Appendix E: References
Berlin, M., Mohadjer, L., Waksberg, J., Kolstad, A., Kirsch, I., Rock, D., & Yamamoto, K. (1992). An experiment in monetary incentives. Proceedings of the Survey Research Section of the American Statistical Association, 393-398.
Bloom, Dan and David Butler. 2007 (forthcoming). “Overcoming Employment Barriers: Strategies to Help the ‘Hard to Employ.’” In Workforce Policies for a Changing Economy. Harry J. Holzer and Demetra S. Nightingale, eds. Urban Institute Press.
DeVellis, R.F. (1991). Scale Development; Theory and Applications. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, Inc.
Gennetian, L., & Miller, C. (2000). Reforming Welfare and Rewarding Work: Final Report on the Minnesota Family Investment Program, Volume 2: Effects on Children. New York: MDRC.
Greenberg, Mark, and Sharon Parrot. 2006. “Summary of TANF Work Participation Provisions in the Budget Reconciliation Bill.” CLASP and Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Hauan, Susan and Sarah Douglas. 2004. “Potential Employment Liabilities Among TANF Recipients: A Synthesis of Data from Six State TANF Caseload Studies.” Washington DC: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Hazard. (2002). Proposal for incentives in the 1999 SPD. URL: 1-41.
James, T. (1997). Results of the Wave 1 Incentive Experiment in the 1996 Survey of Income and Program Participation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Section of the American Statistical Association.
Kirby, Gretchen, Heather Hill, LaDonna Pavetti, Jon Jacobson, Michelle Derr, Pamela Winston. 2002. Transitional Jobs: Stepping Stones to Unsubsidized Employment. Washington DC: Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Kulka, R. (1992). A brief review of the use of monetary incentives in federal statistical surveys. Paper presented at the Council on Professional Associations on Federal Statistics/OMB Symposium on Providing Incentives to Survey Respondents. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University.
Mack, S., Huggins, V., Keathley, D., & Sudukchi, M. (1998). Do monetary incentives improve response rates in the Survey of Income and Program Participation? Proceedings of the Survey Research Section of the American Statistical Association.
MDRC Board of Directors, 1980. Summary and Findings of the National Supported Work Demonstration. New York: MDRC.
Michalopoulos, Charles and Christine Schwartz, 2000. “What Works Best for Whom: Impacts of 20 Welfare-to-Work Programs by Subgroup.”
Miller, C., Knox, V., Gennetian, L., Dodoo, M., Hunter, J., & Redcross, C. (2000). Reforming Welfare and Rewarding Work: Final Report on the Minnesota Family Investment Program, Volume 1: Effects on Adults. New York: MDRC.
Moffitt, R. (2004). The Three-City Study Incentive Experiment: Results from the First Two Waves. Retrieved from
Pavetti, LaDonna and Debra A. Strong, 2001. Work-Based Strategies for Hard-to-Employ TANF Recipients: A Preliminary Assessment of Program Models and Dimensions, Final Report. Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.
Richer, Elise, and Steve Savner. 2001. Survey of Transitional Employment Programs. Washington, D.C.: Center for Law and Social Policy.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement, 2004 |
Author | Francesca Longo |
Last Modified By | MDRCER |
File Modified | 2007-09-13 |
File Created | 2007-09-13 |