Survey Document for Radiological Messages Among Public Health Workers - Focus Group Participants

Focus Group Testing and Survey of Radiological Event Messages for Public Health Workers

Attchment B - Email and Focus Group Survey Document

Survey Document for Radiological Messages Among Public Health Workers - Focus Group Participants

OMB: 0920-0790

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Attachment B Radiological Event Messages for Public Health Workers

Form Approved

OMB NO._____

EXP. Date_____

Survey Document for

Radiological Messages

Among Public Health Workers

A dirty bomb is a radiological dispersion device (RDD) that combines conventional explosives like dynamite with radioactive materials in the form or powder or pellets. It could possibly cause buildings and people to be exposed to radioactive material, but the primary danger is the blast itself. Following are messages created for public health workers to provide the information they need to deal with a local dirty bomb explosion. Please answer the questions following each message.

Message 1A

How can I protect myself and my family? Listen to local authorities for specific instructions.

  • Shelter in place until you receive information about the incident and safety measures.

  • Local officials will provide information about evacuation procedures if it is necessary.

  • Do not forget pets in your emergency plans.

Pubic reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes for e-mail surveys and 1 hour and 30 minutes for focus groups per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Reports clearance officer; 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS E-11, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; Attn: PRA (0920-XXXX)

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 1A is easy to understand.


Message 1A is believable.


I am confident Message 1A will keep the public safe.


I am confident I can carry out the recommendations in Message 1A.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 1B

How can I protect myself and my family? If you suspect you have been contaminated, there are simple decontamination steps you can take.

  • Remove clothes before entering the home (or shelter) to limit contamination.

  • Taking off outer clothing will remove most of external contamination.

  • Wash exposed skin with soap and lukewarm water to remove remaining contamination from skin and hair.

  • Try to minimize contact with other people or things to help control the spread of contamination.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 1B is easy to understand.


Message 1B is believable.


I am confident Message 1B will keep the public safe.


I am confident I can carry out the recommendations in Message 1B.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 1C

How can I protect myself and my family? If you are pregnant or a nursing mother, special precautions may be needed.

  • Protective actions that will protect pregnant women will also protect their unborn babies.

  • Nursing mothers should listen to guidance from public health officials on breastfeeding.

  • If possible, it may be necessary to change to baby formula.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 1C is easy to understand.


Message 1C is believable.


I am confident Message 1C will keep the public safe.


I am confident I can carry out the recommendations in Message 1C.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 2

What are the short-term health effects of radiation? The effect of radiation on the body depends on the amount of radiation.

  • Adverse effects can range from mild effects, such as skin reddening, to serious effects such as cancer and death.

  • The adverse effects depend on the amount of radiation absorbed by the body (the dose), the type of radiation, the route of exposure, and the length of time a person was exposed.

  • Exposure to very large doses of radiation may cause death within a few days or months.

  • There are treatments available for people suffering from radiation sickness.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 2 is easy to understand.


Message 2 is believable.


I am confident Message 2 will keep the public safe.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 3

What are the long-term effects of radiation? The adverse health effects of exposure may not be apparent for many years.

  • Exposure to lower doses of radiation may lead to an increased risk of developing cancer or other adverse health effects later in life.

  • Long term monitoring programs will be put in place.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 3 is easy to understand.


Message 3 is believable.


I am confident Message 3 will keep the public safe.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 4A

What is the difference between radiation and contamination? Contamination occurs when radioactive material is where it should not be.

  • Both people and objects can be contaminated.

  • If radioactive material is on or outside the body, it is external contamination.

  • If radioactive material is on the inside of the body, it is internal contamination.

  • People who are externally contaminated can become internally contaminated if radioactive material gets into their bodies by inhalation or ingestion.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 4A is easy to understand.


Message 4A is believable.


I am confident Message 4A will keep the public safe.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 4B

What is the difference between radiation and contamination? Both external and internal contamination can be assessed and mitigated.

  • Simple decontamination techniques can remove most if not all external contamination.

  • In nearly all cases, external and internal contamination is not immediately life threatening.

  • For a number of radionuclides, there are medical countermeasures available to treat internal contamination.

  • If you suspect you are contaminated, try to minimize contact with other people or things to help control the spread of contamination.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 4B is easy to understand.


Message 4B is believable.


I am confident Message 4B will keep the public safe.


I am confident I can carry out the recommendations in Message 4B.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 4C

What is the difference between radiation and contamination? Being irradiated is similar to getting an x-ray.

  • Getting irradiated does not contaminate a person.

  • If the amount of radiation is significant it could be immediately life threatening.

  • There are testing methods available to evaluate the amount of radiation the person has received.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 4C is easy to understand.


Message 4C is believable.


I am confident Message 4C will keep the public safe.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 5A

What is my professional (public health) role in a radiological or nuclear emergency? The public health community will play an important role in responding to a radiological terrorism event.

  • Public health officials will perform most of the same functions they would handle during any disaster response.

  • In addition, public health officials will be responsible for population monitoring to identify, screen, measure, and monitor populations (people and possibly even their pets) for exposure to or contamination from radioactive materials.

  • Psychosocial issues among people in the community, particularly in a radiological event, could create additional strain on public health and medical resources.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 5A is easy to understand.


Message 5A is believable.


I am confident Message 5A will keep the public safe.


I am confident I can carry out the recommendations in Message 5A.


I want to know more about this topic.

Message 5B

What is my professional (public health) role in a radiological or nuclear emergency? Traditional public health practitioners will need to work closely with radiation experts in their state and local agencies as well as federal partners to address response and recovery issues.

  • Public health officials at the federal, state, and local levels will work together to protect the public’s health.

  • CDC is developing guidance and training for the public health workforce on radiological emergency preparedness.

  • It is important to foster collaboration with state and local radiation experts in the planning process before a radiological event takes place.

Strongly Agree


Neither Agree Nor Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Message 5B is easy to understand.


Message 5B is believable.


I am confident Message 5B will keep the public safe.


I am confident I can carry out the recommendations in Message 5B.


I want to know more about this topic.

  1. What description best fits your job in public health?

A. Nurse

        1. Physician

C. Clinical technician

D. Administration, management and support

  1. Epidemiologist

  1. Do you work in a rural or urban area?

  1. Rural

  2. Urban

  3. Mixture of rural and urban

  1. How long have you worked in public health?

  1. Less than a year

  2. 1-5 years

  3. 6-10 years

  4. 10-20 years

  5. More than 20 years

  1. Do you live within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant?

          1. Yes

          2. No

  1. In what state do you work?

  1. California

  2. Iowa

  3. Kansas

  4. Michigan

  5. North Carolina

  6. South Carolina

Thank you for completing this survey.

You may return it in the envelope provided to the Survey Research Center at the UALR Institute of Government. (For use with snail mailed surveys only)


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleHow can I protect myself and my family
AuthorCarol M. McCurley
Last Modified Bycww6
File Modified2008-01-14
File Created2008-01-14

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