Billfish tournament summary report

Highly Migratory Species Tournament Registration and Reporting

0323 billfish reporting

Highly Migratory Species Tournament Reporting

OMB: 0648-0323

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Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
Billfish Tourn amen t Summ ary Repo rt

Tournament Name:

Fishing D ate(s):

Tournament Loca tion (City and S tate):
Total Bo ats Fish ing or # of B oats Fis hing per D ay:
Hours Fished (lines in - lines o ut):
Phone :

Recorder’s N ame :
E-m ail Address:

Note: Length for Billfish is lower jaw fork length
Number Released

No. Kept

Size of Fish Kept

Size of Fish Kept

Size of Fish Kept

No. Lost
Alive Tag +

Alive No Tag +




Weight (lbs.)

Length (in.)

Weight (lbs.)

Length (in.)

Weight (lbs.)

Length (in.)

Blue Marlin
White Marlin

Number Released

No. Kept

Size of Fish Kept

Size of Fish Kept

Size of Fish Kept

No. Lost
Alive Tag +

Alive No Tag +




Weight (lbs.)

Length (in.)

Weight (lbs.)

Length (in.)

Weight (lbs.)

Length (in.)

Please send completed report form via FAX to (305) 361-45 62; via email to arietta.veni [email protected]; or by mail to:
Attn: Atlantic HMS Tournament Reporting, NOAA Fisheries, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, FL 33149
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT NOTICE: Atlantic Highly Migratory Species tournament informationis required by NOAA Fisheries under authority of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
and the Atlantic Tunas Convention Act, as amended. Catch and effort information will be used in stock assessments, to monitor total catch of species under quota management, and in reports to international commissions
with respect to catch sharing agreements. It is NOAA policy to preserve the confidentiality of informationsubmitted under this reporting requirement, except that NMFS may release such information in aggregate orsummary
form, such that individual identifiers are not disclosed (NAO 216-100). Upon request, some individual responses, stripped of personal identifiers, may be released to the public. Notwithstanding any other provision of the
law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection
of information displays acurrently valid OMB Control Number. Public reporting burden for this collectionof information is estimated to average 22 minutes per respondent (registration and reporting of selected tournaments),
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gatheringand maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to the Highly Migratory Species Management Division, NOAA Fisheries Service, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

OMB Control No.: 0648-0323
Expiration Date: 06/30/2009

Tournament Name: R e c or d th e e nt ir e na m e o f t h e f is h in g to u rn a m e nt a s i t w a s re p o rt e d o n th e to u rn a m e nt re g is t ra t io n fo r m .
Fishing Date(s) : Record the actual fishin g dates o f the tournament (do no t include lay days o r days canc eled due to bad we ather).
Tournament Loc ation (city and state): Rec ord th e city an d state of the fishin g tournament.
Total Boats Fishing or # of Boats Fishing per Day: Record the num ber of boa ts fishing or number per day (please note if this number changes e ach day).
Hours Fished (lin es in-lines out) : Record tournament start times and ending times (please note if different days have different h ours).
Recorder’s Name, Phone, and E-mail: Record the name of the pe rson w ho completes this form, th e phone numbe r of the recorder, and e- mail ad dress if

No. Kept: Record the total number of fish kept for each species.
No. Lost: Reco rd the total numb er of fish hooked but lost when positive species identification is po ssible
Number Released:
- Alive, No Tag: Record the total number of fish released alive (no tag) for each species.
- Alive, Tag: Record the total number of fish released (with tags) for each species.
- Dead: Record the total number of fish thrown back dead for each species.
- Total: Add the “Alive, No Tag”, “Alive, Tag”, and “Dead” numb ers and record the total number of fish released or not weighed in for each species.
Size of Fish Kept: Record the length (lower jaw fork length for billfish) in inches and the weight (lbs.) of each individual fish kept for each species (if you

more sp ace, pleas e attach additional pag es).
ADDITIONAL BILLFISH and TUNAS: Blank spaces can be used for additional billfish or tunas.
Note: If the tournament keeps radio logs or catch certificates, operators are requested to submit those logs or certificates containing detailed capture information
that is not necessarily included on the Tournament Summary Report. To obtain a sample radio log form please call (305) 361-4214 or fax request to (305)

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NOAA Fisheries
75 Virginia Beach Drive
Miami, FL 33149

Staple Here
OMB Control No.: 0648-0323
Expiration Date: mm/dd/yyyyy

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleC:\PRA\OMB83I pre-ps.WP6.wpd
File Modified2008-02-29
File Created2008-02-29

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