HUD-92001-B Branch Office Notification

HUD-FHA Title I/Title II Lender Approval, Annual Recertification, Noncompliance Forms, Reports, Ginnie Mae Issuer Approval, and Credit Watch Termination Reinstatement

Form 92001-B

HUD-FHA Title I/Title II Lender Approval, Annual Recertification, Noncompliance Forms, Reports, Ginnie Mae Issuer Approval, and Credit Watch Termination Reinstatement

OMB: 2502-0005

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U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Housing
Federal Housing Commissioner

Branch Office Notification
Title I / Title II

OMB Approval No.
2502-0005 (exp. 10/31/2006)

See Public Reporting Burden and Privacy Act Statements on back before completing this form.
1a. Corporate Name

6a. Title I Home Office Lender ID, if applicable (10 digits)

1b. Branch DBA (if any)

6b. Title II Home Office Mortgagee ID, if applicable (10 digits)

2. Geographic Address of Branch Office (must be physical location)

7. Branch phone (include area code and extension)

Attention (Do not use an individual's name)
8. Branch FAX (include area code)
Street Address
9. Branch e-mail


Zip Code


3. Title I Mailing Address or Title II (CHUMS) Address. Check if same as:

10. County

Attention (Do not use an individual's name)
11a. Branch Manager Name
Street Address/P.O. Box
11b. Branch Manager Social Security Number


Zip Code
12. Title II branch only

4. Endorsement Address (Title II only) Check if same as:




Number of employees

Attention (Do not use an individual's name)

13. Contact Name

Street Address/P.O. Box

14. Contact phone (include area code and extension)


15. Contact FAX (include area code)



Title I

Zip Code


Property Improvement

Title II

Manufactured Housing

16. Contact e-mail

1-4 Family Mortgages
Multifamily Mortgages

Certifications. The Undersigned certifies that:

This branch office meets all HUD/FHA requirements.


The staff of this branch office are employees of this corporation which will pay all operating costs of this office,
including compensation of all employees.


If this branch office has a DBA, it has a DBA Certificate from
the State where it is physically located.


The branch office fee has been paid.

17. Applicant Taxpayer Identifying Number (9 digits)

HUD Authorization. Your branch office is authorized to originate
HUD insured loans in the following HUD Field Office jurisdictions:
Reserved (do not write in this space)


Title (must be a senior executive)

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Lender Activities and Program Compliance

Name (printed or typed)



Title I

Title II

Reserved (do not write in this space)

Reserved (do not write in this space)

Previous editions are obsolete. Replaces HUD-92001-LB which is obsolete.

ref Handbooks 4060.1 & 4700.02


form HUD-92001-B (02/2004)

Privacy Act Statement: HUD is authorized to collect this information by Executive Order 9397. The Housing & Community Development Act of 1987,
42 U.S.C. 3543 authorizes the mandatory collection of the Social Security Number (SSN). HUD will use the information collected to determine the eligibility
of program participants to participate or continue to participate in the HUD's programs. The names and SSN's are used to obtain positive identification
of the officers and directors who have the authority to obligate the Lender. You must provide all of the information requested, including the SSN's of
appropriate officers and directors. HUD may disclose this information to Federal, State and local agencies when relevant to civil, criminal, or regulatory
investigations and prosecutions. It will not be other wise disclosed or released outside of HUD, except as required and permitted by law. Failure to provide
any of the required information may result in a delay or disapproval of participation in HUD's programs.
Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency
may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
The information requested on this form is required by 24 CFR Part 202 and Sec. 306(g) of the National Housing Act or by HUD Handbooks 4060.1, 5500.1,
and 5500.2. The information collected assists FHA and Ginnie Mae in determining which lenders should be approved to participate in the FHA single
and multifamily insurance programs and/or the Ginnie Mae Mortgaged-Backed Securities Program. It is used to help FHA minimize its risk in insuring
single-family and multifamily mortgages and Ginnie Mae to minimize its risk. Applicants are not required to respond to this collection of information unless
a currently valid approved OMB control number is displayed on the form.
For Branch Offices of Supervised, Non-Supervised and Loan Correspondent Mortgagees.
1. Submit this Notification for only those offices that will submit applications
to HUD for insurance or service HUD-insured mortgages.
2. All employees of the branch must be employees of the mortgagee and,
with the exception of receptionists will conduct only the business affairs
of the mortgagee during normal business hours.
3. The branch office must be a true branch; that is, a separately located unit
of the mortgagee, in an office in which no business other than that of the
mortgagee is conducted. A branch may be located in a mortgagee's home
4. A branch manager must be located in the office and may not be the manager
of more than one branch office. The manager must conduct only the
business of the approved branch during normal business hours.
5. The mortgagee's facilities must be in a location conducive to transacting
mortgage lending business and be separated by partitions from any other
entity, be identified to the public, and provide privacy for conducting
interviews. However, entrances and receptionists may be shared.
6. It shall have a staff of at least two employees and will be open during normal
business hours.
The National Housing Act (12 U.S.C.); the HUD Regulations (24CFR) and HUD
handbooks contain the complete Requirements.
Item 1b Doing Business As. For optional use to identify a company which
is doing business under a different name. Please attach copy of
doing business as statement or assumed name certificate filed
with the State.
The President or the Vice President of the mortgage corporation
must sign the form.
Item 2 Geographic Address of Branch Office. Identifies the physical
location of the branch office.
Item 3 Conditional and Firm Commitment Address. Enter an address
which HUD should use to mail correspondence relative to applications for conditional and firm commitments to insure mortgages.
Item 4 Endorsement Address: Address to which the HUD-59100 Mortgage Insurance Certificate (MIC) is sent. Also, the address which
the receipt for the onetime Mortgage Insurance Premiums (MIP)
will be returned.
The sixth through the ninth digits of a Title I lender or a Title II
mortgagee identification number identifies the branch or home
office of the mortgagee. A mortgagee wishing a specific
number for a branch office should complete this box.
Fee. A nonrefundable Branch Office Fee of $300 for either aTitle I or a Title
II branch must be submitted. If a Branch Office is already approved in one
program and the application is for approval in the other program at the same
address, there is no additional fee. Governmental institutions and not-forprofit entities are exempt from the fee. Checks should be made payable to
the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Previous editions are obsolete. Replaces HUD-92001-LB which is obsolete.

The undersigned certifies that:
1. No employee of this branch office is presently suspended, debarred or
otherwise restricted under 24 CFR Part 24 or Part 25 or similar
procedures of any other Federal Agency;
2. No employee of this branch office is presently under indictment or has
been convicted of a felony for which the sentence has not been
3. This branch office and its employees are not presently subject to outstanding
findings as a result of HUD or other governmental audits or investigations; and
4. No employee of this branch office is engaged in business practices that
do not conform to generally accepted practices of prudent lenders or that
demonstrate irresponsibility.
Material to Be Submitted. Complete in triplicate. If there is inadequate space
on the form, you may submit the information on a separate sheet of paper. The
original and one copy should be submitted together with the $300.00 fee.
Rights and Requirements:
1. Title I lenders and Title II mortgagees may have branch offices.
2. All employees of the branch office must be employees of the Lender.
3. The Branch Office must be a true branch; that is, a separately located unit
of this corporation, in an office in which no other business than that of the
Lender is conducted.
4. A branch manager must be located in the branch office and may not be the
manager of more than one branch office. The manager must conduct only
the business of the approved branch during normal business hours.
5. The Lender's facilities must be conducive to transacting lending business and
be separated by permanent partitions from any other entity and must be clearly
identified to the public, provide privacy for conducting interviews and have its
own telephones. However, entrances and receptionists may be shared.
6. The Branch Office shall have a staff of at least two employees and be open
during normal business hours.
The Undersigned Agrees That:
1. This office will be a true branch; that is, a separately located unit of the
Lender, in an office in which no business other than that of the Lender will
be conducted;
2. This office will be maintained, staffed and identified to the public separately
from any other business and no business other than that of the Lender will
be conducted by employees of the branch, including the manager during
normal business hours;
3. The office will be open to the public during normal business hours (unless
approved otherwise in writing by HUD);
4. HUD will be notified within 10 days of the closing of the Branch Office or of
any change in this notification;
5. The Lender will at all times provide for the servicing of all Loans in
accordance with HUD Regulations; and
6. The staff of this Branch Office are employees of this corporation, which will
pay all operating costs of this office, including compensation of all employees.
Instructions: If there is inadequate space, submit the required information
on a separate sheet. The original should be submitted to HUD and a copy
retained for the applicant's records. For information on fees, mailing
addresses, and checklists to use when completing the application package,
refer to HUD Handbook 4700.02, Title I Lender Approval Handbook, and
HUD Handbook 4060.1, Mortgage Approval and Recertification.
ref Handbooks 4060.1 & 4700.02

form HUD-92001-B (02/2004)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title92001-b
File Modified2004-02-24
File Created2004-02-24

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