How to Register for an
AESDirect Filing Account
Step 1: Complete and
submit the Online AESDirect Registration
Use Register
New Account to complete and submit the AESDirect
Registration form.
Shortly after your registration information has been
validated and accepted, AESDirect will send an e-mail
to the nominated account administrator. The purpose of this
e-mail is to confirm the e-mail address of the registering
account's administrator.
The account administrator must respond to this e-mail as
instructed to complete the account registration.
Step 2: E-mail
confirmation of Account Administrator
Upon receipt of the account administrator confirmation
e-mail, the account administrator will click on a link
provided to complete the registration as listed below.
When requested enter your chosen login information for your
AESDirect account, consisting of: Account Admin Code,
Username, and Password
Account Admin Code: This is the code
that allows the Account Administrator to change the
company's Password and account profile information. It is
also used to obtain access to several AESDirect
advanced capabilities and functions, such as the network
version of the AESPcLink software, and
AESDirect EDI VPN. Only the Account Administrator
should have this code, and only he or she has the option of
changing it at any time.
Username: This is the Username that must
be used to log into AESDirect to file SEDs to AES.
The Username for the company account never changes and is
always in lower case letters. Everyone in a company using
the account to file shipment information through
AESDirect uses the same Username.
Password: This is the second data
element that must be entered to log in to
AESDirect. Everyone in a company using the account
to file shipment information through AESDirect uses
the same Password. Note, however, that the Password can be
changed at any time and must be changed every 180 days for
security reasons. Only the company's Account Administrator
can change the Password, and he or she is responsible for
advising all company filers when the Password has been
When you have submitted the login information your
AESDirect Account will be created. However, to
activate the account for filing to AES you must first pass the
AESDirect Certification Quiz.
Step 3: Take the
AESDirect Certification Quiz
In order to fully activate a new AESDirect filing
account (and begin to file shipment information into AES)
someone with access to the company's account must pass either
the AESDirect or AESPcLink certification
You can take the certification quiz immediately upon
registration or at any time afterwards. The certification quiz
must be completed within 30 days of registration. If the quiz
is not completed within 30 days the registered account will be
deleted from AESDirect and a new registration request
must be submitted.
Notes on the Certification Quiz
Preparation for the AESDirect Quiz should
include taking the AESDirect
Tutorial and reviewing the information in the AESDirect
User Guide.
The AESPcLink Quiz is recommended for
individuals who have attended an AESPcLink workshop
or participated in an online training session. You may also
prepare for this quiz by reviewing the AESPcLink
Overview PDF) and the AESDirect
User Guide.
Download Adobe Reader
To take a quiz, click on Certification
Quizzes and then select one of the two quizzes. When
prompted, enter the company's Username and Password. A quiz
may be taken at any time, and as many times as needed to
pass. Each quiz consists of a series of multiple choice and
true/false questions. At least 27 (of 30) questions must be
answered correctly to pass the quiz.
Step 4: New Account
When an authorized user has passed a quiz, the
AESDirect service will automatically complete the
account set-up for filing to AES.
The Account Administrator will be notified by e-mail when
this process is complete. At that time, the Account
Administrator can distribute the Username and Password to the
company's authorized filers.