will mail an ERISA Sec. 411(a) attestation directly to CMS by February 15th. . See 20072008 Solicitation for ApplicationApplications for Employer/Union Direct Contract PDPs, Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) Sponsors, Appendix VIIV, Sec. E.4 for explanation of this attestation.
All Direct EGWPs’Contract PDP Documentation should be mailed to the following address:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Attn: Financial Solvency Reporting
Mail Stop C1-22-06
7500 Security Boulevard
Windsor Mill, Maryland 21244
III. Financial and Solvency Requirements data elements to be entered into HPMS – For Part D PDP Contracts / Direct EGWP SponsorsContract PDPs:
Data to be entered at the Part D Contract level per NAIC #. Each Contract-NAIC# entity will be listed under each contract.
Total assets as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total liabilities as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total cash as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total cash equivalents as of the end of the reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total current assets as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total current liabilities as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total revenue as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total expenses as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Total administrative expense as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field. NOTE: Direct EGWPsContract PDPs are waived from this element
Total net income as of the end of the quarterly reporting period identified above. This should be a currency field.
Drug benefit expenses (excluding administrative expenses) as of the end of the quarterly reporting time period. Drug benefit expenses are paid claims costs which would be comprised of negotiated costs and dispensing fees less member share. This should be a currency field.
Drug benefit revenues as of the end of the quarterly reporting period. Drug benefit revenues would include premiums, CMS subsidies, rebates and other reinsurance. This should be a currency field.
IV. Performance of Part D Activities data elements to be entered into HPMS – For All Part D Contracts (including MA-PDs, PDPs, and Direct EGWPs)
Data to be entered at the Part D Contract level:
Indicate if there have been changes to this information. This will be a selection from a drop-down box.
If changes have occurred, indicate if these changes have been reflected within the Contract Management module.
Part D ContractsSponsors must provide enrollees with coverage of benefits as described within §423.104. For the purposes of CMS review, Plans (PBPs) will be required to report multiple data elements related to their provision of Part D benefits. HPMS will display each Plan’s benefit design for integration with the data reported by Part D ContractsSponsors. If a Plan does not have a coverage gap, the Plan should list the number of people who are pre-catastrophic in the data element B fieldD (non-LIS) and E (LIS) fields, and then indicate zero in the data element F (non-LIS) or G (LIS) fields. If a PBP does not have a deductible, HPMS will not display data fields B or C field.
Reporting timeline: Part D ContractsSponsors will provide monthly data on a quarterly monthly basis to CMS.
Quarter 1 |
Quarter 2 |
Quarter 3 |
Quarter 4 |
Reporting Period |
1/1 – 1/31 |
2/1 – 2/28 |
3/1 – 3/31 |
4/1 – 4/30 |
5/1 – 5/31 |
6/1 – 6/30 |
7/1 – 7/31 |
8/1 – 8/31 |
9/1 – 9/30 |
10/1 – 10/31 |
11/1 – 11/30 |
12/1 – 12/31 |
Data due to CMS/HPMS |
May 31 |
August 31 |
November 30 |
February 29 |
Data due to CMS/ HPMS |
3/31 |
4/30 |
5/31 |
6/30 |
7/31 |
8/31 |
9/30 |
10/31 |
11/30 |
12/31 |
1/31 |
2/28 |
Data elements to be entered into the HPMS at the Plan (PBP) level:
HPMS will display each Plan’s benefit design (e.g. defined standard, enhanced alternative)
Provide theThe total number of non-LIS enrollees in the deductible phase as of the last day of the month.
The total number of LIS enrollees in the deductible phase as of the last day of the month. [List all LIS beneficiaries for all subsidy levels.]
The total number of non-LIS enrollees in the pre-initial coverage limit phase as of the last day of the month. (If a Plan does not have a coverage gap, the Plan should list the number of people who are pre-catastrophic in this field, and then indicate zero in the data element C.) This should be a numeric field.F.)
Provide theThe total number of non-LIS enrollees in the pre-initial coverage gaplimit phase as of the last day of the month. (If a Plan does not have a coverage gap, the Plan should list the number of people who are pre-catastrophic in data element Bthis field, and then indicate zero in this field.) This should be a numeric field.the data element G.) [List all LIS beneficiaries for all subsidy levels.]
Provide theThe total number of non-LIS enrollees in the catastrophic coverage levelgap as of the last day of the month. This(If a Plan does not have a coverage gap, the Plan should list the number of people who are pre-catastrophic in data element D, and then indicate zero in this field.)
The total number of LIS enrollees in the coverage gap as of the last day of the month. (If a Plan does not have a coverage gap, the Plan should be a numericlist the number of people who are pre-catastrophic in data element E, and then indicate zero in this field.) [List all LIS beneficiaries for all subsidy levels.]
The total number of non-LIS enrollees in the catastrophic coverage level as of the last day of the month.
The total number of LIS enrollees in the catastrophic coverage level as of the last day of the month. [List all LIS beneficiaries for all subsidy levels.]
Note: this summary table is for quick reference use only. Please refer to the respective detailed sections for full definitions, timelines, reporting level, and submission procedures.
Section |
Element |
Format |
Frequency |
Total number of out-of-cycle pharmacy transactions with reversal as the final disposition |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Medication Therapy Management Programs (MTMP) |
The method used to enroll beneficiaries into the MTMP |
Text |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who met the eligibility criteria for the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who participated in the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP due to death |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP due to disenrollment from the Contract |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP at their request |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who declined to participate in the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Prescription cost of all medications for all beneficiaries participating in the MTMP (as of the last day of the reporting period specified) on a per MTMP beneficiary per month basis |
Currency |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of covered Part D 30-day equivalent prescriptions on a per MTMP beneficiary per month basis |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Generic Dispensing Rate |
Number of paid claims for generic drugs |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of paid claims |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of fraud and abuse grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of enrollment/disenrollment grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of benefit package grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of pharmacy access/network grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of marketing grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of customer service grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of confidentiality/privacy grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of quality of care grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exception grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeal grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of other grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of grievances |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committees |
Indicate if changes in P&T Committee membership. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
If changes, indicate if these are reflected within Contract Management module. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of newly enrolled beneficiaries |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of prescriptions authorized during transition periods |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of enrollees receiving one or more prescriptions authorized during transition periods |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of days per transition period. This should be a numeric field. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Exceptions |
Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to failure to complete step edit requirements |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to need for prior authorization (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to quantity limits in the time period specified above. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of prior authorizations requested for formulary medications (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of prior authorizations approved for formulary medications (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions requested for non-formulary medications (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions approved for non-formulary medications (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions requested for tier exceptions (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions approved for tier exceptions (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions requested for quantity limits (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions approved for quantity limits (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for standard redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination that were granted expedited status |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for standard redetermination withdrawn by the enrollee |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination withdrawn by the enrollee |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of redeterminations resulting in full reversal of original decision |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of redeterminations resulting in partial reversal of original decision |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of adverse redeterminations due to insufficient evidence of medical necessity from enrollee’s prescribing physician |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for IRE reconsideration due to inability to meet timeframe for coverage determination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for IRE reconsideration due to inability to meet timeframe for redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in full reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in full reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in upholding of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in upholding of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Call Center Measures: Beneficiary Service line and Pharmacy Support line
Level of reporting |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Type of line for reporting basis |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of inbound Part D connections abandoned to the Beneficiary Service line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of inbound Part D connections abandoned to the Pharmacy Support line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of inbound Part D calls to the Beneficiary Service line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of inbound Part D calls to the Pharmacy Support line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Average hold time for Part D calls to the Beneficiary Service line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Average hold time for Part D calls to the Pharmacy Support line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of Part D calls to the Beneficiary Service line answered in ≤30 seconds |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of Part D calls to the Pharmacy Support line answered in ≤30 seconds |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Average length of calls to the Beneficiary Service line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Average length of calls to the Pharmacy Support line |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Overpayment |
Total overpayment dollars identified to be recouped |
Currency |
Semi-Annually |
Yes |
Total overpayment dollars recouped |
Currency |
Semi-Annually |
Yes |
Pharmaceutical Rebates, Discounts, and Other Price Concessions |
MS Excel |
Quarterly |
Yes |
MS Excel |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates |
MS Excel |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Licensure and Solvency, Business Transactions and Financial Requirements
Licensed Part D PDP
Contracts will submit Completed Health Blank form pages: Jurat,
Assets, Liabilities, Capital and Surplus, Statement of Revenue and
Expenses, Capital and Surplus Account, and Cash Flow
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Documentation showing that an insolvency deposit of $100,000 is being held (for non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts and Direct EGWPs) |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Funding for projected losses worksheet (for non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts only) |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Independently audited financial statement with a management letter for Part D PDPs and Direct EGWPs |
Mailed to CMS |
Yearly (fiscal) |
No |
Copy of an Actuarial Opinion by a qualified actuary for the Part D PDP |
Mailed to CMS |
Yearly (fiscal) |
No |
Documentation on the status of obtaining licensure for each waived state (for Part D PDP Contracts with any state licensure waivers only) |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Documentation of significant business transactions |
Mailed to CMS |
Yearly (fiscal) |
No |
Un-audited financial statements for Direct EGWPs |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Copy of credit rating for Direct EGWPs |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
ERISA Sec. 411(a) attestation for Direct EGWPs |
Mailed to CMS |
No |
Total assets |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total liabilities |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total cash |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total cash equivalents |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total current assets |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total current liabilities |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total revenue |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total expenses |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total administrative expense |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total net income |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Drug benefit expenses (excluding administrative expenses) |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Drug benefit revenues |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Indicate if changes have occurred in entities performing Part D activities. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
If changes, indicate if these are reflected within Contract Management module. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Part D Benefit Analyses |
Number of enrollees in the pre-initial coverage limit phase |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of enrollees in the coverage gap |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of enrollees in the catastrophic coverage level |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Section |
Section |
Element |
Format |
Frequency |
I. |
Retail, Home Infusion, and Long-Term Care Pharmacy |
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries living within 2 miles of a retail network pharmacy in urban areas of a Plan’s service area (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans). |
Numeric |
Annually |
Yes |
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries living within 5 miles of a retail network pharmacy in suburban areas (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans). |
Numeric |
Annually |
Yes |
Percentage of Medicare beneficiaries living within 15 miles of a retail network pharmacy in rural areas (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans). |
Numeric |
Annually |
Yes |
The number of contracted retail pharmacies in a Plan’s service area (State for PDPs and regional PPOs, and service area for local MA-PD plans) as of the last day of the reporting period specified above. |
Numeric |
Annually |
Yes |
Pharmacies_(CONTRACTNAME)_(2008P1) |
Tab delimited text file |
Annually |
Yes |
II. |
Access to Extended Day Supplies at Retail Pharmacies |
The number of contracted retail pharmacies that are contracted to dispense an extended day supply of covered Part D drugs. |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
III. |
Vaccines |
The total number of Part D vaccines processed regardless of the method used to process the claim. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
The number of Part D vaccines administered in a clinic setting (e.g. physician’s office) where the beneficiary retrospectively files paper receipts for reimbursement of the vaccine. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
The number of vaccines adjudicated through network pharmacies. (Including those vaccines processed by the pharmacy and submitted electronically). |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
The number of vaccines processed through a paper enhanced process, where the provider used or navigated a process that facilitated out-of-network access. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
The number of vaccines processed through an internet based web tool. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
The number of vaccines through a process not described in data elements B through E. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of out-of-cycle pharmacy transactions with reversal as the final disposition |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
V. |
Medication Therapy Management Programs (MTMP) |
The method used to enroll beneficiaries into the MTMP |
Text |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who met the eligibility criteria for the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who participated in the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP due to death |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP due to disenrollment from the Plan |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP at their request |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who discontinued participation from the MTMP for a reason not specified in data elements E-G |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries who declined to participate in the MTMP |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of beneficiaries whose participation status in the MTMP is pending |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Prescription cost of all medications for all beneficiaries participating in the MTMP (as of the last day of the reporting period specified) on a per MTMP beneficiary per month basis |
Currency |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Number of covered Part D 30-day equivalent prescriptions on a per MTMP beneficiary per month basis |
Numeric |
Semi-annually |
Yes |
Data file containing various data fields for beneficiaries identified as being eligible for the Medication Therapy Management Program |
Tab delimited text file |
Annually |
No |
VI. |
Generic Drug Utilization |
Total number of paid claims for generic drugs |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of paid claims |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
VII. |
Home Infusion Utilization |
Number of Part D beneficiaries receiving Part D-covered home infusion drugs dispensed by any of its network providers as part of a bundled service under a Part C supplemental benefit (if applicable). |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
The total claims associated with Part D-covered home infusion drugs dispensed by any of its network providers as part of a bundled service under a Part C supplemental benefit (if applicable). |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of fraud and abuse grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of enrollment/disenrollment grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of benefit package grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of pharmacy access/network grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of marketing grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of customer service grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of confidentiality/privacy grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of quality of care grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exception grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeal grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of other grievances received |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of grievances |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total number of LIS grievances |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
IX. |
Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committees/ Provision of Part D Functions |
Indicate if changes in P&T Committee membership. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
If changes, indicate if these are reflected within Contract Management module. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Indicate if changes have occurred in organizations providing Part D functions. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
If changes, indicate if these are reflected within Contract Management module. |
Text |
Quarterly |
Yes |
X. |
Minimum number of days supply the Plan’s transition policy provides for its one-time, temporary fill for enrollees in the retail setting. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Minimum number of days, beginning on the enrollee’s effective date of coverage, in a plan’s transition process for enrollees in the retail setting |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Minimum number of days supply the Plan’s transition policy provides for its temporary fill (with multiple refills as necessary) for enrollees in the LTC setting. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Minimum number of days, beginning on the enrollee’s effective date of coverage, in a plan’s transition process for enrollees in the LTC setting |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Minimum transition period has expired, the minimum number of days supply the Plan provides to LTC enrollees for an emergency supply of non-formulary Part D drugs while an exception is being processed |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Maximum number of business days after a temporary transition fill within which the Plan will send a written transition notice via U.S. first class mail |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
XI. |
Exceptions |
Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to failure to complete step edit requirements |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to need for prior authorization (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to quantity limits in the time period specified above. |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of prior authorizations requested for formulary medications (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of prior authorizations approved for formulary medications (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions requested for non-formulary medications (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions approved for non-formulary medications (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions requested for tier exceptions (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions approved for tier exceptions (not including first pass step therapy edits or early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions requested for quantity limits (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of exceptions approved for quantity limits (not including early refills) |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
XII. |
Number of appeals submitted for standard redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination that were granted expedited status |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for standard redetermination withdrawn by the enrollee |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for expedited redetermination withdrawn by the enrollee |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of redeterminations resulting in full reversal of original decision |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of redeterminations resulting in partial reversal of original decision |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of adverse redeterminations due to insufficient evidence of medical necessity from enrollee’s prescribing physician |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for IRE reconsideration due to inability to meet timeframe for coverage determination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of appeals submitted for IRE reconsideration due to inability to meet timeframe for redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in full reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in full reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in upholding of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in upholding of original coverage determination or redetermination |
Numeric |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Overpayment |
Total overpayment dollars identified to be recouped |
Currency |
Semi-Annually |
Yes |
Total overpayment dollars recouped |
Currency |
Semi-Annually |
Yes |
XIV. |
Pharmaceutical Rebates, Discounts, and Other Price Concessions |
Tab delimited text file |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Tab delimited text file |
Quarterly |
Yes |
XV. |
Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates |
Tab delimited text file |
Quarterly |
Yes |
XVI. |
Licensure and Solvency, Business Transactions and Financial Requirements
Licensed Part D PDP
Contracts will submit Completed Health Blank form pages: Jurat,
Assets, Liabilities, Capital and Surplus, Statement of Revenue
and Expenses, Capital and Surplus Account, and Cash Flow
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Documentation showing that an insolvency deposit of $100,000 is being held (for non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts and Direct Contract PDPs) |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Funding for projected losses worksheet (for non-licensed Part D PDP Contracts only) |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Independently audited financial statement with a management letter for Part D PDPs and Direct Contract PDPs |
Mailed to CMS |
Yearly (fiscal) |
No |
Copy of an Actuarial Opinion by a qualified actuary for the Part D PDP |
Mailed to CMS |
Yearly (fiscal) |
No |
Documentation on the status of obtaining licensure for each waived state (for Part D PDP Contracts with any state licensure waivers only) |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Documentation of significant business transactions |
Mailed to CMS |
Yearly (fiscal) |
No |
Un-audited financial statements for Direct Contract PDPs |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
Copy of credit rating for Direct Contract PDPs |
Mailed to CMS |
Quarterly |
No |
ERISA Sec. 411(a) attestation for Direct Contract PDPs s |
Mailed to CMS |
No |
Total assets |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total liabilities |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total cash |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total cash equivalents |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total current assets |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total current liabilities |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total revenue |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total expenses |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total administrative expense |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Total net income |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Drug benefit expenses (excluding administrative expenses) |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Drug benefit revenues |
Currency |
Quarterly |
Yes |
Part D Benefit Analyses |
Total number of non-LIS enrollees in the deductible phase |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of LIS enrollees in the deductible phase |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of non-LIS enrollees in the pre-initial coverage limit phase |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of LIS enrollees in the pre-initial coverage limit phase |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of non-LIS enrollees in the coverage gap |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of LIS enrollees in the coverage gap |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of non-LIS enrollees in the catastrophic coverage level |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Total number of non-LIS enrollees in the catastrophic coverage level |
Numeric |
Monthly |
Yes |
Reporting Requirements Section |
Enrollment/Disenrollment |
This section has been deleted. |
Reversals |
This section can now be reported at the Part D Contract or Plan (PBP) level |
Medication Therapy Management Programs |
Data element revised:
Generic Dispensing Rate |
No changes made to this reporting section |
Grievances |
Data elements added: Number of quality of care grievances received related to Part D. Number of exception grievances received related to Part D. Number of appeal grievances received related to Part D. Total number of grievances received related to Part D. |
Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committees |
New reporting section added for 2007 |
Transition |
New reporting section for 2007 |
This reporting section was renamed Exceptions, previously titled as Prior Authorization, Step Edits, Non-Formulary Exceptions, and Tier Exceptions
Data elements added: Number of pharmacy transactions rejected due to quantity limits Number of quantity limit exceptions requested Number of quantity limit exceptions approved |
Appeals |
Data elements added: Number of redeterminations resulting in partial reversal of original decision. Number of adverse redeterminations due to insufficient evidence of medical necessity from enrollee’s prescribing physician. Number of IRE decisions for standard reconsideration resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination. Number of IRE decisions for expedited reconsideration resulting in partial reversal of original coverage determination or redetermination. |
Call Center Measures: Beneficiary Service line and Pharmacy Support line
Announcement of suspension of the Call Center reporting requirement through 3rd quarter 2007. Data elements added for monitoring of Pharmacy Support line Provision of monthly data on a quarterly basis This section can now be reported at the Part D Sponsor level, Contract level, or Other Data element removed Average speed of answer for Part D calls
Data elements added: Average length of calls to the Beneficiary Support line. Average length of calls to the Pharmacy Support line. |
This section can now be reported at the Contract level.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Rebates, Discounts, and Other Price Concessions |
This section can now be reported at the Contract level as well as the Part D Sponsor
Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates |
New Reporting Section for 2007 |
Licensure and Solvency, Business Transactions and Financial Requirements Subsection 1: Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation for Part D PDP Contracts; Subsection 2: Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation for Direct EGWPs; Subsection 3: Financial and Solvency Requirements HPMS Data elements for Part D PDPs and Direct EGWPs; Subsection 4: Performance of Part D Activities HPMS Data elements for all Part D Contracts (including MA-PDs, PDPs, and Direct EGWPs) |
Drug benefit analyses
New Reporting Section for 2007 |
Reporting Requirements Section |
Retail, Home Infusion, and Long-Term Care Pharmacy Access |
This is a new section |
Access to Extended Day Supplies at Retail Pharmacies |
This is a new section |
Vaccines |
This is a new section |
Reversals |
This section can now be reported at the Part D Contract or Plan (PBP) level |
Medication Therapy Management Programs |
Data element revised:
Data elements added:
Generic Drug Utilization |
The name of the section was changed from Generic Drug Rate. |
Home Infusion Utilization |
This is a new section |
Grievances |
Description added:
Data element revised:
Data elements added:
Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committees/Performance of Part D Functions |
Description added: Element A1. added during the time period specified above Data elements revised: A1-2, and B1-2 that drop-down box is no longer used. |
Transition |
Description revised:
Data elements deleted:
Data elements added:
Data elements revised:
Appeals |
Data element revised:
Call Center Measures: Beneficiary Service line and Pharmacy Support line
This section has been deleted |
No changes made to this reporting section |
Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Rebates, Discounts, and Other Price Concessions |
No changes made to this reporting section |
Long-term Care (LTC) Rebates |
Data element revised:
Data elements added:
Licensure and Solvency, Business Transactions and Financial Requirements Subsection 1: Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation for Part D PDP Contracts; Subsection 2: Financial and Solvency Requirements Documentation for Direct Contract PDPs; Subsection 3: Financial and Solvency Requirements HPMS Data elements for Part D PDPs and Direct Contract PDPs; Subsection 4: Performance of Part D Activities HPMS Data elements for all Part D Contracts (including MA-PDs, PDPs, and Direct Contract PDPs) |
Description revised: Section description revised to include explanatory language about Direct Contract PDPs Data elements revised: Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV
Drug benefit analyses
Description revised: Section overview includes an explanatory sentence, and revised re: how Plans with no coverage gaps or deductibles should report data.
Data elements added:
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Part D Plan Reporting Requirements |
Author | Christopher A. Powers |
Last Modified By | CMS |
File Modified | 2007-10-04 |
File Created | 2007-08-28 |