Form Approved
No. 0935-0124 Exp.
Date XX/XX/20XX
1.1 Date abstraction completed
_ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _
Abstractor identification number
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.1 AHRQ Study identification number
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.2 Medical record number/Patient control number
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.3 Date of birth
_ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _
2.4 Gender
2.5 Date of admission
_ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _
Date of discharge
3.1 Did this patient have a surgical procedure performed in the operating room during this hospitalization?
No IF NO, explain why this chart was most likely selected for review in the TEXT BOX provided and then END the form.
Was the surgery performed emergently or as a non-scheduled procedure?
Yes IF YES, explain the circumstances surrounding the urgency of the surgery in the TEXT BOX provided and then END the form.
Was the admission related to pregnancy, childbirth and or to the puerperium (MDC 14)?
Yes IF YES, describe the condition in the TEXT BOX and then END the form.
3.4 During this admission, was the patient diagnosed prior to first elective surgery of having any of the following medical conditions? Check all that apply.
Chronic renal failure (CRF)
Acute renal failure receiving dialysis
Acute myocardial infarction
Cardiac dysrhythmias
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage or varicies
Diabetes with either ketoacidosis, hyperosmolarity or other coma
Cardiac arrest
None of the above
Yes, type I, known prior to admission
Yes, type II or unspecified, known prior to admission
Yes (new), diagnosed during hospitalization
No IF NO, skip to Q 5.1
4.2 Which of the following post-operative events did the patient experience during THIS hospitalization? Select all that apply.
Diabetes with ketoacidosis
If YES, note the time and date of the first event:
_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _ Date
_ _ : _ _ Time
Did the patient the patient have an additional post-operative ketoacidotic event?
Yes How many additional events? _ _
Diabetes with hyperosmolarity
If YES, note the time and date of the first event:
_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _ Date
_ _ : _ _ Time
Did the patient the patient have an additional postoperative hyperosmolar event?
Yes How many additional events? _ _
Diabetes with other coma (hypoglycemic coma)
If YES, note the time and date of the first event:
_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _ Date
_ _ : _ _ Time
Did the patient the patient have an additional postoperative diabetic coma event?
Yes How many additional events? _ _
No event If NO, skip to Q 5.1
Did the patient have any of the following? Select all that apply.
Chronic steroid use at the time of hospitalization
History of gastric surgery (gastrectomy, gastrojejunostomy, pyloroplasty, gastric bypass or vagotomy)
None of the above
If YES to any of the above, explain in the TEXT BOX.
4.4 State the patient’s normal (routine) medications prehospitalization: Select all that apply. For combination medications, select the individual components.
Total dose per day |
Oral medications |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ mg |
_ _ . _ mg |
_ mg |
_ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ _ mg |
_ mg |
_ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
Rapid-acting insulin |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
Short-acting insulin |
_ _ _ units |
Intermediate-acting |
_ _ _ units |
Long-acting |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
Insulin Analog Premixed |
_ _ _ units |
(Humulin or Novolin 70/30) |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
Other |
Select all diabetic medications that the patient received within 24-hours of event diagnosis and state the total dose given during the 24-hour period. For combination medications, select the individual components.
Total dose per day |
Oral medications |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ mg |
_ _ . _ mg |
_ mg |
_ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ _ mg |
_ mg |
_ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
_ _ _ mg |
Rapid-acting insulin |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
Short-acting insulin |
_ _ _ units |
Intermediate-acting |
_ _ _ units |
Long-acting |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
Insulin Analog Premixed |
_ _ _ units |
(Humulin or Novolin 70/30) |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
_ _ _ units |
Other |
4.6 Did the patient receive a beta blocker (beta-adrenergic blocking agents, beta- adrenergic antagonists, or beta antagonists) within 24-hours of the event?
4.7 Did the patient suffer or have any other following known conditions 24-hours prior to the event?
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
Ileus or intestinal obstruction
Infection If YES, state type:
Urinary tract infection
Other (state)
Other inflammatory response related condition If YES, state type:
None of the above
4.8 What best describes the patient’s nutritional intake in the 24-hours prior to diagnosis of the event? Check all that apply.
If Yes, date started: _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Clear liquids
If Yes, date started: _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Amount consumed in 24 hours _ _ _ _ cc’s
Regular (including diabetic, puree or other special need diet)
If Yes, date started: _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Percentage of meals consumed
___ % Breakfast ___ % Lunch ___ % Dinner
Tube feeding
If Yes, date started: _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Amount infused in 24 hours _ _ _ _ cc’s
Parenteral nutrition (PPN or TPN)
If Yes, date started: _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Amount infused in 24 hours _ _ _ _ cc’s
Other __________
4.9 What type and amount of IV fluid solution did the patient receive in the 24-hours prior to diagnosis?
Lactated Ringer’s (LR) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
10% Dextrose in water (D10W) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
5% Dextrose in water (D5W) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
D5W NS _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
D5W ½ NS _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
D5W ¼ NS _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
0.9% Normal saline (NS) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
0.45% Normal saline (NS) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
Colloids (e.g., hydroxyethyl starch, albumin, dextrans) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
Fresh frozen plasma _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
Other (state in TEXT BOX) _ _ _ _ cc/24 hours
For hypoglycemia answer the following two questions.
Hypo.1 Lowest plasma glucose level (any method)
_ _ _ mg/dL or _._ mmol/L laboratory
_ _ _ mg/dL or for too low to register [LLL] per glucometer
Hypo.2 Did the patient have any of the following signs and symptoms associated with their hypoglycemic event?
Confusion or delirium
None of the above
For hyperglycemia (DKA), answer the following eight questions.
DKA 1: Highest plasma glucose level (any method)
_ _ _ mg/dL or _._ mmol/L laboratory
_ _ _ mg/dL or for too high [HHH] per glucometer
DKA 2: Highest serum ketone level
_ _ . _ mmol/L
DKA 3: Serum sodium closest to highest blood sugar
_ _ _ ._ mEq
DKA 4: Serum chloride closest to highest blood sugar
_ _ _ ._ mEq
DKA 5: Serum blood bicarbonate (CO2) closest to highest blood sugar
_ _. _ mEq/L
DKA 6: Lowest blood pH
_ _ . _
DKA 7: Urine ketones (nitroprusside method)
None 1+ small 2+ moderate 3+ large
DKA 8: What symptoms did the patient manifest?
Altered level of consciousness, confusion or delirium
Coma or severe lethargy
None of the above
For Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome (HNKS) or state, answer the following three questions.
HNKS 1: Highest plasma glucose level (any method)
_ _ _ mg/dL or _._ mmol/L
HNKS 2: Highest osmolarity
_ _ _ mOsm/L
If serum osmolarity was not performed, please include the patient’s sodium, BUN, and glucose drawn at the same time closest to the time of diagnosis OR the highest serum osmolality if drawn:
_ _ _ mEq/L Na (sodium)
_ _ _ mg/dL BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
_ _ _ _ mg/dL Glucose
_ _ _ mOsm/kg Serum osmolality
HNKS 3 What symptoms did the patient manifest?
Altered level of consciousness, confusion or delirium
Coma or severe lethargy
None of the above
For all diabetic related events, answer the next two questions.
4.10 Where in the hospital did the event take place?
Post-anesthesia care unit (e.g., PACU or recovery room)
Critical care or intensive care unit (e.g., CCU or ICU)
Step-down, transitional care, special observation or telemetry unit
General medical-surgical unit
Special procedure lab including diagnostic radiology
Other (state in the TEXT BOX)
4.11 Because of the event, was the patient moved to a higher level of care?
Critical care
Step-down, transitional care, special observation or telemetry unit
General medical-surgical unit
Other (state in the TEXT BOX) ____________
Section 5: Renal Failure
5.1 Did the patient experience new onset of renal failure post-operatively that required dialysis?
No If no and the patient had a diabetic complication (Q4.2 = YES), skip to section 6. If Q4.2 and Q5.1 are no (no metabolic derangement), then describe why this chart was most likely flagged for review in the TEXT BOX below and then end the form.
5.2 Type of dialysis and date started: Select all that apply.
Hemodialysis _ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
Peritoneal dialysis_ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
Other (Explain in TEXT BOX)_ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
Critical documentation missing
5.3 What date was renal insufficiency or failure first suspected in the medical record?
_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ date
5.4 What was the most likely cause of the renal failure (physician documentation)?
Decrease in effective blood volume (e.g., hemorrhage, burns, gastrointestinal losses, renal losses, fluid pooling)
Relative decrease in blood volume (e.g., ineffective arterial volume such as in CHF, sepsis, anaphylaxis, and liver failure)
Arterial occlusion (e.g., bilateral thromboembolism)
Nephrotoxin (e.g., antibiotics, iodinated contrast, chemotherapeutic agents, solvent)
Acute interstitial nephritis (e.g., drug-associated acute interstitial nephritis such as from methicillin)
Acute glomerulonephritis (e.g., postinfectious glomerulonephritis, anti-basement membrane antibody disease)
Endogenous nephrotoxicity (e.g., intratubular pigments such as hemoglobinuria, myoglobinaruia), intratubular proteins (e.g., myeloma), intratubular crystals (e.g., uric acid, oxalate, tumor lysis syndrome)
Obstruction of collecting system
Other If Yes, describe
Reason unknown or not stated
5.5 Did the patient have any of the following at the time of admission?
Recent trauma
Congestive heart failure
Renal insufficiency
Acute renal failure
Chronic renal failure not requiring dialysis
Renal transplant
Lymphoblastic leukemia or poorly differentiated lymphomas
None of the above
5.6 Did the patient receive any of the following during hospitalization?
Aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g., tobramycin, gentamicin, amikacin)
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS)/ Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors (COX-2)
Other cytotoxic medication
None of the above
5.7 Did the patient receive any contrast medium? If YES, state the type and amount. Include contrast medium that may have been given during surgery.
Yes If YES, state the type.
Ionic: _ _ _ _ total CC
Non-ionic _ _ _ _ total CC
Barium sulfate _ _ _ _ total CC
Gadolinium (MRI) _ _ _ _ total CC
Unsure of type _ _ _ _ total CC
5.8 Highest plasma creatinine
_ _ . _ mg/dL _ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time (24-hr clock)
5.9 Highest Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
_ _ _ mg/dL _ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time (24-hr clock)
5.10 Did the discharge plan include dialysis post-discharge?
Critical documentation missing
For ALL patients
6.1 Pre-operative height _ _ _._ ( cm) or _ _ (ft) _ _ (inches)
6.2 Pre-operative dry weight _ _ _ ._ (kg) or _ _ _ (lbs)
6.3 ICD-9-CM principal procedure name, code and date
Name: ______________________Code _ _ _ _ _ Date_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
6.4 ICD-9-CM other procedure code(s) and date(s)
Name: ______________________Code _ _ _ _ _ Date_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Name: ______________________Code _ _ _ _ _ Date_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Name: ______________________Code _ _ _ _ _ Date_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
Name: ______________________Code _ _ _ _ _ Date_ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ _
6.5 Anesthesia start date and time of index surgery:
_ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
6.6 Surgical incision date and time of index surgery:
_ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
6.7 Surgical closure date and time of index surgery:
_ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
6.8 Anesthesia end date and time of index surgery
_ _|_ _ |_ _ _ _ date _ _ : _ _ time
6.9 Method of anesthesia of index surgery:
Other ___________
Critical documentation missing
6.10 Was the surgery performed completely by laproscopy?
7.1 Deposition at discharge
Assisted living
Skilled nursing facility (SNF)
Non-acute care hospital/rehabilitation
Expired If YES, was the death related to the metabolic derangement?
Other (state)
7.2 Was the patient readmitted to your facility within 30 days of discharge?
Critical documentation missing
7.4 If yes to Q7.3, was the reason for re-admission related to metabolic derangement?
Yes, diabetes related
Yes, related to renal disease, failure or dysfunction
Not applicable
Critical documentation missing
7.5 Did the patient expire within 30 days of discharge?
Yes, diabetes related
Yes, related to renal disease, failure or dysfunction
Yes, due to other reasons or unknown
No or unknown
Critical documentation missing
7.6 If there are special circumstances or comments related to this case that you feel are important that were not captured in the survey, please state these in the TEXT BOX provided [limit 200 characters]:
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | • |
Author | pzrelak |
Last Modified By | wcarroll |
File Modified | 2008-06-27 |
File Created | 2008-05-22 |