Programming notes are in blue…
There will be a variable created from the sample file that determines if a respondent is IGERT or not. Throughout the survey where there are “IGERT only” questions, we use the variable name “IGERT” to identify that a question should be given only to the IGERT respondents.
All section headings are for internal use only and should not appear on the screens. Survey respondents should not see section headings
Do not include question numbers on the screen (this is b/c we don’t want to confuse respondents who skip sections).
Response choices that are all numbered with one are to allow the respondent to choose more than one answer to the question. Response choices that are numbered sequentially are where the respondent is to choose only one answer to the question
Analysis notes in green are for internal reference only and should not appear on screen or paper versions.
Section A: Decision To Pursue a Career in STEM
We would like to begin by asking you a few questions about your decision to pursue a scientific career.
In deciding to pursue a scientific career, which of the following factors were most important to you? (Please select up to three responses from the list below)
Choose up to three: |
1 |
Salary/Benefits |
1 |
Job security |
1 |
Opportunities for advancement |
1 |
Intellectual challenge |
1 |
Level of responsibility |
1 |
Degree of independence |
The opportunity to…. |
1 |
Create new knowledge/make decisions |
1 |
Contribute to society |
1 |
Follow my passion |
1 |
Learn new skills |
1 |
Other ______ |
[Source: SDR C10– modified] |
Which of the following were factors in your decision to pursue a graduate degree in science, technology, engineering or mathematics? In the left hand column, check all that apply, and in the right hand column, check the one most important factor.
All factors (Check all that apply) |
Most important factor (Choose one) |
1 |
Needed a doctorate to advance in a career in my field of study |
1 |
1 |
Wanted to change my field of study |
2 |
1 |
Wanted to increase my knowledge in my field of study |
3 |
1 |
Wanted to earn more money, and expect my earnings will increase with a doctorate |
4 |
1 |
Prestige of an advanced degree |
5 |
1 |
Could not find a job, so I decided to go back to school |
6 |
1 |
Other, specify ___________ |
7 |
[Analysis note: Source: 3ML A-11-modified (responses added)] |
When you were applying to graduate programs, what types of programs did you consider? (Check only one)
1 Discipline-based programs only
2 Interdisciplinary programs only
3 Discipline-based and interdisciplinary programs
[Programming note: If respondent IGERT respondent then continue to question A4; Non IGERT respondents, skip to Section B: “Graduate School Experience”]
[Programming note: For IGERT only—This question is OPTIONAL]
Why were you interested in interdisciplinary graduate programs?
[Programming note: Continue to question A6]
[Programming note: For IGERT only]
If your IGERT program had not existed, would you still have gone to graduate school?
Definitely not |
Probably not |
Probably |
Definitely |
N/A – I did not know about IGERT until after I was enrolled |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
[Programming note: Go to Section B: “Graduate School Experience”]
Section B: Graduate School Experience
In this section we would like you to answer a few questions about your graduate school experience.
[Programming note: Institution Name in the following questions should be filled into question stems from sample file.]
In what month and year did you originally ENROLL in your graduate program at [Institution Name]?
___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___(mm/YYyy)
Were you initially enrolled in a masters program or a PhD program at [Institution Name]?
1 Master’s program
2 PhD program
Did you have a Master’s degree prior to enrolling in your graduate program at [Institution Name]?
1 Yes
2 No
Did you earn a graduate degree from [Institution Name]? (Check all that apply)
1 Ph.D.
2 Master’s
3 Other, specify _____________
4 I did not complete a degree
[Programming note:
If respondent answered 1 then continue to question B5;
If respondent answered 2, then skip to question B6;
If respondent answered 3, then skip to question B6
If respondent answered 4, then skip to question B8]
[Programming note: If question B4=1 only]
In what month and year did you earn your doctoral degree from [Institution Name]? ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___(mm/YYyy)
[Programming note: Skip to question B10]
[Programming note: If question B4= 2 or 3 only]
In what month and year did you earn your Master’s degree from [Institution Name]? ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___(mm/YYyy)
[Continue to question B7]
[Programming note: If question B4= 2 or 3 only]
Have you subsequently pursued additional education?
1 Yes, completed. Please specify degree(s) earned ______________
2 Yes, still enrolled
3 No
[Programming note: [Skip to question B11]
[Programming note: If question B4= 4 only]
In what month and year did you leave [Institution Name]?
___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___(mm/YYyy)
[Continue to question B9]
[Programming note: If question B4=4 only]
Have you subsequently pursued additional education?
1 Yes, completed. Please specify degree(s) earned ______________
2 Yes, still enrolled
3 No
[Programming note: Skip to question B11]
[Programming note: If question B4=1 only]
From the list of disciplines below, please select those you drew upon in your dissertation research. (Check all that apply)
1 Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources
1 Biological/Biomedical Sciences
1 Health Sciences
1 Engineering
1 Computer and Information Sciences
1 Mathematics
1 Astronomy
1 Atmospheric Science and Meteorology
1 Chemistry
1 Geological and Earth Sciences
1 Physics
1 Ocean/ Marine Sciences
1 Psychology
1 Social Sciences
1 Humanities
1 Education
1 Professional Fields/Business Management/Administration
1 Other
[Analysis note: Source: SDR A22, slightly modified]
[Programming note: For each response item checked above, respondent will receive a follow up question with sub-fields. See APPENDIX for sub-questions and an example].
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, skip to question B12. Otherwise, go to
section C “Entering the Workforce”]
[Programming note: If question B4=2, 3, or 4 only]
Which of the following discipline(s) listed below are most closely aligned with what you studied during your graduate education at [Institution Name]? (Check all that apply)
1 Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources
1 Biological/Biomedical Sciences
1 Health Sciences
1 Engineering
1 Computer and Information Sciences
1 Mathematics
1 Astronomy
1 Atmospheric Science and Meteorology
1 Chemistry
1 Geological and Earth Sciences
1 Physics
1 Ocean/ Marine Sciences
1 Psychology
1 Social Sciences
1 Humanities
1 Education
1 Professional Fields/Business Management/Administration
1 Other
[Analysis note: Source: SDR A22, slightly modified]
[Programming note: Format is same as question B10. For each response item checked above, respondent will receive a follow up question with sub-disciplines. See APPENDIX for sub questions]
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, continue to question B12. Otherwise, go to Section C “Entering the Workforce”]
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent]
On the following scale from 1 to 5, to what extent did your IGERT experience contribute to your ability to complete your degree?
Not at all 1… |
A little …2… |
To some extent …3… |
Quite a bit …4… |
A great deal …5… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
[Programming note: Go to Section C: “Entering the Work Force”]
Section C: Entering the Work Force
Thank you. We would next like to ask you a few questions about your experience entering the work force.
What was your job situation at the time you left [Institution Name]?
1 I was not looking for work
2 I was looking for work, but did not have an offer
3 I had an offer
4 I was already working
5 Other, specify_________________
[Programming note: If respondent answered 1 then skip to question C3; else continue to question C2]
[Programming note: If C1=2, 3, 4, or 5]
How many months did you spend actively looking for employment before accepting your first paid position (including postdoctoral positions)?
____ months
[Analysis note: Source: APA#22, slightly modified]
[Programming note: All respondents answer this question]
Are you currently working for salary or wages?
1 Yes, in a part-time position
2 Yes, in a full-time position
3 No
[Analysis note: Source: SDR A1, modified]
[Programming note: If respondent answered 3 then skip to Section O: “Unemployed”; Else, continue to question C4]
[Programming note: If question C3=1 or 2]
Is your current position a postdoctoral appointment or fellowship?
1 Yes
2 No
[Continue to question C5]
To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the role of your graduate program in obtaining a position in the workforce? (Check one response in each row)
As a result of my graduate program: |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
I don’t know |
I was at a competitive advantage compared to graduates of other institutions when applying for positions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
I felt prepared for a broad range of careers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, continue to question C6; Non IGERT respondents skip to question C7]
[Programming note: IGERT only]
On the following scale of 1 to 5, to what extent did your IGERT experience contribute to your ability to obtain a position in the workforce?
Not at all 1… |
A little …2… |
To some extent …3… |
Quite a bit …4… |
A great deal …5… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
[Programming note: Continue to question C7]
After leaving graduate school, which of the following employment sectors did you consider for your first position in the workforce (including postdoctoral positions)? In the left hand column, check all that apply, and in the right hand column, check which one sector in which you most desired to work.
All that you considered (Check all that apply) |
Most desired (Choose one) |
1 |
Government |
1 |
1 |
Industry/Business |
2 |
1 |
Educational Institution (College, university or K-12) |
3 |
1 |
Nonprofit |
4 |
1 |
Entrepreneur/Self-employed |
5 |
Analysis note: Can map categories (with some modifications) to SED B5, SDR A15.
[Programming note: Continue to question C8]
Which of the following factors were most important to you in choosing your current position in the owrforce? (Please select up to three responses from the list below)
choose up to three: |
1 |
Salary/Benefits |
1 |
Job security |
1 |
Opportunities for advancement |
1 |
Intellectual challenge |
1 |
Level of responsibility |
1 |
Degree of independence |
The opportunity to…. |
1 |
Create new knowledge/make decisions |
1 |
Contribute to society |
1 |
Follow my passion |
1 |
Learn new skills |
1 |
Other______________ |
[Source: SDR C10– modified] |
[Programming note: Continue to question C9]
Thank you. Now we would like to ask you a few questions about your current position.
Which of the following best describes your principal employer?
1 Government
2 Industry/Business
3 Educational Institution (non-government college, university, or K-12)
4 Nonprofit
5 Entrepreneur/Self-employed
Analysis note: Can map categories (with some modifications) to SED B5, SDR A15.
[Programming note:
If respondent answered 1, then go to Section E: “Government”;
If respondent answered 2, then go to Section D: “Business/Industry”;
If respondent answered 3, then go to Section F: “Education”;
If respondent answered 4, then go to Section G: “Nonprofit”;
If respondent answered 5, then go to Section H: “Entrepreneur/Self-Employed”]
Section D: Business/Industry
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question C10=2 only]
Please select the sector below which most closely aligns with your area of professional concentration.
1 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
1 Mining
1 Construction
1 Food, beverage, and tobacco products
1 Textiles and apparel
1 Wood products, paper products, printing
1 Energy/Fuels
1 Chemical products (basic/specialty; polymers/plastics; consumer products)
1 Pharmaceutical
1 Biotechnological products
1 Mineral and metals products
1 Computer and electronic products
1 Electrical equipment, appliance, and components
1 Transportation
1 Other manufacturing
1 Information, communications, media services
1 Finance and banking services
1 Professional, scientific, and business services
1 Education services
1 Health and healthcare-related services
1 Leisure and hospitality services
1 Public administration
1 Other services
Did your employer come into being as a new business within the past 5 years?
1 Yes
2 No
[Analysis note: Source: SDR A14]
What is your job title?
What is the name of the company for which you work?
Which of the following best describes your position?
1 First line Supervisor, Administrator, Manager (e.g. Director, Department/Division head)
2 Individual Contributor/Program or Project Leader (e.g., Researcher, Scientist, Fellow)
3 Other- (please specify) __________________________
Do you regularly engage in any of the following activities as part of your current job? (Check all that apply)
1 Direct or participate in developing and/or implementing the vision and strategic direction of the organization
1 Play a significant role in the development, implementation, and execution of policies, procedures, and standards
1 Develop or direct the technical or scientific agenda of the organization
1 Delegate responsibilities and assignments
1 Develop and oversee budget and/or profit and loss statements
1 None of the above
the left column, please indicate which of the following (if any) you
regularly engage in as part of your current job.
the right column, please indicate how well your graduate program
prepared you in each area.
Regularly engage in |
How well your graduate program prepared you |
Yes |
No |
Not Well |
Well |
Very Well |
1 |
2 |
Publish research/technical findings/reports |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Balance the demands of multiple projects |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop my own technical or scientific agenda |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work and network with scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work as part of a team |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Explain my work/research to scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Present my or my organization’s research/work to non-technical audiences |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Be informed of research in other countries |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Serve as a mentor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Lead projects or programs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop and or commercialize a service or product |
1 |
2 |
3 |
In your current position, have you done any of the following? (Check all that apply)
1 Applied or been recruited for a position outside the United States
1 Attended professional conferences outside the US
1 Worked as part of a team with colleagues located in other countries
1 Searched or used international databases or citations
1 Studied a foreign language for career-related reasons
1 Worked abroad
1 Traveled to other countries for your work
1 None of the above
[Programming note: Go to Section I “Function”]
Section E: Government
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question C10=1 only]
By which of the following are you employed? (Check only one)
1 U.S. federal government – legislative branch
2 U.S. federal government department or agency (not lab)
3 U.S. federal government laboratory (any department or agency)
5 U.S. state government
6 U.S. local government
7 Foreign government
8 Other__________
(Analysis note: Source: SED B6 modified)
For which specific agency/department/lab etc. do you work?
What is your job title?
Which of the following best describes your position?
1 First line Supervisor, Administrator, Manager (e.g. Director, Department/Division head)
2 Individual Contributor/Program or Project Leader (e.g., Researcher, Scientist, Fellow)
3 Other- (please specify)___________________
Do you regularly engage in any of the following activities as part of your current job? (Check all that apply)
1 Direct or participate in developing and/or implementing the vision and strategic direction of the organization
1 Play a significant role in the development, implementation, and execution of policies, procedures, and standards
1 Develop or direct the technical or scientific agenda of the organization
1 Delegate responsibilities and assignments
1 Develop and oversee budget and/or profit and loss statements
1 None of the above
the left column, please indicate which of the following (if any) you
regularly engage in as part of your current job.
the right column, please indicate how well your graduate program
prepared you in each area.
Regulary engage in
How well your graduate program prepared you |
Yes |
No |
Not Well |
Well |
Very Well |
1 |
2 |
Publish research/technical findings/reports |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Balance the demands of multiple projects |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop my own technical or scientific agenda |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work and network with scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work as part of a team |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Explain my work/research to scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Present my or my organization’s research/work to non-technical audiences |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Be informed of research in other countries |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Obtain funding for research/project work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Serve as a mentor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Lead projects or programs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop and or commercialize a service or product |
1 |
2 |
3 |
In your current position, have you done any of the following? (Check all that apply)
1 Applied or been recruited for a position outside the United States
1 Attended professional conferences outside the US
1 Worked as part of a team with colleagues located in other countries
1 Searched or used international databases or citations
1 Studied a foreign language for career-related reasons
1 Worked abroad
1 Traveled to other countries for your work
1 None of the above
[Programming note: Go to Section I “Function”]
Section F: Education
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question C10=3 only]
By which of the following are you employed? (Check only one)
1 U.S. 4 year PhD granting institution
2 U.S. 4 year non-PhD granting institution
3 U.S. junior or community college or technical institute
4 Preschool, elementary, or secondary school in the U.S.
5 Foreign educational institution
6 Other, Please Specify______________________________________
(Analysis note: Source: SED B6 modified)
[Programming note: Create variable called HigherEd from question F1 as follows: If F1=1,2,3 then HigherEd=Yes. If F1=4,5,6 then HigherEd=No. This HigherEd variable will drive skip patterns throughout the rest of this survey.)
If HigherEd=Yes continue to question F2;
If respondent answered 4 then skip to question F5;
If respondent answered 5 or 6, then skip to question F6]
[Programming note: If HigherEd=Yes only]
Which of the following best describes your position? (Check only one)
1 Faculty
2 Research faculty
3 Postdoctoral fellow or associate
4 Other university staff
5 Other- (please specify) ______
[Programming note: Continue to question F3]
(Analysis note: Source: Modified SDR A18)
[Programming note: If HigherEd=Yes only]
What is your faculty rank? (Check only one)
1 Not applicable: no ranks designated in my organization or for my position
2 Professor
3 Associate Professor
4 Assistant Professor
5 Instructor/Lecturer
6 Adjunct Professor
7 Other
(Analysis note: Source: SDR A19)
[Programming note: Continue to question F4]
[Programming note: If HigherEd=Yes only]
What is your tenure status? (Check only one)
1 Not applicable: no tenure system at this organization
2 Not applicable: no tenure system for my position
3 Tenured
4 On tenure track but not tenured
5 Not on tenure track
[Programming note: Skip to question F7]
(Analysis note: Source: SDR A20)
[Programming note: If question F1=4 only]
Which of the following best describes your position? (Check only one)
1 Teacher
2 School administrator
3 District administrator
4 Curriculum specialist
5 Professional development specialist/provider
6 Evaluator
7 Other- (please specify) ______
(Analysis note: Source: Modified SDR A18)
[Programming note: Skip to question F7]
[Programming note: If question F1=5 or 6]
What is your job title?
What is the name of the school/institution/organization for which you work?
Have you engaged in any of the following activities as part of your current job? (Check all that apply)
1 Participate in developing and/or implementing the vision and strategic direction of the institution
1 Develop or direct the technical or scientific agenda of a center
1 Play a significant role in the development, implementation, and execution of policies,
procedures, and standards in your department
1 Participate in revising or developing curricula
1 Develop new degree programs
1 None of the above
the left column, please indicate which of the following you are
required to do to succeed in your current job.
the right column, please indicate how well your graduate program
prepared you in each area.
Required to do in current position |
How well your graduate program prepared you |
Yes |
No |
Not Well |
Well |
Very Well |
1 |
2 |
Publish research/technical findings/reports |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Balance the demands of multiple projects |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop my own technical or scientific agenda |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work and network with scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work as part of a team |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Explain my work/research to scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Present my or my organization’s research/work to non-technical audiences |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Be informed of research in other countries |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Obtain funding for research/project work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Serve as a mentor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Lead projects or programs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop and or commercialize a service or product |
1 |
2 |
3 |
In your current position, have you done any of the following? (Check all that apply)
1 Applied or been recruited for a position outside the United States
1 Attended professional conferences outside the US
1 Worked as part of a team with colleagues located in other countries
1 Searched or used international databases or citations
1 Studied a foreign language for career-related reasons
1 Worked abroad
1 Traveled to other countries for your work
1 None of the above
[Programming note: Go to Section I “Function”]
Section G: Nonprofit
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question C10=4 only]
By which of the following are you employed? (Check only one)
1 Private foundation
2 Professional association
3 Nongovernmental organization (NGO)
4 Research/consulting organization
5 Other, specify___________
Did your employer come into being as a new business within the past 5 years?
1 Yes
2 No
[Analysis note: Source: SDR A14]
What is your job title?
What is the name of the organization for which you work?
Which of the following best describes the nature of your position?
1 First line Supervisor, Administrator, Manager (e.g. Director, Department/Division head)
2 Individual Contributor/Program or Project Leader (e.g., Researcher, Scientist, Fellow)
3 Other- (please specify)______________________
Do you regularly engage in any of the following activities as part of your current job? (Check all that apply)
1 Direct or participate in developing and/or implementing the vision and strategic direction of the organization
1 Play a significant role in the development, implementation, and execution of policies, procedures, and standards
1 Develop or direct the technical or scientific agenda of the organization
1 Delegate responsibilities and assignments
1 Develop and oversee budget and/or profit and loss statements
1 None of the above
the left column, please indicate which of the following you are
required to do to succeed in your current job.
the right column, please indicate how well your graduate program
prepared you in each area.
Required to do in current position |
How well your graduate program prepared you |
Yes |
No |
Not Well |
Well |
Very Well |
1 |
2 |
Publish research/technical findings/reports |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Balance the demands of multiple projects |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop my own technical or scientific agenda |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work and network with scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work as part of a team |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Explain my work/research to scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Present my or my organization’s research/work to non-technical audiences |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Be informed of research in other countries |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Obtain funding for research/project work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Serve as a mentor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Lead projects or programs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop and or commercialize a service or product |
1 |
2 |
3 |
In your current position, have you done any of the following? (Check all that apply)
1 Applied or been recruited for a position outside the United States
1 Attended professional conferences outside the US
1 Worked as part of a team with colleagues located in other countries
1 Searched or used international databases or citations
1 Studied a foreign language for career-related reasons
1 Worked abroad
1 Traveled to other countries for your work
1 None of the above
[Programming note: Go to Section I “Function”]
Section H: Entrepreneur/Self-employed
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question C10=5 only]
How would you best characterize your business? (Please check the one which best applies)
1 Service provider
2 Product provider
3 Other (please specify)___________________
To which of the following industrial sectors do you provide your products/services? (Check all that apply)
1 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
1 Mining
1 Construction
1 Food, beverage, and tobacco products
1 Textiles and apparel
1 Wood products, paper products, printing
1 Energy/Fuels
1 Chemical products (basic/specialty; polymers/plastics; consumer products)
1 Pharmaceutical
1 Biotechnological products
1 Mineral and metals products
1 Computer and electronic products
1 Electrical equipment, appliance, and components
1 Transportation
1 Other manufacturing
1 Information, communications, media services
1 Finance and banking services
1 Professional, scientific, and business services
1 Education services
1 Health and healthcare-related services
1 Leisure and hospitality services
1 Public administration
1 Other services
Did your company come into being as a new business within the past 5 years?
1 Yes
2 No
How is your business funded? (Check all that apply)
1 Self-funded
1 Seeking external funding
1 Have external funding (describe from where: ____)
1 Other
How many individuals do you employ including yourself? _______
Is your business based on proprietary intellectual property?
1 Yes
2 No
[Programming note: If respondent answered 1 then continue to question H7, else skip to question H8]
[Programming note: If question H6=1 only]
Please describe where your business intellectual property is from:
1 Self-developed
2 Self-developed, licensed from another source
3 Not self-developed, licensed from another source
4 Other-(please specify)_____________
What is the name of your company or business?
What is your job title?
Which of the following best describes the nature of your position? (Check only one)
1 Top level executive (e.g. President, CEO, VP)
2 First line Supervisor, Administrator, Manager (e.g. Director, Department/Division head)
3 Individual Contributor/Program or Project Leader (e.g., Researcher, Scientist, Fellow)
4 Other- (please specify):____________________
Do you regularly engage in any of the following activities as part of your current job? (Check all that apply)
1 Direct or participate in developing and/or implementing the vision and strategic direction of the organization
1 Play a significant role in the development, implementation, and execution of policies, procedures, and standards
1 Develop or direct the technical or scientific agenda of the organization
1 Delegate responsibilities and assignments
1 Develop and oversee budget and/or profit and loss statements
1 None of the above
the left column, please indicate which of the following you are
required to do to succeed in your current job.
the right column, please indicate how well your graduate program
prepared you in each area.
Required to do in current position |
How well your graduate program prepared you |
Yes |
No |
Not Well |
Well |
Very Well |
1 |
2 |
Publish research/technical findings/reports |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Balance the demands of multiple projects |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop my own technical or scientific agenda |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work and network with scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Work as part of a team |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Explain my work/research to scientists/technologists in other disciplines |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Present my or my organization’s research/work to non-technical audiences |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Be informed of research in other countries |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Obtain funding for research/project work |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Serve as a mentor |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Lead projects or programs |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Develop and or commercialize a service or product |
1 |
2 |
3 |
In your current position, have you done any of the following? (Check all that apply)
1 Applied or been recruited for a position outside the United States
1 Attended professional conferences outside the US
1 Worked as part of a team with colleagues located in other countries
1 Searched or used international databases or citations
1 Studied a foreign language for career-related reasons
1 Worked abroad
1 Traveled to other countries for your work
1 None of the above
[Programming note: Go to Section I “Function”]
Section I: Function
Thank you. Next, we would like you to learn a little more about the nature of your work.
From the list of disciplines below, please select those you use in your current work.
1 Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources
1 Biological/Biomedical Sciences
1 Health Sciences
1 Engineering
1 Computer and Information Sciences
1 Mathematics
1 Astronomy
1 Atmospheric Science and Meteorology
1 Chemistry
1 Geological and Earth Sciences
1 Physics
1 Ocean/ Marine Sciences
1 Psychology
1 Social Sciences
1 Humanities
1 Education
1 Professional Fields/Business Management/Administration
1 Other
[Analysis note: Source: SDR A22, slightly modified]
[Programming note: Format is same as question B10 and B11. For each response item checked above, respondent will receive a follow up question with sub-disciplines. See APPENDIX for sub questions]
Please indicate your primary and, if applicable, secondary work responsibilities.
Primary |
Secondary, if applicable |
1 |
Research/Technology: Research & Development |
1 |
2 |
Manufacturing |
2 |
3 |
Technical Services or Technical Support |
3 |
4 |
Education: Training, Teaching |
4 |
5 |
Administration, Management |
5 |
6 |
Other – Specify__________________ |
6 |
(Analysis note: Source: SED B7, slight modification)
[Programming note:
If respondent answered 1, 2, or 3 in either Primary or Secondary column then go to Section J: “Research”;
If respondent answered 4 in either Primary or Secondary column, then go to Section K: “Teaching/Training”;
If respondent answered 5 in either Primary or Secondary column, then go to Section L: “Administration/Management”;
If respondent only answered 6 and did not choose any other response, then go to Section M: “Other”]
Section J: Research/Technology |
[Programming note: Respondents sent to this section J “Research/Technology” if question “I-2”=1, 2, or 3 only]
Which of the following characterize(s) the type of research or development that you do? (Check all that apply)
1Basic research – study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge primarily for its own sake
1Applied research –study directed toward gaining scientific knowledge to meet a recognized need
1Development – using knowledge gained from research for the production of materials, devices, and products
1Design of equipment, processes, structures, models
1Computer applications, programming, systems development
1Production, operations, manufacturing, maintenance (e.g., chip production, operating lab equipment)
1Technology services/technological support
1Other, specify ____________
(Source: selected from SDR A31)
Do you currently collaborate with individuals from disciplinary backgrounds other than your own?
1 Yes
2 No
How would you best describe the disciplinary focus of your work?
1 are centered in a single discipline
2 require the integration of two or more disciplines
Are there scientists/technologists in other countries doing work that is relevant to your current research?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know
[Programming note: For IGERT only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your IGERT program to the work you are currently doing, if any.
[Programming note: For Non-IGERT Comparison Respondents only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your graduate program to the work you are currently doing, if any.
[Programming note: From here…
If respondent answered 4 in either column on question “I-2”, then go to Section K: “Teaching/Training”;
If respondent answered 5 in either column on question “I-2”, then go to Section L: “Administration/Management”;
If respondent only answered 6 on question “I-2”and did not choose any other response, then go to Section M: “Other”;
Else, go to Section O: “Reflections on your IGERT training]
Section K: Teaching/Training
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question “I-2”= 4 only]
Please answer a few additional questions about your work responsibilities related to teaching/training.
How would you best describe the content of the courses, seminars, or workshops you teach or the training activities you conduct? (Check all that apply)
I most often teach content that…
1 is centered in a single discipline
2 requires the integration of two or more disciplines
[Programming note: If HigherEd=Yes, skip to question K4; Else continue to question
Do you currently lead or co-lead teaching or training sessions for your employer or related to your job?
1 Yes
2 No
Do you currently develop or co-develop interdisciplinary teaching or training materials for your employer or related to your job?
1 Yes
2 No
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, skip to question K6; If non-IGERT
respondent, skip to question K7]
[Programming note: For HigherEd=Yes only]
Do you currently provide instruction to undergraduate or graduate students, including teaching, preparing courses, and/or advising or supervising students?
1 Yes
2 No
[Programming note: If K4=Yes then continue to K5; else if IGERT respondent, skip to question K6; else if non IGERT respondent, skip to question K7]
[Programming note: For Higher Ed=Yes only]
In the past year, have you engaged in any of the following activities related to undergraduate or graduate education? (Check all that apply)
1 Team taught a course with colleague(s) from another discipline
1 Supervised an interdisciplinary undergraduate or graduate level research project
1 Had an undergraduate or graduate student from another department work on your research projects
1 Discussed the international nature of the scientific enterprise in a course
1 Helped develop a new interdisciplinary course
1 Helped develop a new interdisciplinary undergraduate or graduate program of study
1 Served on the dissertation committee of a graduate student from another department or discipline.
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, continue to question K6; non IGERT
respondent, skip to question K7]
[Programming note: For IGERT only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your IGERT program to the educational teaching or training work that you are currently doing, if any.
[See programming note after question K7 for skip pattern directions]
[Programming note: For Non-IGERT Comparison Respondents only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your graduate program to the educational teaching or training work that you are currently doing, if any.
*[Programming note: From here…
If respondent answered 5 in either column on question “I-2”, then go to Section L: “Administration/Management”;
If respondent only answered 6 on question “I-2”and did not choose any other response, then go to Section M: “Other”;
Else, go to Section O: “Reflections on your IGERT training]
Section L: Administration/Management |
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if either response to question “I-2”= 5]
Please answer a few additional questions about your work responsibilities
related to administration/management.
How would you best describe the content of the work you currently oversee? (Check only one)
I primarily oversee work that…
1 is centered in a single discipline
2 requires the integration of two or more disciplines
What is the primary function of the group/organization that you manage or supervise? (Please check one)
1 Research and/or Development
2 Manufacturing/Production
3 Quality
4 Safety/Environment/Health
5 Professional services (e.g. health care, counseling.)
6 Teaching/Training
7 Business/Marketing/Development
8 Other_____________
Please select the status of the personnel whom you manage or supervise (Check only one)
1 Primarily professional
2 Some professional and some non-professional
3 Primarily non-professional
4 Unionized workers
5 Other_____________
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, continue to question L4; non IGERT
respondent, skip to question L5]
[Programming note: For IGERT only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your IGERT program to your administrative and managerial responsibilities, if any.
[See programming note after question L5 for skip pattern directions]
[Programming note: For Non-IGERT Comparison Respondents only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your graduate program to your administrative and managerial responsibilities, if any.
[Programming note: Everyone go to section O: “Reflections on your IGERT training”]
Section M: Other
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question “I-2”=6 only]
Which of the following best describes your primary work responsibilities?
1 IT Services
2 Financial Services
3 Marketing/Business development
4 Professional services (medical; counseling)
5 Counseling Services
6 Quality
7 Environmental/Safety/Health
8 Intellectual Property: Patent review/examination; technology transfer; external relations
9 Other, specify_____________
Do you currently collaborate with individuals from disciplinary backgrounds other than your own in your current work?
1 Yes
2 No
How would you describe the disciplinary focus of your job?
1 centered in a single discipline
2 requires the integration of two or more disciplines
Are there individuals in other countries doing work that is relevant to your current job?
1 Yes
2 No
3 I don’t know
Please describe your primary roles and responsibilities.
[Programming note: If IGERT respondent, continue to question M6; non IGERT
respondent, skip to question M7]
[Programming note: For IGERT only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your IGERT program to the work you are currently doing, if any.
[See programming note after question M7 for skip pattern directions]
[Programming note: For Non-IGERT Comparison Respondents only]
Please explain the relevance of what you learned in your IGERT program to the work you are currently doing, if any.
[Programming note: Everyone go to section O: “Reflections on your IGERT training”]
Section N: Unemployed
[Programming note: Respondents sent here if question C3=3 only]
In this section we would like to ask you a few questions about your current work status.
What are your reasons for not working? (Check all that apply)
1 Seeking employment
1 Student
1 Family responsibilities
1 Suitable job not available
1 Do not need or want to work
1 Other, please specify:___________________________
[Analysis note: Source: SED A3]
Have you worked for salary or wages since leaving [Institution Name]?
1 Yes
2 No
[Programming note: Institution Name should be filled into question stem from sample file.]
[Programming note: If respondent answered 1 then continue to question N3;
Else, skip to question O3 for IGERT respondents and question O6 for non-IGERT respondents in the Section O: “Reflections on Your IGERT/Graduate Training”]
[Programming note: If question N2=1]
To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the role of your graduate program in obtaining a position in the workforce? (Check one response in each row)
As a result of my graduate program: |
Disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree |
I don’t know |
I was at a competitive advantage when applying for positions compared to graduates of other institutions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
I felt prepared for a broad range of careers |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
[Programming note: If question N2=1]
leaving graduate school, which of the following employment sectors
did you consider for your first position in the workforce (including
postdoctoral positions)?
In the left hand column, check
all that apply, and in the
right hand column, check
which one sector
you most desired.
All that you considered (Check all that apply) |
Most desired (Choose one) |
1 |
Government |
1 |
1 |
Industry/Business |
2 |
1 |
Educational Institution (College, university or K-12) |
3 |
1 |
Nonprofit |
4 |
1 |
Entrepreneur/Self-employed |
5 |
[Programming note: If question N2=1]
In which of the following sectors did you work? (Check all that apply)
1 Government
1 Industry/Business
1 Educational Institution (College, university, or K-12)
1 Nonprofit
1 Entrepreneur/Self-employed
Analysis note: Can map categories (with some modifications) to SED B5, SDR A15.
[Programming note: If question N2=1]
In choosing your prior position in the workforce (including postdoctoral positions), how important was each of the following factors to you?
Not important |
A little important |
Moderately important |
Very important |
Salary/Benefits |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Job security |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Opportunities for advancement |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Intellectual challenge |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Level of responsibility |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Degree of independence |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
The opportunity to…. |
Create new knowledge/make decisions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Contribute to society |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Follow my passion |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Learn new schools skills |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
[Analysis note: Source: SDR C10– modified] |
[Programming note:
If IGERT respondent, continue to question N7;
If non IGERT respondent go to question O4 in section O: “Reflections on your graduate training”]
[Programming note: For IGERT only]
On the following scale of 1 to 5, to what extent did your IGERT experience contribute to your ability to obtain a position in the workforce?
Not at all 1… |
A little …2… |
To some extent …3… |
Quite a bit …4… |
A great deal …5… |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
[Programming note: Go to section O: “Reflections on your IGERT training” question O3]
Section O: Reflections on your Graduate training
The next three questions ask you to reflect back on your graduate training.
[If IGERT respondent then continue; if Non-IGERT respondent skip to question O4.]
Given your current job responsibilities, what was the single greatest contribution of your IGERT-related graduate education? (If none, write none.)
Given your current job responsibilities, what was the single greatest deficit in your IGERT-related graduate education? (If none, write none.)
Would you recommend your IGERT-related graduate program to prospective graduate students?
1 Yes
2 No
[Programming note: Go to Section P: Background and Demographic Information”]
[Programming note: For NON IGERT Comparison Respondents]
Given your current job responsibilities, what was the single greatest contribution of your graduate education? (If none, write none.)
[Programming note: For NON IGERT Comparison Respondents]
Given your current job responsibilities, what was the single greatest deficit in your graduate education? (If none, write none.)
[Programming note: For NON IGERT Comparison Respondents]
Would you recommend your graduate program to prospective graduate students?
1 Yes
2 No
[Programming note: Go to section P: “Background and Demographic Information”]
Section P: Background and Demographic Information
{This information will only be asked of IGERT trainees if missing from the IGERT Distance Monitoring System.} |
what month and year did you earn your bachelor’s degree? (if
you have more than one bachelor’s degree, enter date of most
[month dropdown] / [year dropdown]
The following questions ask about your background. Providing data on race, ethnicity, gender, and disability status is entirely voluntary. Providing this information, however, is very helpful to this study.
What is your ethnicity? (Check only one)
1 Hispanic or Latino
2 Not Hispanic or Latino
3 I choose not to report this information
What is your race? (Check all that apply)
1 American Indian or Alaska Native, specify tribal affiliation(s)_______
1 Asian
1 Black or African American
1 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
1 White
1 I choose not to report this information
{Source: SED C14}
What is your gender? (Check only one)
1 Male
2 Female
3 I choose not to report this information
What is your citizenship status? (Check only one)
US Citizen
1 Since birth
2 Naturalized
Non-US Citizen
3 With a Permanent U.S. Resident Visa (“Green Card”)
4 With a Temporary U.S. Visa
{Source: SED C7}
Has anyone in your family earned a Ph.D. degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics field? (Check all that apply)
1 Any parent or guardian
1 Any sibling
1 Other, specify:_________________
1 None of the above
[Programming note: For IGERT who are Employed in the Research sector only—This question is OPTIONAL]
In a few brief sentences, please describe how you would explain to someone who
is not an expert in your field the scientific or technical problem on which you are currently working, highlighting the importance of the question and /or any innovative methodologies you are using.
[Programming note: End of survey, show “Thank You” note below]
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. Your responses will help the National Science Foundation plan support for graduate education in the future.
Appendix |
Survey should be programmed so that questions B10, B11, and I1 have one or more follow up questions that appear based on the discipline(s) the respondents check in each question. The follow up question stem is different for each of the three questions.
The “Field Name” should be filled into each question stem.
Any follow up questions for B10 should have the following question stem:
Which [Field Name] discipline(s) did you use for your dissertation research? (check all that apply)
Response choices are the sub-fields (that correspond with the Field Names) listed in the table below.
Any follow up questions for B11 should have the following question stem:
Which [Field Name] discipline(s) are most closely aligned to what you studied during your graduate education? (check all that apply)
Response choices are the sub-fields (that correspond with the Field Names) listed in the table below.
Any follow up questions for I1 should have the following question stem:
discipline(s) do you use in your current work? (check all that
Response choices are the sub-fields (that correspond with the Field Names) listed in the table below.
Field Names |
Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources |
Agricultural Economics Agriculture Business & Mgmt. Agricultural Animal Breeding Animal Nutrition Dairy Science Animal Science, Poultry (or Avian) Animal Science, Other Agronomy and Crop Science Agricultural & Horticultural Plant Breeding Food Science, & Technology, Other Soil Chemistry/Microbiology Soil Sciences, Other Horticulture Science Fishing & Fisheries Sciences/Management Forest Sciences & Biology Forest Engineering Forest/Resources Management Wood Science & Pulp/Paper Technology Natural Resources/Conservation Forestry & Related Sciences, Other Wildlife/Range Management Environmental Sciences Agricultural Sciences, General or Other |
Biological/Biomedical Sciences |
Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biomedical Sciences Biophysics Biotechnology Bacteriology Plant Genetics Plant Pathology/Phytopathology Plant Physiology Botany/Plant Biology Anatomy Biometrics & Biostatistics Cell/Cellular Biology & Histology Evolutionary Biology Ecology Developmental Biology/Embryology Endocrinology Entomology Immunology Molecular Biology Microbiology Cancer Biology Neurosciences Nutrition Sciences Parasitology Toxicology Genetics/Genomics, Human & Animal Pathology, Human & Animal Pharmacology Physiology, Human & Animal Zoology Biology/Biomedical Sciences, General or Other |
Health Sciences |
Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Environmental Health Environmental Toxicology Health Systems/Services Administration Public Health Epidemiology Kinesiology/Exercise Science Nursing Science Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Sciences Rehabilitation/Therapeutic Services Veterinary Sciences Health Sciences, General or Other |
Engineering |
Aerospace, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering Agricultural Engineering Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering Ceramic Sciences Engineering Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Communications Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical, Electronics, & Communications Engineering Engineering Mechanics Engineering Physics Engineering Science Environmental Health Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Material Science Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical Engineering Mining & Mineral Engineering Nuclear Engineering Ocean Engineering Operations Research Petroleum Engineering Polymer & Plastics Engineering Systems Engineering Engineering Management & Administration Engineering, General or Other |
Computer & Information Sciences |
Computer Science Information Sciences & Systems Computer and Information Science, Other |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics Algebra Analysis & Functional Analysis Geometry/Geometric Analysis Logic Number Theory Statistics Topology/Foundations Computing Theory & Practice Operations Research Mathematics/Statistics, General or Other |
Astronomy |
Astronomy Astrophysics |
Atmospheric Science & Meteorology |
Atmospheric Chemistry & Climatology Atmospheric Physics & Dynamics Meteorology Atmospheric Science/Meteorology, General or Other |
Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Nuclear Organic Chemistry Medicinal/Pharmaceutical Physical Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Theoretical Chemistry Chemistry, General or Other |
Geological & Earth Sciences |
Geology Geochemistry Geophysics & Seismology Paleontology Mineralogy & Petrology Stratigraphy & Sedimentation Geomorphology & Glacial Geology Geology & Earth Sciences, General or Other |
Physics |
Acoustics Atomic/Molecular/Chemical Physics Particle (Elementary Physics) Biophysics Fluids Nuclear Physics Optics/Photonics Plasma/Fusion Physics Polymer Physics Condensed Matter/Low Temperature Physics Applied Physics Physics, General or Other |
Ocean/Marine Sciences |
Environmental Science Hydrology & Water Resources Oceanography, Chemical & Physical Marine Sciences Ocean/Marine, Other |
Psychology |
Clinical Psychology Cognitive Psychology & Psycholinguistics Comparative Psychology Counseling Developmental & Child Psychology Human Development & Family Studies Experimental Psychology Educational Psychology Family Psychology Industrial & Organizational Personality Psychology Physiological/Psychobiology Psychology Psychometrics & Quantitative Psychology School Psychology Social Psychology Psychology, General or Other |
Social Sciences |
Anthropology Area/Ethnic/Cultural/Gender Studies Criminal Justice & Corrections Criminology Demography/Population Studies Economics Econometrics Geography International Relations/Affairs Linguistics Political Science & Government Public Policy Analysis Sociology Statistics Urban Affairs/Studies Urban/City, Community & Regional Planning Social Sciences, General or Other |
Humanities |
History Letters Foreign Languages & Literature Music Religion/Religious Studies Drama/Theater Arts Humanities, General or Other |
Education |
Curriculum & Instruction Educational Administration & Supervision Educational Leadership Educational/Instructional Media Design Educational Statistics/Research Methods Educational Assessment/Testing/Measurement Educational Psychology Social/Philosophical Foundations of Education Special Education Counseling Education/Counseling & Guidance Higher Education/Evaluation & Research Pre-elementary/Early Childhood Teacher Education Elementary Teacher Education Secondary Teacher Education Adult & Continuing Teacher Education Education, Other or General |
Professional Fields/Business Management/Administration |
Accounting Finance Banking/Financial Supportive Services Business Administration & Management Business/Managerial Economics International Business/Trade/Commerce Management Information Systems/Business Statistics Marketing Management & Research Human Resources Development Operations Research Organization Behavior Business Management/Administration, General or Other |
Communications |
Communication Research Mass Communication/Media Studies Film, Radio, TV & Digital Communication Communication Theory Communication, General or Other |
Other |
Architecture/Environmental Design Home Economics Law Library Science Parks/Sports/Rec./Leisure/Fitness Public Adminstration Social Work Theology/Religious Education Professional Fields, General Other Fields |
For survey question B10, if respondent checks Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources, he/she should get the following sub-question:
Which Agricultural Sciences/Natural Resources discipline(s) did you use for your dissertation research? (check all that apply)
1 |
Agricultural Economics |
1 |
Agriculture Business & Mgmt. |
1 |
Agricultural Animal Breeding |
1 |
Animal Nutrition |
1 |
Dairy Science |
1 |
Animal Science, Poultry (or Avian) |
1 |
Animal Science, Other |
1 |
Agronomy and Crop Science |
1 |
Agricultural & Horticultural Plant Breeding |
1 |
Plant Pathology/Phytopathology (also in Bio Sciences) |
1 |
Plant Sciences, Other |
1 |
Food Science |
1 |
Food Science, & Technology, Other |
1 |
Soil Chemistry/Microbiology |
1 |
Soil Sciences, Other |
1 |
Horticulture Science |
1 |
Fishing & Fisheries Sciences/Management |
1 |
Forest Sciences & Biology |
1 |
Forest Engineering |
1 |
Forest/Resources Management |
1 |
Wood Science & Pulp/Paper Technology |
1 |
Natural Resources/Conservation |
1 |
Forestry & Related Sciences, Other |
1 |
Wildlife/Range Management |
1 |
Environmental Sciences |
1 |
Agriculture, General |
1 |
Agricultural Sciences, Other |
For survey question B11, if respondent checks Mathematics, he/she should get the following sub-question:
Which Mathematics discipline(s) are most closely aligned to what you studied during your graduate education? (check all that apply)
1 |
Applied Mathematics |
1 |
Algebra |
1 |
Analysis & Functional Analysis |
1 |
Geometry/Geometric Analysis |
1 |
Logic |
1 |
Number Theory |
1 |
Statistics |
1 |
Topology/Foundations |
1 |
Computing Theory & Practice |
1 |
Operations Research |
1 |
Mathematics/Statistics, General or Other |
For survey question I1, if respondent checks Ocean/Marine Sciences, he/she should get the following sub-question:
Which Ocean/Marine Sciences discipline(s) do you use in your current work? (check all that apply)
1 |
Environmental Science |
1 |
Hydrology & Water Resources |
1 |
Oceanography, Chemical & Physical |
1 |
Marine Sciences |
1 |
Ocean/Marine, Other |
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Section 1: Employment |
Author | autumn |
Last Modified By | nsfuser |
File Modified | 2007-11-19 |
File Created | 2007-11-19 |