PWS User Survey

Prince William Sound User Experience Survey


PWS User Survey

OMB: 0596-0211

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Prince William Sound

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this trip report! The Chugach National Forest and the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council is gathering information about recreation use in Prince William Sound (PWS). In 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil spill released over 11 million gallons of crude oil into parts of PWS. One of the effects due to the oil spill was a decrease in recreation and tourism to PWS. This study is part of a research project investigating if recreation has recovered in the area, how people travel through this unique, remote landscape, and any potential conflict with other users.

This form contains several questions that we would like you to answer during your trip, and a map of PWS. Please record your trip on the map on the inside fold of this survey. Try to fill out the map completely and answer all of the questions. The quality of the project depends on your completed trip report.

Please return this Trip Report in the self-addressed, stamped envelope when

completed, or drop it off at the Glacier Ranger Station in Girdwood or Cordova Ranger Station in Cordova. Thank you for your participation! Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be held strictly confidential.

1. Are you a resident of Alaska? _____Yes _____No

2. What was the start date ____________ and end date ___________ of this trip in PWS? Number of people in party _____

3. How frequently do you visit PWS?

______Never before _____Once a year

______Once every few years _____Two or more times a year

4. On average, how many days during one trip do you spend in PWS?

______ 1 day _____ 2-3 days _____4-5 days _____ 6+ days

5. What was your point of entry into PWS on this trip?

______Whittier _____Valdez

______Cordova _____Other (please specify)____________

6. What is your primary mode of recreation travel in PWS on this trip?

______Float plane/helicopter ______Smaller motorized boat

______Kayak ______Inflatable

______Cruise ship ______Tour boat

______Sailboat ______Motor yacht

7. Did you use a transporter for your recreational activity? (Boat shuttle or airplane?)

Yes ____ Name of transport service ___________________________

No ____

8. Did you use the services of an outfitter/guide?

Yes ____ Name of outfitter/guide service_______________________

No ____

What was your primary recreational activity in PWS? Please also

identify activities that you participated in during your trip

Primary Participated

Activity (√ all that apply)

(√ one)


 Wildlife viewing

 General boating

 Overnight mooring/anchorage


 Primitive camping

 Hunting / Subsistence hunting (Please underline which)

 Fishing / Subsistence fishing (Please underline which)


 Overnight stay in cabin

 Picnicking / family gathering / berry picking

 Visiting historic or prehistoric sites

10. To enjoy your primary recreational activity, where was your planned ultimate destination?

Please describe the characteristics of this planned ultimate destination that made it appealing to you (e.g. good fishing/hunting, solitude, good wildlife viewing, etc)

Instructions for Recording your Trip on the Map:

Using the map and the space below, please describe your travel route during your current trip into Prince William Sound. Please describe your trip from the date you launched or left harbor (e.g. Whittier, Cordova, etc) to the date you ended your trip in PWS. In addition, we are also interested in any lingering oil observed in the areas visited. In 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil spill released over 11 million gallons of crude oil into parts of PWS and the effects are still being researched. Please make a notation if oil is observed onshore or in areas of shallow diggings.


  • Draw your route with a line on the adjacent map. Please place an * asterisk at your initial start location. See example map.

  • Number (1,2,3…) all places where you stopped longer than 15 minutes (i.e. anchored/moored, went ashore, camped, etc). Please be sure to write the date/time, duration of the stop, the activity and whether you went ashore in the table provided. For multiple activities, please mark the activities in the next lines with the same site number (See following example).

  • Finally, please record any encounters when the vessel/party is first seen (An encounter is defined as being within sight or sound of another party) throughout your trip. For multiple encounters during the same stop/camp, mark the encounters in the next lines (See following example). We are also interested in some information about your visit to these places. Please answer the following questions for each place you visit during your trip to Prince William Sound. You are welcome to make any other notations you feel will assist us in understanding more about your recreational outing.


Stop Information

Encounter Information

Site #

Date & Time arrived

Duration of Stop


Did you go ashore?

Y or N

Vessel or group

OS= onshore user

OST= onshore tent

K= kayak

SM= small motorized boat

TC= tour/cruise

MY= motor yacht

S = sailboat

FW= fixed wing aircraft

HE = helicopter

CF= commercial fishing

Distance of encounter

C = Encountered close range (< 100 yards).

M = Encountered medium range (> 100 yards but < ¼ mile).

F = Encountered far range (> ¼ mile).

Noise Effect

L = low effect (e.g. boat passes in distance)

M = medium effect (e.g. somewhat noisy)

H = high effect (e.g. loud, close proximity)

Oil observed at site?

Y or N

Acceptable encounter?

(Encounter had little demonstrably negative impact on experience)


7/2/08 1030

2 hours

Fished from boat



7/2/08 1400

30 minutes

Viewed glaciers








“ “






7/2/08 1700

16 hours

Camped in Blackstone Bay on Willard Island









“ “






7/3/08 1100

2 hours

Fished from boat







7/3/08 1600

Arrived back in Whittier Harbor

12. If you never arrived at or were displaced from your planned ultimate destination of choice, please check the reason(s) why.

______Distance was too great from start or from previous destination

______Weather was too severe

______Too many other visitors: Please underline which type of user displaced you

Shore-User, Water-User, Air-User, Unknown.

______Too much noise

______Other _________________________________

13. If you did not go to your planned ultimate destination, please state the area you did go: ____________________________________________

14. Please indicate what choice the alternate destination was:

______First choice ______Second choice ______Third choice (or less)

______Just happened to arrive at this place ______Had no choice

______Other _________________________________

15. Please rate the following elements for the type of experience(s) you sought in the area visited


How important

was this objective?

Not Very

Important Important

1 2 3 4 5

How well were you able to attain it?

Not at Completely


1 2 3 4 5

Experience solitude

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Observe wildlife

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Experience something new

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Experience challenge and adventure

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Be in a wild undeveloped place

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Enjoy natural beauty

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Spend time with family and friends

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

See cultural sites

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

16. If you did not obtain the desired experiences, why? (Amenities are defined as “site qualities” e.g. freshwater source, hiking opportunities, wildlife viewing, etc.)(Check as many as apply)

______Not enough time ______Lack of amenities

______Weather ______No available campsites

______Noise ______Too many boats

______Too many people ______Too many planes

______ Other ________________________________

17. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with this trip? (Circle one)

Much less As expected Much better

than expected than expected

1 2 3 4 5

18. Would you go to the actual area you visited again? _____Yes_____No

If not, why?

19. If you were adversely impacted by encounters with other users, how did it affect you?

_____I was somewhat impacted, but it will not affect my future decisions.

_____Next time I will visit this area when less likely to encounter others.

_____I will no longer visit this area within PWS.

20. Please explain or clarify any type of negative encounter you experienced due to other users (e.g. group too noisy, camped/anchored too close, etc)

21. Were there any other factors that adversely impacted your experience in PWS? Please describe (e.g. conditions of campsites, trash, inadequate sites, etc).

22. Are there any management actions you would suggest to improve your future visits to this area? (e.g. hardened campsites, number of visitors limited in certain areas, etc)

23. In 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil spill released over 11 million gallons of crude oil into parts of PWS. On areas that you went ashore, if you noticed any lingering oil on the shoreline surface, or in areas of shallow diggings, did it affect your decision to stay at the location? Yes _____ No _____

For the following questions, please answer based on your outdoor experiences in general

24. If you typically arrive at a preferred destination and you find it more crowded than you like, you would: Please also check if you did so on this trip

______Do nothing and stay in this location anyway 

______Relocate to another location 

______Leave and return to your point of origin 

______Other (list)___________________________ 

25. If you typically choose to relocate, you would select a place that: (Amenities are defined as “site qualities” e.g. freshwater source, hiking opportunities, etc.)

(Check all that apply)

______Is the next available location 

______Has more amenities than the site you relocated from 

______Has less amenities than the site you relocated from 

______Is within a reasonable distance to travel to 

______Can accommodate your group size 

______Has similar qualities as your favorite place 

______Other (list) _______________________________ 

If you typically opt to relocate to a site that has similar qualities as your

favorite place, please identify what those qualities are. (Check all that apply)

______Easy access to the shoreline 

______Quiet and serene 

______Surrounded by trees 

______Scenic view 

______Secluded area 

______Water source nearby 

______Flat ground for a tent 

______Good anchorage 

______Fishing/hunting nearby 

______Other (list)_______________________________ 

Additional Comments regarding your trip (may be continued on back):

Again, thank you for your participation. Your efforts will help improve the management of Prince William Sound.


According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-New. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

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File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleIf you arrived at your favorite destination to enjoy the quiet surroundings and you surprisingly find it more crowded than you
AuthorSchool of Renewable Natural Resources
Last Modified ByFSDefaultUser
File Modified2008-05-01
File Created2008-01-18

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