Form 1 Team Leader Application

AmeriCorps*National Civilian Community Corps Team Leader Application

TL app 2008 revised 2

AmeriCorps*National Civilian Community Corps Team Leader Application

OMB: 3045-0005

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Paperwork Burden Notice: The public reporting burden for the collection of this information is estimated to average one
hour per submission, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining data, and completing the form. Comments on the burden or content of this instrument may be sent to the
Corporation for National and Community Service, AmeriCorps*NCCC, Attn: Nicholas C. Zefran, 1201 New York
Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC, 20525. The Corporation informs those who may respond to this collection of information that they are not required to respond unless a currently approved OMB control number and expiration date are
displayed. (See 5 C.F.R 130.5(b)(2)(i))
OMB# - 3045-0005 Exp. Date - 10/31/04

“The Team Leader program brings together citizens of all ages
and backgrounds to manage service projects and team members.”

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
Team Leader Application
What is AmeriCorps NCCC?
The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is one of three AmeriCorps programs of the
Corporation for National and Community Service. The mission of the Corporation for National
and Community Service (CNCS) is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic
engagement through meaningful service and volunteering. Each year, the Corporation provides
opportunities for approximately two million Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve
their communities and country through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve
America. The AmeriCorps programs engage 75,000 men and women each year in service to meet
community needs. The NCCC is a residential national service program that engages teams of 10
to 12 members on service projects that protect and conserve natural resources, assist with disaster services, and help meet the educational and other unmet needs of people of all ages.

What is the AmeriCorps NCCC Team Leader program?
The Team Leader program brings together citizens of all ages and backgrounds who want to
serve their country in a leadership capacity. Team Leaders are responsible for the day to day
activities of team members and projects.

How are Team Leaders compensated?
In exchange for an 11 to 12 month commitment, Team Leaders receive a living allowance of
$12,500, room and board, and limited health and child care benefits. Like NCCC members,
Team Leaders receive a post-service education award of $4,725 following the completion of their
term of service.

What do Team Leaders do?
The Team Leader manages the day-to-day activities of 10 to 12 members, ages 18 to 24. He or
she serves as a supervisor, a role model, facilitator, and educator, and encourages high standards
for members involved in community-based, service projects. The Team Leader reports directly
to a unit leader.

Who can be a Team Leader?
The NCCC seeks applicants with prior supervisory or leadership experience in communities,
schools, the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps and youth corps programs, the U.S. military, and other
organizations that support service or individual development goals.
Applicants should have experience working with young adults and a high degree of patience,
flexibility, and adaptability. The Team Leader position is a demanding job that requires long and
intense hours. Applicants must be prepared for many challenges and be willing to make an 11 to
12 month commitment.


For more information or an application
call 1-800-731-0002.

Where do Team Leaders serve?
NCCC Team Leaders serve at one of several regional campuses. Please refer to for campus locations and contact information.

How can you apply to be a Team Leader?
Complete an NCCC Team Leader application prior to the deadline for each program year and
cycle: Fall Cycle–May 15; Winter Cycle–August 15. For more information or an application,
contact the NCCC Team Leader program at the Corporation for National and Community
Service at 1-800-942-2677.

Who is eligible?
You must be at least 18 years old. You must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or lawful permanent
resident alien.


The Team Leader manages the day-to-day activities of a
team of 10 to 12 members, ages 18 to 24.

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
Team Leader Position Description
What is AmeriCorps NCCC?
The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is one of three AmeriCorps programs of the
Corporation for National and Community Service. The mission of the Corporation for National
and Community Service (CNCS) is to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic
engagement through meaningful service and volunteering. Each year, the Corporation provides
opportunities for approximately two million Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve
their communities and country through Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve
America. The AmeriCorps programs engage 75,000 men and women each year in service to meet
community needs. The NCCC is a residential national service program that engages teams of 10
to 12 members on service projects that protect and conserve natural resources, assist with disaster services, and help meet the educational and other unmet needs of people of all ages.

The AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Team Leader manages the dayto-day activities of 10 to 12 members, ages 18 to 24. He or she serves as a supervisor, a role
model, facilitator, and educator, and encourages high standards for members involved in community-based, service projects. The Team Leader reports directly to a unit leader.

• Leadership: Supervise, motivate, direct, and coordinate a team of young adults in a structured
program of service, education, and training; maintain order; develop positive team morale;
foster teamwork; monitor standards of behavior; ensure the safety of members, including the
proper use of equipment; model a good work ethic and by serving alongside members to set
the pace.
• Project Management: Plan daily and weekly team schedules that will result in the execution of
project objectives and activities. Manage service-learning projects, locally or on spikes. A
“spike” is a service project where teams establish temporary living arrangements for up to two
months in the community where they are serving.
• Coach: Assist and support member development through regular assessment and goal setting.
Ensure the development of good work habits on site as well as career and interpersonal skills
off site. Assist and support members in the development of leadership skills. Identify and nurture leadership opportunities at the service project site and otherwise. Support residential life
experience through conflict mediation, crisis intervention, counseling, etc.
• Supervisor: Coordinate project logistics with unit leaders and project sponsors; participate in
staff and member meetings; and serve as programmatic and administrative liaison between
members and staff. Conduct regularly scheduled team meetings designed to unify team members


Team Leaders receive a living allowance of $12,500, room and board,
and limited health and child care benefits during the term of service.

by building consensus, negotiating, resolving conflicts, and providing structured feedback.
Oversee the care, safety and well-being of the team members. Monitor clean-up of common
areas of living quarters, room cleanliness, uniform appearance, quiet hours, and adherence to
all NCCC policies.
• Trainer: Facilitate, encourage, support, and model service-learning integration. Conduct or
coordinate training such as skill building workshops, safe work practices, team-building exercises, mini-courses, project sponsor orientation, project briefings and debriefings, and physical
• Administrator: Manage budget for spikes and submit written reports on project progress,
achievements, and accomplishments; member evaluations; and special activities or incidents.
Maintain daily records, leave of absence requests, service forms, etc.
• Outreach: Represent the NCCC and the Corporation for National and Community Service in
local communities, to the media, and other stakeholders.

The Team Leader, working closely with a unit leader, accomplishes daily tasks as assigned.
Potentially difficult or controversial problems are referred to a unit leader for guidance, advice, or
resolution. Team leaders are evaluated on day-to-day activities, service project objectives, supervisory skills, setting a positive model for team members, interaction with others, accountability for
policy and other compliance requirements, soundness of judgment, and timeliness of action.

• Ability to supervise, inform, set proper standards, organize, and motivate a team of diverse 18to 24 year-old young adults.
• Willingness to learn leadership principles, small group dynamics, team building, problemsolving, decision making, communication, counseling, and conflict management skills.
• Interpersonal skills that will facilitate community and external outreach initiatives.
• Understanding of the attributes of high quality service projects.
• Understanding of and willingness to abide by all NCCC policies and procedures.
• Understanding of privacy principles and willingness to observe member confidentiality.
• Good driving record with a valid driver's license. Driver safety training will be provided.
• Flexibility and ability to adapt to communal living, long work hours, a highly structured program, and limited free time.

Team leaders receive a living allowance of $12,500, room and board, and limited health and
child care benefits during the term of service. Like NCCC members, Team Leaders will receive a
post-service education award of $4,725 following the successful completion of the program.

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
Team Leader Application
Please type or print all information.

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: __________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________________
CURRENT ADDRESS (if different from permanent):
Street Address: __________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: ______________________________________________________________________
Day Phone: __________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Social Security Number: _______________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________

Check the highest level of education you will have completed by the time you begin your service year in
AmeriCorps (check only one). List all schools you have attended, including high schools, trade or technical schools, military training and employment training programs.
■ Some high school
■ Associate’s degree
■ Bachelor’s degree
■ High school diploma or GED
■ Some college
■ Graduate degree
■ Technical school/apprenticeship
■ Other (please specify): __________________________________
Name of School
(List most recent first)

Dates Attended



Major or Area of Study

Degree Received
or Expected

OMB# 3045-0005

Exp. Date 10/31/04


Attach a current resume of professional experience(s) you have had beginning with the most
recent. For each position your resume should include employer's name, address, and phone
number, a description of the job, your supervisor, dates employed, and your reason for leaving.
If your resume summarizes your educational and national and community service background,
it is not necessary to include this information on a separate attachment as requested in Parts II
and IV.

Attach a list of the part or full-time service program(s) where you have served. List any additional community service or volunteer work you have been involved with starting with the most
recent. List the organization, your position and duties, dates of service, and the volunteer supervisor and contact information, if possible. If this information is included as a part of your
resume, it is not necessary to submit a separate attachment.

Distribute the attached reference forms to three people who are familiar with your skills, interests, and are able to describe how you and NCCC will benefit from your participation in the
Team Leader program. At a minimum, references should include: 1) a supervisor from an
employment or service experience; 2) a peer from school or an employment or service experience; and 3) a teacher, professor, member of the clergy or other person who can attest to your
character. Each reference must return the completed form to you in a sealed envelope. All
sealed references must be enclosed with your application.

Please prepare an essay between 500 and 1,000 words that responds to the following topics and
attach it to your application.
• Describe your leadership, supervision, or teaching experiences; the challenges you experienced and
what you learned from these experiences.

• Explain how your participation as a Team Leader will strengthen the NCCC, what you hope to gain
from this experience, and how the Team Leader experience will further your personal and professional


Existence of a criminal conviction may or may not, depending on the circumstances, disqualify you from
consideration. However, any intentional misrepresentation or omission will disqualify you.
Have you ever been convicted of any violations other than minor traffic violations?
If yes, for what have you been convicted, when and where?

■ Yes ■ No

Do you have any pending charges or are you under any type of criminal investigation?
If yes, please explain:

■ Yes ■ No

Are you now on probation or parole?
■ Yes ■ No
If yes, please provide the name, address, and phone number of the judge, probation or parole officer we can
contact to verify the above information.
Name _________________________________________ Phone ___________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
You may attach any additional information or explanation on a separate sheet.

Are you a U.S. citizen, a U.S. national, or a lawful permanent resident alien?

■ Yes ■ No

I certify that all of the statements made in this application are true, correct, and complete to the best of
my knowledge and that they are made in good faith. I understand that this information may be provided
to sponsoring organizations or grantees to determine appropriate placement, the Department of Treasury
for preparing support checks; the Social Security Administration for reports and contributions, federal
investigative agencies for background investigations, and to other organizations involved in the application evaluation process.
Privacy Act Notice: The collection of this information is authorized by 42 USC 12615. The information is intended for use by the
NCCC in determining the applicant's enrollment in the NCCC. Information provided will not be disclosed outside the Corporation for
National and Community Service without written permission from the applicant. While providing the information is voluntary, failure
to disclose the requested information will adversely affect the applicant's eligibility for enrollment.

Signature__________________________________________ Date_________________________________


This information will be used for statistical purposes only and will not impact the selection process.
Completion of this section is voluntary and failure to respond will in no way affect your candidacy.
How did you hear about AmeriCorps? (you may check more than one).
■ AmeriCorps representative (service/career fair, conference, information session)
■ Armed forces
■ College guidance office/placement office
■ Current or former AmeriCorps member
■ Department of Education
■ Friend/relative
■ High school guidance counselor
■ Internet/listserv/e-mail
■ Newspaper/magazine article
■ Newspaper/magazine advertisement
■ Peace Corps
■ Other service organization
■ Radio advertisement
■ Radio story
■ Received information in the mail
■ Television advertisement
■ Television news story
■ Poster at school
■ Other (specify):_________________________________
What is your gender? ■ Female ■ Male
What is your ethnicity? ■ Hispanic or Latino ■ Not Hispanic or Latino

What is your race? Select one or more.
■ American Indian/Alaskan Native. A person having origins in any of the original people of North and
South America (including Central America) and who maintains tribal affiliation or community
■ Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the
Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia,
Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
■ Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.
■ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of
Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
■ White. A person having origins in any of the original people of Europe, the Middle East, or North


AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
Strengthening communities and developing leaders through team-based national and community service

Applicant’s Name _________________________________________________________________________
To the individual providing the personal reference: AmeriCorps engages thousands of young people in a year of full-time service that is results driven and promotes citizenship skills. Projects are community-based and sponsored by local and national
nonprofit organizations, and city and state agencies. AmeriCorps members help communities meet critical challenges in the
areas of education, public safety, the environment, disaster relief, and other unmet community needs. In return, AmeriCorps
members earn education awards that help pay for college or pay back student loans. The person named above is applying to be
an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Team Leader. The Team Leader manages and supervises the day-to-day
project-related activities of 10 to 12 team members, ages 18 to 24. They have indicated that you are able to evaluate his or her
qualifications and provide us with candid recommendations. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Name of Individual Providing the Reference __________________________________________________
Position/Title___________________________________ Organization ______________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip____________________________________________________________________________
Phone__________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________

How long have you known the applicant?

Years________ Months________

In what capacity have you known the applicant?
■ Job Supervisor/Employer
■ Clergy
■ Volunteer Supervisor
■ High School Teacher
■ College Instructor ■ Peer/Colleague
■ Other (specify):___________________________________

■ Coach

Consider such qualities as dependability, initiative, and the ability to work with minimal supervision.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider the applicant’s ability to supervise and manage others (i.e. delegate, discipline, and achievement
of project goals).
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider such qualities as understanding other people’s viewpoints and problems and ability to communicate with people of different ages and backgrounds; and relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and
people in general.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider such qualities as the ability to work under pressure, adaptability, and good judgment.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

What is your overall recommendation?
■ I recommend the applicant without reservation as an excellent candidate.
■ I recommend the applicant as a good candidate.
■ I have some reservation, but I believe the applicant has a reasonable chance of success.
■ I have substantial doubts about the applicant's ability to perform these functions.
■ I do not recommend this applicant.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _____________________________________________________________

■ I AUTHORIZE the program and/or the Corporation for National and Community Service to identify
me as the source of this reference and to release a copy of this reference in its entirety upon request
to the applicant.
■ I DO NOT authorize the program and/or the Corporation for National and Community Service to
identify me as the source of this reference, nor do I authorize the release of a copy of this reference in
its entirety to the applicant. I realize that a summary of this information may be released without my
Your Signature____________________________________________ Date___________________________

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
Strengthening communities and developing leaders through team-based national and community service

Applicant’s Name _________________________________________________________________________
To the individual providing the personal reference: AmeriCorps engages thousands of young people in a year of full-time service that is results driven and promotes citizenship skills. Projects are community-based and sponsored by local and national
nonprofit organizations, and city and state agencies. AmeriCorps members help communities meet critical challenges in the
areas of education, public safety, the environment, disaster relief, and other unmet community needs. In return, AmeriCorps
members earn education awards that help pay for college or pay back student loans. The person named above is applying to be
an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Team Leader. The Team Leader manages and supervises the day-to-day
project-related activities of 10 to 12 team members, ages 18 to 24. They have indicated that you are able to evaluate his or her
qualifications and provide us with candid recommendations. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Name of Individual Providing the Reference __________________________________________________
Position/Title___________________________________ Organization ______________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip____________________________________________________________________________
Phone__________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________

How long have you known the applicant?

Years________ Months________

In what capacity have you known the applicant?
■ Job Supervisor/Employer
■ Clergy
■ Volunteer Supervisor
■ High School Teacher
■ College Instructor ■ Peer/Colleague
■ Other (specify):___________________________________

■ Coach

Consider such qualities as dependability, initiative, and the ability to work with minimal supervision.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider the applicant’s ability to supervise and manage others (i.e. delegate, discipline, and achievement
of project goals).
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider such qualities as understanding other people’s viewpoints and problems and ability to communicate with people of different ages and backgrounds; and relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and
people in general.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider such qualities as the ability to work under pressure, adaptability, and good judgment.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

What is your overall recommendation?
■ I recommend the applicant without reservation as an excellent candidate.
■ I recommend the applicant as a good candidate.
■ I have some reservation, but I believe the applicant has a reasonable chance of success.
■ I have substantial doubts about the applicant's ability to perform these functions.
■ I do not recommend this applicant.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _____________________________________________________________

■ I AUTHORIZE the program and/or the Corporation for National and Community Service to identify
me as the source of this reference and to release a copy of this reference in its entirety upon request
to the applicant.
■ I DO NOT authorize the program and/or the Corporation for National and Community Service to
identify me as the source of this reference, nor do I authorize the release of a copy of this reference in
its entirety to the applicant. I realize that a summary of this information may be released without my
Your Signature____________________________________________ Date___________________________

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps
Strengthening communities and developing leaders through team-based national and community service

Applicant’s Name _________________________________________________________________________
To the individual providing the personal reference: AmeriCorps engages thousands of young people in a year of full-time service that is results driven and promotes citizenship skills. Projects are community-based and sponsored by local and national
nonprofit organizations, and city and state agencies. AmeriCorps members help communities meet critical challenges in the
areas of education, public safety, the environment, disaster relief, and other unmet community needs. In return, AmeriCorps
members earn education awards that help pay for college or pay back student loans. The person named above is applying to be
an AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps Team Leader. The Team Leader manages and supervises the day-to-day
project-related activities of 10 to 12 team members, ages 18 to 24. They have indicated that you are able to evaluate his or her
qualifications and provide us with candid recommendations. Your input is greatly appreciated.

Name of Individual Providing the Reference __________________________________________________
Position/Title___________________________________ Organization ______________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip____________________________________________________________________________
Phone__________________________________________ E-mail __________________________________

How long have you known the applicant?

Years________ Months________

In what capacity have you known the applicant?
■ Job Supervisor/Employer
■ Clergy
■ Volunteer Supervisor
■ High School Teacher
■ College Instructor ■ Peer/Colleague
■ Other (specify):___________________________________

■ Coach

Consider such qualities as dependability, initiative, and the ability to work with minimal supervision.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider the applicant’s ability to supervise and manage others (i.e. delegate, discipline, and achievement
of project goals).
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider such qualities as understanding other people’s viewpoints and problems and ability to communicate with people of different ages and backgrounds; and relationships with colleagues, supervisors, and
people in general.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

Consider such qualities as the ability to work under pressure, adaptability, and good judgment.
■ Exceptional
■ Above Average
■ Average
■ Below Average
Provide a brief justification for your rating:____________________________________________________

What is your overall recommendation?
■ I recommend the applicant without reservation as an excellent candidate.
■ I recommend the applicant as a good candidate.
■ I have some reservation, but I believe the applicant has a reasonable chance of success.
■ I have substantial doubts about the applicant's ability to perform these functions.
■ I do not recommend this applicant.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS _____________________________________________________________

■ I AUTHORIZE the program and/or the Corporation for National and Community Service to identify
me as the source of this reference and to release a copy of this reference in its entirety upon request
to the applicant.
■ I DO NOT authorize the program and/or the Corporation for National and Community Service to
identify me as the source of this reference, nor do I authorize the release of a copy of this reference in
its entirety to the applicant. I realize that a summary of this information may be released without my
Your Signature____________________________________________ Date___________________________

Please inform your campus(es) where you applied immediately if your contact information such
as mailing address, phone number, or e-mail address changes.

Corporation for National and Community Service
AmeriCorps NCCC
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20525
202 606-3472 - TTY

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleTL app 2008.qxp
File Modified2008-02-11
File Created2008-02-11

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