2008 Police Public Contact Survey

Police Public Contact Survey

2008 PPCS questionnaire.wpd

Police Public Contact Survey

OMB: 1121-0260

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OMB No. 1121-0260. Approval Expires --/--/2011


Economics and Statistics Administration





NOTICE - We are conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Section 8. Section 9 of this law requires us to keep all information about you and your household strictly confidential. We may use this information only for statistical purposes. Also, Title 42, Section 3732, United States Code, authorizes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice, to collect information using this survey. Title 42, Sections 3789g and 3735, United States Code, also requires us to keep all information about you and your household strictly confidential.

PRA Burden Statement - We estimate that it will take between 2 to 10 minutes to complete this interview. If you have any comments regarding these estimates or any other aspect of this survey, send them to the Special Analysis and Methodology Unit, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Washington, DC 20531. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number.


FIELD REPRESENTATIVE - Read introduction

INTRO 1- I would like to ask some questions about any contacts you may have had with the police. Exclude telephone contacts, contacts with private security guards, police officers you see socially or through employment or volunteer work, or relatives who are police officers.

1. Before I get to the questions about contacts you may have had with the police, I would like to find out how often you usually drive. Is it ...

(Read answer categories.)

1 □ Almost every day?

2 □ A few days a week?

3 □ A few days a month?

4 □ A few times a year?

5 □ Never?

2. During the last 12 months, that is, any time since

1, 2007, did you have any face-to-face contact with a police officer?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No -SKIP to Check Item G

3. How many face-to-face contacts did you have with police during the last 12 months?

___________ Number of contacts

CHECK Did the respondent have more than one

ITEM A face-to-face contact in the last 12 months?

Is 2 or more times entered in item 3?

1 □ Yes -READ INTRO 2

2 □ No - SKIP to item 4


FIELD REPRESENTATIVE- Read introduction.

INTRO 2 - For the rest of the interview, please tell me ONLY about the MOST RECENT face-to-face contact you had with the police.

4. About what time did this contact occur?

During day

1 □ After 6 a.m. - 12 noon

2 □ After 12 noon - 6 p.m.

3 □ Don’t know what time of day

At night

4 □ After 6 a.m. - 12 noon

5 □ After 12 midnight - 6 a.m.

6 □ Don’t know what time of night


7 □ Don’t know whether day or night

5. During this contact, did the police USE or THREATEN TO USE force against you for any reason?

1 □ Yes - Ask Item 6

2 □ No - SKIP to Item 9

3 □ Don’t know -SKIP to Item 9

6. Did the police do any of the following:

(Read answer categories.)

Mark all that apply.

01 □ Shout at you?

02 □ Curse at you?

03 □ Threaten to use force against you?

04 □ Actually push or grab you?

05 □ Actually kick or hit you?

06 □ Actually spray you with chemical or pepper spray?

07 □ Actually use an electroshock weapon against you, such as a stun gun?

08 □ Actually point a gun at you?

09 □ Use any other type of force?

Please specify - ➘_____________________________________

7. Do you feel any of the force used or threatened to use force against you was excessive?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

8. Were you injured as a result of the force used?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

9. During this contact were you arrested?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

10. During this contact were you handcuffed?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

11. At any time during this contact, did you argue with, curse at, insult, or verbally threaten the police?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

12. At any time during this contact, did you ...

(Read answer categories.)

Mark all that apply.

1 རྦ Disobey or interfere with the officer(s)?

2 རྦ Try to get away?

3 རྦ Push, grab, or hit the police officer(s)?

4 རྦ Resist being handcuffed, arrested, or searched?

5 རྦ Physically do anything else? Please specify ོཾ



6 རྦ None of the above


13. Did this contact occur because you were involved in or witnessed a traffic ACCIDENT?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 45

2 □ No

14a. Did this contact occur during a traffic STOP?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No - SKIP to item 15

14b. Were you the driver or the passenger of the vehicle that was stopped?

1 □ Driver - SKIP to item 20

2 □ Passenger - SKIP to Item 45

15. Did this contact occur because you reported a crime or some other problem to the police?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Item 45

2 □ No

16. Did this contact occur because the police were providing some sort of service or assistance to you?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Item 45

2 □ No

17. Did this contact occur because the police were investigating a crime?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Item 45

2 □ No

18. Did this contact occur because the police suspected you of something?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Item 45

2 □ No

19. What was the reason for this contact?

Describe briefly -

_ ________________________________________________

_ ________________________________________________

SKIP to Item 45


20. Did the police officer(s) give a reason for stopping the vehicle?

1 □ Yes - ASK item 21a

2 □ No - SKIP to item 23

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 23

21a. Was the reason speeding?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21b. A vehicle defect?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21c. A record check?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21d. A roadside check for drunk drivers?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21e. A seatbelt violation?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21f. An illegal turn or illegal lane change?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21g. A stop sign or stop light violation?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to item 22

2 □ No

21h. Was there some other reason?

1 □ Yes - Please specify

2 □ No

22. Would you say that the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason for stopping you?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know


23. In your initial contact with police, was there one or more than one officer present?

1 □ One officer - ASK item 24a

2 □ More than one officer - SKIP to item 24b

24a. Was the race of the police officer White, Black, or some other race?

1 □ White - SKIP to Item 25

2 □ Black - SKIP to Item 25

3 □ Some other race - SKIP to Item 25

4 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Item 25

24b. Were the police officers:

(Read answer categories 1-7.)

1 □ All White?

2 □ All Black?

3 □ All of some other race?

4 □ Mostly White?

5 □ Mostly Black?

6 □ Mostly some other race?

7 □ Equally mixed?

8 □ Don’t know race of any/some

25. Were there any other persons in the vehicle with you at the time of the traffic stop?

1 རྦ Yes – ASK item 26

2 རྦ No – SKIP to item 27

26. How many other persons were in the vehicle with you at the time of the traffic stop?

_________ Number of persons

27. In what city/town/village did this traffic stop occur?

1 རྦ Not inside a city/town/village

2 རྦ SAME city/town/village as present residence

3 རྦ DIFFERENT city/town/village from present residence

28. How many minutes would you say the traffic stop lasted?

_________ Number of minutes


29. At any time during this traffic stop,...

a. Did the police officer(s) ASK PERMISSION to conduct a vehicle search?

b. Did you give the police officer(s) PERMISSION to conduct a vehicle search?

c. Did the police officer(s) ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

d. Did you give the police officer(s) PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

1 □ Yes 2 □ No 3 □ Don’t know

30. At any time during this traffic stop, did the police officer(s) actually conduct a vehicle search?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No - SKIP to item 32

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 32

31. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search the vehicle?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Don’t know

32. At any time during this traffic stop, did the police officer(s) actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No - SKIP to Check Item B

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Check Item B

33. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Don’t know

CHECK Did the police officer(s) search the vehicle OR

ITEM B the respondent?

Is box 1 marked in item 30 or item 32?

1 □ Yes - Ask item 34

2 □ No - SKIP to item 36

34. During the search, did the police officer(s) find any illegal items, such as a weapon, drugs, or an open container of alcohol?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

CHECK Was the respondent arrested?

ITEM C Is box 1 marked in item 9?

1 Yes - ASK item 35

2 རྦ No - SKIP to item 36

35. Earlier you said that you were arrested and searched. Did the search occur before you were arrested?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Don’t know


36. During this contact were you given a traffic ticket?

1 □ Yes - ASK item 37

2 □ No - SKIP to item 39

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 39

37. Earlier you said that the police stopped you for

Import from item 21 , was this what you were ticketed for?

1 རྦ Yes SKIP to item 41

2 རྦ No - ASK item 38

3 རྦ Don’t know - ASK item 38

38. What were you ticketed for?

Please specify ོཾ

_______________________________________ - SKIP to item 41

39. During this contact were you given a warning?

1 □ Yes - ASK item 40

2 □ No - SKIP to item 41

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to item 41

40. Were you given a written warning or a verbal warning?

1 □ Verbal

2 □ Written

3 □ Don’t know

41. Did you get out of the vehicle at any time because the police asked or told you to?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

3 □ Don’t know

42. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly or improperly?

1 □ Properly - SKIP to Item 44

2 □ Improperly - ASK item 43

3 □ Don’t know -SKIP to Item 44

43. Did you file a complaint against the police?

1 □ Yes

2 □ No

44. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police treated you respectfully or disrepectfully?

1 □ Respectfully - SKIP to Check Item D

2 □ Disrespectfully - SKIP to Check Item D

3 □ Don’t know - SKIP to Check Item D


45. Where did this contact occur?

1 □ At or near your own home?

2 □ Some other location - Please specify


3 □ Don’t know

46. At any time during this contact, did the police

officer(s) ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Don’t know

47. Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for

PERMISSION, at any time during this contact did you GIVE the police officer(s) PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Don’t know

48. Did the police officer(s) actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No - SKIP to item 50

3 རྦ Dont know – SKIP to item 50

49 During the search, did the police officer(s) find any illegal items, such as a weapon, drugs, or an open container of alcohol?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Dont know

50. Do you think the police officer(s) had a legitimate

reason to search you, frisk you, or pat you down?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Dont know


51. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly or improperly?

1 རྦ Properly – SKIP to Item 53

2 རྦ Improperly - ASK item 52

3 རྦ Dont know – SKIP to Item 53

52. Did you file a complaint against the police?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

53. Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police treated you respectfully or disrepectfully?

1 □ Respectfully - Go to Check Item D

2 □ Disrespectfully -Go to Check Item D

3 □ Don’t know - Go to Check Item D

CHECK Did the respondent have more than one face-to-

ITEM D face contact in the last 12 months?

Is the entry in item 3 more than “1”?

1 □ Yes - Go to Check Item E

2 □ No – SKIP to Check Item G

CHECK Was the respondent the driver in a traffic stop in

ITEM E the most recent contact?

Is box 1 marked in item 14b?

1 □ Yes - SKIP to Check Item F

2 □ No – ASK item 54

54. During any of your EARLIER contacts with police in the last 12 months, were you the DRIVER in a TRAFFIC STOP?

1 རྦ Yes – Go to Check Item F

2 རྦ No –Go to Check Item F

CHECK Was force used or threatened against the

ITEM F respondent in the most recent contact?

Is box 1 marked in item 5?

1 རྦ Yes – SKIP to Check Item G

2 རྩྭ No – ASK Item 55

55. During any of your EARLIER contacts with police in the last 12 months, did the police USE or THREATEN TO USE force against you?

1 རྦ Yes

2 རྦ No

3 རྦ Dont know

CHECK Is this the last household member to be

ITEM G interviewed?


2 □ No - Interview next NCVS household member

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