LUCA Forms, Letters, User Guides, and other Items

Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program

7. LUCA_UserGuide_OPT1_MTG

LUCA Forms, Letters, User Guides, and other Items

OMB: 0607-0795

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2010 Decennial Census
Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program
User Guide for Tribal Governments
Option 1—Title 13 Full Address List Review
MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS)



The 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program ................. 1
Background.................................................................................................................................. 2
The Census Address List Improvement Act ........................................................................... 2
The Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF) ................................................................. 2
The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®) Database .. 3
LUCA Program Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 3
Census Bureau’s LUCA Program Responsibilities................................................................. 3
Participant’s LUCA Program Responsibilities......................................................................... 4
Training and Technical Support................................................................................................... 5
The LUCA Schedule .................................................................................................................... 5
Respondent Burden..................................................................................................................... 6



Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 7
What is a Housing Unit? .............................................................................................................. 7
What are Group Quarters? .......................................................................................................... 8
Unacceptable Types of Housing Units and Group Quarters ....................................................... 8
Census Bureau Addresses .......................................................................................................... 9
Residential and Nonresidential Addresses ............................................................................. 9
Address Formats..................................................................................................................... 9
City-Style Address Format.................................................................................................. 9
Noncity-Style Address Format............................................................................................ 9
Census Tract ............................................................................................................................. 10
Census Block............................................................................................................................. 10
What is Geocoding? .................................................................................................................. 10
Strategies for Reviewing the Census Bureau’s Address List .................................................... 11
Address Sources ....................................................................................................................... 11



Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 12
Protecting Census Bureau Address Information ....................................................................... 12



Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 15
The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) Version 2.1 .................................................... 15
The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)............................................................................. 16
Address List File ........................................................................................................................ 16
Address Count List File.............................................................................................................. 16
Shapefiles .................................................................................................................................. 16
Other Files and Software ........................................................................................................... 16
Setup File .............................................................................................................................. 16
Readme.txt File..................................................................................................................... 16
The MTPS LUCA User Guide ............................................................................................... 16
Zip Software.......................................................................................................................... 16
Adobe® PDF Reader Software.............................................................................................. 16
Adobe® Flash Software......................................................................................................... 17




Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 18
Installing the MTPS.................................................................................................................... 18
Starting the MTPS ..................................................................................................................... 19
Completing the MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)........................................................... 19
Beginning the LUCA Review with the MTPS............................................................................. 20
Overview of Toolboxes and Buttons.......................................................................................... 22
Main Menu ............................................................................................................................ 22
The Standard Toolbox .......................................................................................................... 23
The Tools Toolbox ................................................................................................................ 23
The LUCA Toolbox ............................................................................................................... 25
Other LUCA Toolbox Icons ................................................................................................... 25
The Line Editing Toolbox ...................................................................................................... 26
Other Line Editing Toolbox Icons.......................................................................................... 26
Bookmarks ............................................................................................................................ 26
Additional Resources................................................................................................................. 27
The MTPS Computer-Based Training (CBT)........................................................................ 27
The MTPS Help Menu .......................................................................................................... 27
LUCA Program Help Desk .................................................................................................... 29
LUCA Technical Help Desk .................................................................................................. 29
LUCA Website ...................................................................................................................... 29



Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 30
The Census Bureau’s Address List ........................................................................................... 30
Action Codes for Updating the Address List.............................................................................. 33
A–Added Addresses ............................................................................................................. 33
C–Changed Addresses......................................................................................................... 36
Conversion of a Single Housing Unit to a Multiunit Structure (Multiple units in one
address)............................................................................................................................ 36
Conversion of a Multiunit Structure to a Single Housing Unit .......................................... 37
Conversion of a Group Quarters to a Housing Unit:......................................................... 37
Conversion of a Single Housing Unit to a Group Quarters .............................................. 37
D–Deleted Addresses ........................................................................................................... 37
J–Out of Jurisdiction Addresses ........................................................................................... 38
N–Nonresidential or Commercial Addresses........................................................................ 38



Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 39
Reviewing and Editing the Address Count List File................................................................... 41



Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 42
Reading a Census Bureau Map ................................................................................................ 42
Examples of Map Updates......................................................................................................... 42
Map Example 1: Adding a New Street................................................................................. 43
Map Example 2: Correcting a Street Name ......................................................................... 45
Map Example 3: Moving a Street......................................................................................... 46
Map Example 4: Deleting a Street ....................................................................................... 48



Submitting LUCA Program Updates.......................................................................................... 49


Creating the Changes File ......................................................................................................... 49
Shipping the Changes File CD .................................................................................................. 49

Program Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 51
Method for Returning Census Bureau Title 13, U.S.C. Materials ......................................... 51
Method for Destroying Census Bureau Title 13, U.S.C. Materials ....................................... 52

Appendix A Confidentiality and Security Guidelines


Appendix B Confidentiality Agreement


Appendix C Self-Assessment Checklist


Appendix D Inventory Form


Appendix E Special Disclosure Notice


Appendix F Return or Destruction of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials


Appendix G MAF/TIGER Feature Classification Codes


MAF/TIGER Feature Classification Codes ................................................................................ 74
Road Features .................................................................................................................. 74
Water Features ................................................................................................................. 74
Railroad ............................................................................................................................ 74
Miscellaneous Features.................................................................................................... 74

Appendix H Selection Sets


Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 76
Creating a Selection Set ............................................................................................................ 76
Saving a Selection Set............................................................................................................... 78
Deleting a Selection Set ............................................................................................................ 78

Appendix I Location Description and Street Type Abbreviation Examples 80
Appendix J Unit Designation Abbreviation Examples


Appendix K MAF/TIGER Partnership Software
Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) Procedures


1.0 Introduction to the Boundary and Annexation Survey ......................................................... 85
1.1 Overview of the BAS....................................................................................................... 85
1.2 Legal Disputes ................................................................................................................ 85
1.3 Key Dates for BAS Respondents or Participants ........................................................... 86
2.0 Viewing and Updating Boundary Data and BAS Forms Using the MTPS........................... 87
2.1 Logging onto the MTPS .................................................................................................. 87
2.2 Computer Based Training (CBT) .................................................................................... 88
2.3 Updating Your Contact Information ................................................................................ 88
2.4 Reviewing and Updating the BAS Forms ....................................................................... 89
2.4.1 Incorporated Place Form ......................................................................................... 89
2.4.2 Minor Civil Division (MCD) Form ............................................................................. 93
2.4.3 County Form............................................................................................................ 95
2.4.4 American Indian Areas Form................................................................................... 96
2.5 Opening the Map to Make Boundary Updates in the MTPS......................................... 101
2.6 Customizing the Map View ........................................................................................... 102
2.7 Editing the Boundary Data in the MTPS ....................................................................... 103
2.7.1 Map Editing Toolboxes .......................................................................................... 103


2.7.2 Boundary Changes Using the BAS Toolbar .......................................................... 104
2.7.3 Linear Feature Updates......................................................................................... 108
2.7.4 Area Landmark Updates........................................................................................ 108
2.7.5 Point Landmark Updates ....................................................................................... 111
3.0 Reviewing Updates............................................................................................................ 113
4.0 Printing Maps of your Boundary Changes......................................................................... 114
Appendix 1: Tool Explanations by Toolbox ............................................................................. 115
Table 1: General Toolbox ................................................................................................... 115
Table 2: BAS and Area Editing Toolboxes: Tools to Identify Entity and Type of Change.. 116
Table 3: Line Editing Toolbox ............................................................................................. 117
Table 4: Point Editing Toolbox............................................................................................ 118
Appendix 2: Acceptable Changes by Entity Type ................................................................... 120

Appendix L U.S. Census Bureau Regional Offices







The 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program
The Census Address List Improvement Act
The Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF)
The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER®)
LUCA Program Responsibilities
Census Bureau’s LUCA Program Responsibilities
Participant’s LUCA Program Responsibilities
Training and Technical Support
The LUCA Schedule
Respondent Burden

The 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA)
The Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program is an integral part of
the decennial census activities. It uses the expertise of tribal, state, and local
governments to improve the accuracy and completeness of the address list
used to take the census.
The U.S. Census Bureau invited the chief executive/highest elected official of
your tribal government to participate in this program. Your tribal government
selected Option 1, Title 13 Full Address List Review using the Census Bureau
supplied MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS). This option allows you

Review the Census Bureau’s Address List for your reservation and/or
off-reservation trust land including city-style 1 and noncity-style 2
residential addresses.


Comment on any single or multiunit structure or group quarters 3
city-style address in a census block on the Census Bureau’s Address
List using added, changed, deleted, out of jurisdiction, or
nonresidential or commercial action codes and identify (flag) group
quarters addresses.


Challenge the count of addresses for a census block on the address
count list.


A city-style address consists of a house number and street name; for example, 201 Main Street. The
address may or may not be used for the delivery of mail and may include apartment numbers/designations
or similar identifiers. See Chapter 2 for a complete definition.
A noncity-style address does not contain a house number and street name. Examples include rural route
and box number addresses; highway contract route addresses; post office boxes and drawers; and general
delivery. See Chapter 2 for a complete definition.
A group quarters is a place where people live or stay that is normally owned or managed by an entity or
organization providing housing and/or services for the residents. See Chapter 2 for a complete definition.
Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census
Addresses (LUCA) Program

o For census blocks containing all noncity-style addresses, you can
challenge only the count of addresses for census blocks on the
Census Bureau’s Address Count List; you cannot comment on
individual noncity-style addresses.
Note: For census blocks with a mix of city-style and noncity-style
addresses, you may comment on individual city-style addresses or
challenge the count of addresses for the census block, but cannot
do both within the same block. However, it is to your benefit and
the Census Bureau’s that you provide city-style address updates
wherever applicable, rather than challenging the count of
addresses in a census block.

Identify any additions, deletions, or corrections to boundaries, roads,
or other physical features and submit a digital map file (shapefile)
using the MTPS.

The Census Address List Improvement Act

The Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-430)
strengthened the Census Bureau’s partnership capabilities with tribal,
state, and local governments by expanding the methods the Census Bureau
could use to exchange address information. Designed to improve the
accuracy of the Census Bureau’s address list, the Act authorized the
Census Bureau to provide individual addresses to officials of tribal, state,
and local governments who agreed to conditions of confidentiality.
Census 2000 marked the first decennial census for which the Census
Bureau could provide its address list for review to governments that
signed the required confidentiality agreement. (See Appendix A for the
terms of the LUCA Program Confidentiality and Security Guidelines.)
The Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF)

In preparation for Census 2000, the Census Bureau created the Master
Address File (MAF) by merging the 1990 Address Control File4 with the
latest version of the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) Delivery Sequence File 5
(DSF) The MAF is a nationwide database of all addresses used to support
many of the Census Bureau’s operations. Besides containing mailing
addresses and ZIP Codes, an address record in the MAF also contains
geographic information about the location of addresses. In areas where
there are noncity-style addresses (e.g., rural route or post office box
number), the address record may contain additional information such as a
location description.

The 1990 Address Control File is the 1990 residential address list used to label questionnaires, control
the mail response check-in operation, and determine the nonresponse follow-up workload.
The U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) Delivery Sequence File (DSF) is a computerized file containing all
delivery point addresses serviced by the USPS. The USPS updates the DSF continuously as its letter
carriers identify addresses for new delivery points or changes in the status of existing addresses.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census
Addresses (LUCA) Program

The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
(TIGER®) Database

Address records in the MAF are linked to feature segments in the
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
(TIGER®) database. The TIGER® database includes the geographic
coordinates and names of all streets, water features, and other linear
features, and boundaries for all jurisdictions and statistical areas (census
tracts 6, census blocks 7, etc.) used to tabulate decennial census data. The
TIGER® database also includes address ranges 8 along streets that have
city-style addresses and the hierarchy of census geographic area codes
from the state level down to individual census blocks
( By linking address
records in the MAF to the TIGER® database, the Census Bureau is able to
identify street segments along which an individual address exists and
determine the geographic code that applies to that address.
The Census Bureau’s Geography Division regularly updates the
MAF/TIGER database from various sources. In addition to the USPS
DSF, other sources of updates include current household surveys, special
censuses, and local sources.
LUCA Program Responsibilities
Census Bureau’s LUCA Program Responsibilities

The Census Bureau’s LUCA program responsibilities include:

Provide training to LUCA program participants.


Provide the necessary materials to participants.


Provide technical assistance.


Process updates submitted by LUCA participants.


Conduct a 100% Address Canvassing (field check) operation. The
Census Bureau will visit each census block within your reservation
and/or off-reservation trust land during this operation to update our
address list and validate your LUCA submissions.


Provide feedback materials for your review.


Provide assistance to participants to resolve any address


A census tract is a small, relatively permanent statistical division of a county or statistically equivalent
entity, delineated for the purpose of presenting Census Bureau statistical data.
A census block is a geographic area bounded by visible features, such as streets, roads, streams, and
railroad tracts, and invisible features, such as the boundaries of governmental units and other legal entities.
Census blocks are the smallest area for which the Census Bureau collects and tabulates statistical
Address ranges are the first and last address numbers that could exist along a given section of a street.
Usually one side of the street has even address numbers and the other side has odd address numbers.
Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census
Addresses (LUCA) Program


Provide for a formal appeal of disputed addresses by an
independent Federal agency outside of the Census Bureau and the
Department of Commerce.

Participant’s LUCA Program Responsibilities

Your responsibilities include:

Select your LUCA tribal liaison and reviewers. (The Census
Bureau suggests that individuals in your reservation and/or offreservation trust land involved in zoning enforcement not work on
this program since this may create a conflict of interest.)


Sign and return the Registration Form.


All tribal liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13
materials must read, understand, and agree to abide by the Census
Bureau’s Confidentiality and Security Guidelines (See Appendix A
for the terms of the LUCA Program Confidentiality Agreement and
Security Guidelines).


All tribal liaisons, reviewers, and anyone with access to Title 13
materials must sign and return to the Census Bureau the
Confidentiality Agreement Form.


Complete and return the Self-Assessment Form.


Complete and return the Participation Option/Product Preference


Ensure that everyone working on the LUCA program understands
the procedures for participating in the program and Census Bureau
terminology and concepts.


Keep Census Bureau addresses, and maps showing structure
points 9, (housing units and group quarters locations) confidential
and ensure their use only for census purposes. (Although structure
points are not displayed on the LUCA materials during the LUCA
review phase, they will be provided for the feedback phase of the


Ensure the receipt of all required materials for the LUCA program


Prepare a strategy to conduct the review of LUCA materials.


Within 120 calendar days of receiving your LUCA materials,
complete your address list review and return your updated
materials to the Census Bureau.


Review the Census Bureau’s detailed feedback materials.


A structure point is a coordinate location that represents the location of one or more housing units and/or
group quarters. Structure points are protected by Title 13. See Appendix A, Confidentiality and Security

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census
Addresses (LUCA) Program


Appeal address discrepancies to the LUCA Appeals Office within
30 calendar days of receipt of feedback materials.


After the appeals process is completed, return to the Census
Bureau, or destroy all Title 13 materials.


The LUCA tribal liaison must verify the return or destruction of
Title 13 materials by signing and returning to the Census Bureau
the Return or Destruction of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials Form.


All LUCA program reviewers must sign and date the Return or
Destruction of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials form.

Training and Technical Support
Census Bureau staff will conduct LUCA training workshops beginning in
August of 2007. These training workshops will provide you with hands-on
experience in using the 2010 Decennial Census LUCA Program materials. In
addition, computer-based training (CBT) is available on the LUCA Program
CBT CD-ROM and the LUCA Web site at
Should you need additional information, please contact your Census
Bureau Regional Office toll free at 1-866-511-LUCA (5822). For
technical assistance about computer applications including the MTPS,
please call the Help Desk toll free at 1-866-919-LUCA (5822).
The LUCA Schedule
January-February 2007

LUCA advance notification letters and
information materials were mailed to the
chief executive/highest elected officials and
other tribal contacts in all federally
recognized American Indian reservations.

March-June 2007

LUCA Promotional Workshops were

August 2007

LUCA invitation letters and registration
materials were mailed to the chief
executive/highest elected officials and a
courtesy copy to other tribal contacts in all
federally recognized American Indian

August 2007-January 2008

Invited tribal governments register for LUCA
and the Census Bureau ships LUCA review
materials to each participating government.

August 2007

LUCA Training Workshops begin.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 1: Introduction to the 2010 Decennial Census Local Update of Census
Addresses (LUCA) Program

September 2007-March 2008

LUCA participants review and update the
address list and return their comments to
their Census Bureau’s Regional Office
within 120 calendar days from the receipt of

October 2007-October 2008

Census Bureau reviews participant’s LUCA
submissions and updates the Master Address
File/TIGER system.

November 2008-June 2009

Census Bureau prepares for and conducts an
Address Canvassing Operation using GPS
equipped hand held computers.

August 2009-October 2009

Census Bureau provides feedback materials
to participants showing how we processed
each participant’s LUCA submissions.

September 2009-December 2009

Participants review feedback materials and
have the opportunity to appeal the results to
the LUCA Appeals Office.

September 2009-January 2010

LUCA Appeals Office reviews and
adjudicates appeals.

Respondent Burden
The Census Bureau estimates that it will take between 105 and 1,575 hours to
complete the LUCA review depending on the number of addresses and rate of
address growth and change. This includes the time needed to read the
invitation materials and complete the registration forms, and upon receipt of
the LUCA materials, to read the instructions, assemble and review the LUCA
materials, and provide updates.
Please send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of
this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden
Paperwork Project 0607-0795
4600 Silver Hill Road, Room 3K138
Washington, DC 20233
Or you may e-mail comments to ; use "Paperwork
Project 0607-0795" as the subject. Please include a copy of your message
addressed to .
Under the paperwork Reduction Act, the Census Bureau cannot ask you to
respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB
number is found in the upper right corner of each LUCA form.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

What is a Housing Unit?
What are Group Quarters?
Unacceptable Types of Housing Units and Group Quarters
Census Bureau Addresses
Census Tract
Census Block
What is Geocoding?
Strategies for Reviewing the Census Bureau’s Address List
Local Address Sources

Chapter 2 explains some of the terms and concepts used by the Census Bureau
and recommended strategies for your LUCA review. Refer to the Glossary or
visit the Census Bureau’s Web site at  for additional terms
and definitions.
What is a Housing Unit?
A single-family house, townhouse, mobile home, trailer, apartment, group of
rooms, or a single room occupied as a separate living quarters or, if vacant,
intended for occupancy as a separate living quarters. A separate living
quarters is one in which one or more occupants (or intended occupants, if
vacant) live separate from any other individual(s) in the building and have
direct access to the living quarters without going through another living
quarters, such as from outside the building or through a common hall.
The following types of housing units are acceptable and should be included on
the address list you submit to the Census Bureau:

Houses, including townhouses, condominiums, and apartments.


Living quarters within an otherwise nonresidential structure such as an
apartment within a church, school, or business.


Mobile homes or trailers occupied as separate living quarters, or if
vacant, intended for occupancy as separate living quarters.


Any units under construction that will be habitable (closed to the
elements with final roof, windows, and doors) on Census Day, April 1,

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review

What are Group Quarters?
A place where people live or stay, in a group living arrangement, that is
owned or managed by an entity or organization providing housing and/or
services for the residents. This is not a typical household-type living
arrangement. These services may include custodial or medical care as well
as other types of assistance, and residency is commonly restricted to those
receiving these services. People living in group quarters are usually not
related to each other.
The following types of group quarters are acceptable and should be included
on the address list you submit to the Census Bureau:

Correctional facilities.


Juvenile facilities.


Nursing homes.


Hospitals with long-term care facilities.


College or university dormitories, fraternities, sororities.


Dormitories for workers.


Religious group quarters.




Group homes.


Any group quarters under construction that will be habitable (closed to
the elements with final roof, windows, and doors) on Census Day,
April 1, 2010.

NOTE: Housing units and group quarters can exist within the same
Unacceptable Types of Housing Units and Group Quarters
Exclude the following unacceptable types of housing units and group quarters
addresses from the address list:



Condemned or scheduled for demolition.


Being converted or remodeled for nonresidential purposes.


Used solely for nonresidential storage.


Used solely as offices or businesses in which no one is living.


Used solely for ceremonial purposes.


Any units under construction that will not be habitable (closed to the
elements with final roof, windows, and doors) on Census Day,
April 1, 2010.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review

Census Bureau Addresses
Residential and Nonresidential Addresses

The Census Bureau divides all addresses into two use types, residential
and nonresidential. Residential addresses are addresses of housing units
and group quarters. Nonresidential addresses are addresses of a structure
or unit within a structure that do not serve as a residence, such as
commercial establishments, schools, government offices, and churches.
Some structures can contain both residential and nonresidential units, even
though they have a single address.
Address Formats
City-Style Address Format

The Census Bureau classifies housing units and group quarters
addresses that have a house number and street name address, for
example, 212 Morning Star Road or 137 Eagle Lane, Apt. 316, as citystyle addresses. In some instances, the house number may also include
an alpha character such as 35A or W9254. These addresses are used
for mailing or to provide location for emergency services, such as
police, fire, and rescue (E-911 addresses).
City-style addresses for housing units in multiunit structures, such as
apartment buildings, contain a unit designator, for example, Apt 101 or
Suite D (See Appendix J, Unit Designation Abbreviations Examples).
The Census Bureau and the U.S. Postal Service treat these designators
as part of the housing unit address, and they are included in each
affected census address record.
Noncity-Style Address Format

The Census Bureau classifies addresses that do not include a house
number and street name as noncity-style addresses. The majority of
noncity-style addresses are located in the more sparsely settled areas of
the United States; however, they may exist in small- or medium-sized
towns as well. Frequently used noncity-style mailing addresses

General delivery.
Rural route and box number.
Highway contract route and box number.
Post Office box only delivery.

Noncity-style addresses often do not follow any numeric sequence,
and may not be associated with the name of the street or highway on
which they are located. For this reason, the Census Bureau uses
different methods to compile the list of addresses for inclusion into
the address list, such as location descriptions (BRICK HSE
w/ATTACHED GARAGE ON RIGHT), structure points (geographic

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review

coordinates), and census geographic codes (state code, county code,
census tract number, census block number).
Census Tract
Census tracts are small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a
county or statistically equivalent entity, delineated for presenting Census
Bureau statistical data.
The proposed criteria for census tracts for the 2010 Census are that they
contain a minimum of 1,200 people with an optimal population of 4,000.
Census tract boundaries are delineated with the intention of being stable over
many decades, so they generally follow relatively permanent visible features.
However, they may follow governmental unit boundaries and other nonvisible features in some instances. Census tract boundaries never cross state
or county (or statistically equivalent entity) boundaries.
Each census tract is uniquely numbered within a county and contains
numerous census blocks. Census tract numbers contain up to a 4-digit number
followed by a decimal point and a 2-digit number for suffixed tracts, e.g.,
1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix, the number will contain a period
with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. Leading zeros are not shown on Census Bureau
Census Block
A census block is an area bounded by visible features such as streets, roads,
streams, and railroad tracts and non-visible features such as the boundaries of
governmental units and other legal entities. A block is the smallest
geographic area for which the Census Bureau collects and tabulates statistical
Census blocks may look like a city block or may be large and irregularly
shaped, depending upon features. The boundary of a state or a county is
always a block boundary.
Census blocks are numbered within census tracts and are unique to the census
tract to which they belong. Census block numbers consist of 4-digits, and
may include a single alpha character suffix reflecting a boundary change or
added feature (e.g. 3001A and 3001B).
Note: The 2010 Decennial Census LUCA Program addresses are coded to
current census block/geography.
What is Geocoding?
In order to process your address submissions, the Census Bureau requires the
inclusion of census geographic code information. This link to census
geography is referred to as geocoding. Geocoding places an individual
address in its correct geographic location, which includes the correct state,
county, census tract, and census block codes.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 2: Before You Begin Your Review

Because the Census Bureau counts people where they live, census geographic
code information or geocodes support the systematic collection of data that
allows Census enumerators to locate an address. They are also important in
allocating data from questionnaire responses to the correct location. You
must include census geographic code information for the Census Bureau to
process your address submissions. The Census Bureau will not accept
addresses without census geographic codes (geocodes) including the state,
county, census tract, and census block codes. You can find these census
geographic codes on your LUCA materials.
Strategies for Reviewing the Census Bureau’s Address List
You must decide for yourself how to conduct the LUCA program review.
Consider your available time, the information you have readily available, and
your existing staff and computer resources. If your resources are limited, the
Census Bureau recommends focusing on areas where addresses are more
likely to be missed or incorrect. For example:

Areas of new construction.
E-911 address conversion areas.
Areas that have changed from single-family homes to multi-family
homes and vice versa.
Warehouses converted to residential lofts.
New mobile home parks or new scattered mobile homes.
Apartment buildings with irregular or missing numbering schemes for
the individual units.
Newly acquired trust land.
Addresses near governmental boundaries.

Address Sources
There are many possible sources of address information. Some of these
sources may not match the Census Bureau’s Address List exactly, but they are
a good indication of where change is taking place and they can help you
identify addresses that need to be added to your address list. The following
list provides suggestions for source materials to find addresses:


New housing construction or building permits (include units that are
under construction only if final roof, doors, and windows will be in
place on Census Day, April 1, 2010).
E-911 addresses.
Housing occupancy permits.
Planning or zoning records.
Utility records.
School enrollment records.
Voter registration files.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Protecting Census Bureau Address Information

The Census Bureau’s Address List and Address Count List for your
reservation and/or off-reservation trust land are included on your data CDROM. This chapter discusses how you must protect the Census Bureau’s
computer-readable address information. See Appendix A for the terms of the
Confidentiality and Security Guidelines.
Protecting Census Bureau Address Information
The most efficient method to review and match your tribe’s address list to the
Census Bureau’s Address List is to copy the address file onto a computer hard
drive or a network server in a useable format. You must first ensure the
protection of the Census Bureau’s Title 13, U.S.C. address information
including your Census Bureau computer-readable address file, all address list
paper copies, and maps (including copies) containing structure points.
(Structure points will be displayed on the address list and maps, where
applicable, for the feedback phase of the program.) For detailed information,
see Appendix A.
The LUCA tribal liaison must restrict access to confidential census address
information to only those individuals who have signed the Confidentiality
Agreement. This includes all reviewers and anyone with access to Title 13
materials. If you need to add additional reviewers during your LUCA review,
a blank Confidentiality Agreement Form is included in Appendix B. Be sure
additional reviewers have read and understand the Confidentiality and
Security Guidelines, Appendix A, before signing and returning the
Confidentiality Agreement Form to the Census Bureau.
Operating systems, programs, applications, and data related to the review of
Census Bureau addresses must be accessible only to LUCA program tribal
liaisons and reviewers. The automated data processing (ADP) system should
restrict the read, write, delete, and execute functions applicable to the Census
Bureau’s address information. The ADP system must use log-on routines that
require a user-ID and password that conform to the following guidelines:

Assign a unique user-ID and password for each LUCA program liaison
and reviewer.


Passwords must consist of at least eight (8) characters:
o Use at least one (1) alphabetic character.
o Use either one number or one special character ($,*, &).


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 3: Protecting the LUCA Program’s Computer Readable Address

o No more than six (6) identical, consecutive characters.
(AAAAAA) may appear in the password, and then only once.

Reject passwords that are the same as the user-ID or used within the
last 6 months.


Encrypt passwords.


Disable passwords after three unsuccessful attempts to log in.


Do not display passwords on terminals or printers.


Change passwords every 90 days (more frequent change is optional)
or immediately, if compromised.


On new accounts, change the assigned password to a unique
password the first time a user logs on.


The ADP system must display a warning log-on feature. Computer
screens must display a warning that states:


If you place Census Bureau address information on a shared computer
system, build electronic security profiles to allow access to the
Census Bureau’s address information only to the LUCA tribal liaison
and reviewers. Test your security to ensure that only the LUCA
tribal liaison and reviewers are permitted access to the Census
Bureau’s address information.


Lock all rooms containing computers and all associated media during
non-work hours.


Do not leave computers with Census Bureau address information
unattended during working hours. Log-off the computer or lock the
room whenever you leave.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 3: Protecting the LUCA Program’s Computer Readable Address


Label any computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, tapes, cartridges or
other computer storage media containing Census Bureau address
information with the following text:
“The information contained in this document is intended only for
official use by the Bureau of the Census. The release of this
information is prohibited by Title 13 U.S.C.”


If backup is necessary, do not send the tapes, cartridges, or disks to an
off-site location. Store them in a secured area. Do not store, backup, or mix LUCA data with other data.


Clear magnetic media (tapes, disks, hard drives) containing Census
Bureau address information before reusing it. To clear magnetic
media, overwrite all Title 13 data at least three times using a
commercial disk utility program or degauss it using a commercial


Program any software you develop to label each affected page of a
printout containing Census Bureau address information with the
following text:
“The information contained in this document is intended only for
official use by the Bureau of the Census. The release of this
information is prohibited by Title 13 U.S.C.”


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
Address List File
Address Count List File
Other Files and Software
Setup File
Readme.txt File
The MTPS LUCA User Guide
Zip Software
Adobe® PDF Reader Software
Adobe® Flash Software

The Census Bureau supplies the following materials:
1) One (1) MTPS CD containing:

The MTPS Application.



2) One (1) or more data CDs that may contain the following

Address List.


Address Count List.




Setup File.


Readme.txt File.


The MTPS LUCA User Guide.


Zip Software.


Adobe® PDF Reader Software.


Adobe® Flash Software.

The number of data disks depends on the size of your reservation and/or
off reservation trust land.
The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) Version 2.1
The MTPS is a user friendly GIS software, written specifically for Census
geographic program participants, that is ready to load with the Census
Bureau’s Address List, Address Count List, and shapefiles for your
reservation and/or off-reservation trust land. Note the licensing agreement
Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 4: Census Bureau Supplied Materials

that limits use of the MTPS to Census Bureau programs; it will appear on the
screen when you open the software. Do not distribute the software beyond
your LUCA staff.
The MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
The MTPS CBT is a step-by-step guide that helps you learn how to use the
MTPS for your LUCA review. We strongly advise you to review the CBT
before you begin using the application.
Address List File
The address list file contains all of the residential (city-style and noncity-style)
addresses for your reservation and/or off-reservation trust land that are
currently recorded by the Census Bureau.
Address Count List File
The address count list file contains the number of residential addresses for
each census block within your reservation and/or off-reservation trust land.
Shapefiles contain the location and attributes of physical features. They are
created using the Census Bureau’s Topologically Integrated Geographic
Encoding and Referencing System (TIGER®) and allow participants to submit
digital updates to map features. Shapefiles require the use of a GIS
application such as the MTPS.
Other Files and Software
Setup File

The setup file contains the geographic information that the MTPS requires
in order to load the data disks.
Readme.txt File

The readme.txt file contains descriptive information about the software
and the files and provides instructions on how to use them.
The MTPS LUCA User Guide

This is a step-by-step guide to learn how to use the MTPS for your LUCA
Zip Software

Although Zip software is included on the standard data disk, the MTPS
automatically zips and encrypts your updated files.
Adobe® PDF Reader Software

Adobe® PDF Reader Software allows you to view Adobe® Portable
Document Format (PDF) files. The LUCA User's Guide and the


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 4: Census Bureau Supplied Materials

MAF/TIGER Partnership Software User's Guide are in Adobe® PDF
Adobe® Flash Software

Adobe® Flash Player is software that allows you to view Web content
created by Flash. This content may be interactive such as menus that
slide, or it may consist of complex applications, games, or animations.
Many Web browsers (Internet Explorer, for example) install Flash Player
automatically. The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software Computer Based
Training (CBT) is in Flash format. If the CBT does not run on your Web
browser, you may need to install the Adobe® Flash player.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Installing the MTPS
Starting the MTPS
Completing the MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
Beginning the LUCA Review with the MTPS
Overview of Toolboxes and Buttons
Additional Resources
LUCA Program Help Desk
LUCA Technical Help Desk
LUCA Website

The MTPS is a user-friendly application designed to read LUCA data disks
and to record map and address updates in a format ready to be submitted to
the Census Bureau.
Installing the MTPS
To install the MTPS, please follow these instructions:
1) Start Windows.
2) Insert the Program CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3) Select the Run command from the Start menu. Type the location of
your CD-ROM drive and the word “setup” (for example, type

Select the Run command from the Start menu. Use the Browse icon
to locate the setup file.
4) Click OK. The installation program will appear on your screen.
5) On the Welcome screen, click Next.
6) Click Yes to accept the Software License Agreement.
7) On the Select Installation Type window, accept the default option,
“Install MAF/TIGER Partnership Software and Data for a Single Use.”
Click Next.
8) The setup program guides you through the installation process.
Accept the default settings.
9) Once the program has been installed, insert the first Data CD into your
CD-ROM drive. Click OK when prompted.
10) Click Finish.
11) On the next window, select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now.”
12) Click Finish to complete the setup.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

Starting the MTPS
1) Select Programs from the Start menu.
2) Select MAF/TIGER Partnership Software > MAF/TIGER Partnership
Software 2.1.
3) Enter your User Name and Password (You should have received this
information under separate cover. If not, contact your local Regional
Office and they will provide it to you.)
4) Click OK when prompted to install the data files.
5) Update the LUCA participant’s information, if necessary.
6) Select one of two options:

To complete the training on CD-ROM, select “Run the
MAF/TIGER Partnership Software Computer Based Training.”
(Please refer to the Completing the Computer Based Training
(CBT) section below.)


To launch the application, select “Go directly to the MAF/TIGER
Partnership Software program.”

Completing the MTPS Computer Based Training (CBT)
The MTPS CBT is a self-paced tutorial that provides instructions on how to
use the MTPS application for several Census Bureau geographic programs.
The opening screen shows a total of eight (8) tutorials:
1) Three (3) General Skills tutorials:

Basic Skills.


Additional Skills.


Editing Linear Features, Area Features, and Landmarks.

2) Five (5) tutorials specific to Census Bureau geographic programs:

LUCA (Local Update of Census Addresses).


BAS (Boundary and Annexation Survey).


PSAP (Participant Statistical Area Programs).


VTD/BBSP (Voting Districts/Block Boundary Suggestion


SDRP (School District Review Program).

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

NOTE: This user guide provides instructions for the LUCA module
of the MTPS and in addition, contains instructions for the BAS module
in Appendix K. If you find that the boundaries for your reservation
and/or off-reservation trust land do not depict the correct current
location, you may submit boundary updates using the MTPS as
instructed in Appendix K.
In the future, if you elect to participate in BAS, you will have the
option to use the MTPS for those programs.
NOTE: All the examples shown on this user guide and in the MTPS
CBT were created with test data that are not applicable to your
reservation and/or off-reservation trust land, and do not contain any
Title 13 information.
Beginning the LUCA Review with the MTPS
1) Open the MTPS application. The Please Log In dialog box will open.
2) Enter a User Name and Password (the Census Bureau will provide
you this information under separate cover).
3) Select LUCA from the main menu.
4) Click Open. This will display the LUCA toolbox and three windows:
a) LUCA Map.
b) LUCA Address List (only for participants who selected Option 1 or
Option 2).
c) LUCA Address Count List.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

The map shows an overview of county and places. The
address lists shows the address records.
The MTPS allows you to combine the review of the maps, the address list, and
the address count list for any given geographic area. The map and the two
lists are linked. If you are working from the map, selecting a line or block on
the map automatically selects and displays the corresponding records on the
address list and address count list.
The address list is sorted by tract/block, then by street name/house number.
The address count list is sorted by tract/block. For other sorting options, see
the MTPS Help menu.
Census blocks and census tracts are identified with numeric labels on the map.
County codes, American Indian Area codes, and Incorporated Place codes are
not shown on the map. Use the Information button described on page 24 to
locate the codes for any given feature.
The MTPS has a simple legend as shown on the next page. All line features
are displayed as black lines of the same thickness. Census block, census tract,
county, American Indian Area, and incorporated place symbols are displayed
over the feature lines.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

Toggle the Legend button
the legend.

on the Standard Toolbox to show or hide

Overview of Toolboxes and Buttons
The MTPS has several toolboxes, each of which contains numerous buttons.
This section is an overview of their functions. Keep in mind that you will not
need to use all of them. Chapters 6, 7, and 8 describe in more detail how to
use the toolboxes and buttons required to complete your LUCA review. For
more information on any of these toolboxes and buttons, refer to the MTPS
Help section.
Main Menu

The system loads this menu by default when you open the MTPS, and it
remains open.
Select Map to access:
1) Layers: to add, hide, drop, or move map layers.
2) Scale: to modify the map scale displayed on the computer screen.
3) Previous Scale draws the map to the extent that was used before
the most recent change. Initial Scale draws the map to the extent
that was used when the map was created or last saved.
4) Locator: to create a window that that shows your location within
the overall area.
5) Bookmarks: to create and manage bookmarks.
Select Selection on the Main Menu to access:
1) Settings: to change the status and labels of map layers.
2) Select: to build queries by Condition, List, Value, or Location.
Select Tools on the Main Menu to access:
1) Imagery: to load aerial images, topographic maps, or urban color
images from TerraServer USA toolbox.
2) Export: to convert features to different geographic formats.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

Select LUCA on the Main Menu to access:
1) LUCA Toolbox: to turn the LUCA Toolbox on and off.
2) Editing Toolboxes: to edit lines, areas, and points.
3) Default Display: to restore the computer screen to the original
layout when the MTPS is opened.
4) Verify: to validate your edits.
5) Report Changes: to create a ZIP file of your edits.
6) Update Address Data: to import an address list.
7) Update User Information: to make changes on the participant’s
information window.
The Standard Toolbox

The Standard toolbox is used to perform general tasks. This toolbox is
loaded by default when you open the MTPS and it remains open. It is
located directly below the Main Menu, and can be docked and undocked:


Target Layer: to set the layer that is going to be



Dataview: to see a list of records selected


Map Layers: to add, hide, drop, or move map layers


Legend: to show or hide the map legend


Layer Style: to change layer symbols


Automatic Labels: to create label styles


Set the Map Scale: to set the scale of the map on the computer




The Tools Toolbox

The Tools toolbox is used to navigate the map. This toolbox is loaded by
default when you open the MTPS (if you close the Tools Toolbox

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

accidentally, you can open it again by selecting Tools from the menu
toolbar on the main menu then clicking on Toolbox).


The Pan and Zoom buttons are used to navigate around the map:
o Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons
o Pan button



NOTE: There is no “Back” option on the Pan and Zoom functions to
bring the map display to the previous geographic extent. Every time you
open the MTPS, the map will display the geographic extent you viewed
before closing the application.
NOTE: The labeling of the features depends on the scale of the map
view; the further you zoom into the map, the more labels you will see.

The Scale buttons are used to go back to the Previous Scale

the Initial Scale


The Information button

is used to display the fields of the

address records. Select a line to display its attributes.


The Measuring buttons are used to Measure Distance
Measure Size



Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

The LUCA Toolbox

The LUCA toolbox is used for editing the address list and the address
count list. It is loaded by default when you open the MTPS (if you close
the LUCA toolbox accidentally, you can load it again by selecting LUCA
on the menu toolbar and then clicking on LUCA toolbox).

Click on the Pick Block

icon. Select the One Block Only box

, and using the mouse, click inside one census block on the
map. The related census block records on the address list and the address
count list are displayed.
NOTE: The information shown in the S (State), C (County), T (Tract),
and B (Block) boxes will be the block you selected on the map and the
associated state, county, tract and block codes. The dropdown menus for
these boxes can also be used to select a particular block.

Click on the Zoom to Block
icon to zoom in and center the
map on the selected block; click on the Zoom to the Entire Map
icon to show the entire geographic extent of the map.


Click on the Add a New Address
icon to add a new address
record. Fill out the information on the highlighted line.

Other LUCA Toolbox Icons

Other LUCA toolbox icons include:

Create a Block Layout

and Create a Multiple Block Layout


Delete an Added Address Record


Copy the Current Record and Multiple Copies of the Current


Structure Point icons
LUCA Review.


are not used for this phase of

NOTE: The LUCA Toolbox remains in the same place on the screen
unless you move it or close it. The Tools Toolbox and the Line Editing
Toolbox disappear from the screen when you are working with the address
list or the address count list but reappear when you click on the map.
Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

The Line Editing Toolbox

The Line Editing toolbox is used to edit road features. This toolbox is not
loaded by default when you open the MTPS. To open it, click on Line
Editing under LUCA on the main menu.


Click on the Add Line
icon to add a line. Click on the start of
a new line, drag the mouse to the end of the line and double-click.
(Click at intermediate points on the line when necessary to make it


Click on Delete Line


Click on the Split Line
want to split the line.


Click on Cancel Edits
to undo the most recent action or Save
, to save your work.

then click on a line segment to delete it.
to split a line then click where you

Other Line Editing Toolbox Icons

Other Line Editing toolbox icons:

Copy and Delete Line


Edit Line Attributes, Display Alternate Names, and Display
Alternate Addresses


and Replace Copied Line



Show Right/Left Direction Arrows
are toggle icons that
alternatively show or hide the arrows (click again to Hide
Right/Left Direction Arrows)


The MTPS allows you to save a particular map extent as a bookmark.
You can zoom in to it at any time.
Click Bookmarks from the Map menu. Click Create.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

Type a name in the Create Bookmark window. Click OK.

Click on the name of the bookmark you created to go back to the map
extent you bookmarked. The MTPS will zoom to that map extent.

Additional Resources
The MTPS Computer-Based Training (CBT)

You may have the MTPS and the CBT open at the same time while you
are completing your training, or for reference purposes.
The MTPS Help Menu

The MTPS Help Menu provides a variety of options for finding
information on a particular topic.
1) Select Help from the main menu and then click Contents. The

screen on the left shows a list of topics. At the bottom of the right

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

screen you can select either the link to the MTPS Basic Skills
Help or the link to Census Program Help:

2) Select the Index tab on the left side and the following screen will



Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 5: Setting Up The MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) For LUCA

3) Select the Search tab on the left screen and the following screen

will display:

4) Select a word from one of the lists in the left column, or type a
word into the search box.
LUCA Program Help Desk

If you have questions concerning the LUCA geographic program, please
call your local Regional Office toll free at 1-866-511-LUCA (5822).
LUCA Technical Help Desk

If you have questions concerning the MTPS and the electronic data, please
call the LUCA Help Desk toll free at 1-866-919-LUCA (5822).
LUCA Website

Visit the Census Bureau’s LUCA Web site at
 for additional

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


The Census Bureau’s Address List
Action Codes for Updating the Address List
A-Added Addresses
C-Changed Addresses
D-Deleted Addresses
J-Out of Jurisdiction Addresses
N-Nonresidential or Commercial Addresses

This chapter provides instructions on making updates to the Census Bureau’s
Address List. The address list is the primary tool for your LUCA program
Compare the addresses on the Census Bureau’s Address List to the addresses
on your address list, and make any updates as necessary following the
instructions in this chapter. For consistency, make any necessary updates on
the map so that your map matches the address list. If your resources are
limited, focus your review on areas with new addresses or address changes.
You can add or edit only city-style addresses. (Noncity-style addresses are
shaded in green on the Census Bureau’s Address List). Please refer to
Chapter 8 for instructions for updating the corresponding maps.
The Census Bureau’s Address List
The Census Bureau’s Address List contains all of the residential (city-style
and noncity-style) addresses known to the Census Bureau within your
reservation and/or off-reservation trust land. It also contains census
geographic codes (state, county, census tract, census block) that indicate the
location of each address.
Your Entity ID Code is a unique identification code assigned by the Census
Bureau to your tribe and associated geographic area. It is listed at the top of
your address list. This fixed length alphanumeric code is composed of 12
The tribal code is 6 characters:

TR + a 4-digit numeric code

TR0013, and

the tribal geographic area code is 6 characters:
o TA + a 4-digit numeric code

Below is an example of a tribal identification code and its associated


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List

geographic area:
o TR0013TA0185
TR0013 is the Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute
Reservation, and
TA0185 is the geographic area associated with the Benton Paiute
Each address record displays 24 fields of information:
1. Line #–sequential number for each address record in the file. Do
not edit this field. You may use this field to return the address list
to the original sort after changing the sort.
2. MAFID–unique control number (maximum character length is
nine (9) characters) assigned to each MAF address. The MTPS
does not allow you to edit this field.
3. Action Code–edit this field to record the type of change when an
update is made to the address list, including:
A–Added addresses.
C–Changed addresses.
D–Deleted addresses.
J–Out of jurisdiction addresses.
N–Nonresidential and commercial addresses.
4. State–2-digit current state code assigned to your reservation and/or
off-reservation trust land. You may edit this field to record your
correct state code.
5. County–3-digit current county code assigned to your reservation
and/or off-reservation trust land. You may edit this field to record
your correct county code.
6. Tract–Census tract numbers contain up to a 4-digit number
followed by a decimal point and a 2-digit number for suffixed
tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix, the number
will contain a period with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. You may edit
this field to record correct census tract numbers.
7. Block–Census block numbers contain a 4-digit number plus one
alpha character, if applicable, e.g. 3001A. You may edit this field
to record correct census block numbers.
8. Tribal Sub–3-digit unique number assigned by the Census Bureau
to a legal subdivision of a federally-recognized American Indian
reservation, off-reservation trust land, or Oklahoma tribal
statistical area. Do not edit this field.
9. Trust Land–displays a “Y” for addresses that are associated with
a federally recognized individual and tribal off-reservation trust

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List

land. Do not edit this field.
10. GQ (Group Quarters) Flag–displays a “Y” for addresses that are
considered group quarters, such as nursing homes or dormitories.
You may edit this field for group quarters addresses.
Note: If you enter a “Y” in the Group Quarters Flag field, you
must provide a group quarters name in the Location Description
or GQ Name field. The Census Bureau will not process an
identified group quarters address record without a group quarters
11. House #–housing unit or group quarters assigned house number,
which can contain number, letters, hyphens, or other characters.
You may edit this field to record correct house numbers.
12. Prefix Qualifier–examples include, EXT, ALT, BUS, OLD, such
as ALT Rt 30 or OLD Eagle Rd. You may edit this field.
13. Prefix Direction–examples include, N, W, SE, such as N Elm St
or SE Fox Dr. You may edit this field.
14. Prefix Type–examples include, HWY, RT, US, such as HWY 154
or RT 222. You may edit this field.
15. Street Name–full street or road name such as APPLE
BLOSSOM or 9th. You may edit this field to record correct street
NOTE: Census blocks within your reservation or off-reservation
trust land that contain no addresses known to the Census Bureau
will contain the following statement in the Street Name field:
Do not edit records for addresses containing this statement.
16. Suffix Type–examples include, ST, CT, AVE, DR, such as First
ST or Winterberry DR. You may edit this field.
17. Suffix Direction–examples include, N, W, SE, such as Waverly
Dr S. You may edit this field.
18. Suffix Qualifier–examples include, EXT, ALT, BUS, such as 6th
St EXT. You may edit this field.
19. Location Description or GQ Name–description of a living
quarters (e.g., Grey Brick Ranch w/White Shutters) or name of
group quarters (e.g., Winnona Hall). If the value in the GQ Flag
field is “Y,” you must edit or enter the GQ name in the Location
Description or GQ Name field.
NOTE: If you enter a “Y” in the GQ Flag field, you must
provide a group quarters name. The Census Bureau will not
process an identified group quarters address record without a group

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List

quarters name.
If the value in the GQ Flag field is blank, do not edit or add values
in the Location Description or GQ Name field.
20. Apartment/Unit Number–apartment or unit number, if
applicable. This column may contain apartment unit numbers
(e.g., 101 or 101A), location (e.g., rear, basement), or trailer lot
number. (See Appendix J, Unit Designation Abbreviation
Examples.) You may edit this field to correct and record
apartment or unit numbers.
21. City-Style ZIP Code–5-digit ZIP Code for city-style mailing
addresses. You may edit this field.
22. Non City-Style Mail Address–identifies noncity-style mail
deliver address such as rural route and box number, post office box
number, etc. Do not edit this field.
23. Non City-Style ZIP Code–5-digit ZIP Code for noncity-style
mailing addresses. Do not edit this field.
24. Structure Point–4-digit number plus one alpha character number
assigned by the Census Bureau to a structure that contains a
housing unit or a group quarters address. This field will be blank
for the review phase of the LUCA program but will be provided
for the feedback phase of the program. Do not edit this field.
Action Codes for Updating the Address List
There are five action codes you can use to make updates to the Census
Bureau’s Address List:
J–Out of Jurisdiction
N–Nonresidential or Commercial
A–Added Addresses

1) Select the block on the map for which you need to insert an address:
from the LUCA toolbox, click on Pick Block
icon to Add a New Address Record.

then click on the

2) Select the tract and block (T and B) from the LUCA toolbox pull
down lists:

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List


A new address record is displayed on the address list, containing
all the correct geocodes (state, county, tract, block codes) and an
“A-Added” in the Action Code field.

NOTE: Geocodes are automatically entered when you select a block.
Verify that you have selected the correct block.
3) Enter the required address information in the appropriate fields for
each new address:

House number


Street or road name, including prefix and suffix qualifiers,
direction, and type listed in separate fields. Refer to the definitions
on page 32.


Apartment/unit number, if applicable:

For example, the new multiunit structure located at the basic
street address, 1500 Cascade Street, contains ten (10) units.
o Add one record with the correct census geography (i.e.,
state code, county code, census tract number, census
block number) and the basic street address, 1500
Cascade Street.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List

o Copy that record nine (9) times using the Multiple
Copies of the Current Record
LUCA toolbox.

button on the

o For each unit added at 1500 Cascade St., enter the
appropriate “#” in the Apartment/Unit Number field.
For example, for the first unit added at 1500 Cascade
Street, enter “1” in the Apartment/Unit Number field;
for the second unit record added, enter “2” in the
Apartment/Unit Number field, and so on, until you
get to the tenth unit record, where you enter “10” in the
Apartment/Unit Number field.

NOTE: To add mobile home or trailer lots, whether occupied or
vacant, use the same procedure applied to multiunit structures.

ZIP Code (if the address is a mailing address).


GQ flag, if applicable:
o Enter a “Y” in the GQ Flag field for a group quarters

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List

o Add the name of the group quarters in the Location
Description or GQ Name field.
NOTE: If you enter a “Y” in the GQ Flag field, you must provide
a group quarters name in the Location Description or GQ Name
field. The Census Bureau will not process an identified group
quarters address record without a group quarters name.
4) If applicable, add new streets or other map features on the Census
Bureau digital map. See Chapter 8 for more information.
C–Changed Addresses

Replace all incorrect geographic codes (i.e., state code, county code,
census tract number, and census block number) and/or address information
with the correct information. A “C-Changed” will automatically appear in
the Action Code field.
You may correct information in the following fields:

State code.


County code.


Census tract number.


Census block number.


Group quarters designation.


House number.


Street name (including prefix and suffix qualifiers, direction, and
type listed in separate fields. Refer to the definitions on page 32.)


Group quarters name.


Apartment/unit number.


ZIP Code.

Conversion of a Single Housing Unit to a Multiunit Structure (Multiple
units in one address)



Using the existing address record, add the first unit designator in
the Apartment/Unit Number field. A “C-Changed” will appear
in the Action Code field.


Create additional records for the same address: from the LUCA
toolbox click on Copy the Current Record to create one
additional record, or Multiple Copies of the Current Record,
which will prompt you to input the number of copies needed.


Enter the unit designator in the Apartment/Unit Number field for
each new record.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List

NOTE: If the apartment/unit designators are unknown but you know
the unit count in the multiunit structure, assign each unit a number.
Enter the number, preceded by an “*”, in the Apartment/Unit
Number field for each unit added. The “*” will alert the Census
Bureau that the actual unit identifiers are unknown and that we need to
obtain further information during the Address Canvassing Operation.
Conversion of a Multiunit Structure to a Single Housing Unit


Remove the unit designation in the Apartment/Unit Number


“C-Changed” will automatically appear in the Action Code field
for the first unit address record.


For the remaining units, enter “D-Deleted” in the Action Code

Conversion of a Group Quarters to a Housing Unit:


Remove the “Y” in the GQ Flag field.


Remove the name of the group quarters in the Location
Description or GQ Name field.


“C-Changed” will automatically appear in the Action Code field.

Conversion of a Single Housing Unit to a Group Quarters


A “Y” in the GQ Flag field for a group quarters address.


“C-Changed” will automatically appear in the Action Code field.


Add the name of the group quarters in the Location Description
or GQ Name field.


Update the shapefiles as needed so that the map matches the new
information on the address list.

D–Deleted Addresses


Select “D-Deleted” from the Action Code drop down list.
Exercise caution when using this action code so that you do not
inadvertently delete valid records. Verify that the housing unit
or group quarters does not exist, is uninhabitable or that it is a
duplicate address (duplicate addresses are those that are incorrectly
listed multiple times on the address list). The address record will
remain visible on the address list and will be verified by the
Census Bureau during the Address Canvassing operation.
NOTE: Do not use the “D-Deleted” action code for existing
nonresidential addresses; instead, use the “N-Nonresidential or
Commercial” nonresidential action code.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 6: Reviewing and Updating The Census Bureau’s Address List


Make the corresponding deletions on the map, as explained in
Chapter 8, so that the map is consistent with the address list.

J–Out of Jurisdiction Addresses


Select “J-Out of Jurisdiction” from the Action Code drop down list
for addresses that are not in your jurisdiction. The address record
will remain visible on the address list, and will be verified by the
Census Bureau during the Address Canvassing Operation.

N–Nonresidential or Commercial Addresses



Select “N-Nonresidential or Commercial” from the Action Code
drop down list for addresses that are used for any purpose other
than residential (for example, a business, school, church, school,
government office). Verify that the address does not contain a
living quarters. Some structures can contain both residential and
nonresidential units even though they have a single address such as
an apartment over a store or a home with an office. The address
record will remain visible on the address list, and will be verified
by the Census Bureau during the Address Canvassing Operation.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Reviewing and Editing the Address Count List File

The address count list contains the number of housing unit and group quarters
addresses on the Census Bureau’s Address List for each census block within
your reservation and/or off-reservation trust land. Use this list to identify
inconsistencies between the Census Bureau’s housing unit and/or group
quarters address counts and your housing unit and/or group quarters address
Your Entity ID Code is a unique identification code assigned by the Census
Bureau to your tribe and associated geographic area. It is listed at the top of
your address count list. This fixed length alphanumeric code is composed of
12 characters.
The tribal code is 6 characters:

TR + a 4-digit numeric code

TR0013, and

the tribal geographic area code is 6 characters:
o TA + a 4-digit numeric code
• TA0185
Below is an example of a tribal identification code and its associated
geographic area:

o TR0013TA0185
TR0013 is the Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute
Reservation, and
TA0185 is the geographic area associated with the Benton Paiute
Each file record displays eight (8) fields of information:
1. State–2-digit current state code for your reservation and/or offreservation trust land. This field is prepopulated and cannot be
2. County–3-digit current county code for your reservation and/or
off-reservation trust land. This field is prepopulated and cannot be
3. Tract–Contains up to a 4-digit number followed by a decimal
point and a 2-digit number for suffixed tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For
census tracts without a suffix, the number will contain a period

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 7: Reviewing and Updating the Tribal Address Count List






with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. This field is prepopulated and cannot
be edited.
Block–Contains a 4-digit number plus one alpha character, if
applicable, e.g. 3001A. This field is prepopulated and cannot be
Census HU Count–Census Bureau’s most recent count of housing
unit addresses within your reservation and/or off-reservation trust
land. This field is prepopulated and cannot be edited.
Tribal HU Count–blank field to record your count of housing unit
addresses if there is a discrepancy between the Census Bureau’s
count of housing unit addresses and your count of housing unit
Census GQ Count–Census Bureau’s most recent count of group
quarters addresses within your reservation and/or off-reservation
trust land. This field is prepopulated and cannot be edited.
Tribal GQ Count–blank field to record your count of group
quarters addresses if there is a discrepancy between the Census
Bureau’s count of group quarters addresses and your count of
group quarters addresses.

These are some guidelines you should follow when planning your review:

If a census block contains all city-style addresses you can update
either the individual city-style addresses on the address list or
challenge the count of addresses for the entire census block on the
address list but you cannot do both within the same block.


If you have reviewed and updated the Census Bureau’s Address List
for every block within your reservation and/or off-reservation trust
land, you cannot make challenges to the address count list.


If your address list and the Census Bureau’s Address List contain only
noncity-style addresses for a census block, you can challenge the count
of addresses for that block only if a discrepancy exists.
NOTE: It is to your benefit and the Census Bureau’s, that you
provide city-style address updates wherever applicable, rather than
challenging the count of addresses in a census block.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 7: Reviewing and Updating the Tribal Address Count List

Reviewing and Editing the Address Count List File
1) Review the Census Bureau’s current housing unit address count for
each census block within your reservation or off-reservation trust land.

2) If there is a discrepancy between the Census Bureau’s current housing
unit address count and your address count for any census block, fill in
the Tribal HU Count column for that particular census block.
3) Record any discrepancy between the Census Bureau’s current address
count for group quarters and your address count for group quarters in
the Tribal GQ Count column.
4) Make any necessary corrections to the Census Bureau’s maps.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Reading a Census Bureau Map
Examples of Map Updates
Map Example 1: Adding a New Street
Map Example 2: Correcting a Street Name
Map Example 3: Moving a Street
Map Example 4: Deleting a Street

The Census Bureau has provided you with a digital shapefile to review in
conjunction with the address list and address count list. Use the shapefile to
submit any needed updates or corrections to your reservation and/or offreservation trust land features.
The spatial map updates you provide will allow the Census Bureau to update
the TIGER® database so that all subsequent spatial map and address list
products reflect these changes.
Reading a Census Bureau Map
The Census Bureau map shows some of the same information found on a
typical road map, such as streets and roads, water features, and legal
boundaries. However, the Census Bureau map displays this information using
symbols unique to the Census Bureau. The maps display the following

Streets and roads and their names.
Water features and their names, if any.
Other features and their names, if applicable.
Entity codes and entity names and adjacent areas.
Census block boundaries and numbers.
Census tract boundaries and numbers.

Click on the Show or Hide the Legend
icon on the Standard menu to
display the map legend showing the symbols used on the maps.
Examples of Map Updates


Adding a new street.
Correcting a street name.
Moving a street.
Deleting a street.

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 8: Updating Census Bureau Shapefiles

NOTE: Edits to the Census Bureau’s Address List and Address Count
List are automatically saved.
NOTE: Edits to features on the map must be saved manually. See the
Cancel Edits and Save Edits buttons described below.
Map Example 1: Adding a New Street

During your review, you may find streets that are partially or entirely
missing from the maps.
For example, Heekin Ave is a new street with newly constructed housing
units in census tract 9704 and census block 1304. The addresses are
missing from the address list and the street is missing from the map.
Rose Street

Click the Add Line
button on the Line Editing toolbox. Click on the
starting point for Heekin Avenue, and drag the mouse to the end of the
avenue, adding points as needed to define the shape. Double click to end
the line.
Rose Street

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 8: Updating Census Bureau Shapefiles

A table will pop up for inserting the following information (See Appendix
1) MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code-Click to the right of the
MTFCC (See Appendix G) title and a pop-up table to select from
will appear.
2) Full Feature Name-Enter the feature name, including any
qualifiers such as prefixes or suffixes and street types. If the
feature does not have a name, select the + sign, and unnamed
features will display.

NOTE: The MTPS software automatically assigns a sequential number
for each dataview you open sequentially; the first is Dataview1, the second
is Dataview2, and so on. The numbers are labels and have no meaning.
Click Save Edits

and the feature name will appear on the map.
Rose Street

NOTE: Addresses are included in MAF/TIGER either as individual
addresses or as address ranges. For city-style addresses, an address range
consists of the lowest and the highest address numbers that identify
structures along each side of a street segment. Usually one side of the
street has even address numbers and the other side has odd address

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 8: Updating Census Bureau Shapefiles

An address break is the city-style address on each side of a boundary or at
an intersection with another street or feature.
NOTE: New street features that are added on the map will not have their
corresponding address attributes until the street fields are individually
populated in the address list. (For more information, see Chapter 6).
Rose Street

You can enter address ranges in the following address list fields:

Left To Address
Right To Address
Left From Address
Right From Address


Addresses are coded FROM the low address TO the high address on the
LEFT, and FROM the low address TO the high address on the RIGHT.
Heekin Ave connects Hough St and Barber St. The address breaks (406408 and 703-705) at the new intersections are shown in the drawing
Map Example 2: Correcting a Street Name

The map shows HOWARD ST instead of the correct name, BROWARD

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 8: Updating Census Bureau Shapefiles


From the Line Editing toolbox, click the Edit Line Attributes
icon. Then click on the road feature you want to correct. A
dataview with the attributes for that line will pop up on your


Enter the correct name in the FULLNAME field:


Click the Save Edits
button on the Line Editing toolbox. The
name will be corrected on the map.


Repeat for each line to be corrected (in this example, from Oak
Street to California Street as well as from California Street to
Idaho Street).


Check the address list, and make any corrections as needed, so that
the address list matches the map. Each address with the incorrect
name needs to be corrected on the address list. (For more
information, see Chapter 6).

Map Example 3: Moving a Street

The Census Bureau map shows Caitlin Ct located in census block 1006.
Actually, Caitlin Ct is located in census block 1007.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 8: Updating Census Bureau Shapefiles


Click the Copy and Delete
button on the Line Editing
Toolbox. Click on Caitlin Ct to select the line. The line will turn
red as illustrated in the following figure.


Click the Replace Copied Line
button on the Line Editing
toolbox. Click at the beginning of the replacement line, drag it to
the end and double click.


Click the Save Edits
button on the Line Editing toolbox. The
original street will show as a red dashed line. The new line will
carry all the attributes of the original line.

NOTE: The street name may not show up on the new line on the map,
on the Line Editing
but if you check Edit Line Attributes
toolbox, you will see that the name and other attributes have been

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 8: Updating Census Bureau Shapefiles

Map Example 4: Deleting a Street

All of the housing units along a portion of McKim Street in census block
1007 have been demolished and this section of the street no longer exists.



Click the Delete Line
button on the Line Editing Toolbox.
Click on the line to be deleted. The line will turn red:


button on the Line Editing toolbox. The
Click the Save Edits
deleted line will show as a red dashed line:


Delete all affected addresses on the address list so that the maps
match the list. (For more information, see Chapter 6).

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Submitting LUCA Program Updates
Creating the Changes File
Shipping the Changes File CD

Submitting LUCA Program Updates
After completing your review and update of the LUCA materials, return the
materials with updates to the Census Bureau’s Regional Office for your
reservation or off-reservation trust land (see Appendix L for a list of Regional
Offices). Include the Inventory Form (Appendix D) with your returned
materials. Follow the procedures for shipping Title 13 materials (address lists
and maps) back to the Census Bureau as outlined in this chapter.
Creating the Changes File

Select Report Changes from the LUCA dropdown menu.

The MTPS prompts you to create a ZIP file of your updates.
o Enter your password.
o The name of the ZIP file will correspond to the Entity ID, and
will contain the phrase “LUCA_xxxxxxxxxxx_Return.”
o If you want to review your changes, use Windows Explorer to
open the ZIP file you created and extract its contents to a folder
on your computer. If you want to review changes to the
address list, you will be prompted to enter a password at this
point. This is the same password supplied by the Census
Bureau at the beginning of the LUCA program.


Make two CDs of the Changes File:
o Return one CD to the Census Bureau.
o Keep one CD as a backup copy for your records until the
completion of the LUCA program.

Shipping the Changes File CD

Insert the Changes File CD in an opaque, sealable envelope. The
envelope must be durable enough to prevent someone from viewing or
tampering with the enclosed materials.


Include the Inventory Form Appendix D.


Label both sides of the inner envelope or wrapping with the disclosure
notice as shown below and in Appendix E,
“This Package Contains U.S. Census Bureau Address
Information: DISCLOSURE PROHIBITED BY Title 13 U.S.C.”

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 9: Submitting Your LUCA Program Updates


Insert the sealed and labeled envelope into another opaque envelope
and seal it.


Do not label the outer envelope with the disclosure notice.


Address the outer envelope to:
ATTN: Geography
U.S. Census Bureau
Address for your Census Bureau Regional Office
See Appendix L for Census Bureau’s Regional Office addresses.


Use the prepaid, preprinted FedEx label provided to you, if FedEx
delivery service is available in your area.


Use shipping contractors that provides tracking services such as U.S.
Postal Service (USPS), certified or registered mail, FedEx, United
Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service.

Contact you Census Bureau Regional Office if you have questions about
submitting your materials for the LUCA program.


Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Program Conclusion
Method for Returning Census Bureau Title 13 Materials
Method for Destroying Census Bureau Title 13 Materials

Program Conclusion
At the conclusion of the appeals process, you must return to the Census
Bureau or destroy all Title 13, U.S.C. address lists and all copies. If you
choose to destroy Title 13, U.S.C. materials, you must follow the Census
Bureau’s specific guidelines for destroying Title 13 materials as described
below or in the Confidentiality and Security Guidelines.
The designated tribal liaison is required to verify the return or destruction of
any remaining Title 13 materials, both paper and computer-readable (i.e. paper
copies, backup files, etc.) by signing and returning to the Census Bureau the
Return or Destruction of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials form found in Appendix F.
If you return your Title 13 materials to the Census Bureau, this form must be
included. All LUCA program reviewers and anyone with access to Title 13
materials (includes all persons who signed the Confidentiality Agreement
Form) are required to sign and date this form once the appeals process has
concluded. Should any liaison, reviewer, or anyone with access to Title 13
materials leave before the completion of the LUCA program, they are required
to sign out of the program by signing and dating this form. If any liaison or
reviewer leaves and fails to sign and date this form, the current liaison can sign
out on their behalf.
Method for Returning Census Bureau Title 13, U.S.C. Materials

If you choose to return the Census Bureau’s data files instead of
destroying them (You must double wrap all Title 13 materials, including
your original CD and all paper copies and backup files of the Census
Bureau’s Address List and Feedback maps, including copies, containing
structure points):

Insert the Changes File CD in an opaque, sealable envelope. The
envelope must be durable enough to prevent someone from
viewing or tampering with the enclosed materials.


Label both sides of the inner envelope or wrapping with the
disclosure notice as shown below and in Appendix E,
“This Package Contains U.S. Census Bureau Address
Information: DISCLOSURE PROHIBITED BY Title 13 U.S.C.”

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS


Chapter 10: Returning or Destroying Census Bureau Title 13 Materials After


Insert the sealed and labeled envelope into another opaque
envelope and seal it.


Do not label the outer envelope with the disclosure notice.


Address the outer envelope to:
ATTN: Geography
U.S. Census Bureau
Address for your Census Bureau Regional Office
See Appendix L for Census Bureau’s Regional Office addresses.

Use shipping contractors that provides tracking services such as
U.S. Postal Service (USPS), certified or registered mail, FedEx,
United Parcel Service (UPS), or similar service.

Contact you Census Bureau Regional Office if you have questions about
submitting your materials for the LUCA program.
Method for Destroying Census Bureau Title 13, U.S.C. Materials


Only those individuals who signed the Confidentiality Agreement
Form are permitted to destroy the Census Bureau’s Title 13


Never deposit Census Bureau confidential materials in a trash or
recycle container before destruction.


Store the materials in a secure area in a container labeled
“document destruction container” until they are destroyed.


The destruction process must prevent recognition or reconstruction
of the paper or computer-readable information. Use one of the
following methods to destroy census confidential materials:



Chemical decomposition.
Pulverizing (such as, hammer mills, choppers, etc.).
Burning (only in a facility approved by the Environmental
Protection Agency).
Clear magnetic media (tapes, disks, hard drives) containing
Census Bureau address information before reuse. To clear,
overwrite all Title 13 data a minimum of three times using a
commercial disk utility program or degauss using a commercial
Clear diskettes by running a magnetic strip of sufficient length
to reach all areas of the disk over and under each surface a
minimum of three times. If the information cannot be
destroyed as suggested, the disk must be damaged in an
obvious manner to prevent use in any disk drive unit and

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS

Chapter 10: Returning or Destroying Census Bureau Title 13 Materials After

o Destroy CD-ROMs and DVDs using a commercial grade
shredder, suitable for rendering them unuseable; or cut them up
with scissors in an obvious manner to prevent use in a drive
NOTE: Hand tearing or burying information in a landfill are
unacceptable methods of disposal.
If you have any questions regarding the destruction of Title 13 materials,
please call your Census Bureau Regional Office. (See Appendix L.)

Option 1–Title 13 Full Address List Review, MTPS




The law requires the U.S. Census
Bureau to maintain the
confidentiality for all of the
information that it collects. The
Census Bureau takes its
responsibility to protect the
confidentiality of the information it
collects very seriously. Respondents
place their trust in the Census Bureau
each time they complete a survey or
an interview. This trust in
confidentiality is critical to the
success of the Census Bureau’s
mission to collect and report the
most accurate data possible. To
uphold the law, the Census Bureau
requires that all individuals who
work with the Census Bureau’s
confidential materials read,
understand, and agree to abide by the
confidentiality and security
guidelines outlined below.
Why Address Information Is Protected

Title 13, United States Code
(U.S.C.), provides for the
confidential treatment of censusrelated information. Chapter 1,
Section 9 of the code states:
“Neither the Secretary, nor any
other officer or employee of the
Department of Commerce or bureau
or agency thereof, or local
government census liaison, may,
except as provided in section 8 or 16
or chapter 10 of this title…
1) use the information furnished
under the provisions of this title
for any purpose other than the
statistical purposes for which it
is supplied; or
2) make any publication whereby
the data furnished by any

particular establishment or
individual under this title can be
identified; or
3) permit anyone other than the
sworn officers and employees of
the Department or bureau or
agency thereof to examine the
individual reports.”
Section 214 of the Code and the
Uniform Sentencing Act of 1984 set
the penalty for the wrongful
disclosure or release of information
protected by Title 13 at a fine of not
more than $250,000 or imprisonment
for not more than 5 years, or both.
To implement this law, all Census
Bureau employees (both temporary
and permanent) take an oath to
maintain the confidentiality of the
census information they encounter in
their work. Census information

Everything on a completed or
partially completed questionnaire
or obtained in a personal or
telephone interview.


Individual addresses maintained
by the Census Bureau that Local
Update of Census Addresses
(LUCA) Program liaisons


Maps that identify the location of
individual housing units and/or
group quarters (“structure

Title 13 of the U.S.C. does not
protect generalized address
information, such as the address
range data available in the Census

Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines

Bureau’s digital shapefile products.
In 1994, the U.S. Congress amended
Chapter 1 of Title 13 to allow local
government designated census
liaisons to review the Census
Bureau’s address list for their area.
This amendment recognizes the
important role that local knowledge
and participation can play in building
and updating an accurate,
comprehensive census address list.
In amending this chapter, the
Congress reaffirmed the confidential
nature of address information.

deliver the address list
materials to Option 1 and
Option 2 participants until we
have received a completed and
signed Confidentiality
Agreement and SelfAssessment Form.

Although you may have prior
confidentiality agreements on
file at the Census Bureau, these
will not fulfill the requirements
of the 2010 Decennial Census
LUCA Program.

Security Guidelines
The Confidentiality Agreement

Each participating government must
designate a primary liaison. The
primary liaison, all reviewers, and
anyone with access to Title 13,
U.S.C. materials must understand
and sign the Confidentiality
Agreement. The Census Bureau
considers all individuals who have
access to the Census Bureau’s
address information and maps
showing the location of housing
units and group quarters, liaisons.
Therefore, all Option 1 and Option 2
2010 Decennial Census LUCA
Program liaisons, reviewers, and
anyone with access to Title 13
materials must sign the
Confidentiality Agreement.
Signatures on this form constitute an
agreement by each individual to
abide by the security guidelines
outlined below. While access to
Title 13 protected information is
temporary, the commitment to keep
the information confidential is

The Census Bureau will not

The Census Bureau recognizes the
fact that the implementation of these
guidelines may vary slightly from
one participant to another.
Regardless, the result must be the
same for each participant –
nondisclosure of information
protected by Title 13, U.S.C.
The primary liaison accepts the
responsibility for protecting and
safeguarding the LUCA program
materials covered by Title 13, U.S.C.
This includes any list that shows
individual Census Bureau addresses
and any Census Bureau map or
digital file that shows individual
housing units and/or group quarters
location (“structure points”). The
primary liaison must restrict access
to the Census Bureau’s address
information to those individuals who
have signed the Confidentiality
Agreement. The liaison, reviewers,
and anyone with access to Title 13
materials must sign the
Confidentiality Agreement.
As you read the Census Bureau’s
security requirements, keep in mind

Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines


the important role security plays in
the overall responsibilities of each
LUCA program liaison, reviewers,
and anyone with access to Title 13
materials. The Census Bureau must
have your full cooperation and
commitment to following these
guidelines. Together, we will
maintain the confidential information
entrusted to the Census Bureau by
the Congress and the American
Protecting Census Bureau Address

The Census Bureau will conduct
training workshops covering all
aspects of the LUCA program. In
addition, the workshops will provide
the participating governments with
an opportunity to review the security
guidelines and safeguards to protect
against illegal use of Census Bureau
address information. Census Bureau
staff conducting the workshops will
provide information to help you
decide who in your organization
needs to have access to the Census
Bureau’s Address List and will
review the civil and criminal
penalties for improper or illegal use
of the data.

Bureau address information.

Employee access to Census
Bureau address information.


The physical safeguard of the
computers, rooms, and buildings
where the Census Bureau address
information is stored.


Instructions to employees about


Data processing operations
(including use of passwords).


Employee awareness of their
responsibilities to protect the
confidentiality of Census Bureau

Protecting Paper Copies of Census
Bureau Address Information and Maps


Keep all Census Bureau address
information in a locked room
during non-work hours. If
possible, store the Census
address materials and maps
showing structure points in
locked desks or cabinets.


During work hours, do not leave
a room unattended where Census
Bureau address information is
stored. Lock the room whenever
you leave.


Do not leave Census Bureau
address information unattended
at your desk. Return any Title 13
data to secure storage when you
are not using it.


Only make copies of the
information necessary to
complete your task. Do not leave

Onsite Visits

To ensure that participating entities
or organizations are maintaining
adequate security safeguards, the
Census Bureau may make on-site
visits to review your government or
organization’s security procedures.
The Census Bureau will strive not to
disrupt your office operations. A
typical visit would include a review
• Storage and handling of Census


Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines

the copying machine unattended
while making copies. All copied
material containing Title 13
information must bear the
“This document contains
information, the release of
which is prohibited by Title 13,
U.S.C., and is for U.S. Census
Bureau official use only.
Wrongful disclosure or release
of information can be
punished by fine or
imprisonment (Public Law 99474).”


To FAX a document containing
Census Bureau address
information to a Census Bureau
location, make sure the document
is properly labeled with the
disclosure statement:
U.S.C.”, verify the FAX number
before sending, and arrange for a
Census Bureau employee to be at
the FAX machine to receive it
and acknowledge receipt.
Do not disclose precise or even
anecdotal information about
Census Bureau addresses or
locations to anyone who has not
signed the Confidentiality
Agreement Form or is not a
Census Bureau employee.

Protecting Computer-Readable Census
Bureau Address Information and Maps

Operating systems, programs,
applications, and data related to the
review of Census Bureau addresses
must be accessible only to LUCA
program liaisons and reviewers. The

automated data processing (ADP)
system should restrict the read, write,
delete, and execute functions
applicable to the Census Bureau’s
The ADP system must use log-on
routines that require a user-ID and
password that conform to the
following guidelines:

Assign a unique user-ID and
password for liaisons, reviewers,
and anyone with access to Title
13 materials.


Passwords must consist of at
least 8, nonblank characters
consisting of at least one
alphabet letter and either one
number or one special character
($,*, &). No more than six
consecutive characters
(AAAAAA) may appear in the
password, and then only once.


Reject passwords that are the
same as the user-ID or that have
been used within the last 6


Encrypt passwords.


Disable passwords after three bad


Do not display passwords on
terminals or printers.


Change passwords every 90 days
(more frequent change is
optional) or immediately, if


On new accounts, the user must
change the assigned password to

Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines


a unique password the first time
they log on.
The ADP system must display a
warning log-on feature. Computer
screens must display a warning that
(Public Law 99-474). ALL USE
If Census Bureau address
information is placed on a shared
computer system, construct


electronic security profiles to allow
only LUCA program liaisons,
reviewers, and anyone with access to
the Census Bureau’s address
information. Test your security to
ensure that only LUCA liaisons and
reviewers are permitted access to the
Census Bureau’s address
ZIP and password protect Title 13
Census Bureau address information.
Lock all rooms containing computers
with Title 13 Census Bureau address
information and all associated media
during non-work hours.
Do not leave computers with Census
Bureau address information
unattended during work hours. Logoff the computer/system or lock the
room whenever you leave.
Label any computer diskettes, CDROMs, DVDs, tapes, cartridges or
other computer storage media
containing Census Bureau address
information with the following:
“This document contains
information, the release of which is
prohibited by Title 13, U.S.C., and is
for U.S. Census Bureau official use
only. Wrongful disclosure or
release of information can be
punished by fine or imprisonment
(Public Law 99-474).”
If backup is necessary, do not send
the tapes, cartridges, or disks off-site.
Store them in a secured area. Do not
mix, store, or back-up LUCA data
with other data.
Clear magnetic media (tapes, disks,

Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines

disclosure notice:

hard drives) containing Census Bureau
address information before reuse. To clear
magnetic media, overwrite all Title 13 data
three times at a minimum using a
commercial disk utility program or degauss
using a commercial degausser.
Program any software you develop for
displaying the Census Bureau addresses to
label each affected page of a printout
containing Census Bureau address
information with the following:
“This document contains information, the
release of which is prohibited by Title 13,
U.S.C., and is for U.S. Census Bureau
official use only. Wrongful disclosure or
release of information can be punished by
fine or imprisonment (Public Law 99474).”
Returning Census Bureau Title 13

Once you have completed your
initial review and update of the
LUCA materials, return only those
materials with updates to the Census
Bureau’s Regional Office
responsible for your jurisdiction.
Make a copy of all updated pages to
keep for your records. Retain all
non-annotated Title 13 materials
until you receive your feedback
materials. Keep all retained address
lists and copies in a secure location.
Use the following guidelines to ship
the updated materials:

Ship all Census Bureau
confidential material in two
opaque sealed envelopes that are
durable enough to prevent
someone from viewing or
tampering with the enclosed


Label both sides of the inner
envelope or wrapping with the


DO NOT label the outer
envelope with the
U.S.C.” notice.


Address the outer envelope to:
U.S. Census Bureau
Address for your Census
Bureau Regional Office


Use shipping contractors that
provide tracking services, such as
U.S. Postal Service certified or
registered mail, FedEx, United
Parcel Service, or similar service.

Return or Destruction of Census Bureau
Confidential Materials

After the appeals process has
concluded, all Title 13, U.S.C.,
Census Bureau address lists and
maps containing structure points
must be returned or destroyed
according to the Census Bureau’s
specific guidelines for returning or
destroying confidential material.
The liaison is required to verify the
return or destruction of any
remaining Title 13 materials, both
paper and computer-readable
including all paper copies, backup
files, etc. The liaison must sign and
return to the Census Bureau the
“Return or Destruction of Title 13,
U.S.C. Materials” form. In addition,
all LUCA program reviewers and

Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines


anyone with access to Title 13
materials who signed the
Confidentiality Agreement are
required to sign this form once their
participation in the LUCA program
has ended. Should any liaison,
reviewer, or anyone with access to
Title 13 materials leave before the
end of the LUCA program, they are
required to “sign-out” of the program
by signing and dating this form.

Census Bureau address
information before reuse. To
clear, overwrite all Title 13
data a minimum of three
times, using a commercial
disk utility program or
degauss using a commercial

Only those individuals who signed
the Confidentiality Agreement are
permitted to destroy Title 13, U.S.C.



Never deposit Census Bureau
confidential materials in a trash
or recycle container before
Store the materials in a secure
area in a container labeled
“document destruction container”
until they are destroyed.
The destruction process must
prevent recognition or
reconstruction of the paper or
computer-readable information.
Use one of the following
methods to destroy census
confidential materials:



Chemical decomposition





Clear diskettes by running a
magnetic strip of sufficient
length to reach all areas of
the disk over and under each
surface a minimum of three
times. If the information
cannot be destroyed as
suggested, damage the disk in
an obvious manner to prevent
use in any disk drive unit and
Note: Hand tearing or
burying information in a
landfill are unacceptable
methods of disposal before


Destroy CD-ROMs and
DVDs using a commercial
grade shredder, suitable for
rendering them un-usable, or
cut them up with scissors in
an obvious manner to prevent
use in a drive unit.

Pulverizing (such as, hammer
mills, choppers, etc.)
Burning (only in a facility
approved by the
Environmental Protection
Clear magnetic media (tapes,
disks, hard drives) containing
Appendix A: Confidentiality and Security Guidelines



Appendix B: Confidentiality Agreement


Appendix B: Confidentiality Agreement



Appendix C: Self Assessment Checklist


Appendix C: Self-Assessment Checklist

Appendix C: Self Assessment Checklist

Appendix C: Self-Assessment Checklist




Appendix D: Inventory Form


Appendix D: Inventory Form



Appendix E: Special Disclosure Notice

Special Notice
This Package Contains
U.S. Census Bureau
Address Information

TITLE 13, U.S.C.

Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau


Appendix E: Special Disclosure Notice



Appendix F: Return or Destruction of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials


Appendix F: Return or Destruction of Title 13, U.S.C. Materials Form



Appendix G: MAF/TIGER Feature Classification Codes

MAF/TIGER Feature Classification Codes
The MTFCC field contains the MAF/TIGER Feature Class Code that
identifies the most noticeable characteristic of a feature. For example,
streets and roads are identified as S1400.
Road Features

Interstate Highway or Primary Road with limited access
Primary Road without limited access, US Highway, State Highway, or
County Highway, Secondary and connecting roads
Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street
Vehicular Trail (4WD)
Service Drive usually along a limited access highway
Walkway/Pedestrian Trail
Private Road for service vehicles (logging, oil fields, ranches, etc.)
Private Driveway

Water Features

Braided Stream
Canal, Ditch or Aqueduct


Railroad Feature (Main, Spur, or Yard)
Carline, Streetcar Track, Monorail, Other Mass Transit Rail
Cog Rail Line, Incline Rail Line, Tram

Miscellaneous Features


Non-visible Legal/Statistical Boundary
Power Transmission Line
Fence Line
Ridge Line
Aerial Tramway/Ski Lift
Airport or Airfield
Property/Parcel Line
Ferry Crossing

Appendix G: MAF/TIGER Feature Classification Codes



Appendix H: Selection Sets

Creating a Selection Set
Saving a Selection Set
Deleting a Selection Set

A Selection Set is a group of features from a single map layer that you can
highlight on the map in order to display only the records that meet a
certain condition. The MTPS allows you to create, update, and delete new
geographic layers that contain only the features you select using the
Selection toolbar and the Selection Sets dialog box. You can save
selection sets to store them in the file so you can use them when you open
it again.
Creating a Selection Set
1. Choose the layer whose line or block features you want to select from
the drop-down list on the Standard toolbar:

2. Click Tools from the Main Menu.

3. Click Selection to display the Census Block Selection dialog box:


button to select a map feature by
Click the Select by Pointing
pointing to it. Click on a single feature on the map. The MTPS
selects the features and highlights the result on the map:

Appendix H: Selection Sets

Appendix H: Selection Sets


Click the Select by Circle
button to select a map feature by
drawing a circle around it. Draw a circle to select all features
inside it. The MTPS selects the features and highlights the result
on the map.


Click the Select by Shape
button to select a map feature by
drawing a shape around it. Draw a shape to select all features
inside it (double-click at the end to finish your sketch). The MTPS
selects the features and highlights the result on the map.

NOTE: Selecting by circle or by shape will only select map features that
are completely contained within the shapes.
NOTE: For more Selection Sets options please search the Help menu.

Click the Clear Selection
on the active selection set.


Click the Create New Selection


Click the Selection Settings

button to clear all selected features
button to add more selection

button to symbolize the selection

Appendix H: Selection Sets


Appendix H: Selection Sets


The Selection Sets are named by default but you can rename them
by clicking the Rename button and typing a new name, i.e.,
“Census Block 1000”.


Click the Style button to customize the display style. Choose the
border and the fill styles and colors.


Click Apply then click OK to save the selection set.


Select any map features as described in Step 3.

Saving a Selection Set
When you close the MTPS session, all the selection sets are saved so you
can access them again. The MTPS also saves the style settings of the
selection set(s).
Deleting a Selection Set


You can delete selection sets that you no longer need to use.

Appendix H: Selection Sets

Appendix H: Selection Sets


Click the Selection Settings
Sets dialog box.


Choose the selection set you want to delete.


Click Drop Set. The MTPS prompts you to confirm that you want
to delete the selection set.


Click Yes to delete the selection set. The MTPS deletes the
selection set and updates the Selection toolbar and map legend

button to display the Selection

NOTE: You cannot delete the default selection set named "Selection."

Close the Selection Sets dialog box.

Appendix H: Selection Sets




Appendix I: Location Description and Street Type Abbreviation Examples

Alternate Route
Boarded Up
County Highway
County Road
Four-Wheel Drive Trail
General Delivery
Highway Contract Route
Post Office Box
Rural Route
Star Route
State Highway
State Road
State Route
Township Highway
Township Road

CO Hwy

81 Appendix I: Location Description and Street Type Abbreviation Examples



Appendix J: Unit Designation Abbreviation Examples

Mobile Home



Appendix J: Unit Designation Abbreviation Examples



Appendix K: BAS Procedures
1.0 Introduction to the Boundary and Annexation Survey
1.1 Overview of the BAS
1.2 Legal Disputes
1.3 Key Dates for BAS Respondents or Participants

1.0 Introduction to the Boundary and Annexation Survey
1.1 Overview of the BAS

The Census Bureau conducts an annual survey called the Boundary and
Annexation Survey (BAS) to collect information about selected legally
defined geographic areas, such as counties (and equivalent areas),
incorporated places, minor civil divisions (MCDs), as well as federally
recognized American Indian reservations, including off-reservation trust
lands and tribal subdivisions. The BAS also provides an opportunity for
participants to review the names and geographic relationships for these
areas. Title 13, U.S. Census Code authorizes this survey.
BAS information is used to provide a record for reporting the results of the
decennial and economic censuses, and to support the Population Estimates
Program and the American Community Survey. Maintaining correct
boundaries and boundary-to-feature relationships through the BAS helps
ensure that the appropriate population is assigned to each entity. In
compliance with the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16, the
BAS supports the Census Bureau’s spatial data steward responsibilities for
the Federal Geographic Data Committee and the Geospatial One-Stop by
updating the inventory of and boundaries for, governmental units. In
addition, the BAS is the source of up-to-date information on boundaries,
codes, and names for the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Map
and the Geographic Names Information System. The BAS is also the
source for changes in the boundary of incorporated places, minor civil
divisions (MCDs), counties (and equivalent areas), and federally
recognized American Indian areas, which include reservations and offreservation trust lands.
1.2 Legal Disputes

If it comes to our attention that areas of land are in dispute between two or
more jurisdictions, we will not make annexations or boundary corrections
until the parties come to a written agreement, or there is a documented
final court decision regarding the matter/dispute. If you have questions
concerning this, please contact the Census Bureau Legal Office at


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

1.3 Key Dates for BAS Respondents or Participants

All changes received by April 1st, will be reflected in the Population
Estimates Program and the American Community Survey. If the Census
Bureau receives your updates by May 31st, they will be included in your
BAS materials next year.
To change your method of participation in BAS from the MTPS to either
paper or Digital BAS, you must notify the Census Bureau by
February 15th. You can contact the Census Bureau by phone at (800)
972-5651 or by email at [email protected].

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures
2.0 Viewing and Updating Boundary Data and BAS Forms Using the MTPS
2.1 Logging onto the MTPS
2.2 Computer Based Training (CBT)
2.3 Updating Your Contact Information
2.4 Reviewing and Updating the BAS Forms
2.4.1 Incorporated Place Form
2.4.2 Minor Civil Division (MCD) Form
2.4.3 County Form
2.4.4 American Indian Areas Form
2.5 Opening the Map to Make Boundary Updated in the MTPS
2.6 Customizing the Map View
2.7 Editing the Boundary Data in the MTPS
2.7.1 Map Editing Toolboxes
2.7.2 Boundary Changes Using the BAS Toolbar Creating Boundary Change Polygons Populating the BAS Entity Update Form
2.7.3 Linear Feature Updates
2.7.4 Area Landmark Updates New Landmark Deletion or Deannexation Change Name
2.7.5 Point Landmark Updates Adding a Point Landmark Deleting a Point Landmark

2.0 Viewing and Updating Boundary Data and BAS Forms Using the
2.1 Logging onto the MTPS

When you installed the MTPS on your computer it was added to the list of
software on the Programs folder in the Start menu. The software can be
initiated by selecting the MAF/TIGER Partnership Software from the
Programs folder.
The program will open and will ask for your username and password.
You will be asked for this username and password each time you sign onto
the program. Select the OK button when you have completed entering
both pieces of information. The program will tell you if the entered
information has an error.
NOTE: The username and password fields are case sensitive. This
means that if the username is uppercase it needs to be entered as such into
the software.
After your username and password is accepted by the program, the data
files that you loaded in the previous step will be indexed so that the
program is able to read and edit them. For this step, the antivirus on your
computer must be turned off. This step will take much longer if it is on.
The time required for indexing the files varies depending on the size and
amount of features in your entity and the surrounding areas.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

2.2 Computer Based Training (CBT)

After you have logged onto the MTPS, a window will appear asking you if
you would like to view the CBT or if you would like to go straight to the
update software. The Computer Based Trainings demonstrate how to use
the software to make different types of updates, such as adding a line or
area to your entity.
We strongly recommend that you review the following tutorials in the
CBT before continuing:

Creating additions/annexations, deletions/deannexations, and new


Editing linear features.


Editing area features.


Editing landmark points.


Reporting your LUCA changes.

The CBT can be viewed at any time from the Programs folder in the
Start menu. The window asking if you would like to view the CBT will
also appear the next time you log onto the software.
2.3 Updating Your Contact Information

The first time you enter the MTPS, a window will appear asking you to
verify and/or correct the contact information for the person responding to
the BAS. Example 2.3.1 shows an example of the contact information

Example 2.3.1: Participant Information Window
If the contact information for the person completing the submission is
different from what is populated in the form, please type over the incorrect
data. The Census Bureau tries to have complete contact data for each
entity, but if we are missing data, such as a fax number or e-mail address,
please populate the appropriate fields with the information. Click the OK
button in the bottom right corner after you have completed making the
necessary updates.
Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

If you determine the respondent’s contact data is correct and complete,
click the OK button to verify.
The Participant Information window can be viewed at any time while you
are logged on to the MTPS by selecting BAS from the general toolbar and
then selecting Update User Information (see Example 2.3.2).

Example 2.3.2: Opening the Participant Information
window after initial logon
2.4 Reviewing and Updating the BAS Forms

The BAS forms are important because they allow the local participants to
review the geographic relationship information and previously submitted
legal boundary change data. Included in your package is a paper BAS
form. This form is provided only as a reference. The Census Bureau has
developed a unique form for each entity type included in the BAS. There
are four form types: incorporated place, minor civil division (MCD),
county, and American Indian Areas (AIA). Please complete the form
using the MTPS that corresponds to the type of entity you represent.
The forms can be accessed at any time while you are logged on to the
MTPS by selecting BAS from the main toolbar at the top of the screen and
then select Update BAS Startup Forms (Example 2.4.1).

Example 2.4.1: Opening the BAS forms after initial logon
The following subsections will provide an explanation of the necessary
steps to complete each type of form.
2.4.1 Incorporated Place Form

The BAS Form 1 screen shows the name and geographic relationship
information for the place and asks the participant to verify the information.


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

The following information is provided in the Title and Entity section:

Part A lists the incorporated place name, FIPS code, type, and


Part B list the counties that contain the incorporated place.


Part C lists the MCDs that contain or correspond with the
incorporated place, if applicable. If your incorporated place is
located in a state where MCDs do not exist or are not active, Part
C will state, “None listed.”

Please review the information provided in the Title and Entity section

Example Reviewing the first screen of the Place
The Modifications section includes questions about the validity of the
information provided in the Title and Entity section. The default answer
to each question is yes.
If you have changes to report for Question a, complete the following

Select the radio button next to No.


Key in the correct name and/or type into the appropriate field.


Select the calendar under the Effective Date of Change to choose
a date. An effective date is required for all name and type changes,
with the exception of spelling corrections.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

If you have changes to report for Question b, complete the following

Select the radio button next to No. This selection will activate
Question c.


To add or delete a county or MCD from the list, select the Add
). Multiple rows can be added using this
New Change tool (


After a record has been added, select A for Add or D for Delete
from the Add/Del dropdown and type the name of the county or
MCD that needs to be added or removed from the list in the
appropriate column.


If a legal boundary change resulted in your entity being added or
removed from a county or MCD, double click in the field under
Date and select the effective date from the provided calendar. A
date is not required if your entity was listed in the county or place


If you add a row and would like to remove it use the Drop Change
tool (


Example Correcting or updating the counties and
MCDs your incorporated place is located within
If your entity supplied the Census Bureau with boundary changes during
) at the bottom
the previous BAS cycle, select the Next button (
of the screen to proceed to the BAS Table Review screen. This screen
displays data submitted for each boundary change that was reported for
your entity during the previous BAS cycle.
NOTE: If your entity did not supply the Census Bureau with any
boundary changes, an OK button will appear at the bottom of the BAS
Form 1 screen. Select the OK button to complete the form review. The
next step to submitting your BAS is to review and update the boundaries
on the maps. Skip to section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on
how to open the BAS map in the MPTS.
On the BAS Table Review screen, please look at each field to ensure that
the data was accurately recorded (Example


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Example Reviewing boundary change data
The values that may be present in the Type of Change field are A
(Addition), B (Boundary Correction), D (Deletion), and O (Other).
Table explains the values that may be present in the Auth. Type

Local Law
State Level Action
Other Type

Table Auth. Type Codes
If you determine that a field needs to be modified, complete the following

Enter the correct data into the white field to the right of the column
that requires the correction. The fields next to Type of Change
and Auth. Type require a value to be chosen from a dropdown
menu. If you wish to make a change to the effective date double
click in the field next to Date and a calendar will appear for you to
choose the correct date. Note: additional fields exist for each
record that are not viewable unless you scroll to the right.

When you have completed reviewing both portions of the form, select the
OK button to complete your form review. The next step to submitting
your BAS is to review and update the boundaries on the maps. Skip to
section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on how to open the BAS
map in the MPTS.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

2.4.2 Minor Civil Division (MCD) Form

The BAS Form 3 screen shows information about the Minor Civil
Division and requests the participant to verify the information.
The following information is provided in the Title and Entity section:

Part A lists the MCDs name, type, county, and state.

Please review the information provided in the Title and Entity section

Example Reviewing the first screen of the MCD
The Modifications section includes a question about the validity of the
information provided in the Title and Entity section (Example
The default answer is yes.
If you have a change to report for Question a, complete the following

Select the radio button next to No.


Key in the correct name and/or type into the appropriate field.


Select the calendar under the Effective Date of Change to choose
a date. An effective date is required for all name and type changes,
with the exception of spelling corrections.

Example Updating or correcting the name and type
of your MCD
If your entity supplied the Census Bureau with legal boundary changes
during the previous BAS cycle, select the Next button (
) at the
bottom of the screen to proceed to the BAS Table Review screen. This


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

screen displays data submitted for each boundary change that was reported
for your entity during the previous BAS cycle.
NOTE: If your entity did not supply the Census Bureau with any legal
boundary changes, an OK button will appear at the bottom of the first
screen. Select the OK button to complete the form review. The next step
to submitting your BAS is to review and update the boundaries on the
maps. Skip to section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on how to
open the BAS map in the MPTS.
On the BAS Table Review screen, please review each field to ensure that
the data was accurately recorded (Example

Example Reviewing legal boundary change data
The values that may be present in the Type of Change field are A
(Addition), B (Boundary Correction), D (Deletion), and O (Other).
Table explains the values that may be present in the Auth. Type

Local Law
State Level Action
Other Type

Table Auth. Type Codes
If you determine that a field needs to be modified, complete the following

Enter the correct data into the white field to the right of the column
that requires the correction. The fields next to Type of Change
and Auth. Type require a value to be chosen from a dropdown

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

menu. If you wish to make a change to the effective date double
click in the field next to Date and a calendar will appear for you to
choose the correct date. Note: additional fields exist for each
record that are not viewable unless you scroll to the right.
When you have completed reviewing both portions of the form, select the
OK button to complete your form review. The next step to submitting
your BAS is to review and update the boundaries on the maps. Skip to
section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on how to open the BAS
map in the MPTS.
2.4.3 County Form

The BAS Form 2 screen provides a list of the entities located within your
county (Example Please review this list to determine if, as of the
date listed at the top of the screen, all of the entities located within your
county are present on the list, if their status and type are correct, and if
their name is spelled correctly. All active entities will be listed first
followed by, if any, inactive entities.

Example County Form entity list review
If an entity’s name or type is incorrect, complete the following steps:



Key in the correct name and/or type in the white column to the
right of the applicable column.


Enter a date into the Date field by double clicking in the field and
selecting a date from the calendar that appears. An effective date
is required if the change is due to a legal name or type change. If
the change is due to a spelling error it is not required.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Example Correcting the spelling of an entity’s
If an entity’s status is different from what is present on the list, such as it
disincorporated or the entity never existed in your county, complete the
following steps:

Check the appropriate box for the type of change.


Enter a date into the Date field by double clicking in the field and
selecting a date from the calendar that appears. All status changes,
other than “Incorporated place or MCD never existed,” require an
effective date to be recorded in the Date field.

Example Changing an entity’s status
If an entity needs to be added to the list, complete the following steps:

Press the Add New Change tool (
) at the bottom of the screen.
A line will be added under New Entities and the check box for
New incorporated place or MCD will be checked.


Enter the entity’s name and type in the appropriate fields.


Enter the effective date of the incorporation or create into the Date
field by double clicking in the field and selecting a date from the
calendar that appears.

Example Adding a New Entity
When you have completed reviewing this table, press the OK button at the
bottom of the window to complete the form review. The next step to
submitting your BAS is to review and update the boundaries on the maps.
Skip to section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on how to open the
BAS map in the MPTS.
2.4.4 American Indian Areas Form

The BAS Form 5 screen shows the name and geographic relationship
information for the American Indian reservation and/or off-reservation
trust land and asks the participant to verify the information.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

The following information is provided in the Title and Entity section:

Part A lists the name of the American Indian reservation and/or
off-reservation trust land.


Part B lists the names of counties located in the American Indian
reservation and/or off-reservation trust land is located.


Part C lists the FIPS codes for the reservation/off-reservation trust
lands by state.

Please review the information provided in the Title and Entity section

Example Reviewing the first screen of the
American Indian Areas form
The Modifications section includes questions about the validity of the
information provided in the Title and Entity section. The default answer
to each question is yes.
If you have changes to report for Question a, complete the following

Select the radio button next to No.


Type in the new or correct name into the field below. You must
submit supporting documentation such as a tribal resolution when
reporting a name change.

If you have questions to report for Question b, complete the following


Select the radio button next to No. This selection will activate
question c.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


To add or delete a county from the list, select the Add New
Change tool (
). Multiple rows can be added using this tool.


After a record has been added, select A for Add or D for Delete
from the Add/Del dropdown and type the name of the county and
state that need to be added or removed from the list in the
appropriate column.


If a legal boundary change resulted in your entity being added or
removed from a county, double click in the field in the Date
column and select the effective date from the provided calendar. A
date is not required if your entity was listed in the county


If you add a row and would like to remove it use the Drop Change
tool (


Example Correcting or updating the counties and
states associated with your reservation/off-reservation trust
If your entity supplied the Census Bureau with legal boundary changes
during the previous BAS cycle, select the Next button (
) at the
bottom of the first screen to proceed to the BAS Table Review screen.
This screen displays data submitted for each legal boundary change that
was reported for your entity during the previous BAS cycle.
NOTE: If your entity did not supply the Census Bureau with any legal
boundary changes, the Next> button will bring you to the Tribal
Subdivisions screen. This will list the tribal subdivisions within your
reservation/off-reservation trust land.
NOTE: If your American Indian reservation and/or off-reservation trust
land did not supply the Census Bureau with any legal boundary change
information during the previous BAS cycle and the Census Bureau does
not have any record of tribal subdivisions for your entity, an OK button
will appear at the bottom of the first screen. Press the OK button to
complete your form review. The next step to submitting your BAS is to
review and update the boundaries on the maps. Skip to section 2.5 of this
document for an explanation on how to open the BAS map in the MPTS.
On the BAS Table Review screen, please look at each field to ensure that
the data was accurately recorded (Example

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Example Reviewing legal boundary change data
The values that may be present in the Type of Change field are A
(Addition), B (Boundary Correction), D (Deletion), and O (Other).
Table explains the values that may be present in the Auth. Type
field. There are two possible values for the Type Added column: R
(Reservation) and T (Off-reservation trust land).

Act of Congress, Statute, or Federal Law
Federal Court Decision
Deed Placing Land into Trust
Federal Register Notice or Notice
Published in a Local Newspaper by the
Federal Government
Other Type

Table Auth. Type Codes
If you determine that a field needs to be modified, complete the following

Enter the correct data into the white field to the right of the column
that requires the correction. The fields next to Type of Change,
Auth. Type, and Type Added require a value to be chosen from a
dropdown menu. If you wish to make a change to the effective
date, double click in the field next to Date and a calendar will
appear for you to choose the correct date. Note: additional fields
exist for each record that are not viewable unless you scroll to the

When you have completed reviewing the BAS Table Review screen, press
the Next>button to continue to the Tribal Subdivisions screen.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

NOTE: If the Census Bureau does not have any record of tribal
subdivisions for your entity, an OK button will appear at the bottom of the
first screen. Press the OK button to complete your form review. The next
step to submitting your BAS is to review and update the boundaries on the
maps. Skip to section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on how to
open the BAS map in the MPTS.
The Tribal Subdivisions screen provides a list the tribal subdivisions
located within your reservation/off-reservation trust land (Example Please review this list to determine if, as of the date listed at the
top of the screen, all of the tribal subdivisions located within your
reservation/off-reservation trust land are present on the list, if their type is
correct, and if their name is spelled correctly. The type describes if they
are A (active) or I (inactive). All active subdivisions will be listed first
followed by, if any, inactive subdivisions.

Example Tribal subdivision list review
If a tribal subdivision’s name or type is incorrect, complete the following

Type the correct information in the white column beside name.
You must submit supporting documentation such as a tribal
resolution when reporting a name change.


Enter a date into the Date field by double clicking in the field and
selecting a date from the calendar that appears. A change to a
tribal subdivision name requires an effective date. If the change is
due to a spelling error, an effective date is not required. (Example

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Example Correcting the spelling of an entity’s
If a tribal subdivision’s status is different from what is present on the list,
such as it has been deleted or the subdivision never existed, complete the
following steps:

Check the appropriate box for the type of change.


Enter a date into the Date field by double clicking in the field and
selecting a date from the calendar that appears. All status changes,
other than “Tribal subdivision never existed” and “Boundary
correction,” require an effective date to be recorded in the Date

Example Changing an entity’s status
If an entity needs to be added to the list, complete the following steps:

Select the Add New Subdivision tool (
) at the bottom of the
screen. A line will be added under New Entities and the check
box for New subdivision will be checked.


Enter the entity’s name and type in the appropriate fields.


Double click in the Date field to select the effective date of the

Example Adding a New Entity
When you have completed reviewing this table, press the OK button at the
bottom of the window to complete the form review. The next step to
submitting your BAS is to review and update the boundaries on the maps.
Skip to section 2.5 of this document for an explanation on how to open the
BAS map in the MPTS.
2.5 Opening the Map to Make Boundary Updates in the MTPS

To open the boundary update component of the software, select BAS from
the general toolbar and then select Open (Example 2.5.1).


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Example 2.5.1: Opening the map
2.6 Customizing the Map View

If you determine that there is data being displayed that will not be helpful
to you as you make your boundary updates, such as tract or block
boundaries, you may hide the data. To make a type of data, or layer,
hidden from your view, select the Map Layers tool (Example 2.6.1) in the
main toolbar.

Example 2.6.1: Map Layers tool
For each layer that you do not wish to view, select it from the list and click
the Hide Layer button (Example 2.6.2). If multiple layers exist for a data
type (such as Census Block, Census Block 1), select each layer and click
the Hide Layer button. A data type is listed more than once if you have
received information for multiple counties.

Example 2.6.2: Hiding Layers Previously Viewable
This tool can also be used if a layer is hidden and you wish to view the
data. To show a layer that is currently hidden, select the layer and click
the Show Layer button (Example 2.6.3).

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Example 2.6.3: Showing Layers Previously Hidden
2.7 Editing the Boundary Data in the MTPS

The MTPS allows you to make many types of boundary updates to the
map (e.g. add a new incorporation, add an addition or annexation, modify
an area landmark, etc.). The following subsections will describe the how
to use the software to make the changes to the map and the documentation
needed for each type of change.
2.7.1 Map Editing Toolboxes

There are four map editing toolboxes: the BAS toolbox, Line Editing
toolbox, Area Editing toolbox, and Point Editing toolbox. Table
describes the data that is able to be edited using the different toolboxes.

BAS toolbox

Boundaries of legally defined areas

American Indian areas




Minor Civil Divisions

• Incorporated Places

Line Editing toolbox

Area Editing toolbox
Point Editing toolbox


Roads, 1 dimensional stream, railroad,


All feature updates should be made in the
LUCA module, unless they are coincident
with a boundary. Please review the CBT
for further information about feature

Boundaries of an Area Landmark

Airport, bodies of water, cemeteries, etc.

Point landmarks

Marina, dormitory, hospital, school, etc.

Table Data Edited Using Each Toolbox


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

These toolboxes can be accessed by clicking on BAS on the main toolbar
at the top of the screen and then selecting the toolbox of interest (Example

Example Opening the BAS toolbox
NOTE: Some toolboxes can not be open at the same time, such as the
BAS toolbox and the Area Editing toolbox. If you receive a message that
a toolbox can not be opened due to another toolbox being open, please
close the conflicting toolbox and try again.
Appendix 1 contains tables showing the tools contained within each
toolbox and their functionality. Although these tables describe each of the
tools and how to use them, an in depth description on all of the necessary
steps to complete each type of change will be described in the following
sections. The Computer Based Trainings also offer visual demonstrations
of how to complete map updates.
2.7.2 Boundary Changes Using the BAS Toolbar

As stated in Table, changes to the boundaries of legal areas are
made through the BAS toolbox. An explanation of the tools in this
toolbox is given in Appendix 1 Table 2. Although the different kinds of
boundary changes require different types of documentation, the steps to
complete the map updates are similar. Section will describe the
steps to completing a boundary change using the BAS toolbox, and
potentially the Line Editing toolbox. Section will provide a series
of tables describing the required documentation for each of the types of
boundary changes.
NOTE: Although the software lists all of the change types for each entity
type (American Indian Reservation, Incorporated Place), only specific
types of changes will be processed for entity type. Please see Appendix 2
for a list of acceptable types of change by entity type.
The CBT provides visual demonstrations of how to perform boundary
updates. These demonstrations will be helpful in showing the different
tools and steps to complete a change on the map. Please ensure that you
have reviewed these demonstrations before completing boundary updates.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures Creating Boundary Change Polygons
To create boundary change polygon, complete the following steps:
1) Select the level of geography that the change is being made to from the
Edit Layer dropdown menu on the BAS toolbox. This step only
applies to county or American Indian area participants. All other
participants will have the selection set for them.
2) Select the entity you wish to edit from the Target Area dropdown
menu on the BAS toolbox. This step only applies to county or
American Indian area participants. All other participants will have the
selection set for them.
3) Select the appropriate type of change from the Action dropdown menu
on the BAS toolbox 10. The available types of change are:

Addition or Annexation.


Boundary Correction (add).


Boundary Correction (remove).


Geographic Corridor.


Deletion or Deannexation.


Geographic Offset.


New Entity.



NOTE: Boundary Corrections are fixes to the representation of our
boundary that are not related to a new or unreported legal action. These
are what in a paper environment were referred to as drafting corrections.
4) Zoom to the area of change by using the Zoom In tool ( ) on the
General toolbox or the Zoom to Target Area tool ( ) on the BAS
5) Select the faces that make up the area of change. The Select by
Pointing tool ( ) and Select by Shape tool ( ) on the BAS toolbox
can both be used to identify an area of change. If a face is accidentally
selected, you may unselect the face by using the Select by Pointing
6) If you would like to select only a portion of a current face, you will
need to add a line to divide the face. Please refer to the Editing Linear
Features CBT for instruction on how to add a line to divide the face. If
the line is being added as a boundary and a feature does not exist there,
give the line a MTFCC of T1100. Type the word Boundary into the
fullname field. Once your added line has been saved, the MTPS will


Please review Appendix 2 to determine which change types should be used for your entity.


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

split the face into two separate faces. You will then be able to select
the desired area.
7) Check to ensure that the correct faces were selected. Small faces may
occur in congested areas, so it is important that you use the Zoom In
tool to view an area in detail and check that you have selected all of the
area you intended.
8) Click the Save Edits tool (

) on the BAS toolbox. Populating the BAS Entity Update Form
After the edit is saved, a popup box will appear requesting the attribute
information for the change. Boundary correction, either in or out, and
geographic offsets do not require any attribute information.
The following fields are present on the Update Form:

Authorization Type
o This field is requesting for the type of legal action that was
taken to change the boundary. A drop down menu is available
for the appropriate Authorization Type to be chosen.


Authorization Number
o This field is asking for the record number associated with the
legal action that changed the boundary.


Effective Date
o This field requests date in which the boundary change was in
effect. A calendar is available to choose the date.


o This field is asking information regarding the MCD the area
was in prior to the boundary update.


Type of Land Added
o This field has a drop down menu listing the appropriate types
for American Indian Area boundary updates.

The required information for each of the change types, excluding
boundary correction and geographic offset, is displayed by entity type in
the Tables - In the tables, Y means that the
information is required, N means that the field is uneditable, and A means
that the field editable but the information is not required.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures





Type of












Y (except

Y (except




Minor Civil







Y (except

Y (except




Indian Areas

* GA state law does not require entities to record an Authorization type or
number but it requires participant to submit the acreage of annexations.
The MTPS automatically calculates the acreage of the area and inputs it
into the form.
**The MCD field only needs to be entered when a change is made to an
incorporated place in a state that has MCDs. If such a change is made,
please enter the MCD that contained the area prior to the annexation.

Indian Areas
Minor Civil





Type of


















Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Entity Name
Effective Date
Tribal Subdivisions




Incorporated Places




The update will not be able to be finalized until each required field in
completed. If you do not have information, for a required field, place the
word Unknown in the field. The Census Bureau will review each record
with an Unknown to determine if the update can be integrated into
MAF/TIGER database. If an issue arises with such a record the person
listed on the Participant Information form will be contacted. Deleting a Change Polygon After It has been Finalized
If you determine that a change polygon was created in error, complete the
following steps to delete the change:
1) Select the Delete a Change ( ) tool from the BAS toolbox.
2) Select the change polygon that you wish to delete.
3) The software will ask you to verify that you wish to delete the change.
Answer yes.
2.7.3 Linear Feature Updates

Refer to the Editing Linear Features CBT for instruction on how to add a
feature. This instructional demonstration will provide information on the
steps to create a feature and the required information. The Help menu in
the MTPS also provides a list of classification codes that can be selected
when creating a line.
2.7.4 Area Landmark Updates

As stated in Table, changes to the boundaries of area landmarks are
made through the Area Editing toolbox. An explanation of the tools in
this toolbox is given in Appendix 1 Table 2. The following sections will
describe the types of changes that can be made to area landmarks, the
steps to complete those changes, and the required information that must
accompany the map update, if any. Boundary Corrections to Area Landmarks
Since area landmarks and water features are not legal entities, the only
types of boundary change that can be done to an existing landmark are
boundary correction (add) and boundary correction (remove). To create
boundary correction change polygons complete the following steps:

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

1) Select the type of geography that the change is being made to from the
Edit Layer dropdown menu on the Area Editing toolbox. The choices
will be either “Area Landmark” or “River, Lake, or Ocean.”
2) Select the geography you wish to edit from the Target Area dropdown
menu on the Area Editing toolbox.
3) Select the type of change you want to make from the Action dropdown
menu on the Area Editing toolbox. The available types of change that
relate to adjusting a boundary are:

Boundary Correction (add).


Boundary Correction (remove).

4) Zoom to the area in which the change is located by using the Zoom In
tool ( ) on the General toolbox or the Zoom to Target Area tool
( ) on the Area Editing toolbox.
5) Select the faces that make up the area of change. The Select by
Pointing tool ( ) and the Select by Shape tool ( ) on the Area
Editing toolbox can both be used to identify an area of change. If a
face is accidentally selected you may unselect the face by using the
Select by Pointing tool.
a) If you would like to select only a portion of a current face, you will
need to add a line to divide the face. Please refer to the Editing
Linear Features CBT for instruction on how to add a line to divide
the face. If the line is being added as a boundary and a feature
does not exist there, give the line a MTFCC of T1100. Type the
word Boundary into the fullname field. Once your added line has
been saved, the MTPS will split the face into two separate faces.
You will then be able to select the desired area.
6) Check to ensure that the correct faces were selected. Small faces may
occur in congested areas, so it is important that you use the Zoom In
tool to view an area in detail and check that you have selected all of the
area you intended.
7) Click the Save Edits tool (

) on the Area Editing toolbox.

Boundary corrections do not require any additional information to be
completed. This means that a popup box, such as the ones that appeared
when an annexation was made to a legal boundary, will not appear when
the Save Edits tool is used to complete the change. New Landmark
New area landmarks and water features can be added to the map using the
Area Editing toolbox. To create a new area landmark or water feature,
complete the following steps:
1) Select the type of geography that the change is being made to from the
Edit Layer dropdown menu on the Area Editing toolbox. The choices
will be either “Area Landmark” or “River, Lake, or Ocean.”


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

2) Select New Landmark from the Action dropdown menu on the Area
Editing toolbox.
3) Zoom to the area in which the new landmark is located by using the
Zoom In tool ( ) on the General toolbox.
4) Select the faces that make up the new landmark. The Select by
Pointing tool ( ) and the Select by Shape tool ( ) on the Area
Editing toolbox can both be used to identify an area of change. If a
face is accidentally selected you may unselect the face by using the
Select by Pointing tool.
a) If you would like to select only a portion of a current face, you will
need to add a line to divide the face. Please refer to the Editing
Linear Features CBT for instruction on how to add a line to divide
the face. If the line is being added as a boundary and a feature
does not exist there, give the line a MTFCC of T1100. Type the
word Boundary into the fullname field. Once your added line has
been saved, the MTPS will split the face into two separate faces.
You will then be able to select the desired area.
5) Check to ensure that the correct faces were selected. Small faces may
occur in congested areas, so it is important that you zoom in close to
the area and check that you have selected all of the area you intended.
6) Click the Save Edits tool ( ) on the Area Editing toolbox.
7) A window will appear asking for the name of the geography. Type the
name into the box and select OK. Deletion or Deannexation
Area landmarks and water features can be removed from the map if they
no longer exist or if they are erroneous. To remove an area landmark or
water feature, complete the following steps:
1) Select the type of geography that the change is being made to from the
Edit Layer dropdown menu on the Area Editing toolbox. The choices
will be either “Area Landmark” or “River, Lake, or Ocean.”
2) Select the geography you wish to delete from the Target Area
dropdown menu on the Area Editing toolbox.
3) Select Deletion or Deannexation from the Action dropdown menu on
the Area Editing toolbox.
4) Click the Save Edits tool (

) on the Area Editing toolbox.

The deletion of an area landmark or water feature does not require any
additional information to be completed. This means that a popup box will
not appear when the Save Edits tool is used to complete the change. Change Name
The names of area landmarks and water features can be updated if the
name has changed or if the name appears incorrectly on the map. To

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

change the name of an area landmark or water feature, complete the
following steps:
1) Select the type of geography that the change is being made to from the
Edit Layer dropdown menu on the Area Editing toolbox. The choices
will be either “Area Landmark” or “River, Lake, or Ocean.”
2) Select the geography whose name has changed from the Target Area
dropdown menu on the Area Editing toolbox.
3) Select Change Name from the Action dropdown menu on the Area
Editing toolbox.
4) Click the Save Edits tool ( ) on the Area Editing toolbox.
5) A window will appear asking for the new name of the geography.
Type the name into the box and select OK.
2.7.5 Point Landmark Updates

As stated in Table, changes to point landmarks are made through
the Point Editing toolbox. An explanation of the tools in this toolbox is
given in Appendix 1 Table 4. The following sections will describe the
types of changes that can be made to point landmarks, the steps to
complete those changes, and the required information that must
accompany the map update, if any. Adding a Point Landmark
New point landmarks can be added to the map using the Point Editing
toolbox. To create a new point landmark, complete the following steps:
1) Select the Add Point tool ( ).
2) Click in the location where the point landmark is located.
3) A window will appear with fields where the attribute information for
the landmark can be filled (Example Click in the white area
next to MTFCC. A list of point landmark types will appear. Select the
appropriate type. Type the name of the point landmark in the white
area next to fullname. If the point landmark does not have a name,
click the plus sign next to fullname.
4) Select the Save Edits tool (

) to finalize the change.

Example Attribute window for Point Landmarks


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures Deleting a Point Landmark
Point landmarks that exist on the map can also be deleted using the Point
Editing toolbox. To delete a point landmark, complete the following
1) Select the Delete Point tool (
2) Click on the existing point landmark.
3) Select the Save Edits tool (

) to finalize the change.

If a point landmark is erroneously deleted, select the undo button at the top
of the MTPS screen. Renaming or Recoding a Point Landmark
Point landmarks that exist on the map can also be renamed or recoded
using the Point Editing toolbox. To rename or recode a point landmark,
complete the following steps:
1) Select the Edit Point Attributes tool ( ).
2) Click on the existing point landmark.
3) Change the name and/or code of the landmark.
4) Select the Save Edits tool (

) to finalize the change.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

3.0 Reviewing Updates

3.0 Reviewing Updates
It is very important that you review each boundary update you made to a
legal entity before submitting your changes to the Census Bureau. The
changes that you make using the MTPS will be processed for inclusion in
to the MAF/TIGER database and will move the legal boundaries of the
entities you specified. A very helpful tool to use for the review of
boundary changes to legal boundaries is the List Changes tool. This tool
can be accessed by selecting BAS from the MTPS toolbar and then select
List Changes (Example 3.1)

Example 3.1: Opening the List Changes Tool
Use this review tool to complete the following steps for the review of your
1) Select the level of geography you would like to review from the
2) Select the change you would like to review from the list.
3) Select the Zoom to Changes tool ( ) located at the top of the
4) Zoom into the area of change and make sure all of the appropriate
faces have been selected.
a) If faces are missing or incorrect faces have been added, delete the
change polygon using the Delete a Change tool ( ) on the BAS
toolbox and recreate the change polygon.
5) While zoomed into an area of change, ensure that any needed
geographic offsets and corridors have been created. If they have not
been created, use your BAS toolbox to do so.
6) Review the attribute information by selecting the Information tool
( ) and clicking on the change polygon. The popup window will
appear and the attribute data can be corrected, if necessary.
7) Ensure that boundary corrections do not dissolve relationships between
features and the boundary.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures
4.0 Printing Maps of Your Boundary Changes

4.0 Printing Maps of your Boundary Changes
If you would like to retain a printed copy of the changes you made while
using the MTPS, please review the Printing a Map section of the Help

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix 1: Tool Explanation by Toolbox

Appendix 1: Tool Explanations by Toolbox
This appendix will describe each tool that is important to a BAS
submission. The description of the tools will be organized by toolbox to
ensure that you are able to locate them when necessary. Please refer back
to the main portion of the User’s Guide for the explanation of how use
these tools together to complete different types of changes.
Table 1: General Toolbox

You wish to zoom into a
specific area.
You would like to see a
larger area than is currently
in view.
You would like to view a
different portion of the map
while keeping it the same
While navigating the map
you may accidentally change
the scale.

After working in the MTPS
you may be interested in
seeing the extent of the map
which was visible when you
first opened it that day.

You are interested in learning
about the attribute
information of different
features or geographies.
You are adding an
annexation or addition and
you know that it begins a
certain distance down a road
from an intersection.



Select the Zoom In tool from the toolbox.


Click in the area map you would like to
see larger.


Select the Zoom Out tool.


Click on the map.


Select the Pan tool.


Click on the map.


While holding the mouse button down,
drag your cursor to move the map.


Select the Previous Scale tool.


Click on the map.


Select the Initial Scale tool.


Click on the map.


The tool will display the map as it did
when your current session began. This
tool does not have the ability to show the
map that was initially displayed when you
installed the program.


Select the Info tool.


Click on the item in the map window.


A popup box will provide attribute


Select the Measure Distance tool.


Click along the feature you would like to


A popup box will appear stating the
distance in miles.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures
You know the area of the
annexation, as well as the
distance that the annexation
spans along the road but you
do not know how far the
annexation goes into a field.


Select the Measure Area tool.


Click multiple locations to create a


Double click to complete the polygon.


A popup box will appear stating the area,
in square miles and acres, and the
perimeter, in miles.

Table 2: BAS and Area Editing Toolboxes: Tools to Identify Entity and
Type of Change



To specify the
level of
geography that
you wish to

To specify the
entity you wish
to edit.

To specify the
type of change
you would like
to make to an

To change the target area in
the toolbox by clicking on an
entity, after selecting the
appropriate Edit Layer.


Choose the level of
geography that you wish to
edit from the dropdown


Note: If you are a county or
American Indian area
participant you will be able to
select multiple levels of
geography. The edit layer
will default to your entity’s
level of geography, if you are
a place or MCD participant.


Choose the entity you wish to
edit from the dropdown


Note: If you are a county or
American Indian area
participant you may be able
to select multiple target
areas. The target area will
default to your entity, if you
are a place or MCD


Choose the Action from the
dropdown menu.


Select the level of geography you are
interested in from the Edit Layer


Click on tool.


Click on an area of interest.


The program will change the target area
to the entity which you clicked on.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

To zoom to the area that you
have specified in the Target

To identify the attributes of a

To delete a change after it
has been saved.

To select a face as part, or
all, of an area of change.

To select an area of faces as
an area of change.


Choose the level of geography you are
interested in from the Edit Layer


Choose the entity you are interested in
from the Target Area dropdown.


Click the Zoom to Target Area tool.


The program will zoom to the entity you
have specified in the Target Area.


Click on the Identify tool.


Select the face you are interested in.


The attributes of that face for the Edit
Layer selected will be shown.


Click on the Delete a Change tool.


Select the change you would like to


Verify that you would like to delete the


Click on the Select by Pointing tool.


Select each face that is part of the change


Click on the Select by Shape tool.


Draw a polygon around the area that has
changed. Double click to close the


Click on the Save Edits tool.

To complete a change and
save it.


An update form will appear asking for the
information required for the type of
change that is being made.

To cancel a change before it
is saved.


Click on the Cancel Edits tool.

Table 3: Line Editing Toolbox



To add a feature.



Click the Add Line tool.


Draw the feature on the map with your mouse.


Double click to end drawing.


A popup box will appear listing the possible
attributes that can be edited.


The minimum attribute requirement for all added
features is a MTFCC and a name.


Double click in the area beside MTFCC to display a
list of possible MTFCCs.


If the feature is unnamed, click on the plus sign
beside fullname. If the feature is named, type the
name is the space.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures
To delete a
To split a feature.

To delete a
feature but save
the attributes.


Click the Delete Line tool.


Select the feature you would like to have deleted.


Click the Split Line tool.


Click on the line at the spot where you would like the
line to be split.


Click on the Copy and Delete Line tool.


Click on the line that you would like deleted. The
tool will save the attributes so that you can use the
Replace Copied Line tool.


Click on the Replace Copied Line tool.

To add a feature
and add the saved


Draw the feature on the map with your mouse. The
attributes from the feature that you deleted using the
Copy and Delete Line tool will be added to the line
that was just created.


Click on the Edit Line Attribute tool.

To edit a feature’s


Select the line of interest.


A window will popup displaying the attributes. Use
this window to edit.

To display a
alternative names.


Click on the Display Alternative Names tool.


Click on the line that you are interested in.


A window will popup that will display the primary and
secondary names, if they exist for the feature.

To display the
direction of the


Click the Show Right/Left Direction Arrows tool.
The direction of all features will appear.


Click on the Save Edits tool.

To save an edit.


The software will not allow you to save an added
feature without updating the attribute information.


To cancel an edit before saving, click the Cancel
Edit tool.


All edits made since the last save will be deleted.

To cancel an edit.

Table 4: Point Editing Toolbox



To add a point

To delete a point


Click on the Add Point tool.


Click at the location with the point landmark should
be placed.


A window will popup where the name and the type of
the point landmark must be entered.


Click on the Delete Point tool.


Select a point landmark that is present on the map.

Appendix K: BAS Procedures


Appendix K: BAS Procedures
To edit the
attributes a point


Click on the Edit Point Attributes tool.


Select the point landmark that you wish to edit.


Type the correct information into the attribute


To cancel an edit before saving, click the Cancel
Edit tool.


All edits made since the last save will be deleted.


Click on the Save Edits tool.


The software will not allow you to save an added
point landmark without adding attribute information.

To cancel an edit.

To save an edit.


Appendix K: BAS Procedures

Appendix K: BAS Procedures
Appendix 2: Acceptable Changes by Entity Type

Appendix 2: Acceptable Changes by Entity Type


County Subdivision


Tribal Subdivision

American Indian


Addition or Annexation


Boundary Correction (in)


Boundary Correction (out)


Deletion or Deannexation


Geographic Corridor


Geographic Offset


New Entity




Addition or Annexation


Boundary Correction (in)


Boundary Correction (out)


Deletion or Deannexation


Geographic Offset


New Entity


Addition or Annexation


Boundary Correction (in)


Boundary Correction (out)


Deletion or Deannexation


Addition or Annexation


Boundary Correction (in)


Boundary Correction (out)


Deletion or Deannexation


Geographic Offset


New Entity




Addition or Annexation


Boundary Correction (in)


Boundary Correction (out)


Deletion or Deannexation


Geographic Corridor


Geographic Offset


New Entity



Appendix K: BAS Procedures




Appendix L: U.S. Census Bureau Regional Offices

TOLL FREE 1-866-511-LUCA (5822)
Atlanta Regional Office

Detroit Regional Office

ATTN: Geography

ATTN: Geography

101 Marietta Street, N W, Ste. 3200

1395 Brewery Park Blvd, Ste. 100

Atlanta, GA 30303-2700

Detroit, MI 48207

Boston Regional Office

Kansas City Regional Office

ATTN: Geography

ATTN: Geography

4 Copley Place, Ste. 301

1211 North 8th Street

Charlotte Regional Office

Los Angeles Regional Office

ATTN: Geography

ATTN: Geography

901 Center Park Drive, Ste. 106

15350 Sherman Way, Ste. 400

Chicago Regional Office

New York Regional Office

ATTN: Geography

ATTN: Geography

1111 W 22nd Street, Ste. 400

395 Hudson Street, Ste. 800

Oak Brook, IL 60523-1918

New York, NY 10014

Dallas Regional Office

Philadelphia Regional Office

ATTN: Geography

ATTN: Geography

8585 N Stemmons Freeway, Ste. 800 S

833 Chestnut Street, Ste. 504

Denver Regional Office

Seattle Regional Office

ATTN: Geography

ATTN: Geography

6900 W Jefferson Avenue, Ste. 100

601 Union Street, Ste. 3800

Boston, MA 02116

Charlotte, NC 28217-2935

Dallas, TX 75247

Denver, CO 80235


Kansas City, KS 66101-2129

Van Nuys, CA 91406

Philadelphia, PA 19107-4405

Seattle, WA 98101-1074

Appendix L: U.S. Census Bureau Regional Offices

Address breaks – Address breaks are the city-style addresses on each side of
a boundary or at an intersection of a street with another street or another
Address count list – Identifies the number of housing unit addresses and
group quarters addresses on the Census Bureau’s address list for each census
block within a jurisdiction.
Address range – The lowest and highest address numbers used to identify
structures along each side of a street segment that has city-style addresses.
Usually one side of the street has even address numbers and the other side has
odd address numbers.
American Indian area – A Census Bureau term that refers to any or all of the
following entities: American Indian reservation, American Indian offreservation trust land, Oklahoma tribal statistical area, joint use area,
American Indian tribal subdivision, tribal designated statistical area, and state
designated American Indian statistical area.
American Indian off-reservation trust land – The United States holds title
for specific areas in trust for the benefit of federally recognized American
Indian tribes (tribal trust land) or for individual American Indians (individual
trust land). Although trust land may be located on or off a reservation, the
Census Bureau recognizes and tabulates data only for off-reservation trust
land. Census data always associate off-reservation trust land with a specific
federally recognized reservation or tribal government.
American Indian reservation – A federal American Indian reservation is an
area that has been set aside by the United States for the use of one or more
federally recognized American Indian tribes. It covers territory over which a
tribe(s) has primary governmental authority. Its boundary is defined by tribal
treaty, agreement, executive or secretarial order, federal statute, or judicial
determination. A state American Indian reservation is an area that a state
government has allocated to a tribe recognized by that state, but not by the
federal government.
American Indian tribal subdivision – A legal subdivision of a federallyrecognized American Indian reservation, off-reservation trust land, or
Oklahoma tribal statistical area. These entities are internal units of selfgovernment or administration that serve social, cultural, and/or economic
purposes for American Indians.
Block number – A 4-digit number, plus 1 alpha character block suffix, if
applicable, used by the Census Bureau to identify each census block. Census
blocks are numbered uniquely within each census tract.
Boundary – A line, either invisible or coincident with a visible feature that
identifies the extent of a geographic entity, such as a census tract, city, county,
or state.


Boundary and Annexation Survey – An annual survey to collect
information about selected legally defined geographic areas. The BAS is used
to update information about the legal boundaries and names of all
governmental units in the United States.
Census Bureau Address List – A nationwide list of all housing unit and
group quarters addresses known to the Census Bureau. In addition to the
mailing address and ZIP Code, the Address List may identify the location of
each housing unit and group quarters.
Census block – A geographic area bounded by visible features, such as
streets, roads, streams, and railroad tracks, and invisible features, such as the
boundaries of governmental units and other legal entities. A census block is
the smallest area for which the Census Bureau collects and tabulates statistical
information. Census blocks are numbered within census tracts and are unique
to the census tract to which they belong.
Census block number – Census block numbers contain a 4-digit number plus
a 1-digit alpha character, if applicable, e.g. 3001A. Suffixes, such as 2011A
and 2011B, reflect boundary changes as well as added features.
Census Bureau – An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. The
U.S. Census Bureau is the country's preeminent statistical collection and
dissemination agency. It publishes a wide variety of statistical data about
people and the economy of the nation. The Census Bureau conducts
approximately 200 annual surveys and conducts the decennial census of the
United States population.
Census Bureau map – Any map produced by the Census Bureau. A Census
Bureau map displays geographic entities used in a Census Bureau sponsored
census or survey for which the Census Bureau tabulates data.
Census tract – A small, relatively permanent statistical division of a county
or statistically equivalent entity, delineated for the purpose of presenting
Census Bureau statistical data. Census tracts never cross the boundary of a
county or statistically equivalent entity, but may split other geographic
entities; e.g., minor civil divisions and places.
Census tract number – Unique numbers to identify census tracts within a
county or statistically equivalent entity. Census tract numbers contain up to a
4-digit number followed by a decimal point and a 2-digit number for suffixed
tracts, e.g., 1234.01. For census tracts without a suffix, the number will
contain a period with zero fill, e.g., 4567.00. Leading zeros are not shown on
Census Bureau maps.
Chief executive/highest elected official – The person most responsible for
the governmental activities of a local government. This person receives the
LUCA program invitation letter, and must designate a LUCA liaison, if
City-style address – An address that consists of a house number and street
name; for example, 201 Main Street. The address may or may not be used for


the delivery of mail and may include apartment numbers/designations or
similar identifiers.
Confidentiality – The guarantee made by law (Title 13, United States Code)
to individuals who provide information about themselves or their business to
the Census Bureau. This item refers to the Census Bureau’s promise of
nondisclosure of that information to others.
County – The primary legal division of most states. Most are governmental
units with powers defined by state law.
Delivery Sequence File (DSF) – A computerized file containing all delivery
point addresses serviced by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The USPS
updates the DSF continuously as its letter carriers identify addresses for new
delivery points or changes in the status of existing addresses.
Enumeration – The process of interviewing people and recording the
information on census forms.
Feature – Any part of the landscape, whether natural (such as a stream or
ridge) or artificial (such as a road or power line). In a geographic context,
features are any part of the landscape portrayed on a map, including
nonvisible boundaries of legal entities, such as city limits or county lines.
Federal Information Processing Standards codes (FIPS codes) – a
standardized set of numeric or alphabetic codes issued by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to ensure uniform identification
of geographic entities through all federal government agencies. The entities
covered include: states and statistically equivalent entities, counties and
statistically equivalent entities, named populated and related location entities
(such as places and county subdivisions), and American Indian and Alaska
Native areas.
Geocodes – Codes that place an individual address in its correct geographic
location, which includes the correct state, county, census tract, and census
block codes.
Geographic Information System (GIS) – A computer system for the storage,
retrieval, and maintenance of information about the points, lines, and areas
that represent the streets and roads, rivers, railroads, geographic entities, and
other features on the surface of the Earth-information that previously was
available only on paper maps.
Governmental unit – A geographic entity established by legal action for the
purpose of implementing specified governmental functions. Most
governmental units provide a number of general government services and
raise revenues (usually through taxing authority).
Group quarters – A place where people live or stay, in a group living
arrangement that is owned or managed by an entity or organization providing
housing and/or services for the residents. This is not a typical household-type
living arrangement. These services may include custodial or medical care as



well as other types of assistance, and residency is commonly restricted to
those receiving these services. People living in group quarters are usually not
related to each other.
Group quarters include such places as correctional facilities, juvenile
facilities, nursing homes, hospitals with long-term care facilities, college or
university dormitories, fraternities, sororities, dormitories for workers,
religious group quarters, shelters, group homes.
Housing unit (HU) – A single-family house, townhouse, mobile home,
trailer, apartment, group of rooms, or a single room occupied as a separate
living quarters or, if vacant, intended for occupancy as a separate living
quarters. A separate living quarters is one in which one or more occupants (or
intended occupants, if vacant) live separate from any other individual(s) in the
building and have direct access to the living quarters without going through
another living quarters, such as from outside the building or through a
common hall.
Legal boundary – The legally defined boundary of a governmental unit,
usually referring to a county, minor civil division, or incorporated place. The
legal boundary identifies the area within a local government's jurisdiction, and
thus bounds the area of LUCA responsibility.
LUCA liaison – Also known as the program primary liaison or designated
liaison. A person voluntarily appointed by the chief executive/highest elected
official of each jurisdiction to review the Census Bureau’s address list and
maps against local records to identify differences.
MAF/TIGER Database – The Census Bureau’s new nationwide geographic
database, which integrates the MAF (Master Address File) and TIGER
(Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) files.
MAF/TIGER Partnership Software (MTPS) – A GIS application provided
by the Census Bureau that has customized functionality required by Census
Bureau geographic partnership programs.
Master Address File (MAF) – A nationwide database of all addresses to
support many of the Census Bureau’s operations. Besides containing mailing
addresses and ZIP Codes, a MAF record also contains geographic information
about the location of addresses. Now part of the MAF/TIGER Database.
Metadata – describes the data content, coordinate system/projection, author,
source, and other characteristics of GIS files.
Minor civil division (MCD) – A type of governmental unit that is the
primary governmental or administrative subdivision of a county. MCDs are
identified by a variety of terms, such as town (in 8 states), township, and/or
district, and include both functioning and nonfunctioning governmental
Noncity-style address – An address that does not have a house number and/or
street name or may not include a complete house number and street name



address. This includes rural route and box number address and highway
contract route addresses, etc., which may include a box number, post office
boxes and drawers, and general delivery.
Occupied housing unit – A housing unit is classified as occupied if it is the
usual place of residence of the individual or group of persons living in it at the
time of enumeration or if the occupants are only temporarily absent; for
example, away on vacation. Occupied rooms or suites of rooms in hotels,
motels, and similar places are classified as housing units only when occupied
by permanent residents, that is, individuals for whom the facility is their usual
place of residence.
Place – A concentration of population either legally bound as an incorporated
place or identified by the Census Bureau as a census designated place.
Regional Office – One of 12 permanent Census Bureau offices responsible
for the Census Bureau’s office and field operations within its region.
Shapefile – Data set used to represent geographic features such as streets and
boundaries. Shapefiles can represent point, line, or area features and require
GIS or mapping software.
Street segment – The portion of a street or road between two features that
intersect that street or road, such as other streets or roads, railroad tracks,
streams, and governmental unit boundaries. The Census Bureau records the
known address ranges for every street segment with city-style addresses.
Structure Point – A dot on a Census Bureau map, used to show the location
of one or more living quarters. A 4-digit number plus 1-digit alpha character
assigned within a census block to each structure point. Structure points are
stored in the TIGER® database.
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
(TIGER®) – A computer database that contains a digital representation of all
map features (streets, roads, rivers, railroads, lakes, and so forth) required to
support Census Bureau operations, the related attributes for each, and the
geographic identification codes for all entities used by the Census Bureau to
tabulate data for the United States, Puerto Rico, and Island Areas. Now part
of the MAF/TIGER Database.
Vacant housing unit – A habitable structure containing living quarters that is
not occupied. New housing units not yet occupied are classified as vacant
housing units if construction has reached a point where exterior windows and
doors are installed and final usable floors and a roof are in place. Vacant units
are excluded if open to the elements, or if there is positive evidence, such as a
sign on the house, that the housing unit is to be demolished or has been






Action Codes
A-Added, 33
A-Adding instructions, 33
C-Changed, 33
C-Changed instructions, 36
convert a group quarters, 37
convert a housing unit, 37
convert a mulitunit structure, 37
convert a single family unit, 36
D-Deleted, 33
D-Deleted instructions, 37
J-Out of Jurisdiction, 33
J-Out of Jurisdiction instructions, 38
N-Nonresidential instructions, 38
N-Nonresidential or Commercial, 33
Address Canvassing, 3, 6, 37, 38
Address Control File, 2
defined, 2
Address Count List
defined, 16
review and edit, 41
sorting, 21
Address Formats, 9
Address list
Title 13, 55
Address List, 49
defined, 16, 124
entity ID codes, 49
importance, 30
protecting, 12
sorting, 21
Address range, 3
defined, 3
Address Types
nonresidential, 9
residential, 9
American Indian area
defined, 123
American Indian off-reservation trust land
defined, 123
American Indian reservation
defined, 123
American Indian tribal subdivision
defined, 123
Automated Data Processing (ADP), 12, 13

Census Address List Improvement Act of 1994, 2
Census block, 3, 10, 42
defined, 3, 10, 124
number, 123, 124
Census Bureau, 10
contact, 86
Legal Office contact, 85
responsibilities, 4
Census tract, 3, 10, 42
criteria, 10
defined, 3, 10, 124
number, 124
Chief executive/highest elected official
defined, 125
City-Style address
defined, 1, 125
example, 9
update, 40
Computer Based Training (CBT)
defined, 16
defined, 125
Confidentiality Agreement, 4, 52
Confidentiality and Security Guidelines, 4

Delivery Sequence File (DSF)
defined, 125

E-911, 9, 11
defined, 125

defined, 125
Federal Information Processing Standards codes (FIPS
defined, 125
creating the changes file, 49



defined, 124
Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS), 19, 20, 85
defined, 124
Effective date of change, 90
update contact information, 88


Geocode, 10, 11, 34
defined, 10, 125
Geographic Information System (GIS)
defined, 125
Governmental unit, 10
defined, 125
Group Quarter, 8, 37, 39
acceptable types, 8


defined, 8, 126
flag, 35, 37
unacceptable types, 8

strategies for review, 11
Participant Statistical Area Program, 19
Participation Option/Product Preference form, 4

Help Desk, 29
Housing Unit, 7, 36, 37
acceptable types, 7
defined, 7, 126
unacceptable types, 8

Return or destruction of title 13 materials form, 51



School District Review Program, 19
Selection Set
creating, 76
defined, 76
deleting, 78
saving, 78
Self-Assessment Form, 4
Shapefile, 15, 16
defined, 16, 127
Shipping, 49
Street segment
defined, 127
Structure point
confidential, 55
Title 13, 55
structure points, 4, 9
confidential, 4
defined, 4, 127
Submit updates, 49

Legal boundary
defined, 126
defined, 126
Local Address
sources, 11
Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program
Appeals Office, 5, 6
explained, 1
Schedule, 6

MAF/TIGER database, 3
MAF/TIGER Partnership Software Computer Based
Training, 19
adding a new street, 43
correcting a street name, 45
deleting a street, 48
moving a street, 46
reading, 42
Master address file (MAF), 2, 3, 17, 18
defined, 126
defined, 126
Minor civil division (MCD), 85
defined, 126
defined, 16
Help menu, 27
toolbars, 22

Technical Help Desk, 29
Title 13, 49, 51
destroy materials, 52
notice, 14
return materials, 51
Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and
Referencing System (TIGER®), 3, 16
defined, 127
Training Workshop, 5

U.S. Postal Services (USPS) Delivery Sequence File
defined, 2

Noncity-Style address, 16
defined, 1, 127
example, 9

Vacant housing unit
defined, 128
Voting District/Block Boundary Suggestion Program,

Occupied housing unit
defined, 127





Website, 29


defined, 16
Software, 15


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2010 Decennial Census
AuthorBureau Of The Census
File Modified2007-10-15
File Created2007-10-15

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